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no. 71463/01)
28 June
judgment will become final in the circumstances set out in
Article 44 § 2 of the Convention. It may be
subject to editorial revision.
In the case of Šilih v. Slovenia,
European Court of Human Rights (Third Section), sitting on
7 June 2007 as a Chamber composed of:
Mr C. Bîrsan,
Mr B.M. Zupančič,
Mr J.-P.
Mrs A. Gyulumyan,
Mr David Thór
Mrs I. Ziemele,
Mrs I.
Berro-Lefèvre, judges,
and Mr S. Quesada, Section
deliberated in private on 7 June 2007,
the following judgment, which was adopted on that date:
- The
case originated in an application (no. 71463/01) against the Republic
of Slovenia lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention
for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the
Convention”) by two Slovenian nationals, Franja and Ivan Šilih
(“the applicants”), on 19 May 2001.
- The
applicants were represented by Mr B. Grubar, a lawyer practising in
Maribor. The Slovenian Government (“the Government”) were
represented by their Agent, Mr L. Bembič.
- The
applicants alleged that their son had died as a result of medical
negligence and, in particular, that their rights under Articles 2, 3,
6, 13 and 14 of the Convention had been breached by the inefficiency
of the Slovenian judicial system in establishing liability for the
death of their son.
- On
11 October 2004 the Court decided to give notice of the application
to the Government. Applying Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it
decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as
its admissibility.
- The
applicants, Franja and Ivan Šilih, were born in 1949 and 1940
respectively and live in Slovenj Gradec.
- On
3 May 1993, at a disputed time between midday and 1.00
p.m., the applicants' son, Gregor Šilih, aged 20, sought
medical aid in the Slovenj Gradec General Hospital because of, inter
alia, nausea and itching skin. He was examined by a doctor on
duty, M.E. On the basis of a diagnosis of urticaria (a type of
allergic reaction), M.E. ordered the administration of intravenous
injections of a drug containing glucocorticosteroid
(Dexamethason) and an antihistaminic (Synopen).
Further to the administration of injections, the applicants' son's
condition significantly deteriorated. This was probably a result of
him being allergic to one or both of the drugs that had been
administered to him. His skin became very pale, he began to tremble
and to feel cold; M.E. noticed signs of tachycardia. A diagnosis of
anaphylactic shock was made. Subsequently, at 1.30 p.m., he was
transferred to intensive care. M.E. ordered the administration of,
inter alia, adrenaline. By the time the cardiologist arrived, the
applicants' son had stopped breathing and had no pulse.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was given. At an
undetermined time around 2.15 p.m. the applicants' son was connected
to a respirator and his blood pressure and pulse returned to normal,
but he remained in a coma; his brain was severely damaged.
- On
4 May 1993 he was transferred to the Ljubljana Clinical
Centre (Klinični center v Ljubljani), where he died on
19 May 1993.
- The
exact timing of the events which led to the death of the applicants'
son and the action taken by M.E. in response to the applicants' son's
deteriorating condition were disputed in the domestic proceedings.
A. Criminal proceedings
- On
13 May 1993 the applicants lodged a criminal complaint
(ovadba) with the Slovenj Gradec Unit of the Maribor Basic
Public Prosecutor's Office (Temeljno javno toZilstvo
Maribor, Enota v Slovenj Gradcu) against M.E. for the criminal
offence of “negligent medical treatment” (nevestno
zdravljenje) which, following the applicants' son's death, was
characterized as “a serious criminal offence that [had] caused
damage to health” (hudo kaznivo dejanje zoper človekovo
zdravje). The applicants argued that M.E. had given their son the
wrong treatment and had failed to take appropriate measures after his
condition deteriorated.
- In
the course of the preliminary proceedings (predkazenski postopek),
medical documents concerning the treatment of the applicants' son
were seized by the police and the Ljubljana Institute for Forensic
Medicine (Inštitut za sodno medicino v Ljubljani) was
appointed to prepare a forensic report.
- On
8 April 1994 the Public Prosecutor dismissed the
applicants' criminal complaint on the ground of insufficient
- On 1 August 1994 the applicants, acting as
subsidiary prosecutors (subsidiarni toZilec), lodged a request
for the opening of a criminal investigation (zahteva za preiskavo)
against M.E.
- On
8 November 1994 the investigating judge of the Maribor
Basic Court (Temeljno sodišče v Mariboru) granted
their request. On 27 December 1994, upon an appeal by M.E.
(pritoZba), the interlocutory-proceedings panel (zunaj
obravnavni senat) of the Maribor Basic Court overturned the
investigating judge's decision finding that the evidence in the
case-file, in particular the forensic report, did not afford
reasonable grounds for suspecting that M.E. had manifestly acted in
breach of professional standards.
- The
applicants' appeal (pritoZba) and a request for the protection
of legality (zahteva za varstvo zakonitosti) were dismissed.
The latter was dismissed on 29 June 1995 by the Slovenj
Gradec District Court (OkroZno sodišče v Slovenj
Gradcu), which obtained jurisdiction in the case after the
reorganization of the judiciary in 1995.
Subsequently, the applicants obtained a medical opinion from Doctor
T.V. who stated, inter alia, that myocarditis (inflammation
of the heart muscle), which had previously been considered to be a
contributory factor in the death of the applicants' son, could have
occurred when he was in anaphylactic shock or even later. As a
result, on 30 November 1995 they lodged a request to reopen
a criminal investigation (see paragraph 72). In addition, they lodged
a motion to change the venue of the proceedings to the Maribor
District Court (OkroZno sodišče v Mariboru). On 31
January 1996 the Maribor Higher Court granted their motion for a
change of venue.
- On
26 April 1996 the interlocutory-proceedings panel of the
Maribor District Court granted the applicants' request for an
investigation. An appeal by M.E. was rejected by the Maribor Higher
Court on 4 July 1996 and the investigation was subsequently opened.
- In
the course of the investigation, the investigating judge examined
witnesses and obtained an opinion from P.G., an expert at the
Institute of Forensic Medicine in Graz (Austria). P.G. stated in his
report that the administration of antihistaminic had led to the
applicants' son's serious allergic reaction. He expressed doubts as
to the pre-existence of myocarditis.
- On
10 February 1997 the investigating judge closed the
- Owing
to the complexity of the case, the applicants asked the Maribor
District Public Prosecutor's Office to take over the prosecution.
Their request was rejected on 21 February 1997.
- On
28 February 1997 the applicants lodged an indictment against M.E. for
the criminal offence of “causing death by negligence”
(povzročitev smrti iz malomarnosti).
- On
7 May 1997, upon M.E.'s objection to the indictment, the
interlocutory-proceedings panel of the Maribor District Court
directed the applicants to request additional investigative measures.
- The
investigating judge subsequently examined several witnesses and
ordered that a forensic report be prepared by K.H., an Austrian
forensic expert in the field of emergency medicine and anaesthesia.
K.H. stated in his report that the ultimate reason for the death of
the applicants' son was rather uncertain. He therefore considered the
issue of the effectiveness of the measures taken by M.E in response
to the applicants' son's condition as being of no importance.
- On
24 November 1998 the investigating judge informed the
applicants that the investigation had been closed.
- On
10 December 1998 the applicants lodged an indictment
supplemented by evidence that had been gathered in the extended
investigation. On 12 January 1999 an
interlocutory-proceedings panel rejected M.E.'s objection against the
initial indictment (see paragraph 20 above) as unfounded.
