Procedure - Division of jurisdiction between the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance - Action, pending before the Court of First Instance, brought by a natural or legal person under Article 173, fourth paragraph, and Article 178 of the Treaty, concerning the introduction, in the first case by the Commission and in the second by both the Commission and the Council, of safeguard measures in respect of imports - Another action, also pending before the Court of First Instance, brought by the same person under Article 173, fourth paragraph, of the Treaty, concerning the introduction of those measures by the Council - Joinder of the two cases - Action pending before the Court of Justice, brought by a Member State, for annulment of the Council measure - In the interests of the proper administration of justice that the Court of Justice should take into consideration the arguments of the natural or legal person - Disjoinder of the two cases pending before the Court of First Instance - Jurisdiction in the second case declined by the Court of First Instance - Proceedings before the Court of First Instance stayed in the first case
(EC Statute of the Court of Justice, Art. 47, third para.; Rules of Procedure of the Court of First Instance, Art. 50)