Celebrating Marriage: A New Weddings Law [2022] EWLC 408 (18 July 2022)

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Law Commission

Reforming the law

Celebrating Marriage: A New Weddings Law



Reforming the law

Law Com No 408

Celebrating Marriage: A New Weddings Law

Presented to Parliament pursuant to section 3(2) of the Law Commissions

Act 1965 Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed on 18 July 2022

HC 557

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The Law Commission

The Law Commission was set up by the Law Commissions Act 1965 for the purpose of promoting the reform of the law.

The Law Commissioners are:

The Right Honourable Lord Justice Green, Chair

Professor Sarah Green

Professor Nick Hopkins

Professor Penney Lewis

Nicholas Paines QC

The Chief Executive of the Law Commission is Phil Golding.

The Law Commission is located at 1st Floor, Tower, 52 Queen Anne's Gate, London SW1H 9AG.

The terms of this report were agreed on 8 June 2022.

The text of this report is available on the Law Commission's website at






The law of weddings

What we mean by “weddings law”

The current law

The history of the law

The case for reform

Problems with the law

Reform elsewhere

Our project

Background to the project

The scope of the project

Government’s separate work and developments during the project

The Consultation Paper

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic

Consultation period

Consultation responses

The Nuffield Foundation funded project

The format of this Report

Other documents published alongside this Report

Acknowledgements and thanks


The preliminaries

Civil preliminaries

Anglican preliminaries

The wedding ceremony


Requirements as to the ceremony

The location of the wedding


The effect of non-compliance with legal formalities on the validity of



Should there be universal civil preliminaries?


Discussion and conclusions

Civil preliminaries

Protecting against forced, sham and predatory marriages

The residency requirement

A two-stage process: giving initial notice remotely and an in-person interview

The timing of the in-person interview

Publicising the notice of marriage online

Allowing objections to be made before notice is given

The possibility of remote interviews

The possibility of completing the preliminaries outside England and


The period for which the schedule is valid

Identifying the officiant on the schedule

Allowing for last-minute changes of officiant

Anglican preliminaries

Reforming Anglican preliminaries

Protecting against forced, sham and predatory marriages

Requiring documentary evidence

No longer recognising banns published outside England or Wales

Churches injured by war damage

Where banns must be published

Meeting with each of the couple separately before banns are published

Separate declarations in order for a common licence to be granted


Rules applicable to all officiants

The role of an officiant

A responsibility to uphold the dignity and significance of marriage

Guidance for officiants

An open-ended authorisation


Registration officers

Role to be limited to officiating at civil weddings

Removing the necessity for two registration officers to attend every

civil wedding


Anglican clergy

The automatic authorisation of Anglican clergy

Nominated officiants

Which organisations would be able to nominate officiants?

Who within the organisation would be responsible for nominating officiants?

How would the nomination be made?

What criteria would those nominated have to fulfil?

Preventing beliefs being subordinated to commercial interests

Monitoring and de-authorisation

Independent officiants


Preventing independent officiants from acting with a conflict of interests

Monitoring and de-authorisation

When authorisation would lapse

Maritime officiants

The impermissibility of dual authorisation


Discussion and conclusions

Complaints and appeals



The requirements for all wedding ceremonies

The requirement for consent

The form of ceremony

Open doors

The distinction between civil and belief ceremonies


Discussion and conclusion

Ceremonies which the law does not recognise


Discussion and conclusion



Where weddings should be permitted to take place

Weddings should be permitted to take place in any type of location

The use of religious or non-religious belief premises

The process of agreeing to a location

The responsibilities of the officiant

A voluntary pre-approval process




Changes effected by The Registration of Marriages Regulations 2021

Changes consequent upon our scheme

The role of the officiant

The form and content of the schedule

Further changes

The issue and completion of schedules in Welsh

Electronic registration



The policy background and our Terms of Reference

Religious organisations

Non-religious belief organisations and independent officiants

Registration officers

Special provisions under the current law

Same-sex weddings

Weddings of transgender people

Special provisions under our recommended scheme

Same-sex weddings

Weddings of transgender people

Secular venues and other services


Failures to comply: the impact on validity

When non-compliance would result in the marriage being void

When non-compliance would not affect validity

When non-compliance would result in a non-qualifying ceremony

Presuming compliance: clarifying the role of presumptions

When a presumption in favour of the validity of a known ceremony should arise

Abolishing the presumption that a couple who have cohabited and

been reputed to be married have in fact married


Vitiated consent

The abolition of the three-year limit on petitioning for nullity



Discussion and conclusions


Religious-only weddings

Why do religious-only weddings arise?

The consequences of being in a religious-only marriage

The effect of our recommendations on religious-only weddings

Alternative proposals for reform



Weddings involving people who are terminally ill, detained or housebound

The application of our general scheme

Specific provision for those who are detained and housebound

Specific provision for those who are terminally ill

Alignment with our general scheme: the authority to marry


Weddings on military sites

Weddings in the territorial sea and other coastal waters


Discussion and conclusion

Weddings in international waters

Where such weddings could take place

Maritime officiants







Weddings law during the pandemic

Provision for weddings in future national emergencies

Adaptations to facilitate weddings in times of emergencies

Who should be able to get married under these emergency provisions?

Expedited weddings in times of national emergencies




Civil preliminaries


Discussion and conclusion

Ceremonies officiated at by registration officers

Weddings in the register office

Weddings outside the register office

Weddings in specific circumstances

Discretionary services

Fees for authorising officiants


Discussion and conclusion



The current conversion process

The standard procedure

The two-stage procedure

The procedures for housebound and detained people

The procedure for people who are terminally ill

Conversion under our recommendations

The requirement to meet and provide evidence

The provision of a low-cost option in the register office

Rules governing where a conversion can take place

Any subsequent ceremony

The procedures for people who are detained, housebound and terminally ill



In this Glossary, references to other words and terms contained in the Glossary are in bold.

“Anglican”: the Church of England and the Church in Wales.

“Anglican clergy”, “clergy” or “Clerk in Holy Orders”: a bishop, priest or deacon of the Church of England or the Church in Wales. Only Anglican clergy can solemnize Anglican weddings.

“Anglican preliminaries”: the preliminaries conducted by the Church of England and the Church in Wales, to authorise Anglican weddings. They are the publication of banns and the issuing of common licences and special licences.

“Annulment” or “decree of nullity”: a court declaration that a marriage was never legally valid or has, following the declaration, become legally invalid.

“Appropriate immigration status”: a person has the appropriate immigration status under section 49(2) of the Immigration Act 2014 if they are exempt from immigration control or are settled in the United Kingdom.

“Approved premises”: under the current law, premises at which civil weddings can take place, following approval by a local authority under the Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005.1

“Authorised person”: under the current law, a person appointed by the trustees or governing body of a registered building to be present at and register the marriages that take place at that registered building, meaning that a registrar does not need to be present.

“Banns”: a form of Anglican preliminaries for weddings in Anglican churches or chapels, involving an announcement in church of an intended marriage.

“Belief ceremony” or “belief wedding”: under our recommended scheme, a ceremony officiated at by a belief officiant (a member of the Anglican clergy or nominated officiant). A belief ceremony could either be a religious ceremony or (if enabled by Government) a non-religious belief ceremony.

“Belief officiants”: under our recommended scheme, Anglican clergy and nominated officiants.

“Caveat”: a formal objection to a schedule being issued in respect of a wedding, based on an impediment to the marriage.

“Certified place of worship”: a place of worship certified under the Places of Worship Registration Act 1855. Once certified as a place of worship, a building can also be registered to solemnize marriages (see “registered building”) under the current law.

“Civil ceremony” or “civil wedding”: under the current law, those weddings conducted in a register office or on approved premises. Under our recommended scheme, weddings officiated at by a registration officer, a maritime officiant, or (if enabled by Government) an independent officiant.

