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Young and Irby v. Rhodes and Attwood [1999] EWHC Ch 242 (30th March, 1999)
HC 1999 No. 01297
- and -
(1) ROBSON RHODES (a firm)
Mr. G. Pollock QC and Mr. B. Doctor instructed by Bracher Rawlins
for the Plaintiffs
Mr. Ali Malek QC and Mr. D. Quest instructed by Lovell White Durrant for the
Hearing dates: 25-26 March, 1999
This is the official judgment of the court and I direct
that no further note or transcript be made
DATED: 30 March 1999
A. Introduction
B. The Retainer Claim
(i) The course of conduct.
(ii) The parties' respective arguments
(iii) Was there a retainer?
(iv) What type of retainer?
(v) Relief for repudiatory breach.
C. The Confidentiality Claim
(i) Prince Jefri Bolkiah v KPMG
(ii) Chinese Walls
(iii) Approach and conclusions
ANNEX I - Proposals for Information Barrier
- Information Barrier
Mr. Justice Laddie:
A. Introduction
- The plaintiffs in this action, Mr. Nigel Young, Mr. Henry Young and Mr.
Paul Irby are or were Names at Lloyd's and members of Lloyd's Syndicate 190
("the Syndicate"). Mr. Nigel Young and Mr. Henry Young are brothers. A firm
of auditors, Messrs Pannell Kerr Forster ("PKF") were auditors, or joint auditors,
to the Syndicate. The Syndicate has incurred very large losses. Some 659 members
of the Syndicate, including Messrs Young and Irby, have commenced four actions
in the Commercial Court against PKF alleging negligence and breach of contract.
The pleadings are extensive and the allegations made against PKF include assertions
of impropriety. Mr. Richard Slade, a solicitor acting on behalf of the plaintiffs,
has summarised the claim made against PKF as follows:
"(1) PKF acted negligently and in breach of duty in making, participating
in, agreeing, approving or reporting on the decisions to close the 1979-1988
years of account into each succeeding year, and/or the assessment and effecting
of the reinsurances to close (RITCs) in relation thereto and/or the fixing
of premiums therefor;
(2) They committed such breaches of duty deliberately in circumstances
in which they were unlikely to be discovered by the Names for some time;
or alternatively, they knew that they were committing breaches of duty or
were reckless as to whether they were or not."
That précis of the causes of action is not disputed
for the purpose of this action.
- For the purpose of formulating and advancing the cases against PKF, the
Syndicate Names needed the help of a firm of accountants with relevant accountancy
and auditing expertise. On 1 December, 1997, the Names' then solicitors, Charles
Russell, contacted Mr. Frank Attwood, a partner in Robson Rhodes ("RR"). They
are respectively the second and first defendants in the present proceedings.
There is no dispute that Mr. Attwood and the team of people he works with
in the forensic accountancy department of RR have a considerable reputation
in relation to this type of litigation. They have assisted in a number of
actions brought by or on behalf of Lloyd's Names. It was as a result of their
pre-eminence in this field that they were approached on behalf of the Syndicate
Names. Mr. Attwood agreed on behalf of RR to assist the Syndicate. As a result,
over the next year or so Mr. Attwood and another RR partner, Mr. Hamedani
together with two other RR employees, a Mr. Bowling and a Ms. Bell worked
on the litigation against RR. Mr. Bowling is no longer employed by RR. Ms.
Bell is a chartered accountant and senior manager within the firm.
- The relationship between the Syndicate Names on the one side and RR and
Messrs Attwood and Hamedani on the other suffered a damaging and, from the
Names' point of view, quite unexpected blow on 8 March 1999 when Mr. Attwood
telephoned Mr. Nigel Young to tell him that there would be press announcements
on the following day of a planned merger between RR and PKF. The negotiations
for the proposed merger had been conducted over a number of months but had
been kept confidential to a very limited number of people within the two firms.
Apparently Mr. Attwood did not hear of them until a meeting of Executive Committee
of RR on 13 January, 1999. When Mr. Attwood told Mr. Young some two months
latter, he said that if the merger went ahead, RR would have to cease acting
for the Syndicate Names. This news caused the Names grave concern. Not only
were they to lose their chosen forensic accountants but they were, in effect,
going to join the enemy camp.
- On 10 March, the plaintiffs' solicitors, Bracher Rawlins, sent a letter
before action to Mr. Attwood and RR. They asked for an undertaking from RR
that the merger with PKF would not proceed until after the trial of the Names'
actions against PKF. I understand that it is likely that that would involve
a delay of some 12 to 18 months. In any event, no such undertaking was forthcoming.
On 11 March, the writ in this action together with a notice of motion were
served on the defendants. In it the plaintiffs sue on their own behalves and
on behalf of the other 656 Names who have brought proceedings against PKF.
A statement of claim was served on 12 March. On the return date of the notice
of motion, 16 March, the matter came on for hearing before Hart J. He ordered
certain further and better particulars of the statement of claim to be served
by 18 March, dispensed with further pleadings, set a timetable for the service
of affidavit evidence and ordered the action to be tried on Thursday 25 March.
The reason for setting such a short timetable is that the partners in RR and
PKF are due to vote on the proposed merger on 17 April of this year. If approved,
the merger will take place on 1 May. So, when the action came on for hearing,
the statement of claim and particulars had been put together in a hurry, there
was no formal defence, evidence was by affidavit or affirmation and there
was very little discovery. This was not an impediment. Neither party had any
difficulty understanding and responding to the other's case.
- The main relief sought by the plaintiffs is an injunction to restrain the
defendants from proceeding with the proposed merger with PKF until such time
as the trial of the actions against the latter firm are completed. It bases
its claim to relief on two causes of action. First it says that RR and Mr.
Attwood were retained to act on behalf of the Syndicate names in their actions
against PKF, to give expert witness evidence at the trial and to prepare an
appropriate expert report. The merger would make that impossible. So they
sue for breach of contract. Amongst other things, the defendants say that
they owe the plaintiffs no continuing obligation.
- Second, the plaintiffs say that Mr. Attwood, Mr. Hamedani, Mr. Bowling and
Ms. Bell have had access to valuable, indeed crucial, confidential information
relating to the conduct of the cases against PKF. If the merger proceeds,
there is a risk of some of that information passing to PKF to the detriment
of the Names. That is a risk to which RR should not subject its clients. So
the plaintiffs sue for breach of confidence. In relation to the latter issue
the plaintiffs rely in particular on the recent decision of the House of Lords:
Prince Jefri Bolkiah v KPMG [1999] 2 WLR 215. The defendants accept
that they have had access to valuable confidential information. But they have
offered extensive undertakings, which they refer to as their "Proposals for
Information Barrier" and which are set out at the end of this judgment, designed
to safeguard the Names' interests. With those undertakings in place, the defendants
say that the risk of harmful disclosure to personnel within PKF is fanciful
or merely theoretical.