- On
22 January 1999 M.E. lodged a request for the protection of
legality, claiming that the indictment as submitted on
10 December 1998 had not been served on her. On
25 February 1999 the Supreme Court annulled the Maribor
District Court's decision of 12 January 1999 and remitted
the case to the District Court with instructions to serve the initial
indictment on M.E. M.E. subsequently lodged an objection and on
3 June 1999 the interlocutory-proceedings panel decided to
refer the case back to the applicants, directing them to gather more
evidence by requesting additional investigative measures.
- The
applicants complied with the directions and requested additional
investigative measures. As a result, the investigating judge ordered
a supplementary report from K.H., a reconstruction of the events of
3 May 1993 and the examination of witnesses.
investigation was closed on 3 May 2000.
- In
the meantime, on 28 June 1999 the applicants again
unsuccessfully requested the Public Prosecutor to take over the
- On
19 May 2000 the applicants filed a further indictment and
the additional evidence they had been directed to obtain.
- In
August 2000 the applicants complained to the Judicial Council
(Sodni svet) about the length of the criminal proceedings.
They also challenged the three judges sitting in the
interlocutory-proceedings panel which had previously decided on
M.E.'s objection to the indictment. On 10 October 2000 the
President of the Maribor District Court rejected the applicants'
request for the judges to stand down.
- Following
a further objection to the indictment by M.E., the
interlocutory-proceedings panel examined the case on 18 October 2000
and decided to discontinue the criminal proceedings. Relying in
particular on the opinions of the Ljubljana Institute of Forensic
Medicine and K.H., it found that the applicants' son's reaction to
the administration of Dexamthason and/or Synopen was a consequence of
his sensitivity to those drugs and of myocarditis, which was
undoubtedly a pre-existing condition. The court found that there was
insufficient evidence to substantiate the applicants' accusation that
M.E. had committed the alleged criminal offence. The applicants were
also ordered to pay court fees and expenses incurred in the
- On
7 November 2000 the applicants lodged an appeal, which the Maribor
Higher Court dismissed on 20 December 2000. The applicants then
petitioned the Public Prosecutor General to lodge a request for the
protection of legality with the Supreme Court. Their petition was
rejected on 18 May 2001.
- In
the meantime, on 13 March 2001 the applicants lodged a constitutional
appeal with the Constitutional Court (Ustavno sodišče),
complaining about the unfairness and length of the proceedings and
that they had been denied access to a court since the indictment had
been rejected by the interlocutory-proceedings panel. On 9 October
2001 the Constitutional Court dismissed their appeal on the ground
that a subsidiary prosecutor did not have locus standi before
the Constitutional Court.
- On
27 March 2001 the applicants also lodged a criminal complaint against
seven judges of the Maribor District and Higher Court who had sat in
their case. The criminal complaint, in which the applicants alleged
that the judges had improperly dealt with their case, was dismissed
as unfounded by the Maribor Public Prosecutor's Office on 13 June
Subsequently, the applicants made several attempts to re-open the
case. Ultimately, on 16 July 2002, they lodged a new
indictment against M.E. On 14 July 2003 the Slovenj Gradec
District Court struck the indictment out because the prosecution of
the alleged offence had become time-barred on 3 May 2003.
B. Civil proceedings
- On
6 July 1995 the applicants instituted civil proceedings against the
Slovenj Gradec General Hospital and M.E. in the Slovenj Gradec
District Court for the non-pecuniary damage they had sustained as a
result of their son's death in the amount of 24,300,000 Slovenian
tolars (SIT).
- On
10 August 1995 the applicants also instituted proceedings
against the head of the internal medical care unit, F.V., and the
director of the Slovenj Gradec General Hospital, D.P. Further to a
request by the applicants, the court joined the two sets of
- All
the defendants in the proceedings had lodged their written pleadings
by October 1995.
- On
30 August 1997, in a supervisory appeal (nadzorstvena
pritoZba) to the President of the Slovenj Gradec District
Court, the applicants argued that the civil proceedings should
proceed despite the fact that criminal proceedings were pending since
the latter had already been considerably delayed.
- On
21 October 1997 the court, referring to sub-paragraph 1 of
section 213 of the Civil Procedure Act (see paragraph 77 below),
stayed the civil proceedings pending the final decision in the
criminal proceedings. It noted that the decision in the civil
proceedings depended to a large extent on the determination of the
preliminary question (predhodno vprašanje), namely the
outcome of the criminal proceedings. The applicants did not appeal
against that decision, which therefore became final on
17 November 1997.
- On
22 October 1998 Judge S.P. replied to the applicants'
supervisory appeal of 15 October 1998, stating, inter
“[The applicants] are subsidiary prosecutors in
the criminal proceedings and therefore know very well that the
proceedings before the Maribor District Court, where the preliminary
question is being determined, have not been completed. Their
supervisory appeal concerning the stay of the [civil] proceedings is
therefore pure hypocrisy.”
a complaint by the applicants lodged with the Ministry of Justice,
Judge S.P. was ordered to explain her reply to the applicants.
In February 1999 the applicants again filed a supervisory appeal; the
stay, however, remained in force.
- On
27 August 1999 Judge P.P., to whom the case appears to have
been assigned in the meantime, sent the applicants a letter, in which
he stated, inter alia:
“In the instant case the determination of criminal
liability is a preliminary question which is relevant for the
determination of the civil claim, since a civil court cannot
establish facts which are different from those established by the
criminal court”
- On
8 September 1999 the applicants filed a motion for a change
of venue, which the Supreme Court rejected on 13 October 1999.
- On
6 December 1999 the Slovenj Gradec District Court informed
the applicants that the reasons for staying the proceedings still
- On
12 March 2001 the applicants filed a supervisory appeal
requesting that the stay of the civil proceedings be lifted. On
19 May 2001 Judge P.P. scheduled a hearing for
13 June 2001. However, the scheduled hearing was
subsequently cancelled at the applicants' request.
- On
11 June 2001 the applicants filed a further motion for a
change of venue. On 27 September 2001 the Supreme Court
decided to move the venue to the Maribor District Court on the ground
that there existed “tension which was impeding and delaying the
- The
case was subsequently assigned to Judge M.T.Z. On 3 April 2002
the court held a hearing.
- After
lodging criminal complaints against some of the judges (see paragraph
33 above), the applicants filed a motion on 8 April 2002
for all the judges at the Maribor District Court and Maribor Higher
Court to stand down. Having been asked to comment on the applicants'
request, Judge M.T.Z. stated, inter alia, that she had
realised at the hearing on 3 April 2002 that one of the
defendants, with whom she had shaken hands at the hearing, was a
close acquaintance (“dobra znanca”) of her father.
She added that the applicants were constantly lodging objections
which made it impossible to conduct the proceedings. It would appear
that Judge M.T.Z subsequently herself requested permission to
withdraw from the case. On 12 August 2002 the request for
the judges to stand down was granted as far as it concerned Judge
M.T.Z. The case was assigned to Judge K.P.
- On
24 November 2002 and 20 March 2003 the Supreme
Court rejected the applicants' motions for a change of venue.
- A
hearing scheduled for 12 June 2003 was adjourned at the
applicants' request, after they had alleged that their lawyer was
unwilling to represent them since her daughter had been denied
medical care in the Ljubljana Clinical Centre. Afterwards, they
informed the court that their lawyer would continue to represent
- On
28 October 2003 the Maribor District Court held a hearing.
- On
8 December 2003 the applicants filed a motion for Judge
K.P. to stand down. The request was rejected on 18 December 2003.