“Civil officiants”: under our recommended scheme, registration officers, maritime officiants and (if enabled by Government) independent officiants.

“Civil partnership”: a legal status acquired by couples who register as civil partners which provides substantially the same legal rights and responsibilities as marriage.

“Civil preliminaries”: preliminaries conducted by the registration service, in distinction to Anglican preliminaries.

“Common licence”: a document issued by the Church of England or Church in Wales, as part of one of the three types of Anglican preliminaries. A common licence authorises a wedding in an Anglican church or chapel with no waiting period.

“Conversion”: a process by which a same-sex couple can convert an existing civil partnership into a marriage.

“Diocese”: an administrative district of the Church of England and Church in Wales which is under the supervision of a bishop. Dioceses are divided into parishes.

“Dissolution”: the legal termination of a valid civil partnership.

“Divorce”: the legal termination of a valid marriage.

“Established church”: the church recognised by the law as the official church of a state. The Church of England is the established church of England; the Church in Wales is not an established church but retains vestiges of having been an established church within Wales, with implications for weddings law.

“Exempt from immigration control”: a person is exempt from immigration control if they are a Commonwealth citizen who had a right of abode by virtue of the Immigration Act 1971; a member of a diplomatic mission, or a family member of such a person; a member of a class of visiting service persons; a consular employee or officer, or a family member of such a person; a visiting member of a foreign government, or a family member of such a person; a specified representative or member of certain international organisations, or a family member of such a person; a specified dependant of a visiting member of the United States Armed Forces; or a head of state, or a family member of a head of state. See regulation 3 of the Proposed Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Meaning of Exempt Persons and Notice) Regulations 2015.2

“Exempt person”: a relevant national, or someone who has the appropriate immigration status or holds a relevant visa in respect of the proposed marriage or civil partnership. See section 49(1) of the Immigration Act 2014.

“Faculty Office”: the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury, which administers the issuing of special licences.

“Forced marriage”: a marriage which one or both of the parties entered into without free and full consent due to violence, threats or any other form of coercion, or without the mental capacity necessary to consent to the marriage,3 as under section 121 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.

“General Register Office”: the offices and staff of the Registrar General which oversees the civil registration in England and Wales of births, deaths and marriages.

“Handbook”: the Handbook issued to registration officers by the Registrar General, containing guidance in relation to weddings.

“Humanism”: Humanists UK’s website says that there are many definitions of Humanism. It says that a Humanist is someone who:

trusts to the scientific method when it comes to understanding how the universe works and rejects the idea of the supernatural (and is therefore an atheist or agnostic)

makes their ethical decisions based on reason, empathy, and a concern for human beings and other sentient animals

believes that, in the absence of an afterlife and any discernible purpose to the universe, human beings can act to give their own lives meaning by seeking happiness in this life and helping others to do the same.4

“Impediment to marriage”: a reason why two people are not legally able to marry each other. Impediments include being too closely related, being under 16 years old,5 or lacking mental capacity.

“Independent celebrant”: a person who leads wedding ceremonies, but is not a registration officer and has not been nominated by or act on behalf of a religious or non-religious belief organisation. The current law does not allow independent celebrants to conduct legally binding weddings. Under our Terms of Reference, we make recommendations about how provision could be made for independent celebrants if Government chooses to enable them to do so.

“Independent officiant”: an independent celebrant who, under our recommended scheme, has been authorised to officiate at legally binding weddings.

“Interfaith”: an interfaith wedding is one that combines elements from different religious (and sometimes non-religious) traditions. An interfaith wedding could be a wedding that is conducted by an interfaith minister as a part of their interfaith ministry, or a wedding conducted by multiple officials from different faiths. By “interfaith couple” we mean a couple where the parties are of different faiths or hold different beliefs.

“Maritime officiant”: under our recommended scheme, a type of officiant exclusively authorised to officiate at weddings on board cruise ships in international waters.

“Marriage certificate”: a certified copy of the details of a marriage contained in the marriage register.

“Marriage document”: the document issued after Anglican preliminaries and returned for registration after the ceremony, introduced under the schedule system under the Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration etc) Act 2019.

“Marriage register”: an official record of marriages legally recognised by the state.

“Nominated officiant”: under our recommended scheme, an officiant nominated by a religious or (if enabled by Government to conduct weddings) non-religious belief organisation, and authorised by the General Register Office.

“Non-conformist”: historically, a Protestant who did not conform to the usages and governance of the established church.

“Non-qualifying ceremony”: a ceremony that results in a marriage that it is neither a valid nor a void marriage because the wedding ceremony did not comply with the required formalities under the law.

“Non-religious belief organisation”: an organisation whose sole or principal purpose is the advancement of a system of non-religious beliefs which have a level of cogency, seriousness, cohesion and importance that brings them within the meaning of article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

“Notice”: the process by which the parties give notice of their intention to marry each other to the registration service or, in the case of Anglican preliminaries, to the Anglican authorities. The parties may be required to provide certain information, for example, name, date of birth, and nationality.

“Officiant”: under our recommended scheme, all weddings will be attended by an officiant, who will have certain legal responsibilities. The officiant could, but would not be required to, lead the ceremony. Officiants would include registration officers, Anglican clergy, nominated officiants, and maritime officiants. If Government decided to enable them to conduct weddings, there could also be independent officiants.

“Open doors”: under the current law, a statutory requirement applicable to weddings in registered buildings or register offices, generally interpreted to mean that the public must have unfettered access to witness the wedding and to make objections prior to or during the ceremony. A similar requirement applies to weddings on approved premises, which must be accessible to the public without charge.

“Parish”: within the Church of England and Church in Wales, an area overseen by a parish priest or cleric and which will have one or more parish churches. A number of parishes make up a diocese, which is overseen by a bishop.

“Predatory marriage”: a term used to describe weddings in circumstances where one person marries another, often a person who is elderly or lacks capacity, as a form of financial abuse.

If the person lacks the mental capacity to marry, a predatory marriage may also be a forced marriage.

“Preliminaries”: the steps that must be taken before a couple is authorised to have a legally binding wedding. Preliminaries ensure that there are no impediments to a couple marrying each other, and help to detect sham marriage and guard against forced marriage. Civil preliminaries are conducted by superintendent registrars and the Registrar General; Anglican preliminaries are conducted by the Church of England and Church in Wales.

“Prescribed words”: the declarations and words of contract that must be said under the current law by the parties during the wedding ceremony, except Anglican, Jewish and Quaker weddings. Since 1996 there has been a choice between three alternative authorised versions of the prescribed words.

“Quaker officer”: a person appointed by the Religious Society of Friends responsible for registering marriages solemnized according to its usages.

“Register office”: the office of a superintendent registrar, being one of the two categories of locations at which a couple may have a civil marriage (the other being on approved premises) under the current law. There must be a register office in each registration district.

“Registered building”: a certified place of worship which is also registered for weddings to take place there. Under the current law, weddings conducted by religious organisations other than those of the Anglican, Jewish and Quaker faiths must take place in registered buildings.

“Registrar” or “registrar of marriages”: an officer appointed by a local authority, who registers civil weddings and religious weddings in registered buildings (except where an authorised person is present). Under our recommended reforms, they will officiate at civil weddings.

“Registrar General”: the head of the General Register Office.

“Registrar General’s licence”: under the current law, a document issued as civil preliminaries, used to authorise a wedding involving a person with a terminal illness, with no waiting period.

“Registration district”: each superintendent registrar has authority over a registration district. The registration district might cover a county or a smaller area such as a London borough or a metropolitan district. Registration districts are divided into sub-districts.

“Registration officer”: either a registrar of marriages or a superintendent registrar. Although the current roles of registrar and superintendent registrar are distinct under the Marriage Act 1949, in practice many local authorities appoint the same individuals to both roles. Under our recommended scheme, there will be no distinction between the two roles.