B. The Retainer Claim
(i) The course of conduct.
- The parties' arguments in relation to the contractual issue can only be
understood by having in mind at least an outline of the relationship created
between them and the work done by the defendants over the 18 months before
the 8 March 1999 telephone conversation.
- Charles Russell first approached Mr. Attwood by telephone on 1 October,
1997. There is an attendance note of that conversation (Trial
Bundle Vol. 2 p. 1.). Mr. Attwood was asked whether he would be prepared
to help the Syndicate in its litigation with PKF. He was told that the proceedings
were at an early stage, that the Syndicate needed expert accountancy opinions
and that the purpose of the telephone call was to "put down a marker and get
[Mr. Attwood] on board before anyone else contacted him". This conversation
was followed by a letter of 2 October from Charles Russell
(Trial Bundle Vol. 2 p. 3.). Insofar as material it states:
"... At the present time it is anticipated that accountants' evidence will,
broadly speaking be required in relation to various audits carried out by
Pannell Kerr Forster, with particular reference to RITCs during the period
1982 to 1991. In this regard the Plaintiffs are currently considering the
question of the appropriate expert or experts to provide such evidence and
you have been recommended. You indicated during our conversation that you
would be interested in providing your services.
Subject to being able to agree appropriate terms and conditions the Committee
of the Syndicate 190 Names Association, through whom we receive instructions,
would like to retain your services for the purposes outlined above."
- This letter was responded to by letter of the same date (Trial
Bundle Vol. 2 p. 5.). It was headed "Action against the auditors of
Syndicate 190". It set out RR's hourly charging rate and included the following:
"We are writing in relation to instructions regarding the above matter.
You would require us to act as accounting and auditing experts and furnish
you with a written report in respect of any negligence or breach of duty
in connection with the audits of Syndicate 190 relating to the closure of
years ended on or after 31 December 1979."
- This correspondence was then followed by a meeting on 22 October attended
by Mr. Attwood, Mr. Hamedani and the Young brothers. The relevant attendance
note (Trial Bundle Vol. 2 p. 8A.) records that as a
first stage an expert auditor's report was required, not for litigation purposes,
but to confirm to Counsel that he was "on track". Apparently the Youngs explained
that if the report was favourable, this would lead to litigation proceeding
and formal expert analysis of documents obtained from PKF would be required.
The Youngs explained that they had 2 prospective experts in mind, RR and a
firm called Newton Grant. This meeting was followed by a letter of 23 October
(Trial Bundle Vol. 2 p. 16-18.) from Mr. Nigel Young
to RR which included the following:
"As a result of his views on limitation Mr. Doctor [junior Counsel for
the plaintiffs] requested we engage a person familiar with the duties of
Lloyd's auditors during the 1980's and 1990's, not for the usual formal
purpose of performing as litigation expert (with which you will be familiar),
but for the somewhat unusual purpose of confirming that which appears to
be apparent from the papers so far obtained and also to "sharpen up" the
Points of Claim if necessary. ...
We have invited you, subject to agreeing mutually fair and suitable terms,
to provide us with this assessment and thereby make yourselves eligible
to become our audit and accounting expert witness. We are also inviting
one other firm to make a similar proposal with a view to making our choice
at the end of the first week in November. ...
In essence, this preliminary report is a prerequisite to appointment as
litigation expert. ...
If, as I anticipate, the report is favourable, I cannot see how but that
its preparers will be selected as the Association's expert's (sic) for the
purposes of the litigation."
- In a letter of 28 October (Trial Bundle Vol. 2 p. 19.),
RR referred to its extensive expertise in acting, inter alia, as an expert
in High Court litigation and then set out the terms on which it would be prepared
to produce the preliminary report required by Mr. Young. Negotiations relating
to the terms on which the preliminary report was to be produced then followed.
Nothing turns on this save that in a letter of 26 November (Trial
Bundle Vol. 2 p. 34.), Charles Russell stated:
"The primary purpose of the report you are being asked to prepare is to
assist in the evaluation and future formulation of the Plaintiffs' case
on the basis of the views of an expert who is prepared to give evidence
in support of the same."
- The preliminary report was finally produced at the end of March 1998. Thereafter
there was no formal appointment of RR or Mr. Attwood as experts for the Names.
There was no suggestion either that anyone else had been appointed as an expert.
The parties undertook additional steps to prepare the plaintiffs for the action.
There were discussions on how best to prepare documents for trial (Trial
Bundle Vol. 2 p. 79.), Mr. Attwood made suggestions as to the amendment
of the Names' pleadings (Trial Bundle Vol. 2 p. 81.)
and there were conferences at which RR, and Mr. Attwood in particular, were
asked to and did comment on PKF's points of defence and the further particulars
to be sought and on quantum.
- In the summer of 1998, the plaintiffs changed solicitors. Their new solicitors,
Bracher Rawlins, wrote to Mr. Attwood on 6 August (Trial Bundle
Vol. 2 p. 88.) in the following terms:
"Dear Mr. Attwood,
Further to our recent meeting and to our appointment as Solicitors on the
record in place of Charles Russell, I am simply writing formally to confirm
my firm's agreement to take over your retainer on the same terms as before.
Would you kindly confirm that this is acceptable to you. ..."
- RR replied on 12 August (Trial Bundle Vol. 2 p. 89.)
confirming that:
"... we will be happy to retained on the same terms as previously and enclose
a copy of our previous letter of engagement."
The letter so enclosed was the one dated 2 October 1997 which
set out RR's hourly rates.
- Further work was done by RR and Mr. Attwood in the latter part of 1998.
This is evidenced by an analysis of costs (Trial Bundle Vol.
2 p. 136.) produced by RR and sent to Mr. Nigel Young on 4 January,
1999. The RR fees involved are not large. Indeed, as Mr. Attwood put it in
his affidavit in this action, from RR's point of view this job has not been
a substantial one.