- A
hearing scheduled for 16 January 2004 was adjourned because the
applicants had lodged a motion for a change of venue. On 5 March 2004
the applicants lodged another motion. Both motions were rejected by
the Supreme Court (on 22 January 2004 and 13 May 2004
- It
appears that the hearings scheduled for 23 and 24 March 2005
were adjourned due to the applicants' newly appointed lawyer's
commitments in another unrelated case.
- On
4 May 2005 the applicants filed written submissions and amended their
claim for damages. They also requested that the proceedings be
- Hearings
were held on 23, 25 and 27 January 2006 before Judge D.M., to whom
the case had apparently meanwhile been assigned. The applicants
withdrew their claims in respect of F.V. and D.P. After the hearing,
they requested Judge D.M. to stand down. Their request was rejected
by the President of the Maribor District Court on 30 January 2006.
However, on 31 January 2006, Judge D.M. herself asked to
withdraw from the proceedings, on the ground that her full name had
been mentioned in a newspaper article on 28 January 2006
which also stated that she had been asked to stand down owing to the
alleged unequal treatment of the parties in the proceedings. The
President of the court upheld her request as being “certainly
- The
case was subsequently assigned to Judge A.Z.
- Hearings
were held on 16 June and 25 August 2006.
- On
the latter date the Maribor District Court delivered a judgment in
which it rejected the applicants' claim, which ultimately amounted to
SIT 10,508,000 in respect of non-pecuniary damage and SIT
5,467,000 in respect of pecuniary damage. The applicants were ordered
to pay legal costs to the defendants. Relying on the expert opinions,
the court concluded that M.E. could not have foreseen the applicants'
son's reaction to drugs administrated to him and that she and the
hospital staff had acted in accordance with the required standard of
care. In addition, the court rejected as unsubstantiated the
applicants' claim that the hospital was not sufficiently equipped.
- On
25 October 2006 the applicants lodged an appeal with the Maribor
Higher Court. The proceedings are still pending.
C. The criminal complaint filed against the first
- On
29 April 2002 the Maribor District Public Prosecutor lodged a bill of
indictment (obtoZni predlog) against the first applicant. She
was accused of insulting behaviour by allegedly saying to an official
at the Maribor District Court “I have had enough of this f**
court, the damn State does not do anything, is it not aware that our
son was killed”. The prosecution was based on a criminal
complaint filed by the Maribor District Court.
- On
5 October 2004 the Maribor District Court withdrew the criminal
complaint as a result of the Ombudsman's intervention (see paragraph
67 below). The Maribor Local Court subsequently dismissed the bill of
D. Findings of the Ombudsman
- The
applicants lodged several petitions with the Ombudsman's office
concerning the conduct of the civil proceedings. Their case was
reported in the Ombudsman's Annual Reports of 2002, 2003 and 2004.
- In
a letter sent to the President of the Slovenj Gradec District Court
on 24 April 2001, the Deputy Ombudsman stressed that the issue of
criminal liability could not be regarded as a preliminary question
(predhodno vprašanje) in the civil proceedings
instituted against the doctor and the hospital. He further stated
that there was no justification for staying the proceedings.
- In
a letter to the applicants of 29 August 2002 and his Annual Report of
2002 (pp. 42 and 43), the Ombudsman criticised the conduct of Judge
M.T.Z. The Ombudsman stressed that the judge had expressed concerns
about her impartiality (see paragraph 48 above) only after the
applicants had filed the request for her to stand down and after the
Ombudsman's intervention in the case, although she had been aware of
the reasons for the concerns beforehand.
- The
section of the Ombudsman's Report of 2003 (pp. 226-228) dealing with
the applicants' case and in particular criticising aspects of the
judge's conduct of the civil proceedings states, inter alia:
“In the record of the hearing [of 28 October 2003]
reference is made to twelve questions which the plaintiffs were not
permitted to ask. ... For the majority of these twelve questions, the
record does not contain any reasons to explain why the judge did not
allow the plaintiffs to put the question. In each instance, there was
a prior objection by the defendants' representatives to the question.
Although [the applicants'] reactions, statements and
proposals were perhaps sometimes extreme, the authorities, including
the courts, ought to have taken into account their emotional
distress... This may require the trial to be conducted in a
particularly respectful and flexible way, without breaching
procedural rules to the detriment of the defendants. However, the
record of the hearing gives the impression of a tense rather than
comfortable atmosphere at the hearing, this being supported also by
the records of the exchanges between the judge and the plaintiffs'
- In
his Annual Report of 2004 (pp. 212-214), the Ombudsman criticised the
Maribor District Court for filing the criminal complaint against the
first applicant (see paragraphs 61-62 above). The report drew
attention to the Maribor District Court's explanation that the court
was required by law to file and pursue the criminal complaint as to
refrain would constitute a criminal offence. The Ombudsman stressed
that there was no legal basis for such a conclusion. On the contrary,
a criminal charge for an offence of insulting behaviour could only be
pursued on the basis of the aggrieved party's criminal complaint,
which in the instant case was the Maribor District Court's complaint.
Following the Ombudsman's intervention and in view of the arguments
expressed in its letters, the Maribor District Court decided to
withdraw the criminal complaint against the first applicant.
A. The Criminal Code
- The
Criminal Code (Kazenski zakonik, Official Gazette no. 63/94),
as amended, defines, under the heading “Criminal Offences
causing Damage to Health” criminal offences concerning injury
caused by the negligence of health-care providers. In addition,
Article 129 of the Criminal Code provides that anyone who causes
the death of another by negligence shall be sentenced to imprisonment
for not less than six months and not more than five years. These
offences are subject to mandatory prosecution by the Public
Prosecutor, but a subsidiary prosecution by an aggrieved party will
also lie (see, paragraph 70 below).
B. The Criminal Procedure Act
- Criminal
proceedings in Slovenia are regulated by the Criminal Procedure Act
(Zakon o kazenskem postopku, Official Gazette no. 63/94;
hereinafter referred to as the “CPA”) and based on the
principles of legality and officialness; Prosecution is mandatory
when reasonable suspicion (utemeljeni sum)
exists that a criminal offence subject to mandatory prosecution has
been committed.
- Public
prosecutions are conducted by the public prosecutor's office.
However, if the public prosecutor dismisses the criminal complaint or
drops the prosecution at any time during the course of the
proceedings, the aggrieved party has the right to take over the
proceedings in the capacity of subsidiary prosecutor (subsidiarni
toZilec), that is, as an aggrieved party acting as a prosecutor
(CPA, section 19(3)). A subsidiary prosecutor has, in principle, the
same procedural rights as the public prosecutor, except those vested
in the public prosecutor as an official authority (CPA, section
63(1)). If the subsidiary prosecutor takes over the proceedings, the
public prosecutor is entitled at any time pending the conclusion of
the main hearing to resume the conduct of the prosecution (CPA,
section 63(2)).
- Criminal
investigations are conducted by the investigating judge at the
request of a public or subsidiary prosecutor. If the investigating
judge does not agree with the request to open an investigation, he
must refer it to an interlocutory-proceedings panel of three judges
(zunaj-obravnavni senat), which then
decides whether to open a criminal investigation. If the
investigating judge grants the request, the accused may lodge an
appeal with the interlocutory-proceedings panel. Parties to the
proceedings may appeal against the interlocutory-proceedings panel's
decision to the Higher Court (višje sodišče).