“Registration service”: collectively, the civil authorities responsible for the process of getting married: the Registrar General, the General Register Office, local authorities and registration officers. Some local authorities refer to their own departments responsible for the registration of births, deaths and marriages as “registration services”, but in this Report we do not adopt that usage.

“Relevant national”: a British citizen, an Irish citizen, a person with settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme, or a person who has a decision pending on an EU settlement scheme application that was submitted on or before 30 June 2021. See section 62(1) of the Immigration Act 2014.

“Relevant visa”: entry clearance or leave to enter as a visitor for the purpose of marriage or civil partnership, or entry clearance, leave to enter or leave to remain as a fiance(e) or proposed civil partner, in respect of the proposed marriage or civil partnership. See regulation 4 of The Proposed Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Meaning of Exempt Persons and Notice) Regulations 2015.6

“Religious leader”: a member of the clergy, granthi, imam, minister, priest, rabbi or other person who takes a leading role in conducting religious wedding ceremonies.

“Religious-only marriage”: a marriage that is recognised by a religious community or organisation but not by the state, because the wedding did not follow the legal requirements. From the perspective of the state, a religious-only marriage is a form of non-qualifying ceremony.

“Religious ceremony”: a wedding officiated at by a member of the clergy or a nominated officiant nominated by a religious group.

“Required words of contract” or “Required words”: under our recommendations, the words of consent required in a civil ceremony, for example, “I accept you [name] as my [husband, wife or spouse]” or “Yr ydwyf i [enw] yn dy dderbyn di yn [wr, wraig neu briod] i mi”, or words to the same effect.

“Rites”: in this context, the ceremonies, practices or customs associated with a particular wedding ceremony. We use the word “usages”, which appears in the current marriage legislation with reference to Jewish and Quaker weddings, to mean the same thing.

“Schedule”: a document issued by the registration service as part of civil preliminaries, which authorises the couple’s wedding after the parties have given notice and a waiting period has elapsed, and is used to register their marriage. Under the current law, a schedule is the only type of document (apart from the Registrar General’s licence) that provides legal authority for civil weddings, Jewish and Quaker weddings, and other religious weddings in registered buildings. It can also be used instead of Anglican preliminaries to authorise an Anglican wedding in a church or chapel. A schedule system was introduced under the Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration etc) Act 2019, with schedules replacing superintendent registrar’s certificates. Also called a “marriage licence” in other jurisdictions.

“Sham marriage”: a marriage between parties of whom at least one is not a relevant national, and where there is no genuine relationship between them and either one or both entered into the marriage for the purpose of gaining an immigration advantage.

“Society of Friends” or “Religious Society of Friends”: Quakers.

“Solemnize”: the term used to refer to performing a legally binding wedding ceremony under the current legal framework.

“Special licence”: a document issued by the Archbishop of Canterbury under the Ecclesiastical Licences Act 1533, as part of one of the three types of Anglican preliminaries. A special licence can authorise an Anglican wedding to take place at any location named in the licence, with no waiting period.

“Superintendent registrar”: an officer appointed by a local authority, who conducts civil preliminaries and attends civil weddings.

“Superintendent registrar’s certificates”: prior to the introduction of the schedule system, a document that was issued as part of civil preliminaries, which authorised the couple’s wedding after the parties have given notice and a waiting period has elapsed.

“Terminally ill”: under the current law, a person who is seriously ill and not expected to recover; under our recommended scheme, a person who has a serious medical condition and it would be unreasonable to expect them to comply with the 28-day waiting period before being given authority to marry. In other areas of law, “terminally ill” has a different, specific meaning.

“Universal civil preliminaries”: a system in which all couples would be required to undergo civil preliminaries before getting married.

“Usages”: see “rites”.

“Void marriage” or “invalid marriage”: a void marriage is invalid or a nullity, meaning the marriage is treated as never having come into existence. The parties to a void marriage are entitled to apply for financial relief, as if they were divorcing; this is not the case for parties to a non-qualifying ceremony.

“Voidable”: a marriage is voidable if certain criteria, for example, non-consummation of the marriage, can be established. Unlike a void marriage, a voidable marriage is a valid marriage until it has been annulled by a decree of nullity.

“Waiting period”: a minimum length of time between when the parties give notice of their intention to marry and when they can get married. For weddings authorised by schedule under the current law, the standard waiting period is 28 days.



Our recommendations also clarify the consequences when a couple has not complied with the required formalities. Importantly, they will ensure that fewer weddings conducted according to religious rites result in a marriage that the law does not recognise at all.


What we mean by “weddings law”
The current law
The history of the law


Problems with the law
Inconsistent and complex
Unfair and restrictive
Out of step with modern society
Non-qualifying ceremonies
Reform elsewhere

ceremonies: Final Report (2022) p 6. See also The Independent Review into the Application of Sharia Law in England and Wales (2018) Cm 9560, p 14; C Fairbairn, Islamic marriage and divorce in England and Wales (House of Commons Library Briefing Paper 08747, February 2020).

authority, called an “appropriate place”.32 It operates an organisational model, in which approved celebrants belonging to both religious bodies and non-religious bodies conduct legal weddings, and district or assistant registrars conduct civil weddings.33


Background to the project

England and Wales have outdated laws about how and where couples can marry. The government has asked the Law Commission to propose options for a simpler and fairer system to give modern couples meaningful choice. This will include looking at reducing unnecessary red tape and lowering the cost of wedding venues for couples.38

The scope of the project
Terms of Reference

ensure that any recommendations we make would work well if they applied to Humanist weddings and weddings conducted by independent celebrants, bearing in mind how both Humanist celebrants and independent celebrants currently conduct non-legally binding ceremonies.

Devolution and applicability to Wales
Government’s separate work and developments during the project
Introduction of the schedule system
The Independent Sharia Review
Humanist weddings
Reform to allow weddings to take place outdoors
Predatory marriage

to understand, in broad terms, that marriage confers on the couple the status of a recognised union which gives rise to an expectation to share each other’s society, comfort and assistance.64

The Consultation Paper
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
Consultation period

Registration, and the Local Registration Services Association Annual Conference 2020.

Consultation responses

Misunderstandings about the current law were also common. We explain at paragraph 1.15 and following above the complexity of the current law, owing to its history. Perhaps understandably, there was little understanding of this complexity, including that the current law prescribes different rules for different types of wedding: for example, few reflected awareness that the prescribed words are not required in Anglican, Jewish and Quaker ceremonies.70 And current policy rationales were sometimes retrofitted to rules that had been introduced for a different reason: one example is the belief, expressed by many consultees, that the open doors rule was introduced as a protection against forced marriage, a belief which is incorrect as a matter of history and without empirical support in terms of its current operation.71


1.102 In September 2020, a research project began to investigate why wedding ceremonies take place outside the legal framework.73 This project, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, was undertaken to provide evidence to inform the Law Commission’s review as well as Government’s separate consideration of the recommendations of the Independent Sharia Review. As part of its consideration of why couples marry in non-legally binding ceremonies, and the nature of those ceremonies, it canvassed participants’ views on our provisionally proposed reforms.

1.103 Led by Dr Rajnaara Akhtar, together with Professor Rebecca Probert,74 Sharon Blake, Dr Vishal Vora and Dr Tania Barton, the study used focus groups and interviews to engage with 170 participants. These participants comprised individuals who had gone through a non-legally binding ceremony and individuals who conducted such ceremonies.

1.104 The findings of the Nuffield project were published in three reports. The first, a briefing paper to the Law Commission, analyses the provisional proposals that we put forward in our Consultation Paper to consider what their impact might be.75 This briefing paper was followed by a full report of the project’s findings.76 Finally, a paper considering the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic was published.77

1.105 The Nuffield project has provided invaluable evidence about the practices surrounding non-legally binding ceremonies in England and Wales, and in particular how many of these ceremonies take place because of the barriers to, or impossibility of, a couple having a legal wedding that is meaningful to them. It has also provided an insight into how our provisional proposals could address these issues. We have considered the evidence provided by the Nuffield project alongside consultation responses in developing the policy presented in this Report, and we refer to its findings throughout.