(ii) The parties' respective arguments
- Based on this material, and the evidence filed and give orally before me,
the parties advanced their respective cases. The plaintiffs' is that RR and
Mr. Attwood were retained to be their experts through to the trial. They rely
on the fact that when the defendants were first approached by Charles Russell
in October 1997 they were told that the plaintiffs had in mind a two stage
process as regards the defendants' participation in the proceedings. The first,
consisted of the preparation of an initial report assessing the plaintiffs'
case against PKF. If that indicated that the plaintiffs' claim was worth pursuing
then the plaintiffs would move to the second stage, which would consist of
appointing forensic accountancy experts for the trial. If the report was favourable,
the most likely candidate for the latter stage would be the defendants. In
fact the report was favourable and thereafter the defendants continued to
assist the plaintiffs in the preparation of their cases. The plaintiffs say
that both sides proceeded on the basis that RR, and particularly Mr. Attwood,
would be the plaintiffs' expert at the trial. After the preliminary report
had been produced, it was not suggested that the plaintiffs were looking for
any other expert or that they needed to. When there was a change of solicitors,
some 5 months after that preliminary report had been signed off, Bracher Rawlins
took it for granted that the defendants were retained and so expressed themselves
in their letter of 6 August. RR did not dissent. It confirmed that it was
retained. The plaintiffs' case is that such retainer was, and could only be,
as experts for the trial. They say that that was the common understanding
and expectation of both sides. Mr. Pollock, who appears for the plaintiffs
in the action before me, relies, amongst other things, on Mr. Attwood's evidence
in the witness box to the effect that his expectation was that he would write
the expert report for the plaintiffs in the action against PKF and that he
had every expectation that he would be on the plaintiffs' side for the trial.
The plaintiffs say that the effect of the correspondence, discussions and
actions of the parties was that a retainer came into existence.
- The defendants deny that any such retainer ever existed. Although they accept
that the plaintiffs intimated to them that a two stage process as referred
to above was in contemplation, that never matured into a retainer. On the
contrary, terms were agreed for the preparation of the preliminary report
and it was duly produced. Thereafter, although RR and Mr. Attwood were contracted
to, and continued to, work on an ad hoc basis for the plaintiffs, they had
no ongoing obligation to do so. They rely on the absence of any express term
in any document appointing RR or Mr. Attwood to act for the Names through
to the trial. They also say that no such retainer can be implied into the
relationship between the parties. Among the matters relied upon are the following.
(i) There was no agreement or request that Mr Attwood's time should be set
aside exclusively to carry out further work for the Plaintiffs although the
work envisaged by the Plaintiffs might take weeks or months of his time. (ii)
There was nothing in the arrangements with the plaintiffs which would prevent
Mr Attwood from leaving RR or retiring (he is 56 years old) or working on
other projects. (iii) The retainer would be very one-sided: RR would be required
to ensure that it has personnel and resources available to carry out the plaintiffs'
instructions, yet the plaintiffs would have no corresponding obligation to
provide work to RR and would be free to use other experts at any time. (iv)
The plaintiffs did not offer to pay a commitment or retainer fee to guarantee
Mr Attwood's availability. (v) The work and the actions were still at an early
stage: RR have not yet been asked to review PKF's working papers, the point
at which the bulk of the work of the expert in an audit negligence action
is done. (vi) There was no agreement on RR's fees for further work and no
certainty that the parties could reach agreement on future work.
- Mr. Malek, who appears for RR and Mr. Attwood, also relies on Mr. Attwood's
affidavit evidence that it had never been his understanding that RR, as a
firm, nor he, as an individual, were under any contractual commitment to give
expert evidence in the litigation although they hoped that all being well
they would be asked to do so. His understanding was that the plaintiffs were
taking the matter step by step in a series of specific assignments. He said
that he believed they would probably ask RR and him to do further work but
recognised they were also free to instruct someone else if they preferred.
This evidence was also bolstered by his oral evidence, in which he said that
he believed that he could refuse to work any further for the Names at any
time. Mr. Malek also relies on Mr. Hamedani's oral evidence to the effect
that RR would not have agreed to act as expert witnesses in an action without
putting in place a proper contract of engagement setting out what the remuneration
and obligations of RR were to be.
(iii) Was there a retainer?
- Having listened to all the witnesses and read the documents, I have little
doubt that both parties by the middle of 1998 understood and acted on the
basis that RR and Mr. Attwood were retained as the Names' expert for the trial
of the four actions brought against PKF. I accept, of course, that it would
have been better had an express contract been signed by the parties. But the
fact that no such written document exists does not mean that there was no
such retainer. RR and Mr. Attwood knew that the Names intended to appoint
their experts for the trial as soon as possible after the preliminary report
had been received. They had been told at the very outset that they had been
approached with a view to their engagement as experts to give evidence at
the trial. They had been told that the production of the preliminary report
was the pre-requisite to appointment as experts and that, if the report was
satisfactory - as it proved to be, it was almost inevitable that they would
be on board for the trial. They knew that they were only in competition for
the appointment with one other firm. By the beginning of 1998 they must have
known that no other potential experts were involved. That was why Mr. Attwood
was fairly confident that he would be asked to prepare the expert's report
for the trial. When, some 5 months after the preliminary report stage was
finished, Bracher Rawlins confirmed to Mr. Attwood that it would take over
his retainer and Ms Bell responded by confirming that RR would be happy to
be retained on the same terms, the only retainer which could have been in
mind was a retainer to continue to help the Names in the preparation of their
case and to be the expert witness at the trial. I have little doubt that if,
at that time, anyone had asked what the retainer was which was referred to
in the August correspondence, both parties would have so identified it. In
fact at one point during his cross-examination, I think Mr. Attwood came close
to accepting that he and his firm were retained on an ongoing basis to the
trial. When asked whether he could refuse to help the Names he said that he
would have been able to do so "if there was a reason".
- I am not persuaded by Mr. Malek's arguments that there could be no retainer
because there was no agreement as to how much time Mr. Attwood should set
aside for the action, that Mr. Attwood might have to retire, that there was
no commitment fee and that there was no agreement on fees. As to the last
of these, there was an agreement. RR's hourly rates had been set out and accepted
by the Names. As to the amount of time Mr. Attwood should set aside, no doubt
at an early stage it would not be possible to put a figure on this. In any
event, although the absence of discussion of this might have resulted in the
opportunities for future disputes as to the size of bills, that does not mean
that no retainer existed. RR and Mr. Attwood would continue to do the necessary
work on the hourly rates they set. The fact that Mr. Attwood might retire
would not prevent him from continuing to act as an expert. Finally there is
no immutable rule that there must always be a commitment fee.
(iv) What type of retainer?