Appeals do not stay the execution of the decision to open an
investigation (section 169 of the CPA).
- If
a request for investigation has been dismissed owing to a lack of
reasonable suspicion that the suspect has committed a criminal
offence, criminal proceedings may be reopened at the request of the
public or subsidiary prosecutor provided that new evidence is
produced on the basis of which the interlocutory-proceedings panel
can satisfy itself that the conditions for instituting criminal
proceedings are met (CPA, section 409).
- The
investigating judge terminates the investigation once the
circumstances of the case have been sufficiently elucidated (CPA,
section 184). Thereafter, proceedings before a court may be conducted
only on the basis of an indictment (CPA, section 268).
- According
to section 274 of the CPA, the accused may lodge an objection to the
indictment within eight days after its receipt. The objection is
examined by the interlocutory-proceedings panel. Section 276 of the
CPA provides, inter alia:
“(2) If in considering the
objection the interlocutory-proceedings panel discovers errors or
deficiencies in the indictment (section 269) or in the procedure
itself, or finds that further investigations are required before the
decision on the indictment is taken, it shall return the indictment
to the prosecutor to correct the established deficiencies or to
supplement ... the investigation. The prosecutor shall within three
days of being informed of the decision of the panel submit an amended
indictment or request the ... supplementing of investigation. ...”
In addition, the
relevant part of section 277 of the CPA provides:
“(1) In deciding an objection to the indictment
the interlocutory-proceedings panel shall not allow the indictment
and shall discontinue the criminal proceedings if it finds that:
3) a criminal prosecution is statute-barred ...
4) there is not enough evidence to justify reasonable
suspicion that the accused has committed the act with which he is
C. The Code of Obligations
- Under
the provisions of the Obligations Act (Zakon o obligacijskih
razmerjih, Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia's (“SFRJ”)
Official Gazette no. 29/1978,) and its successor from 1 January 2002,
the Code of Obligations (Obligacijski zakonik, Official
Gazette no. 83/2001), health institutions and their employees
are liable for pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage resulting from the
death of a patient caused by medical malpractice. The employer may
incur civil liability for its own acts or omissions or vicarious
liability for damage caused by its employees provided that the death
or injury resulted from the employee's failure to conform to the
relevant standard of care. Employees are directly liable for death or
injury under the civil law only if it is caused intentionally.
However, the employer has a right to bring a claim for a contribution
from the employee if the death or injury was caused by the latter's
gross negligence.
D. The Civil Procedure Act
- Section
12 of the Civil Procedure Act (Zakon o pravdnem postopku, SFRJ
Official Gazette no. 4-37/77), as amended, provides:
“When the decision of the court depends on the
preliminary determination of the question whether a certain right or
legal relationship exists, but [the question] has not yet been
decided by a court or other competent authority (preliminary
question), the court may determine the question by itself, save as
otherwise provided in the special legislation.
The court's decision on the preliminary question shall
be effective only in the proceedings in which the question was
In civil proceedings, the court shall be bound with
respect to the existence of the criminal offence and criminal
liability by the final criminal court's judgment by which the accused
was found guilty.”
- The
relevant part of section 213 of the Civil Procedure Act provides as
“In addition to the examples specifically given in
this Act, the court may order a stay of proceedings:
1. if it decides not to determine the preliminary
question itself (section 12) ... .”
- The
relevant part of section 215 of the Civil Procedure Act provides:
“If the court has stayed the proceedings in
accordance with the first line of the first paragraph of ... section
213, the proceedings shall resume once the [other] proceedings are
finally concluded (pravnomočno končan postopek) ...
or when the court finds that there is no longer any reason to await
the end [of the other proceedings].
In all cases, the discontinued proceedings shall
continue at the relevant party's request, immediately after the
reasons justifying the stay cease to exist.”
Equivalent provisions can be found in sections 13, 14, 206 and 208 of
the new Civil Procedure Act (Zakon o pravdnem postopku,
Official Gazette no. 83/2001) that came into force on 14 July
E. Regulation concerning the organisation and
functioning of the Tribunal of the Chamber of Physicians.
- The
Regulation on the organisation and functioning of Tribunal of the
Chamber of Physicians (“the Medical Tribunal”) (Pravilnik
o organizaciji in delu razsodišča Zdravniške
Zbornice Slovenije), issued on 20 March 2002, lays down, inter
alia, the procedure for establishing the responsibility of
doctors for breaches of the professional rules and the disciplinary
measures which can be taken as a result. The Chamber's prosecutor
(toZilec Zbornice),
who is elected from among the members of the Chamber of Physicians,
is autonomous and has authority to lodge an indictment with the
first-instance Medical Tribunal. The aggrieved party may request the
Chamber's prosecutor to start the proceedings, but the prosecution
may reject such a request. If so, the aggrieved party may invite the
Medical Tribunal to conduct a preliminary examination. However, the
power to file the indictment is vested solely in the Chamber's
- Article
7 of the Regulation provides that the Medical Tribunal must base its
decision solely on the indictment and evidence submitted by the
Chamber's prosecutor and the accused doctor. If the accused doctor or
the Chamber's prosecutor is dissatisfied with the verdict, he or she
may appeal to the second-instance Medical Tribunal.
F. The 2006 Act
- On
1 January 2007 the Act on the Protection of the Right to a Trial
without Undue Delay (Zakon o varstvu pravice do sojenja brez
nepotrebnega odlašanja – Official Gazette no.
49/2006 “the 2006 Act”) became operational. It
allows a party to proceedings to ask for the proceedings to be
expedited by means of a supervisory appeal (nadzorstvena pritoZba)
and a motion for deadline (rokovni predlog) and to lodge a
claim for just satisfaction (zahteva za pravično zadoščenje).
The remedies provided by this law are subject to certain restrictions
in the case of finally resolved proceedings.
- Section 2
of the 2006 Act states that it applies, inter alia, to parties
to court proceedings and injured parties in criminal proceedings.
- The
applicants complained that their son had died as a result of the
negligence of medical practitioners and, in particular, that the
criminal and civil proceedings they had instituted did not allow for
the prompt and effective establishment of responsibility for their
son's death.
relevant part of Article 2 of the Convention provides:
“1. Everyone's right to life shall be
protected by law. No one shall be deprived of his life...”
A. Admissibility
1. Jurisdiction
ratione temporis
- In
the Court's view, although the respondent Government have not raised
any objection as to the Court's competence ratione temporis,
this issue calls for consideration by the Court (see Blečić v.
Croatia (dec.), no. 59532/00, 30 January 2003)
- In
accordance with the generally recognised rules of international law,
the Convention only governs, for each Contracting Party, facts
subsequent to its entry into force with regard to that Party (see
e.g. Kazimova v. Azerbaijan (dec.), no. 40368/02, 6 March
2003). However, from the ratification date onwards, all the State's
alleged acts and omissions must conform to the Convention or its
Protocols and subsequent facts fall within the Court's jurisdiction
even where they are merely extensions of an already existing
situation (see, for example, Yağci and Sargin v. Turkey,
judgment of 8 June 1995, Series A no. 319-A, p. 16, § 40).
- The
Court notes that the Convention
entered into force in respect of Slovenia on 28 June 1994.