1.106 More generally, the findings of the Nuffield project provide evidence, based on empirical research, that our proposed reforms “would have removed the need for a second ceremony” for many of the participants in the project. The majority of participants supported our proposed scheme for reform,78 with some expressing their support in strong terms:

“I think the work that you’re undertaking is such a great piece of work to do. And it will touch the lives of so many. And I think a lot of people don’t know that they need this until it happens. So, in terms of marriage, in terms of going forward, I think this can only be progressive and I do wish you all the best and I hope that this is put forward and it’s approved going forward” (021, Muslim female).

“I just hope that it does go through and that there is a lot more options in the future for other people who want to get married” (083A, Muslim female).

“I hope they happen fast” (078, Spiritual female).

“I think it’s wonderful. I can’t wait. I sure hope it happens” (M-232, Buddhist approved person).

“It’s a very very welcome idea that they’re looking at. It’s radical. From what they are thinking, it’s completely needed. This should have been done yesterday in my books” (J-202, Hindu priest).79


1.107 This Report begins with an overview of our recommended scheme in Chapter 2. We outline our recommendations for an entirely new scheme to govern weddings law, explaining how our officiant-based scheme will address the many problems with the current law, and achieve the aim of our project: a reformed law of weddings that will allow couples greater choice to have a wedding that is meaningful to them, within a simple, fair and consistent legal structure.



National Trust; Network of Buddhist Organisations UK; One Law For All; OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation; the Pagan Federation; Dr Rehana Parveen; Religious Society of Friends; Register Our Marriage; Royal Caribbean Cruise Line; Professor Russell Sandberg; Sikh Council UK; Soka Gakkai International - United Kingdom; Southall Black Sisters; SW Venues; Thames Steamers Limited; Dr Islam Uddin; Unitarian Church; Dr Vishal Vora; and the Wedding Celebrancy Commission.

(research assistant from January 2022), and Matthew Jolley (head of legal services and team head).

Chapter 2: Overview of our officiant-based scheme


on a beach, or in a local park;


Civil preliminaries

England and Wales for their wedding, just as they are already able to do in Scotland, to the benefit of the economy.

Anglican preliminaries


Legal duties and responsibilities of officiants
Categories of officiant

Independent officiants would be independent from any religious or non-religious belief organisation. They would apply individually to be registered as officiants by the General Register Office. In order to be registered, they would have to demonstrate that they are “fit and proper” persons by being of good character; not having been convicted of any offence determined by the General Register Office as preventing a person from being fit and proper to be an officiant; being at least 18 years old (although in practice they are likely to be much older); having undertaken training on the legal aspects of being an officiant; and understanding the legal requirements for being an officiant and performing the role.

Religious and non-religious belief organisations

A spiritual or non-secular belief system, held by a group of adherents, which claims to explain mankind’s place in the universe and relationship with the infinite, and to teach its adherents how they are to live their lives in conformity with the spiritual understanding associated with the belief system. ... Such a belief system may or may not involve belief in a supreme being, but it does involve a belief that there is more to be understood about mankind’s nature and relationship to the universe than can be gained from the senses or from science.99

Preventing commerciality and conflicts of interest
Training, monitoring and withdrawal of authorisation
Requirements as to the ceremony
The expression of consent
Other requirements
Religious and non-religious belief content in civil weddings

the same effect, and they will not be able to use part of the marriage rites of any particular religion when doing so. Further, they will not be able to replicate in their ceremony the words or form of any ritual, vow, statement or expression of consent required of any couple marrying in a religious or non-religious belief marriage ceremony.

Open doors
The location of the wedding

A wedding is one of the most important days in a person’s life and it is right that couples should have greater choice in how they celebrate their special occasion.104



Importantly, these four factors are all within the control or knowledge of the parties.

(including those in religious-only marriages) when the relationship ends through breakdown or death.110


Consultation Paper.116 There were also some consequential changes that had not been anticipated.117 We have reviewed our provisional proposals in the light of these changes and adapted them as necessary.


Discussion and conclusions


Once the required waiting period has been completed, and assuming no objections are made, a schedule authorising the wedding to take place at a specified location will be issued. The couple must marry within 12 months of the notice of marriage being recorded in the marriage register, which will generally be when the couple give notice.126

give initial notice online.128

As the focus of regulation under our scheme is the officiant, the schedule would identify the individual officiant or type of officiant who would be responsible for officiating at the wedding. There would be a process for amending the schedule in the case of changes to the individual officiant or type of officiant, and the possibility of lastminute substitutions. The schedule would then be valid for 12 months from the date of issue.

Protecting against forced, sham and predatory marriages
The residency requirement
Discussion and conclusions

Recommendation 1.

A two-stage process: giving initial notice remotely and an in-person interview

their local register office. Others commented that this proposal would also make it simpler for couples from outside England and Wales to give notice of their intention to get married here, as they could complete the first step without being physically present.

Discussion and conclusions

The desirability of having an option for giving initial notice remotely

How notice will be given remotely

The requirement for a separate in-person interview


Recommendation 2.

The timing of the in-person interview
Discussion and conclusions

Forced marriage

Operational issues

The content of the in-person interview

Recommendation 3.

3.109 We recommend that the minimum period between the in-person interviews and the date on which the schedule is issued should be five days.

3.110 As we discussed in the Consultation Paper and at paragraph 3.100 above, superintendent registrars can already refuse to issue the schedule if they are not satisfied that there is no lawful impediment, but they must have reasonable grounds for this decision.180 We did not think that they should have a more general power to refuse to issue the schedule on the basis of suspicions alone, and no consultees addressed this specific issue in their responses. Therefore, under our scheme, a registration officer must have reasonable grounds to refuse to issue the schedule five days after each of the couple has had their in-person interview.

Publicising the notice of marriage online

3.111 As we explained in the Consultation Paper, modern technology could be used to give greater publicity to notices of marriage than they receive being displayed in a register office where few people will see them. Online publication of notices, which as noted above is already in place in Jersey and Guernsey,181 would ensure that intended marriages would be easier to discover and any impediments easier to identify.

3.112 However, we were mindful of the potential risks of online publication. Although some risks could be mitigated by limiting the information that would be publicly displayed (rather than, as at present, including the home address(es) of the couple and the location of the wedding), we also thought that it should be possible for the requirement of publicity to be waived where necessary for the protection of the couple. We therefore provisionally proposed that “notices of marriage should be publicly displayed online, save where this would expose either of the couple to a risk of harm”.182


3.113 A substantial majority of consultees supported our proposal that notices of marriage should be published online. Many commended the proposal as a practical measure that would update outdated law. Some consultees noted that displaying notices in the local register office served little purpose. For example, West Sussex County Council commented that there had “virtually never” been any objections to a marriage as a result of the notices being publicly displayed, adding that family members concerned about lack of capacity contacted them on the basis of their personal knowledge rather than on account of seeing the notice.

The principle and extent of publicity

3.114 A few consultees stated that notices should not be publicly displayed, arguing that marriage is a private matter for the couple. Others, however, took the view that notices should be publicly displayed as a symbol of the public dimension of marriage.

3.115 Some consultees expressed a concern about the extent of (unwanted) publicity that might be generated by online publication. Such concerns included press interest in high-profile individuals, and the unwelcome use of the information to target the couple with advertising for services relating to weddings. Others accepted the principle of online publication but emphasised the need to observe data protection laws.

The scope for objections to be made

3.116 Many consultees commented that online publication would increase the accessibility and discoverability of notices and so help to identify any legal impediments to the marriage, such as a prior marriage. Some consultees also commented on how common it was for information to be accessed online.