- The fact, as I find, that RR and Mr. Attwood were retained does not, however,
determine the issues on the contractual part of the plaintiffs' claim. What
sort of retainer was involved? Mr. Pollock argues that the correct starting
point is to consider what would be the position of a solicitor who was retained
to act in litigation. This was considered in Underwood, Son & Piper
v. Lewis [1894] 2 QB 306 in which Lord Esher M.R. said:
"When one considers the nature of a common law action, it seems obvious
that the law must imply that the contract of the solicitor upon a retainer
in the action is an entire contract to conduct the action to the end. When
a man goes to a solicitor and instructs him for the purpose of bringing
or defending such an action, he does not mean to employ the solicitor to
take one step, and then give him fresh instructions to take another step,
and so on; he instructs the solicitor as a skilled person to act for him
in the action, to take all the necessary steps in it, and to carry it on
to the end. If the meaning of the retainer is that the solicitor is to carry
on the action to the end, it necessarily follows that the contract of the
solicitor is an entire contract - that is, a contract to take all the steps
which are necessary to bring the action to a conclusion. When it is shewn
that there were no special terms, but only the ordinary retainer for the
purposes of the action, the implication I have mentioned is that which every
reasonable person would make, and therefore the implication which the law
makes in such a case. ...
... there may be circumstances which justify the solicitor in putting an
end to the contract, but ... he cannot do so without giving reasonable notice.
The result ... seems to me to be that, though there may be valid reasons
for giving such a notice, if no such notice is given, the contract of the
solicitor is an entire contract, and he cannot sue for his costs before
the termination of the action." (p. 309)
- Mr. Pollock accepts and asserts that an entire retainer is, by its very
nature, unequal. The professional cannot terminate without reasonable notice
and for good cause. The client can. Notwithstanding that, he says that the
law should imply such an entire retainer where an expert is engaged to produce
an expert's report and give evidence at the trial. In many cases the whole
of the party's case will be dependent on what the expert has indicated he
will say. To allow him, on a whim, to back out at any stage up to the trial
flies in the face of common sense and fairness.
- Expert evidence comes in many forms and for many different types of litigation.
Where an expert is retained it is possible that the nature of the retainer
differs according to factors such as the nature of the litigation, the importance
of the part to be played by the expert and the stage of the proceedings at
which the expert becomes involved. I do not think it is necessary or appropriate
to decide whether an entire retainer applies in all or only some cases and,
if so, which. All that I have to consider is whether, in the circumstances
of this case, RR and Mr. Attwood were engaged on the terms of an entire retainer
to assist the Names at least to judgment in their actions against PKF.
- RR, like many large accountancy firms has set up a forensic accountancy
department. It goes beyond merely supplying expert evidence for use at trials.
On the basis of the information before me in this action, the purpose of the
department is to provide detailed professional support and input at all stages
of litigation. Some flavour of the extent of RR's forensic departments' expertise
and input can be gathered from its letter of 28 October (Trial
Bundle Vol. 2 p. 19.):
"Robson Rhodes has had experience in acting in over 1000 International
or High Court cases since 1980. This includes considerable experience in
the field of professional negligence and long tail litigation. We have acted
as investigators and experts on BCCI, Maxwell Pensions, Eagle Trust, DeLorean,
Magnet and Wallace Smith Trust Bank, as examples. ... We have also extensively
discussed the issues involved in long tail actions with 10 different Action
Groups, Solicitors, Counsel and in Court.
Our experience in the above areas, as well as in the drafting of full Expert's
reports, means that if we are appointed the association will save on the
learning costs of thinking and researching the issues involved and will
benefit significantly from our existing experience. Effectively the Names
will receive free of charge our work in general areas such as the relevance
and applicability of Lloyd's Guidelines, Auditing Standards and Equity between
- In fact RR and particularly Mr. Attwood and Ms. Bell formed an integral
part of the team which refined and advanced the Names' cases against PKF.
The further and better particulars of the statement of claim allege:
"Inter alia, Robson Rhodes were instructed to and did the following work:
(a) additional work to cover areas suggested by Counsel not dealt with
in the preliminary report, resulting in an amplified report dated 27 March
(b) comments on Counsel's Advice on limitation;
(c) comments on Amended Points of Claim and Reply;
(d) comments on the desirability of electronic document management systems;
(e) Robson Rhodes proposed amendments to the Amended Points of Claim;
(f) they were sent a copy of the finalised Amended Points of Claim and
Points of Reply;
(g) comments on the Defendant's Amended Points of Defence, and a possible
Request for Further and Better Particulars that they would like to see;
(h) discussions on quantum and the effects of the Lloyd's settlement
agreement on quantum and the desirability of a split trial;
(i) comments on Counsel's draft Further and Better Particulars; two
long conferences were held to receive their comments and discuss the implications."
- None of that is disputed. Furthermore it is apparent that, had there not
been the announcement of the merger in early 1999, RR expected to be, and
would have been, involved in a detailed analysis of PKF's discovery. In my
view they went far beyond merely acting as potential expert witnesses in an
action. So much appears to be accepted. As the defendants put it, the role
proposed for RR, and the one which it in fact undertook, was to assist in
the presentation and advocacy of the actions, rather than the conventional
role of the expert preparing an impartial report for the primary purpose of
giving independent evidence. They make a similar assertion about the position
of Mr. Attwood personally. They also assert that because of the material supplied
by the plaintiffs to RR and the assistance given by Mr Attwood, and having
regard to the provisions of the new Civil Procedure Rules which compel an
expert to disclose his instructions, it may now in any event be impossible
for Mr Attwood to act as an independent expert witness.
- In my view RR and Mr. Attwood were professionals who became an integral
and crucial part of the Names' legal team in the conduct of the litigation
against PKF. Just as the solicitors on the team were engaged under an entire
retainer, so too, and for the same reasons, RR and Mr. Attwood were engaged.
It would offend against common sense and basic concepts of professional responsibility
to a client were they to back out as and when they liked, as Mr. Attwood and
Mr. Hamedani suggested they were free to do. In holding themselves out as
forensic accountants and participating in the detailed formulation and refinement
of the Names' case, the defendants accepted obligations to their clients which
reflected their importance to the litigation team. To adopt the words of Lord
Esher M.R. in Underwood, Son & Piper, in this case the implication
of an entire retainer is that which every reasonable person would make, and
therefore the implication which the law makes.
(v) Relief for repudiatory breach.
- If, as I have held, the defendants entered into an entire retainer, there
is no dispute that their current refusal to work further for the Names amounts
to a repudiatory breach. The Names have not accepted that repudiation. They
ask for an injunction to restrain the RR from merging with PKF at least until
the trial of the negligence actions is over. Mr. Pollock accepts that he could
not ask for a mandatory injunction to compel RR, Mr. Attwood, Mr. Hamedani
and Ms. Bell to continue to work for the Syndicate, but he says that an injunction
restraining the merger is appropriate because it would have the effect of
removing the block from such continued support so that, as a practical matter,
RR and its team would return to the Syndicate fold. He says that only if damages
are an adequate remedy would it be appropriate to refuse such an injunction.