It further observes that the applicants submitted a complaint
concerning the substantive aspect of Article 2, that is
responsibility for the applicants'
son's death, and a complaint concerning the procedural aspect
of Article 2, namely the alleged
ineffectiveness of the subsequent judicial proceedings. The
Court will now consider whether it has temporal jurisdiction to deal
with each of the applicants' complaints (see, mutatis mutandis,
Slimani v. France, no. 57671/00, ECHR 2004 IX
(extracts); Kanlıbaş v Turkey, (dec.), no. 32444/96,
28 July 2005).
(a) Complaint concerning the substantive
- The
Court observes that it was not disputed either before it or in the
domestic proceedings that the applicants' son died in the hospital on
19 May 1993. The applicants argued that their son's death
was a consequence of negligence on the part of the medical
- The
Court finds that this applicants' complaint, which concerns a
substantive aspect of Article 2, is obviously based on facts which
occurred and ended before 28 June 1994 and is therefore
incompatible ratione temporis with the provisions of the
Convention within the meaning of Article 35 § 3 and
must be rejected pursuant to Article 35 § 4.
(b) Complaint concerning the procedural
- The
Court notes that it has previously had an opportunity to examine the
ratione temporis issue in cases where facts concerning the
substantive aspect of Articles 2 or 3, namely
responsibility for death or ill-treatment, fell outside the period
under the Court's competence while facts concerning the related
procedural aspect, namely the subsequent proceedings, fell at least
partly within that period. The Court, for instance, found in Moldovan
and Others and Rostas and Others v. Romania ((dec.), nos.
41138/98 and 64320/01 (joined), 13 March
2001) that it lacked jurisdiction ratione temporis to deal
with the alleged procedural violation of Article 2 although the
impugned proceedings continued after the ratification of the
Convention. It reached a similar conclusion in respect of the alleged
procedural violation of Article 3 in Voroshilov v. Russia ((dec.),
no. 21501/02, 8 December 2005). In Balasoiu v. Romania,
on the other hand, the Court declared the substantive aspect of the
complaint under Article 3 incompatible ratione temporis, but
considered that it had jurisdiction to examine the procedural aspect
concerning the proceedings against the police which continued well
beyond the date of ratification ((dec.), no. 37424/97, 2 September
- Acknowledging
the difficulties in determining the temporal jurisdiction where the
facts relied on fall partly within and partly outside the period of
the Court's competence, the Court stated in its recent Blečić
v. Croatia judgment that: “[i]n order to establish the
Court's temporal jurisdiction it is ... essential to identify, in
each specific case, the exact time of the alleged interference. In
doing so the Court must take into account both the facts of which the
applicant complains and the scope of the Convention right alleged to
have been violated” ([GC], no. 59532/00, §§ 72
and 82, ECHR 2006 ...).
- Whether it is appropriate to examine the procedural
aspect of the complaint in the absence of competence to deal with the
substantive aspect therefore depends on the facts of the particular
case and the scope of the right involved (paragraphs 91 and 92
As regards the scope of the right and the corresponding obligation
under the procedural aspect of Article 2 that is alleged to have been
breached by the State in the present case, the Court reiterates that
that provision imposes a particular obligation on the State to set up
an effective judicial system for establishing the cause of death of
an individual under the care and responsibility of health
professionals and any liability on the part of the latter (see
Erikson v. Italy (dec.), no. 37900/97,
26 October 1999). In the Court's view, this obligation has
an autonomous scope and is not confined to cases where it is apparent
that the State could have been responsible, either directly or
through its positive obligations, for the death of an individual
(see, among other authorities, Vo v. France [GC],
no. 53924/00, §§ 85-87, ECHR 2004 VIII).
- In
this connection, the Court notes that the fact that the applicants'
son's condition had started significantly to deteriorate in the
hospital and that his death was potentially related to the medical
treatment he had received has not been disputed in the present case.
Moreover, the Court is satisfied that the two sets of proceedings
instituted were theoretically capable of leading to the establishment
of the exact circumstances which led to the applicants' son's death
and the potential responsibility for it at any level. The Court's
task under the procedural aspect of Article 2 therefore consists
in reviewing whether the proceedings referred to were effective in
- The
Court must now determine whether the facts constitutive of the
alleged procedural violation of Article 2 in the present case fell
within the period under the Court's temporal jurisdiction (see
paragraphs 92 and 93 above). The Court observes in this respect that
the criminal proceedings were re-opened on 4 July 1996,
further to the applicants' request of 30 November 1995
which followed the initial request of 1 August 1994
(paragraphs 12-15 above). The civil proceedings were instituted in
1995 and are still pending.
- Taking
into consideration that the alleged defects in the proceedings
originated at the earliest on the date the proceedings were
instituted, which was after 28 June 1994, the date Slovenia ratified
the Convention, the Court finds that it has temporal jurisdiction to
examine the applicants' complaint concerning the procedural aspect of
Article 2. The Court may also have regard to the facts prior to
ratification inasmuch as they may be relevant for the understanding
of facts occurring after that date (Broniowski v. Poland
(dec.) [GC], no. 31443/96, §74, ECHR 2002 X).
2. Exhaustion of domestic remedies
- The Government pleaded a failure to exhaust domestic
remedies. They argued that the present application was premature
since the civil proceedings were still pending. After the termination
of the criminal and civil proceedings, the applicants would also be
able to lodge a civil claim for compensation against the State on the
basis of the alleged violation of their rights in the proceedings in
accordance with section 26 of the Slovenian Constitution (see Lukenda
v. Slovenia, no. 23032/02, § 9, 6 October
- In
addition, they said that the applicants had failed to avail
themselves of other remedies which were generally available in
respect of complaints of undue delays in proceedings, namely a
supervisory appeal, an action in the administrative courts or a
constitutional appeal.
- The
applicants disputed the Government's arguments. Relying on the
Court's case-law concerning the length of proceedings, the applicants
averred that none of the remedies invoked by the Government would be
effective in practice, in particular in respect of their complaint
under Article 2 of the Convention. In addition, they had lodged
a constitutional appeal in the criminal proceedings. However, it had
been rejected as in the Constitutional Court's opinion they lacked
locus standi.
- The
Court emphasises that in reviewing whether the rule of exhaustion of
domestic remedies has been observed, it is essential to have regard
to the existence of formal remedies in the legal system of the State
concerned, as well as to the particular circumstances of the
case and to the question whether the applicants did everything that
could reasonably have been expected to do in order to exhaust
available domestic remedies (see, among other authorities, Merit
v. Ukraine, no. 66561/01, § 58, 30 March 2004).
- With
regard to the second limb of the Government's objection (paragraph 99
above), the Court notes that in the present case they referred to the
same remedies as in the cases of Belinger and Lukenda
(see Belinger v. Slovenia (dec.), no. 42320/98, 2 October
2001 and Lukenda, cited above). In those cases the Court
dismissed the Government's objection of non-exhaustion of domestic
remedies in respect of the complaints concerning the length of the
proceedings. The Court finds that the Government have not submitted
any convincing arguments which would require the Court to distinguish
the instant case from its established case-law.
- The
Court on the other hand notes that the Act on the Protection of the
Right to a Trial without Undue Delay (the 2006 Act) came into force
on 1 January 2007. It introduced remedies concerning
specifically the right to have one's case examined within a
reasonable time, within the meaning of Article 6 § 1 of the
Convention. However, in the present case it is not merely the
excessive length of civil proceedings which is in issue, but the
question whether in the circumstances of the case seen as a whole,
the State can be said to have complied with its procedural
requirements under Article 2 of the Convention (Byrzykowski
v. Poland, no. 11562/05, § 90, 27 June 2006).