The scope for information not to be published if there is a risk of harm

Operational concerns


The principle and extent of publicity

The scope for objections to be made

And, as at present, there should be financial consequences if objections are made on “frivolous” grounds.190

Risk of harm exemption


3.135 Consultees’ responses reinforced our view that the online publication of notices has much to commend it, but that provision should be made for an exemption in certain clearly defined (and evidenced) cases. Requests for an exemption should explain why online publication would put the couple applying, or a member of their household or family, at risk of harm.

Recommendation 4.

3.136 We recommend that, as part of the civil preliminaries process, notices of marriage should be publicly displayed online, save where this would expose either of the couple or a member of their family or household to a risk of a specific and identifiable physical or psychological harm.

Allowing objections to be made before notice is given

3.137 In responding to our proposal for notices to be publicised online,200 a few consultees suggested that there should be a notification system whereby people could be alerted when a specific notice of marriage appeared. The primary concern here was with vulnerable individuals at risk of being coerced into a predatory marriage.

3.138 Alert systems exist in certain areas of law, but in the context of weddings we have concerns with how such a scheme might operate. A scheme that allowed anyone to be alerted of an individual’s intended wedding might be used by abusive former partners or controlling family members, or by members of the media interested in celebrities. Moreover, while an alert system could be of benefit where a person has been judged to lack capacity to marry, it is important to bear in mind that being vulnerable is not equated with lacking capacity. It might be possible to limit who could request an alert, and to require specific evidence of the reason for concern, but it would necessitate the General Register Office or another member of the registration service having to assess each individual request for an alert. The burden therefore seems disproportionate to the potential benefits, particularly where a person with concerns would themselves be able to check online for any notice of a wedding.

3.139 North Yorkshire County Council proposed an alternative “system whereby people could register an objection at any time”. It is in fact already possible for a caveat to be entered in anticipation of a notice of marriage being given but we think that there would be value in setting out a clear process for such pre-emptive caveats.201 There would need to be evidence to support such an objection being made. Such evidence could be a forced marriage protection order; the fact that the person entering the caveat has been appointed as an attorney under a Lasting Power of Attorney202 or as a deputy by the Court of Protection;203 or, if there is a risk of a bigamous marriage, a marriage certificate from an existing marriage.

Recommendation 5.

The possibility of remote interviews
Discussion and conclusions

3.151 It is possible that some consultees disagreed with the idea of remote interviews because they had not appreciated that we were only considering a power to allow remote interviews “when technology can satisfy concerns about safeguarding”.208

3.152 The responses from consultees did, however, reinforce the need for caution. It would be hard to disagree with the concerns about the adequacy of current technology for remote meetings. Nor do we think that experiences of remote working in other contexts are necessarily comparable. For example, we do not think that the remote court hearings process could be replicated in the preliminaries process: a person participating in a court hearing would, prior to the hearing, have had opportunities to speak or meet with counsel or others involved in the process, to raise concerns or for their ability to participate to be assessed; this will not be the case for those giving notice.

3.153 It was also understandable that consultees were concerned that a two-tier approach would result in unfairness, with only some couples being required to have an additional in-person interview. If remote interviews were to be introduced, with additional in-person interviews being required where concerns arose, there would need to be specific training for registration officers or a clear list of factors that would indicate that an in-person interview was required.

3.154 Although consultees identified many potential benefits to allowing remote interviews, many focussed on the particular circumstances of the pandemic. However, we asked a separate question about providing a power to allow for preliminaries to take place entirely remotely during a future national emergency, such as another pandemic.209 Since it appears to us that allowing preliminaries to proceed during a pandemic is the primary benefit of allowing remote interviews, it is only necessarily to enable them in exceptional circumstances.

3.155 On balance, given the concerns expressed by consultees about dispensing with inperson interviews, and the separate possibility of making special provision to deal with emergencies, we think that there is no need for a future Marriage Act to include a power to allow interviews to take place remotely in the future. Should technology develop to the point where the safeguarding issues raised by concerns would be addressed, the issue can be revisited. We therefore make no recommendation in this respect.

The possibility of completing the preliminaries outside England and Wales

3.156 At the time that we published our Consultation Paper there were certain specified situations in which the preliminaries could be completed outside England and Wales. These applied if one of the couple was on a naval ship at sea,210 or resident in

Scotland211 or in a specified Commonwealth country or territory,212 and both parties were relevant nationals or exempt from immigration control.213 In our Consultation Paper we made no provisional proposal on whether these options should continue to be available but invited consultees’ views.214

3.157 In the meantime, however, the Marriage Act 1949 has been amended by the Registration of Marriage Regulations 2021. As a result, it is no longer possible for parties resident in certain Commonwealth countries to give notice under the Marriage of British Subjects (Facilities) Act 1915.215 We therefore address only the remaining options for giving notice in Scotland or on a naval ship at sea.

Discussion and conclusions

3.163 As noted above, The Registration of Marriages Regulations 2021 removed the option for British subjects resident in certain specified Commonwealth countries and territories to give notice according to the requirements of their country of residence. The only remaining provisions are those relating to giving notice in Scotland or at sea.

3.164 Although consultees were largely supportive of there being an option for the preliminaries to be completed outside England and Wales, many appeared to misunderstand the question. Some consultees appeared to confuse the option of completing the preliminaries outside England and Wales with our proposal that it should be possible to start the process of giving notice remotely. The key difference is that the way in which the preliminaries were completed outside England and Wales would not be governed by the law of England and Wales but by the law of the place where the preliminaries were completed.

3.165 However, the Ministry of Defence is not in favour of notice being given on naval ships at sea: the provisions are difficult to use given the requirement that the ship be under way and the narrow class of persons to whom notice can be given. The Ministry of Defence favoured notice being given according to the usual process. Under Recommendation 2 the notice process can begin online, effectively removing the need for special provision to be made for those at sea.

3.166 The remaining provision allows notice to be given in Scotland where one party is resident in Scotland and the other in England and Wales. Given that a similar provision for notice to be given in Northern Ireland was abolished in 2014, it seems somewhat anomalous that this provision should remain. With residential requirements being abolished and the possibility of giving notice remotely, the main impact on the partner resident in Scotland will be that they will need to attend an in-person interview in England or Wales before the schedule can be issued. The potential inconvenience to that person needs to be balanced against the importance that we (and our consultees) have attached to that interview. In light of the importance of the in-person interview, the possibility of giving notice in Scotland should be abolished.

Recommendation 6.

3.167 We recommend that it should no longer be possible for couples marrying in England or Wales to give notice in Scotland or on a naval ship at sea.

The period for which the schedule is valid

3.168 Once the couple have given notice, had their in-person interview, and completed the required waiting period, a schedule will be issued to authorise the wedding going ahead. Since the schedule will not require them to marry on a specific date, the question arises as to whether there should be a time-limit on its validity. Under the current law, a schedule is valid for 12 months from the date on which the notice was recorded in the marriage register.216 This choice of start date was logical when superintendent registrar’s certificates were issued on the request of the party who gave notice, which could be some time after notice had been given. With the introduction of the schedule system, however, schedules are now issued immediately upon the expiry of the waiting period.217

3.169 In the Consultation Paper we explained that we had not heard of any reason why a different period of validity would be appropriate. We therefore provisionally proposed that a schedule should continue to be valid for 12 months. We also proposed that the 12-month period should run from the date on which the schedule was issued.218


3.170 A substantial majority of consultees supported the proposal that a schedule should be valid for 12 months. A number commented that this period provided flexibility for couples to give notice well in advance of the wedding or to reschedule the wedding in the event of illness without the need for a further notice to be given. A few local authorities also thought that it would be beneficial for the period of validity to run from the date of issue rather than the date of notice, explaining that this would be easier for couples to understand.