In support of this submission the plaintiffs filed evidence to the effect
that it would be very difficult if not impossible to find any expert of the
quality of Mr. Attwood or backup like that available from the forensic department
of RR. Extensive efforts to find a replacement have failed.
- Mr. Malek disputes the assertion that it would be impossible to find a replacement.
But, even if it is, that is no justification for granting the relief sought
by the plaintiffs. He points to the fact that in this action the plaintiffs
assert or imply that Mr. Attwood and Mr. Hamedani might deliberately leak
confidential information to PKF. He says that the relationship of trust and
confidence between the parties has broken down and, irrespective of the outcome
of this action, his clients would not consider working further for the Syndicate.
- I accept the plaintiffs' evidence that it will be very difficult for them
to find replacement forensic accountants possessing the relevant expertise.
The result may be that the plaintiffs will suffer significant loss as a result
of RR's repudiation of their retainer. But this does not persuade me that
it would be appropriate to grant an injunction as sought. The whole purpose
of the injunction is to coerce the defendants into assisting the Syndicate
in its litigation. Save in very special circumstances the court does not grant
injunctions which seek to enforce contracts of personal service. Questions
of adequacy of damages are irrelevant to this issue. Sometimes, of course,
the courts may grant an injunction to restrain a person from leaving one employment
to take up the same or similar employment with another employer. Such an order
may have the effect of persuading the employee to stay where he is. That course
can be appropriate where continuation of the employment does not depend to
any great extent on the personal relationship between the plaintiff and the
defendant. But this is not such a case. Here the plaintiffs will need to be
confident that their team is giving it unqualified, though objective, support.
That support extends to those parts of the Syndicate's claim which allege
deliberate or reckless wrongdoing by PKF. I cannot see how the plaintiffs
could ever be confident that such support would be forthcoming from the defendants.
If the merger proceeds, and it is possible for Mr. Attwood, Mr. Hamedani and
Ms. Bell to be excluded from it for about 18 months, it would be impossible
for the relationship of trust and confidence to thrive. For example, if Mr.
Attwood were to show reluctance to support the attack of deliberate wrongdoing
by PKF, would the plaintiffs be confident that such reluctance was based on
an objective assessment of the facts rather than an unwillingness to say strong
and unflattering things about a future partner? I think not. Indeed, how could
Mr. Attwood and his RR team be expected to give unstinting support to the
plaintiffs in attacking the probity and competence of RR's proposed partners?
If, on the other hand, separating Mr. Attwood and his team from RR is not
a possibility - and the evidence given before me was that it is not because
of very substantial obligations that Mr. Attwood and others owe to other clients
whose trials are imminent - then the injunction will simply prevent the merger.
Mr. Connor, the Managing Partner of RR, gave evidence before me that if the
merger did not go ahead now it would founder for ever. This may be a too pessimistic
view, but I accept that a general injunction granted now would seriously prejudice
the merger. In such circumstances the strains generated within RR itself may
be considerable. In effect Mr. Attwood's activities will have spoilt his partner's
financial and professional expectations. That is hardly likely to make him
a willing member of the Syndicate team.
- If granting an injunction will not persuade the defendants to return, there
is no point in granting it and I decline to do so. As far as the contract
claim is concerned, the plaintiffs' remedy must sound in money only. I accept
that such a result is of small comfort to the plaintiffs who no doubt feel
that RR's obligations to them have been brushed to one side in the partners'
pursuit of their own financial gain. The oral evidence of Mr. Connor to the
effect that when he was told of the potential problem caused by RR's work
for the Syndicate he put the interests of all RR's clients, current and future,
in the forefront of his mind rather than the interests of the Syndicate Names,
can only have reinforced the plaintiffs' feelings on this score. However the
problem is that an injunction will give them no greater comfort save for that
obtained by causing unrelated damage to RR and PKF.
C. The Confidentiality Claim
- In his second affidavit in these proceedings Mr. Nigel Young gave the following
"Mr Attwood, Mr Hamedani and others have attended several meetings at which
I or members of the Committee, or our solicitors, or counsel, or a combination
of these persons, have been present. There has been full and frank discussion
at such meetings about (a) the strengths and weaknesses of the Names' case;
(b) the identification of issues by our solicitors or counsel as being important
or less important issues; (c) our difficulties whether by reason of fact
or law in relation to identified issues; (d) our tactics; (e) our strategy;
(f) the quantum of our claim, and the effects on that of the Lloyd's settlement;
(g) the evidence on numerous issues, including limitation.
In the course of such discussions, RR has heard and made an assessment
of the views of solicitors and counsel, and they have themselves given advice
in relation to issues raised in their preliminary report, and issues not
dealt with. They have discussed and advised on the defences that have been
raised by PKF, and the impact that will have on the claims and the evidence
which we have so far obtained in support of the claims. They have heard
discussions about the nature of the Names' Association, and its impact on
the strategy, tactics, and objectives of the litigation. Any of this information
would be of interest to the PKF, and some of it would be invaluable. The
mere fact that RR has had access to this information means that even an
innocent answer, or a silence, could be interpreted by PKF and give them
an advantage."
- Although Mr. Attwood cavilled, unjustifiably in my view, at the suggestion
that he had been involved in deciding matters of tactics, the defendants do
not dispute that they are in possession of the Names' confidential information
and that the supply of that information to PKF would be damaging. It is in
the light of that concession that they have offered the undertaking set out
at the end of this judgment.
- Mr. Pollock says that those undertakings do not go far enough. He argues
that the individuals who have helped the Syndicate case must be isolated entirely
from the merged firm for the period of the PKF litigation or the merger must
not take place. He says that entire isolation will only be achieved when all
the relevant people on the RR team employed in the Syndicate litigation are
prevented from having contact, direct or indirect, social or professional
with all those inside PKF who are either implicated in the four actions or
are working on them on behalf of the firm. In practice this would mean that
Mr. Attwood, Mr. Hamedani, Ms. Bell and their support team would have to work
in an office away from the rest of RR and PKF and would need to be isolated
from any contact with their colleagues in the merged firm for 18 months or
so. Since the defendants were not prepared to offer such a solution, Mr. Pollock
says that the merger must be prohibited and that this course is mandated by
the House of Lords decision, Prince Jefri Bolkiah v KPMG [1999] 2 WLR 215.