- In
this connection, the Court notes that the applicants requested that
criminal proceedings be instituted against the doctor, M.E. On 4 July
1996 the criminal investigation was opened after the applicants
brought a subsidiary prosecution. The case was closed on 18 October
2000, after two remittals (paragraphs 21-25 above), by the
interlocutory-proceedings panel's decision to dismiss the indictment.
That decision was upheld by the Maribor Higher Court on 20 December
2000. The applicants' constitutional appeal against that decision was
dismissed by the Constitutional Court on the grounds that they did
not have locus standi (paragraph 32 above). On 6 July 1995
the applicants brought an action for compensation against the
hospital and the doctor in the civil courts. That action is still
pending (paragraphs 35 and 60 above).
- The
Court observes that the applicants resorted to all the remedies which
they could have used in the context of the criminal proceedings. As
regards the civil proceedings, the Court considers that the first
limb of the Government's objection (paragraph 98 above) is closely
linked to the substance of the applicants' complaint under the
procedural limb of Article 2 and that its examination should
therefore be joined to the merits of the case. The Court further
notes that this complaint is not inadmissible on any other grounds.
B. Merits
1. The parties' submissions
(a) The Government
- The
Government submitted that the doctor could not be liable for the
unsuccessful treatment as long as it had been conducted lege
artis; that is in compliance with the traditions and regulations
of the medical profession and in accordance with scientific progress.
They argued that the Slovenian legislation and the system in practice
provided effective proceedings for determination of the criminal,
civil and disciplinary responsibility of medical personnel.
- With
regard to civil responsibility, the Government averred that the
Obligations Act and the Code of Obligations afforded an effective
protection of the right to life (see paragraph 75 above). The civil
responsibility did not depend on the establishment of criminal
responsibility and, in particular, the civil courts were not bound by
the acquittal of the defendant (paragraphs 76-79 above).
- In
support of their arguments, the Government submitted copies of
judgments that had been delivered between 1998 and 2003 in five cases
of alleged medical error. In four of them the health-care
institutions had been ordered to pay damages to the plaintiffs. They
also submitted a list of 124 claims against health-care
institutions that had been lodged with the Ljubljana and Maribor
District Courts between 1995 and 2004. At least 57 of them had
been finally resolved (pravnomočno
končanih). The remainder, including six from 1995,
appear to be pending before courts of first or second instance. The
outcome of the proceedings is not stated on the list.
- The
Government further argued that in the instant case the length of
the proceedings was explained by the complexity of the issues dealt
with by the courts. In addition, the applicants' conduct, in
particular their repeated challenges of the judges and motions for a
change of venue had obstructed the proper conduct of the proceedings.
- The
Government supported the domestic courts' decision to stay the civil
proceedings, saying that it was reasonable in view of the extensive
process of gathering evidence that was concurrently taking place in
the criminal court. Moreover, the applicants had not appealed against
that decision.
The Government also commented on the withdrawal of Judge M.T.Z. (see
paragraph 48 above). They pointed out that the judge had learned from
the Ombudsman's intervention that her handshake with one of the
defendants had had an adverse effect on the applicants. However, the
main reason behind her request for withdrawal was the continuous
complaining by the applicants.
- As
regards the effectiveness of the criminal proceedings in practice,
the Government referred to the data submitted by the Slovenian courts
which showed that subsidiary prosecution in cases of death resulting
from alleged medical negligence was rare. Such cases were normally
dealt with by the Public Prosecutor. In support of this argument, the
Government submitted figures which showed that in twelve recent
medical malpractice cases, the criminal proceedings for the offence
of causing death by negligence had been instituted on the initiative
of the Public Prosecutor. In two such cases the aggrieved party had
later taken over the prosecution.
- As
to the present case, the Government stressed that the applicants'
right to take over the prosecution by no means implied the right to
have somebody prosecuted or convicted. The Public Prosecutor's
decision not to institute proceedings against the accused had been
sufficiently explained and was based on an independent assessment of
the evidence. In the subsequent proceedings brought by the
applicants, the courts had thoroughly investigated the cause of death
and had appointed several forensic experts for that purpose. In the
light of the complexity of the case the courts had done all they
reasonably could to ensure the prompt determination of the charge.
The applicants' conduct, however, had substantially contributed to
the overall length of the criminal proceedings, since they had made
numerous appeals and unsuccessful attempts to reinstitute the
- Finally,
the Government also referred to the proceedings at the Medical
Tribunal to demonstrate the effectiveness of the system of protection
of the right to life. The tribunal was competent to establish
possible misconduct by a doctor. As a result, disciplinary measures,
including the suspension or revocation of a licence, could be
imposed. The applicants had not availed themselves of that remedy.
(b) The applicants
- According
to the applicants, the public prosecutor had not shown any intention
of bringing those responsible to justice. The criminal proceedings
had failed to produce any significant result. Consequently, the
applicants had been left with no option but to take over the
prosecution, which had placed them at a disadvantage. Moreover, it
had taken more than seven years for the authorities to investigate
the case and rule on the indictment.
- The
applicants criticised the way the civil proceedings had been
conducted. They felt that the authorities had been reluctant to
investigate their case and had treated them discriminatorily. They
also disagreed with the Government about the need to stay the civil
proceedings. The establishment of criminal responsibility did not
represent a preliminary question for the purposes of the Civil
Procedure Act (see paragraph 76 above). In the applicants'
submission, civil responsibility could be established even if no
criminal offence had been committed. It could also be shared between
different parties, and relate to different damage.
2. The Court's assessment
- The
Court reiterates that the first sentence of Article 2, which ranks as
one of the most fundamental provisions in the Convention and also
enshrines one of the basic values of the democratic societies making
up the Council of Europe (see McCann and Others v. the United
Kingdom, judgment of 27 September 1995, Series A no. 324, pp.
45-46, § 147), requires the State not only to refrain from the
“intentional” taking of life, but also to take
appropriate steps to safeguard the lives of those within its
jurisdiction. In particular, the obligations under Article 2 of the
Convention include the requirement for an effective independent
system to be set up so that the cause of death of patients in the
care of the medical profession, whether in the public or the private
sector, can be determined and those responsible made accountable (see
Powell v. the United Kingdom (dec.), no. 45305/99, ECHR
2000-V; and Calvelli and Ciglio v. Italy [GC], no. 32967/96,
§ 49, ECHR 2002 I).
- Although
the right to have third parties prosecuted or sentenced for a
criminal offence cannot be asserted independently (see Perez v.
France [GC], no. 47287/99, § 70, ECHR 2004-I), the Court has
stated on a number of occasions that an effective judicial system, as
required by Article 2, may, and under certain circumstances must,
include recourse to the criminal law. However, if the infringement of
the right to life or to physical integrity is not caused
intentionally, the positive obligation to set up an effective
judicial system does not necessarily require the provision of a
criminal-law remedy in every case. In the specific sphere of medical
negligence, “the obligation may for instance also be satisfied
if the legal system affords victims a remedy in the civil courts,
either alone or in conjunction with a remedy in the criminal courts,
enabling any liability of the doctors concerned to be established and
any appropriate civil redress, such as an order for damages and for
the publication of the decision, to be obtained. Disciplinary
measures may also be envisaged” (see Calvelli and Ciglio,
cited above, § 51).