3.171 Only a few consultees argued that the schedule should be valid for less than 12 months, with alternative suggestions ranging from between six months and one month. Some argued that the schedule should be valid for up to two years, and a few thought that there should be no time limit. Some pointed to the fact that the Covid-19 pandemic had led to many weddings being postponed and to couples having to give notice again. Others, while generally favouring a period of 12 months, argued that there should be scope to extend the schedule in circumstances such as the Covid-19 pandemic or an unforeseen illness.

Discussion and conclusions

3.172 Consultees’ responses suggested that the current law that the schedule is valid for 12 months strikes the right balance between competing considerations. While a longer period might offer additional flexibility, it would also increase the risk that the eligibility (or capacity) of one or both of the couple might change. Shortening the period would limit flexibility, could cause operational difficulties for local authorities, and could result in more couples marrying after their schedule had lapsed. We are aware of the problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and address these in Chapter 11. No consultees raised evidence of other problems arising in practice.

3.173 Having the 12-month period of validity running from the date the schedule is issued should be easier for couples to understand. It will also ensure greater consistency: the period will be 12 months regardless of the period between giving notice and the schedule being issued.

Recommendation 7.

3.174 We recommend that the schedule should be valid for 12 months from the date of issue.

Identifying the officiant on the schedule
Discussion and conclusions

How officiants should be identified on the schedule

3.187 More difficult issues arise with the category of officiants nominated by a religious group or (if enabled by Government) non-religious belief organisation. In relation to the latter, it seems unlikely that Humanist celebrants could not be identified in advance, given the centrality of personalisation to a Humanist wedding. Nonetheless, in our view it would be preferable for the same rule to apply to all nominated officiants.

3.188 Our proposal that individual officiants would be identified on the schedule was intended to play a protective role. In communities where religious officials frequently conduct non-legally binding weddings, we considered that identifying the officiant on the schedule would provide an opportunity for both of the parties to ensure that their officiant was authorised. It is not clear whether this protective function would be served as well by naming the organisation. A nominating body might have some officials or celebrants who are authorised as officiants and some who are not. Naming the organisation rather than the individual would not ensure that couples were alerted to this fact and directed towards an authorised officiant.

3.189 A compromise solution is to name both the intended officiant and the nominating organisation. A suitable formulation would be “[name] or another officiant authorised pursuant to the Marriage Act on the nomination of [X organisation]”. The language of authorisation, together with the reference to the specific nominating organisation, will make it clear that not all religious officials or celebrants associated with non-religious belief organisations can simply substitute for each other. At the same time, the formulation will be flexible enough for another officiant from the nominating organisation to act without the need for the schedule to be amended.

3.190 However, we do not think that it should be possible to name more than one nominating organisation. While we take the point that this may be convenient where two or more organisations share the same building, the schedule will not identify where the wedding will take place. However, there will be nothing to prevent an officiant from the other organisation being named on an amended schedule or acting as a substitute in the event of an emergency.

3.191 Other aspects of our scheme will address concerns about unauthorised officiants being substituted after the schedule had been issued. First, any person who is not authorised will potentially be committing an offence if they purport to be authorised.222 Second, a marriage officiated at by a person who was not authorised to do so will still be valid provided that at least one of the parties believed them to be authorised.223 Third, there will be an online list of nominated officiants that couples will be able to check to ensure that the substitute suggested by the nominating organisation is in fact authorised.224 The guidance issued by the General Register Office to nominated officiants should make it clear that it should be the exception rather than the rule for an officiant to be substituted.

3.192 As we recommend in Chapter 10, in the case of weddings officiated at by a maritime officiant, it will be the ship rather than the individual officiant that will be identified on the schedule.225

3.193 By contrast, independent officiants (if enabled by Government to officiate at weddings) will need to be named on the schedule since there will be no organisation by reference to which they could be identified. Moreover, it is likely that there will continue to be independent celebrants who were not authorised as independent officiants. It also seems likely that couples giving notice will be able to identify their intended officiant when they are giving notice, since most independent celebrants work with couples well in advance of the ceremony.226

3.194 While our recommendation will require some changes to organisations’ and couples’ current practices, it is worth remembering how much planning already must be done before a couple can give notice under the current law. After all, specifying the location where the wedding is to take place presumes prior consultation with those responsible for that location. In addition, if a wedding is taking place in a registered place of worship the couple will need to ascertain whether an authorised person has been appointed or whether a registrar will need to attend the ceremony. The terms of the Marriage Act 1949 assume that this will have been done prior to notice being given.227

3.195 In any case, there are advantages to nominating organisations in determining who will officiate at a wedding ahead of time, since it offers an opportunity for the officiant to develop a more personal relationship with the couple if no such relationship already exists.

When a schedule can be amended

3.196 Because we have revised our recommendation on how officiants will be identified on the schedule, there are fewer circumstances in which an amended schedule naming a substitute will be necessary. An amendment will only be necessary if the substitute does not fall within the category specified in the schedule or if a different independent officiant needs to be substituted. However, couples may also wish the schedule to be amended to reassure themselves about the authorisation of the substitute officiant.

3.197 The remaining considerations are largely operational ones. There will need to be a prescribed fee for amending the schedule, to reflect the additional administrative burden on registration officers in checking the authorisation of the substitute officiant and issuing an amended schedule. Requiring a fee should also deter couples from amending their schedule frequently or unnecessarily. Because any fee only need recover the costs of a small administrative task, the fee should be significantly less than the original cost of giving notice.228

3.198 As we discuss in the next section, we are also recommending that in certain circumstances a substitute officiant should be able to officiate at a wedding without the schedule being amended.229 This recommendation is intended to deal with problems that arise at the last minute. We think that it will be helpful to have a clear line between the two processes. If a couple applied for an amendment but did not receive the new schedule in time for their wedding, they might be left with more uncertainty about the impact on validity of their marriage than in cases where the need for a substitute arose at the last minute and they did not apply for an amended schedule. However, determining what the cut-off point should be is an operational matter for the General Register Office, since it depends on what would be a realistic turnaround time for registration officers, who may be juggling a range of other urgent demands. In our view, though, the check should be a quick process, and there is no reason why it cannot be done centrally. Certainty for couples should be prioritised.


Recommendation 8.

Allowing for last-minute changes of officiant
Discussion and conclusions


3.220 Our recommended scheme includes other safeguards to guard against a substitute officiant conducting a wedding to which one or both of the parties was unable or unwilling to consent. First, as discussed above, the process of giving notice - in particular the in-person interview with a registration officer - is intended to identify any issues of forced marriage or capacity. Second, as we discuss in more detail in Chapter 4, all authorised officiants will be required to ensure that the couple are freely expressing their consent to be married. If the General Register Office found that an officiant was acting in cases of forced marriage, including those cases where a person lacked capacity to consent, it will have the power to de-authorise them. The risk that the substitute might not be authorised will be addressed by the criminal offences recommended in Chapter 9.

3.221 Moreover, there will be no advantage to either of the couple in deliberately engineering a last-minute substitution. Any substitute would be required to be authorised. If one of the parties was attempting to avoid having a valid marriage, and so substituted an unauthorised officiant for an authorised one, the marriage will be valid provided that the other party believed that the substitute was authorised.232 Moreover, the unauthorised substitute will potentially be committing an offence.233

3.222 Separately, some consultees were concerned that a couple would choose a substitute officiant from a different organisation. Couples would, indeed, be able to do so. Their authorisation to marry under their schedule is not confined to a wedding officiated by an officiant from a particular organisation. That does not, however, mean that the ability of the couple to choose who conducts their wedding is unrestrained. If, for example, the wedding was taking place in a building of a religious or non-religious belief organisation, then the organisation will be able to determine who is permitted to officiate because it controls the building. The choice of substitute will therefore require the consent of the organisation. If the couple wish to use a substitute officiant who the organisation does not give its consent to, then the couple would be able to do so only by changing the location of their wedding.