(i) Prince Jefri Bolkiah v KPMG
- In Prince Jefri the forensic department of accountants KPMG had worked
for the plaintiff for four years while he was the chairman of an investment
agency established to hold and manage the general reserve fund and the external
assets of the Government of Brunei. KPMG had already stopped working for the
plaintiff when the Government appointed a finance task force to conduct an
investigation into the activities of the agency. It was suggested that certain
assets of the agency had been wrongfully diverted to the plaintiff's personal
use. KPMG was appointed to assist in that investigation. The plaintiff objected
on the ground that during the period it had acted on his behalf, KPMG had
had access to highly confidential information which was or might be relevant
to the Government inquiry. Although KPMG offered undertakings not to disclose
any such information to, and to use different staff for, the task force, the
plaintiff said that he would not be adequately protected. He sued for an injunction
to restrain KPMG from acting for the agency. In the House of Lords he succeeded.
- Mr. Pollock says that in that case the House of Lords the two arguments
advanced were as follows. For KPMG it was said that the proper approach involved
a balancing exercise in which a low level risk of disclosure or misuse of
confidential information was acceptable when weighed against the interests
of the accountants or their new client, particularly where the accountant
had taken all reasonably available steps to minimise the risk. Credit should
be given for the fact that accountants operated in a particularly strong climate
or culture of confidentiality, and were therefore peculiarly well-adapted
to minimise risks of misuse or disclosure which, in other hands, might be
regarded as unacceptable. The plaintiff argued that a much stricter line was
the proper approach and that low level of risk was unacceptable; a client
was entitled to require that his confidential information be exposed to no
avoidable risk. Mr. Pollock says that the plaintiff's submission was accepted.
In particular he relies on the following passages from the speech of Lord
Millett [1999] 2 WLR 215:
"Whether founded on contract or equity, the duty to preserve confidentiality
is unqualified. It is a duty to keep the information confidential, not merely
to take all reasonable steps to do so. ... The former client cannot be protected
completely from accidental or inadvertent disclosure. But he is entitled
to prevent his former solicitor from exposing him to any avoidable risk
... (p. 225G)
It is in any case difficult to discern any justification in principle for
a rule which exposes a former client without his consent to any avoidable
risk, however slight, that information which he has imparted in confidence
in the course of a fiduciary relationship may come into the possession of
a third party and be used to his disadvantage. ... It is of the highest
importance to the administration of justice that a solicitor or other person
in possession of confidential and privileged information should not act
in any way that might appear to put that information at risk of coming into
the hands of someone with an adverse interest. (p 226F)
Once the former client has established that the defendant firm is in possession
of information which as imparted in confidence and that the firm is proposing
to act for another party with an interest adverse to his in a matter to
which the information is or may be relevant, the evidential burden shifts
to the defendant firm to show that even so there is no risk that the information
will come into the possession of those now acting for the other party. There
is no rule of law that Chinese Walls or other arrangements of a similar
kind are insufficient to eliminate the risk. But the starting point must
be that, unless special measures are taken, information moves within a firm.
In MacDonald Estates v Martin (1990) 77 DLR (4th) 249, Sopinka J
said at p.269 that the court should restrain the firm from acting for the
second client "unless satisfied on the basis of clear and convincing evidence
that all reasonable measures have been taken to ensure that no disclosure
will occur." With the substitution of the word "effective" for the words
"all reasonable" I would respectfully adopt that formulation." (227F)
- Mr. Malek does not dispute Mr. Pollock's analysis, as far as it goes. In
particular he accepts that the central issue is whether the merger of RR and
PKF gives rise to an increased risk that the Names' confidential information
would be inadvertently transmitted to PKF. If there is such an increased risk,
even if it is small, then the plaintiffs are entitled to further protection.
However he pressed on me the necessity to look at the question of risk from
a common sense point of view. As Lord Millett said in Prince Jefri:
"…the court should intervene unless it is satisfied that there is no risk
of disclosure. It goes without saying that the risk must be a real one,
and not merely fanciful or theoretical." (p. 226H).
- Mr. Malek argues that the facts in Prince Jefri were unusual. A very
large number of different staff in KPMG's forensic department worked for Prince
Jefri over a long period: about 10-15 at any one time and in total about 12
partners, 15 directors, 9 consultants, 1 assistant general counsel, 43 managers,
5 administration and information technology managers and 18 assistant managers.
KPMG billed over £4 million. The work also involved staff in other departments.
The difficulty of preventing even inadvertent disclosure of confidential information
in those circumstances was apparent and commented on by Lord Millett:
"When the number of personnel involved is taken into account, together
with the fact that the teams engaged on Project Lucy and Project Gemma each
had a rotating membership, involving far more personnel than were working
on the project at any one time, so that individuals may have joined from
and returned to other projects, the difficulty of enforcing confidentiality
or preventing the unwitting disclosure of information is very great." (p.
- By comparison, in the present case the confidential information is confined
within the minds of a well-defined and very small group: Mr Attwood, Mr Hamedani,
Ms Bell and Mr Bowling (who has left RR) and perhaps a couple of secretaries.
The work to date had only generated fees of some £67,000. All of the documents
and computer records have been removed from RR. The circumstances of the present
case, including the extensive undertakings offered, distinguish this from
Prince Jefri. With that proposed barrier in place, the risk of inadvertent
disclosure is no more than theoretical or fanciful. Mr. Malek challenges Mr.
Pollock to put forward a scenario in which a harmful inadvertent disclosure
could take place.
(ii) Chinese Walls
- Mr. Pollock's criticism of the undertakings really amounts to a complaint
that they are too little and too late. Since his argument is that any
contact between the Attwood team and involved members of PKF, whether direct
or indirect, social or professional must be prevented, it is difficult to
see how any undertakings would work. Any contact by Mr. Attwood with any member
of the merged firm might be said to give rise to a risk of indirect contact
with an involved member of PKF. The only undertaking which would meet Mr.
Pollock's requirements would therefore consist of Mr. Attwood's exclusion
from the merged firm. Furthermore he says that undertakings are too late in
that they have been put in place after the event and are therefore an ad hoc
arrangement. He relied in particular on the following passage in Lord Millett's
speech in Prince Jefri:
"... In my opinion an effective Chinese Wall needs to be an established
part of the organisational structure of the firm, not created ad hoc
and dependent on the acceptance of evidence sworn for the purpose by
members of staff engaged on the relevant work." (p.229B)
(iii) Approach and conclusions
- I do not accept Mr. Malek's suggestion that Mr. Pollock must give examples
of instances where a harmful inadvertent leak of information could take place.