- Whatever
the case may be, the procedural obligation of the State under Article
2 of the Convention will not be satisfied if the protection afforded
by domestic law exists only in theory: above all, it must also
operate effectively in practice which includes the requirement of a
prompt examination of the case without unnecessary delays (see
Lazzarini and Ghiacci v. Italy (dec.), no. 53749/00, 7
November 2002; and Byrzykowski, cited above, § 117).
- In
the instant case, it was open to the applicants to request a criminal
investigation into the events surrounding the death. It was further
open to them to bring a civil action against the hospital and/or the
medical practitioners concerned. Hence, the Court finds no indication
that there has been any failure on the part of the State to provide a
procedure whereby the criminal and civil responsibility of persons
who may be held answerable could be established. In addition, it
appears that the proceedings before the Medical Tribunal, if pursued
by the Tribunal's prosecutor, could also play a role in establishing
the circumstances of death and potential disciplinary responsibility
for it (see paragraphs 80-81 above).
- However,
for the assessment of this case it is relevant to examine how this
procedure worked in the concrete circumstances.
While no disciplinary proceedings were instituted with regard to the
applicants' son's death, the applicants requested the institution of
criminal proceedings against the doctor, M.E., on 1 August 1994. The
initial decision to open the investigation was overturned in December
1994. The next request was upheld by the Maribor District Court,
which obtained jurisdiction in the case after a change of venue.
After the indictment was lodged the case was twice remitted for
further investigation. The proceedings were finally discontinued by
the interlocutory-proceedings panel's decision of 18 October 2000.
The panel found that there was insufficient evidence that the accused
had committed the alleged criminal offence of causing death by
negligence. That decision was upheld by the appellate court on
20 December 2000. The applicants were subsequently left
without any other remedy to pursue their complaints concerning the
conduct of the criminal proceedings since the usual possibility of
lodging a constitutional appeal was not available to them at the
material time (see paragraph 32 above).
criminal proceedings were, as is usual, limited only to the
determination of the charge brought against the doctor concerned.
- It is understandable that the applicants were
critical of the outcome of the criminal proceedings; not least
because it was they who carried the burden of pursuing the
investigation. The Court also observes that almost five years elapsed
between the applicants' second request for an investigation and the
dismissal of the charge by the interlocutory-proceedings panel. The
Court, however, does not find it necessary to determine separately
the effectiveness of the criminal proceedings against M.E. since the
applicants also instituted civil proceedings against the doctor and
the hospital (see for example Calvelli and Ciglio, cited
above, § 55, and Vo, cited above, § 94). It was not
disputed between the parties that the scope of civil responsibility
was significantly broader than criminal responsibility and not
necessarily dependent on it (see, mutatis mutandis, Erikson
v. Italy (dec.), cited above). The Court refers in this
connection to the aforementioned principles relating to the nature of
procedural obligations in the sphere of medical negligence (see
paragraph 118 above).
- The
applicants instituted civil proceedings on 6 July 1995. Two
years later the court stayed the proceedings pending the outcome of
the criminal proceedings. It resumed the civil proceedings in May
2001, that is five months after the delivery of the appellate court's
decision allowing the discontinuation of the criminal proceedings.
The Maribor District Court delivered a judgment rejecting the
applicants' civil claim on 25 August 2006, more than eleven
years after the proceedings were instituted. The case is currently
pending on appeal.
- The
Court reiterates that in the context of Article 2 a prompt
response by the authorities may generally be regarded as essential in
maintaining public confidence in their adherence to the rule of law
and in preventing any appearance of collusion in or tolerance of
unlawful acts (see, among other authorities, Paul and Audrey
Edwards v. the United Kingdom, no. 46477/99, § 72, ECHR
2002 II). It is for the State to organise its judicial system in
such a way as to enable its courts to comply with the requirements of
that Article (see, mutatis mutandis, R.M.D. v. Switzerland,
judgment of 26 September 1997, Reports of Judgments and Decisions
1997-VI, p. 2015, § 54).
- The
Court accepts that the medical questions involved in the case were of
some complexity. It also appreciates that the evidence adduced in the
criminal proceedings could be relevant to the decisions in the civil
proceedings. It therefore does not find that the decision to stay the
civil proceedings was in itself unreasonable since it could have been
dictated by considerations related to the fair and efficient
administration of justice (see for example Byrzkowski, §
116, cited above).
- Furthermore,
in the civil proceedings the applicants repeatedly challenged the
judges sitting in their case and lodged several motions for a change
of venue of the proceedings. Many of these steps had no prospect of
improving their situation. However, some of the applicants' requests
turned out to be well-founded. For instance, the second motion for a
change of venue was upheld and the proceedings were, as a result,
moved to the Maribor District Court (see paragraph 46). The
applicants were also successful on two occasions with their call for
individual judges to stand down, although it appears that the judges
concerned ultimately withdrew on their own initiative (see paragraphs
48 and 56 above).
- It
is apparent from the case file that the applicants' conduct had no
effect on the length of the civil proceedings before they resumed in
May 2001. Although the decision to stay the proceedings was
issued only in October 1997, no steps were taken in the proceedings
for almost six years. The Court finds that the delays which occurred
in the criminal proceedings, through no fault of the applicants, may
have contributed to the length of that part of the civil proceedings.
- After
the civil proceedings resumed it took an additional five years for
the first-instance court to reach a verdict. Even if the applicants'
behaviour contributed to the delays in this part of the civil
proceedings (see paragraph 127, and also 45, 50 and 54 above), this,
in the Court's view, does not justify their overall length.
- In
this connection, the Court considers it unsatisfactory for the
applicants' case to have been dealt with by at least six different
judges in a single set of first-instance proceedings. Although it is
for the domestic courts to assess whether an individual judge is able
to sit in a particular case, the Court is nevertheless struck by the
way this issue was dealt with in the instant case (see paragraphs 48,
56 and 65).
- The
Court finds that these factors, coupled with the matters criticised
by the Ombudsman (see paragraphs 63-67), which the Government failed
to refute, could, quite obviously, have contributed to the
applicants' mistrust in the conduct of the proceedings.
- Having
regard to the above background and noting that after almost twelve
years the proceedings instituted in order to elucidate the
allegations of medical malpractice are still pending, the Court
cannot accept that they resulted in an effective examination into the
cause of and responsibility for the death of the applicants' son.
- Lastly,
the Court observes that, apart from the concern for the respect of
the rights inherent in Article 2 of the Convention in each individual
case, more general considerations also call for a prompt examination
of cases concerning death in a hospital setting. Knowledge of the
facts and of possible errors committed in the course of medical care
are essential to enable the institutions concerned and medical staff
to remedy the potential deficiencies and prevent the repetition of
similar errors. The prompt examination of such cases is therefore
important for the safety of users of all health services (see
Byrzykowski, cited above, § 117).
- In
these circumstances, the Court concludes that there has accordingly
been a procedural violation of Article 2 of the Convention. It
follows that the Government's preliminary objection (see paragraph
105 above) must be dismissed.