3.223 As noted above, some consultees suggested that a substitute’s authority should be checked before they are able to act as an officiant. However, where there was no time to issue a new schedule, registration officers would also not have time to check an officiant’s authorisation. The same reasoning applies to consultees’ suggestions that the registration services should be informed or be asked to provide a letter authorising the substitute to officiate at the wedding.

3.224 However, in Chapter 4 we recommend that there will be publicly available lists online of all nominated and independent officiants who are authorised to officiate at weddings. As a result, the couple and the organisation involved in the wedding will be able to check whether the substitute is listed.

3.225 It will then be a matter of the authority of the officiant being confirmed at the time the schedule was returned for registration of the marriage. If the substitute was not in fact authorised at the time of the wedding, the General Register Office would be expected to follow up with the couple and officiant. As noted in paragraph 3.221 above however, the marriage will still be valid as long as at least one of the couple believed that the officiant was authorised.

3.226 Some consultees suggested that, should a substitute officiant have acted, evidence should be provided showing the validity of the reason for the last-minute substitution. We think this would be complicated, expensive, and largely unnecessary. However, the General Register Office could monitor how often officiants are substituted, and engage with any nominating bodies who are regularly substituting officiants, to try to proactively prevent it from happening.

Recommendation 9.

3.227 We recommend that a substitute officiant should be able to officiate at the wedding if the officiant named in the schedule is unexpectedly unable to act, for reasons that include death, sudden illness or unavoidable delay, when the minimum period for amending the schedule in advance of the wedding has passed.


3.228 As we explain above, in the light of the feedback from consultees we are not recommending universal civil preliminaries, even though we are still of the view that a system of universal civil preliminaries would have much to commend it. Under our scheme banns, common licences and special licences will therefore continue to be legal preliminaries to Anglican weddings, that is to say, weddings that are officiated by Anglican clergy.

3.229 In the remainder of this chapter we begin by noting the issues that were raised in response to our question as to whether Anglican preliminaries should continue to be recognised as legal preliminaries.234 We then highlight how Anglican preliminaries are potentially less robust in dealing with sham, forced and predatory marriages, and set out our recommendations on the legal requirements for common licences and banns.

3.230 We should clarify that our focus here is not on the responsibilities of Anglican clergy as officiants. That is addressed in later chapters.235 Since our focus is solely on the role of clergy in carrying out the legal preliminaries, nothing in this section should be taken as having any application to other officiants.

3.231 We did not consult on any amendments to the authority of the Archbishop of Canterbury to issue special licences. These licences are not regulated by the

Marriage Act 1949 but are acknowledged as an exception to it.236 As long as Anglican preliminaries continue, the granting of a special licence will remain a process over which the Archbishop has complete control and discretion.

3.232 Following the introduction of the schedule system, Anglican clergy are responsible for issuing237 a “marriage document” after banns have been published or a common or special licence has been granted.238 However, it is the banns or licence, rather than the marriage document, that is the authority for the wedding to proceed.

3.233 That has implications for which of our recommendations relating to schedules can be carried over to marriage documents. We think that a marriage document, like a schedule authorising an Anglican wedding, should identify the “Clerk in Holy Orders authorised to exercise ordained ministry in [name of] parish” who will officiate at the wedding. However, the period for which Anglican preliminaries are valid will continue to run from the date of their completion, rather than the date when the marriage document was issued. Whether the period for which banns or a common licence are valid should remain at three months or be aligned with the period for which a schedule is valid will be a matter for Government to decide in consultation with the Church of England and the Church in Wales.

Reforming Anglican preliminaries

3.234 As discussed above, the majority of consultees favoured retaining Anglican preliminaries.239 Nonetheless, some consultees identified problems with the current requirements. Some argued that banns were outdated and ineffective, noting the unlikelihood of anyone in the congregation knowing the couple. Leicester Diocesan Registry commented on the incompatibility between the current process of calling banns and many rural churches only being open for one Sunday service each month.

3.235 We should also note that consultees’ responses highlighted many examples of good practice in how Anglican preliminaries operated. This gives us confidence that in many cases the additional legal safeguards that we are recommending will not require any change in practice. But the fact that diligent clergy do more than the law requires is not a reason to leave this vitally important area to individual discretion.

3.236 When comparing Anglican and civil preliminaries, few consultees engaged with the question of the greater gap that will exist if civil preliminaries are reformed as we have recommended and Anglican preliminaries are retained in their current form. In addition, some consultees who argued for the retention of Anglican preliminaries mistakenly assumed that our proposals to reform civil preliminaries would apply equally to Anglican preliminaries and that banns would be published online.

3.237 Other consultees thought that some of our proposals to reform civil preliminaries could or should apply to Anglican preliminaries. In particular, the Faculty Office of the

Archbishop of Canterbury thought that the online publication of banns could improve their reach, and suggested that further training might be beneficial to avoid mistakes being made in the calling of the banns.

3.238 Given the changes that we are recommending to the system of civil preliminaries, we do not think that the current rules relating to banns and common licences can be left as they are. Reforming Anglican preliminaries to align them more closely with civil preliminaries would go some way towards achieving the benefits of uniformity, consistency and fairness that proponents of universal civil preliminaries identified. To reform one set of preliminaries but not the other would raise the risk that anyone seeking to evade scrutiny will gravitate to the system with the fewest checks.

3.239 Moreover, the open questions that we asked in the Consultation Paper elicited considerable support for such basic safeguards as separate in-person meetings with each of the parties and explicit powers for clergy to call for documentary evidence. Consultees’ responses also suggested a way in which the calling of banns could be simplified. We set out our recommendations on these issues below.

Protecting against forced, sham and predatory marriages

3.245 Such safeguards are particularly important where the marriage is by common licence, given that such licences involve no prior publicity and so do not allow any scope for objections to be made. However, we also think that such safeguards should also be in place where the marriage is by banns. While banns are intended to publicise the intended wedding and enable objections to be made, their efficacy will largely depend on whether the couple are known to those attending the church in which banns are published.

3.246 Even with the reforms that we recommend, we are not convinced that Anglican preliminaries can be as robust as civil preliminaries in protecting against forced and predatory marriages. In particular, we regard the lack of any publicity or waiting period for common licences as a serious weakness, especially given consultees’ responses about the importance of these elements in the context of civil preliminaries. But we think our reforms will go some way to reduce the differences between Anglican and civil preliminaries.

Requiring documentary evidence

3.247 The Marriage Act 1949 stipulates that a common licence will not be granted unless the couple provides specified evidence that both are relevant nationals.241 As we noted in the Consultation Paper, that evidence will also give details of the person’s name and age, but not of their marital status. Moreover, the equivalent provision relating to banns simply states that clergy are not “obliged” to publish banns without such evidence.242 This phrasing falls short of imposing an obligation on the clergy to ask for such information or on the couple to provide it.243 By contrast, the civil preliminaries require couples to provide specified evidence of their name, date of birth, place of residence, nationality,244 and any former marriage or civil partnership.245

3.248 Given the ambiguity (and in some cases the absence) of the clergy’s legal duties and powers to call for evidence, we invited consultees’ views as to whether clergy should have the power to call for documentary evidence and be required to check such evidence.246


3.249 A very substantial majority of consultees supported the idea that clergy should have the power to call for documentary evidence and be required to check such evidence. Consultees variously saw documentary evidence as a means of ensuring the legality of the wedding, checking the identity of the parties, and preventing sham or forced marriages. A few noted that it would be reasonable for such checks to be part of the role of the clergy. Others, primarily local authorities and registration officers, focussed on the need to ensure that Anglican preliminaries were as rigorous as civil preliminaries.