Not only do the plaintiffs not know how many PKF personnel are or have been
involved in one way or another with the events leading up to the Syndicate's
actions or have since become involved in defending them, but they do not know
where they are currently located, where they will be located if the merger
goes ahead (assuming it does so), with whom they will be working and what
other tasks they are engaged on which could give rise to contact with members
of the Attwood team. The fact, as confirmed in the witness box by Mr. Hamedani,
that it is proposed that the RR and PKF forensic accountancy departments should
merge, cannot reassure the plaintiffs. Furthermore, even if all these factors
were known to the plaintiffs, it would still be unrealistic to ask Mr. Pollock
to describe an example of a damaging and inadvertent leak. It is impossible
to tell in advance how mistakes might be made. The approach to be adopted
by the court is to ensure that even if there are mistakes, no additional risk
of damage is inflicted on the former client. Such damaging mistakes can occur
when potential disclosers and disclosees are in regular and working contact
with one another. The fact that there are fewer potential disclosers here
than in the Prince Jefri case may alter the scale of the risk, but
does not mean that it is fanciful.
- On the other hand, I do not accept Mr. Pollock's interpretation of Lord
Millett's reference to ad hoc arrangements cited in paragraph 40 above. As
I understand the Prince Jefri case, the court must ensure that there
is no additional risk to the client. It must be satisfied that barriers are
in place which are effective to prevent disclosure of confidential information.
The crucial question is "will the barriers work?" If they do, it does not
matter whether they were created before the problem arose or are erected afterwards.
It seems to me that all Lord Millett was saying was that Chinese walls which
have become part of the fabric of the institution are more likely to work
than those artificially put in place to meet a one-off problem. Nor do I accept
Mr. Pollock's suggestion that only a barrier which prevents direct or indirect
contact both socially and professionally is acceptable. It would prevent Mr.
Attwood meeting at a Christmas party another partner of RR who, for part of
his time happens to work with an ex-PKF partner who is or was connected in
some way with the Syndicate litigation. In my view that goes far beyond preventing
leakage of information and extends into the realm of the fanciful and theoretical.
- It seems to me that for so long as the Syndicate's action against PKF continues,
the Names are at risk of inadvertent leakage of confidential information if
members of the Attwood team work alongside or are in regular professional
contact with those members of PKF who have been or are connected with the
litigation. An order requiring PKF and RR not to merge would result in forcing
apart the vast majority of the members of the two firms - contact between
whom could have no adverse effect on the plaintiffs. An injunction in those
terms would inflict unwarranted harm on both firms, would be of no legitimate
benefit to the plaintiffs and should be avoided if possible. The undertakings
offered by the defendants go some of the way, but not far enough. The only
way of ensuring the protection of the plaintiffs' interests is to impose sufficient
physical separation between the members of RR who have been engaged in the
Syndicate's actions and those in PKF who are or have been involved in them.
On this basis, and subject to any acceptable refinements suggested by Counsel,
I shall require the following to be done to enable the merger of the two firms
to proceed:
(1) The undertakings set out at the end of this judgment will be offered.
A date must be included in paragraph 7(b).
(2) PKF will identify to the plaintiffs' solicitors every partner and
member of staff, current and past, who was involved in or consulted in relation
to the audits of Syndicate 190.
(3) PKF will identify to the plaintiffs' solicitors every partner and
member of staff, current and past, who has been involved in or consulted
in relation to any of the four actions brought against PKF by the Syndicate.
(4) The merged firm will identify to the plaintiffs' solicitors every
partner and member of staff who it proposes to involve in relation to any
of the four actions brought against PKF by the Syndicate.
(5) Until judgment in the said four actions, Mr. Attwood, Mr. Hamedani
and Ms. Bell shall not work in any premises in which any of the persons
indicated in (2), (3) and (4) are working nor shall they have any professional
contact with any of them.
- I do not think it is necessary to make provision proscribing social contact.
With the above restrictions in place, the prospect of there being any disclosure
of confidential information at social events is fanciful.
[After judgment was handed down there was discussion of the
terms of the undertakings to be given by the defendants. The final Order, including
the modified undertakings, is set out at Annex II below.
Both parties indicated that they did not seek leave to appeal.]
Proposals for Information Barrier
1. From October 1997, Frank Attwood, Hossein Hamedani and, from May
1998, Sarah Bell of Robson Rhodes provided forensic accountancy services
on the instructions of the Plaintiffs ("the Instructions") in connection a pending
action ("the Actions") against Pannell Kerr Forster ("PKF") relating to audits
for the years 1979-1989.
2. Robson Rhodes intends to merge with PKF on 1 May 1999 on the terms that
the merged partnership is not responsible for any liabilities incurred by PKF
in connection with or as a result of the Actions. The following undertakings
are offered for the purpose of ensuring that confidential information relating
to the Instructions, the Actions or the affairs of Syndicate 190 is not transmitted
to PKF.
Confidentiality undertakings
3. Mr Attwood, Mr Hamedani and Ms Bell will swear and file affidavits confirming
that no information relating to the Instructions, the Actions or the affairs
of Syndicate 190 has been disclosed by them, or by any other employee of Robson
Rhodes, to any person except as explained in those affidavits.
4. Mr Attwood, Mr Hamedani and Ms Bell each undertake
(a) to keep confidential to themselves, and not to disclose to any
other person, any information acquired by them relating to the Instructions,
the Actions or the affairs of Syndicate 190 other than under compulsion of
law or for the purposes of legal advice,
(b) not to discuss or permit to be discussed in their presence the
Instructions, the Actions or the affairs of Syndicate 190 other than under
compulsion of law or for the purposes of legal advice,
(c) not to participate in or vote at any meeting of Robson Rhodes
or the merged firm which directly or indirectly concerns the Instructions,
the Actions or the affairs of Syndicate 190.
5. Robson Rhodes further undertakes:
(a) not to do anything which would or might prevent compliance by
Mr Attwood, Mr Hamedani and Ms Bell with their undertakings;
(b) in particular, not to request or require any of them to disclose
any information relating to the Instructions, the Actions or the affairs of
Syndicate 190 or which would be inconsistent with their undertakings;
(c) not to proceed with the merger except on the express conditions
(i) on completion, the merged firm will confirm to the Plaintiffs that
the undertakings contained in (a), (b) and (c) of clause 5 are binding on
the merged firm;
(ii) work on the Actions will be carried out from departments separate
from those in which Mr Attwood, Mr Hamedani or Ms Bell work;
(iii) no present partner or member of the professional staff of Robson
Rhodes will engage in or carry out any work in relation to the Actions.
(iv) Steps will be put in place designed to restrict access to all documents
and electronic information relating to the Actions to authorised persons
(d) Robson Rhodes' solicitors will confirm that these conditions have
been incorporated in the merger agreement.