- The
applicants complained that the failure of the domestic judicial
authorities to deal properly with their case amounted to humiliating
and degrading treatment, which led to their early retirement on the
grounds of disability.
invoked Article 3, which reads as follows:
“No one shall be subjected to torture or to
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”
136 Although
the proceedings in the present case may have adversely affected the
applicants and caused them distress, the Court considers that the
documents in the case file do not demonstrate that the situation
complained of reached the threshold of severity required to bring it
within the scope of Article 3 of the Convention. Moreover, the lack
of effectiveness of the respective proceedings on which the present
complaint is based has already been examined in the context of the
procedural limb of Article 2 of the Convention (see paragraphs
part of the application must be rejected as manifestly ill-founded in
accordance with Article 35 § 4 of the Convention.
- The
applicants complained under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention
about the length and unfairness of the proceedings. They submitted
that the judges were biased, that evidence they had submitted was
disregarded and that the court had erred in serving one of the
indictments on the accused. The relevant part of Article 6 reads as
“In the determination of his civil rights and
obligations ..., everyone is entitled to a fair ... hearing ...
within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal
established by law.”
- The
applicants also complained that the Constitutional Court and other
competent authorities had failed to respond to their complaints
concerning the conduct of the proceedings relating to their son's
death. They relied on Article 13 of the Convention, which provides:
“Everyone whose rights and freedoms as set forth
in [the] Convention are violated shall have an effective remedy
before a national authority notwithstanding that the violation has
been committed by persons acting in an official capacity.”
The Government, relying on the same arguments as under Article 2,
pleaded non-exhaustion of domestic remedies. They also submitted that
the complaints were unsubstantiated.
- Since
the civil proceedings are still pending and their outcome is
uncertain, the Court concludes that the complaint of unfairness of
the civil proceedings is premature and must be rejected under
Article 35 §§ 1 and 4 of the Convention for
non-exhaustion of domestic remedies.
141. As regards the complaints concerning the length of the
civil and criminal proceedings, the alleged unfairness of the latter
and the alleged violation of Article 13 of the Convention, the Court
notes that they are linked to the complaint of a procedural breach of
Article 2 and must therefore likewise be declared admissible (see,
mutatis mutandis, Byrzykowski, cited above,
§ 120) .
In view of the applicants' submission and having regard to the
finding relating to the procedural aspect of Article 2 (see
paragraphs 117-134 above), the Court considers that no separate
examination of these complaints is necessary.
- Finally,
the applicants alleged that their criminal complaint against the
doctor who had treated their son had led to hostility on the part of
the Slovenj Gradec Hospital, which had compelled them to seek medical
care elsewhere. They invoked Article 14 of the Convention, which
“The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set
forth in [the] Convention shall be secured without discrimination on
any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political
or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a
national minority, property, birth or other status.”
- The
Court reiterates that Article 14 complements the other substantive
provisions of the Convention and its Protocols. It has no independent
existence, since it has effect solely in relation to the rights and
freedoms safeguarded by those provisions. There can be no room for
the application of Article 14 unless the facts of the case fall
within the ambit of one or more of such provisions (see Inze v.
Austria, judgment of 28 October 1987, Series A no. 126,
p. 17, § 36).
- Having
regard to the above, the Court notes that the applicants failed to
invoke any other provision of the Convention or its Protocols in
respect of the complaint under Article 14. Article 14 cannot
therefore be applicable in the present case. However, even assuming
that it was applicable, the applicants have failed to submit any
evidence in respect of the facts complained of. This part of the
application must therefore be rejected as manifestly ill-founded in
accordance with Article 35 § 4 of the Convention.
- Article 41 of the Convention provides:
“If the Court finds that there has been a
violation of the Convention or the Protocols thereto, and if the
internal law of the High Contracting Party concerned allows only
partial reparation to be made, the Court shall, if necessary, afford
just satisfaction to the injured party.”
A. Damage
- The
applicants claimed SIT 1,300,000 (approximately 5,440 euros (EUR)) in
respect of pecuniary damage resulting from the expenses they had
incurred as a result of the inactivity of the courts in the domestic
proceedings and the Public Prosecutor's refusal to institute criminal
- They
also claimed SIT 1,800,000 (approximately EUR 7,540) in respect
of non-pecuniary damage. They alleged that they had suffered mental
trauma as a result of the inactivity of the authorities which dealt
with their case.
- The
Government argued that the applicants had failed to prove the
pecuniary damage allegedly incurred. In any event, they were entitled
to lodge a civil claim in this respect against the State in the
domestic courts. As regards the Public Prosecutor's refusal to
institute criminal proceedings, the Government averred that the State
could not be liable for damages deriving from that decision, which
later proved to have been correct.
- The
Government considered the applicants' claim for non-pecuniary damage
unsubstantiated and exorbitant.
- The
Court finds that the applicants have failed to submit documentary
evidence of the expenses they allegedly incurred as a result of the
inactivity of the courts in the domestic proceedings. As regards the
remainder of the claim for pecuniary damage, the Court does not
discern any causal link between the violation found and the pecuniary
damage alleged (see paragraph123). It therefore rejects this claim.
- As
to non-pecuniary damage, the Court, deciding on an equitable basis
and having regard to the sums awarded in similar cases and the
violation which it has found in the present case, awards the
applicants the full sum claimed, namely EUR 7,540.
B. Costs and expenses
- The
applicants also claimed SIT 1,100,000 (approximately EUR 4,600)
for costs and expenses incurred before the domestic courts and the
- The
Government submitted that the expenses incurred before the domestic
courts were included in the applicants' claim for pecuniary damage.
As for the claim for expenses incurred before the Court, it was
- Under
the Court's case-law, an applicant is entitled to the reimbursement
of his costs and expenses only in so far as it has been shown that
these have been actually and necessarily incurred and were reasonable
as to quantum. In the present case, having regard to the information
in its possession and the above criteria, the Court rejects the claim
for costs and expenses in the domestic proceedings and considers it
reasonable to award the sum of EUR 2,000 for the proceedings before
the Court.
C. Default interest
- The
Court considers it appropriate that the default interest should be
based on the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank, to
which should be added three percentage points.
- Decides to join to the merits the Government's
preliminary objection as to the exhaustion of domestic remedies in
respect of Article 2 of the Convention;
- Declares the complaint concerning the procedural
aspect of Article 2 of the Convention, the complaints concerning the
length of the civil and criminal proceedings and the alleged
unfairness of the criminal proceedings under Article 6 of the
Convention and the alleged violation of Article 13 of the Convention
- Declares the remainder of the application
- Holds that there has been a procedural violation
of Article 2 of the Convention and
accordingly dismisses the Government's preliminary objection
based on non-exhaustion of domestic remedies;
- Holds that there is no need to examine
separately the complaints concerning the length of the civil and
criminal proceedings and the alleged unfairness of the criminal
proceedings under Article 6 of the Convention and the alleged
violation of Article 13 of the Convention;
- Holds
(a) that
the respondent State is to pay the applicants jointly, within three
months from the date on which the judgment becomes final in
accordance with Article 44 § 2 of the Convention,
EUR 7,540 (seven thousand five hundred forty euros) in respect of
non-pecuniary damage and EUR 2,000 (two thousand euros) in respect of
costs and expenses; plus any tax that may be chargeable;
(b) that
from the expiry of the above-mentioned three months until settlement
simple interest shall be payable on the above amounts at a rate equal
to the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank during the
default period plus three percentage points;
- Dismisses the remainder of the applicants' claim
for just satisfaction.
Done in English, and notified in writing on 28 June 2007, pursuant to
Rule 77 §§ 2 and 3 of the Rules of Court.
Santiago Quesada Corneliu Bîrsan
Registrar President