6. Robson Rhodes confirms and undertakes that:
(a) all existing documents prepared and received by Robson Rhodes
in the course of the Instructions have been removed and are now held at the
offices of Lovell White Durrant, solicitors to Robson Rhodes;
(b) Robson Rhodes is not in possession of any further such documents,
(c) no partner or employee of Robson Rhodes will be permitted access to
the documents other than Mr Attwood, Mr Hamedani or Ms Bell (and in that case
only for the purpose of complying with these arrangements).
Computer materials
7. Robson Rhodes confirms and undertakes that all electronic information
held in relation to the Instructions has been permanently deleted from Robson
Rhodes' computer systems, save that:
(a) one copy of the information has been made on to floppy disks which
are held at the offices of Lovell White Durrant;
(b) off-site back-ups of the information, which are not easily accessible
without technical expertise, is in the process of being located and permanently
deleted. Robson Rhodes undertakes to complete this process by [...]
8. The Plaintiffs may, if so advised, instruct an independent computer
system auditor to inspect Robson Rhodes' computer systems for the purpose
of ensuring compliance with paragraph 7 by Robson Rhodes.
9. The undertakings given herein may be varied or discharged by the
consent of the parties or by the order of the Court.
10. The continuing undertakings of Robson Rhodes and the merged firm
are limited to the duration of the Actions.
UPON hearing counsel for the Plaintiffs and counsel for the
AND UPON the trial of this action,
AND UPON the Defendants, Hossein Hamedani and Sarah Bell giving
the undertakings set out in the schedule hereto,
IT IS DECLARED that the agreement whereby the First Defendant
was appointed to provide forensic services to the Plaintiffs and others in connection
with Action No 1997 Folio 1069 and the Second Defendant was appointed to prepare
an expert report and give evidence as an expert witness at the trial is of full
force and effect.
AND IT IS ORDERED that the Plaintiffs' application for an injunction
restraining the First and Second Defendants from continuing to negotiate or
effecting a merger with Pannell Kerr Forster until such time as the trial in
Action No 1997 Folio 1069 has been completed be dismissed.
AND IT IS ORDERED that the Plaintiffs' costs of this action
be paid by the Defendants to be taxed if not agreed.
Information Barrier
1. From October 1997, Frank Attwood, Hossein
Hamedani and, from May 1998, Sarah Bell of Robson Rhodes provided forensic
accountancy services on the instructions of the Plaintiffs ("the Instructions")
in connection with a pending action ("the Actions") against Pannell Kerr Forster
("PKF") relating to audits for the years 1979 to 1989.
2. Robson Rhodes intends to merge with PKF
on 1 May 1999 on terms that the merged partnership is not responsible for
any liabilities incurred by PKF in connection with or as a result of the Actions.
The following undertakings are offered for the purpose of ensuring that confidential
information relating to the Instructions, the Actions or the affairs of Syndicate
190 is not transmitted to PKF.
Confidentiality undertakings
3. Mr Attwood, Mr Hamedani and Ms Bell have
sworn and filed affidavits confirming that no information relating to the
Instructions, the Actions or the affairs of Syndicate 190 has been disclosed
by them, or by any other employee of Robson Rhodes, to any person except as
explained in those affidavits.
4. Mr Attwood, Mr Hamedani and Ms Bell each
- to keep confidential to themselves, and not to disclose to any other
person, any information acquired by them relating to the Instructions,
the Actions or the affairs of Syndicate 190 other than under compulsion
of law or for the purposes of taking legal advice in connection with their
- not to discuss or permit to be discussed in their presence the Instructions,
the Actions or the affairs of Syndicate 190 other than under compulsion
of law or for the purposes of legal advice in connection with their positions;
- not to participate in or vote at any meeting of Robson Rhodes or the
merged firm which directly or indirectly concerns the Instructions, the
Actions or the affairs of Syndicate 190.
5. Robson Rhodes further undertakes:
- not to do anything which would or might prevent compliance by Mr Attwood,
Mr Hamedani and Ms Bell with their undertakings;
- in particular, not to request or require any of them to disclose any
information relating to the Instructions, the Actions or the affairs of
Syndicate 190 or which would be inconsistent with their undertakings;
- not to proceed with the merger except on the express condition that:
- on completion the merged firm will confirm to the Plaintiffs that
the undertakings contained in (a), (b) and (c) of clause 5 are binding
on the merged firm;
- work on the Actions will be carried out from departments separate
from those in which Mr Attwood, Mr Hamedani or Ms Bell work;
- no present partner or member of the professional staff of Robson Rhodes
will engage in or carry out any work in relation to the Actions;
- steps will be put in place designed to restrict access to all documents
and electronic information relating to the Actions to authorised persons
- PKF will use best endeavours to identify to the Plaintiffs'
solicitors every partner and member of professional staff, current and
past, who was involved in or consulted in relation to the audits of
Syndicate 190;
- PKF will use best endeavours to identify to the Plaintiffs' solicitors
every partner and member of professional staff, current and past, who
has been involved in or consulted in relation to any of the four actions
brought against PKF by the Syndicate;
- the merged firm will identify to the Plaintiffs' solicitors every
partner and member of professional staff who it proposes to involve
in relation to any of the four actions brought against PKF by the Syndicate;
- until judgment in the said four actions, Mr Attwood, Mr Hamedani
and Ms Bell shall not work in any premises in which any of the persons
indicated in (v), (vi), (vii) are working nor shall they have any professional
contact with any of them;
- Robson Rhodes' solicitors will confirm that these conditions have been
incorporated in the merger agreement.
6. Robson Rhodes confirms and undertakes
- all existing documents prepared and received by Robson Rhodes in the
course of the Instructions have been removed and are now held at the offices
of Lovell White Durrant, solicitors to Robson Rhodes;
- Robson Rhodes is not in possession of any further such documents;
- no person will be permitted access to the documents without the consent
of the Plaintiffs' solicitors; such consent will not unreasonably be withheld.
Computer materials
7. Robson Rhodes confirms and undertakes
that all electronic information held in relation to the Instructions has been
permanently deleted from Robson Rhodes' computer systems (including backups
of the information), save that one copy of the information has been made on
to floppy disks which are held at the offices of Lovell White Durrant. No
person will be given access to such disks save with the consent of the Plaintiffs'
solicitors; such consent will not unreasonably be withheld.
8. The Plaintiffs may, if so advised, instruct
an independent computer system auditor to inspect Robson Rhodes' computer
systems for the purpose of ensuring compliance with paragraph 7 by Robson
Rhodes. The costs of the inspection will be paid by Robson Rhodes if the auditor
finds that there has not been compliance, and otherwise by the Plaintiffs.
9. The undertakings given herein may be varied
or discharged by the consent of the parties or by the order of the Court.
10. The continuing undertakings of Robson
Rhodes and the merged firm are limited to the duration of the Actions.
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