3.250 Some Anglican consultees commented on the current requirements. The Church of England noted the division of views among clergy and the resistance to the requirement to check documentary evidence of nationality. It suggested that a balance needed to be struck “between requiring the clergy to seek documentary evidence for the things for which, as celebrants, they are responsible, and acting in proxy to other interests”. The Church in Wales noted that it advised clergy to check evidence of nationality. The Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury was confident that clergy would be “justified in demanding further particulars” if they had concerns that one of the couple was already married. Leicester Diocesan Registry commented that guidance would need to be provided on what evidence would be required, noting that at present practices varied.

3.251 Among those who disagreed that clergy should have a power to call for documentary evidence, a few argued that clergy would not have the ability to verify the documents provided. Others were opposed to additional administrative burdens being placed on Anglican clergy or thought that the existing requirements were adequate.

Discussion and conclusions

3.252 The Church of England’s comment that its clergy “were not of one mind” on this issue was reinforced by consultees’ responses. Consultees had different views both on whether clergy should have these powers and responsibilities and on whether they already had them. We think this indicates a need for greater clarity.

3.253 Checking evidence of name, age and marital status appear to us to be core to ensuring that Anglican weddings are conducted in accordance with the law. The state has an interest in ensuring that only those who have legal capacity to marry do marry, and to prevent forced and sham marriages. That interest applies to all weddings. And since the state has no role in the operation of Anglican preliminaries, clergy must act to protect the interests of the state. The fact that some clergy may need advice and guidance in assessing documentation does not seem to be a good reason for not requiring such documentation in the first place.

3.254 That said, we think it is preferable to place the obligation on the couple to provide information, rather than on the clergy to ask for it. Such an obligation is consistent with what is required in the context of civil preliminaries.

3.255 Placing the obligation on the couple also allows for flexibility in terms of who is responsible for checking that documentation. Under the current law, applications for common licences are made to the diocesan registry or to other persons appointed to grant such licences. These persons need not be members of the clergy. Similarly, in practice arrangements for the calling of banns are often made with parish administrators. In our view, while clergy will remain responsible for the publication of banns, they could authorise another person to undertake the administrative side of doing so.

3.256 Overall, there was strong support among consultees for clergy having the power to call for documentary evidence and being required to check such evidence. However, we think that an obligation on couples to supply certain documentary evidence will serve the same purpose. This phrasing will also give some flexibility in terms of who was required to check such documentation.

Recommendation 10.

3.257 We recommend that each of the couple should be required to provide specified evidence of their name, age, marital status (including of any previous marriage or civil partnership) and nationality (or EU settlement status) in order for banns to be called or a common licence obtained.

No longer recognising banns published outside England or Wales

3.258 The Marriage Act 1949 permits banns published in Scotland, Northern Ireland or Ireland “according to the law or custom there prevailing” to authorise an Anglican wedding in England or Wales.140 However, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland have now all adopted universal civil preliminaries and banns are no longer a legal preliminary to weddings in those jurisdictions. In practice, couples now obtain a common licence to authorise a wedding taking place in England or Wales where either of them is resident in Scotland, Northern Ireland or Ireland. We therefore provisionally proposed that banns published in Scotland, Northern Ireland or Ireland should no longer authorise an Anglican wedding in England and Wales.141


3.259 Only a minority of consultees agreed with our proposal. Among them, however, was the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury, which confirmed that its advice to couples resident in Scotland, Northern Ireland or Ireland is to obtain a common licence if they wished to be married in England and Wales. Similar evidence was provided by the Church in Wales. The Churches’ Legislation Advisory Service further highlighted the issue that Anglican clergy in Scotland, Northern Ireland or Ireland are

not legally obliged to call banns even if they might be willing to do so as a matter of courtesy. Other consultees supported the proposal on the basis that it would simplify the law or remove provisions that were redundant, outdated or no longer appropriate.

Discussion and conclusions

Recommendation 11.

Churches injured by war damage
Discussion and conclusions

Recommendation 12.

Where banns must be published
Discussion and conclusions

Recommendation 13.

Meeting with each of the couple separately before banns are published

the tiny number of problems that might arise by leaving this to the cleric's discretion seem disproportionate to the time involved and (more importantly) the implication of lack of trust in the couple.

Discussion and conclusions

Recommendation 14.

Separate declarations in order for a common licence to be granted
Discussion and conclusions

Recommendation 15.

Chapter 4: Officiants


Consultation Paper, paras 5.2 to 5.3.

Following the Registration of Marriages Regulations 2021 (SI 2021 No 411), Anglican clergy, Jewish secretaries of synagogues, Quaker officers and authorised persons are no longer responsible for registering a marriage. Instead, they are responsible for ensuring that the marriage document or schedule is completed and returned to the register office to be registered. For convenience we refer to this as ensuring that the marriage is registered.

equality. It also ensures that the state’s interest in marriage is protected, as every wedding will be attended by an officiant who has specific legal duties to ensure that the legal requirements are met, along with a responsibility to uphold the dignity and significance of marriage.

See R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: Final Report (2022) ch 5, for discussion of the range of groups and individuals affected by this restriction.

As described in R (Hodkin) v Registrar General of Births, Deaths and Marriages [2013] UKSC 77, [2014] AC 160.

The full Terms of Reference for the project are included in Appendix 1.

See respectively Marriage (Scotland) Act 1977; Marriage (Northern Ireland) Order 2003 (SI 2003 No 413); Civil Registration Act 2004; Marriage and Civil Status (Jersey) Law 2001; The Marriage (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 2020.

across the common law world, with Australia, Canada, New Zealand and many US states also regulating the celebrant rather than the location.259


The role of an officiant

this reform, perhaps more than any other in the proposals, will significantly increase freedom and fairness for all couples to marry how they want, and where they want -including outdoors.

The requirement that all weddings be attended by an officiant

The duties of an officiant

Discussion and conclusions

The requirement that all weddings be attended by an officiant

The duties of an officiant

a marriage or civil partnership must be stopped or deferred if there are concerns that one or both of the parties are not entering into the marriage of their free will or if there are any concerns that they do not have the capacity to consent.265

We discuss below how the guidance that we recommend should be provided to all officiants should include guidance on how to identify and deal with forced marriages.

A responsibility to uphold the dignity and significance of marriage
Discussion and conclusions
Guidance for officiants
Discussion and conclusions
An open-ended authorisation
Discussion and conclusions

Recommendation 16.

couple, two people who have witnessed the parties’ expression of consent, and themselves.

Recommendation 17.


Role to be limited to officiating at civil weddings
Discussion and conclusions
Removing the necessity for two registration officers to attend every civil wedding
Discussion and conclusions

Recommendation 18.


The automatic authorisation of Anglican clergy

all Anglican clergy, by virtue of their orders and regardless of whether or not they are incumbents, parochial clergy, chaplains, retired or in secular employment, are currently authorised to officiate at weddings.

recognition should be limited to those holding a current office or licence or permission to officiate issued by the bishop of the diocese in which they normally serve.

A few consultees also suggested that all Clerks in Holy Orders should be listed on a database accessible to registration officers for completion of schedules.

Discussion and conclusions

4.102 Reflecting on consultees’ responses, particularly those from the Church in Wales and the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury, we have given further thought to whether some additional definition or qualification is needed. We think that it would be helpful to make it clear that being a Clerk in Holy Orders does not confer a freestanding right to conduct weddings wherever and however that person might wish. At the same time, we think it should be left to the Church of England and the Church in Wales to specify their own internal requirements as to who has permission to officiate. Stipulating that Anglican officiants must be authorised to exercise ordained ministry by the Church of England or Church in Wales would achieve both ends. It would be up to the churches whether such authorisation followed automatically as a result of ordination or required some further permission to officiate.

4.103 Given our recommendation that clergy should be identified on the marriage document or schedule by reference to their parish rather than individually,297 there is no legal need to have a specific list of clergy authorised to solemnize weddings. Such a list would nonetheless be helpful for couples. We also note that the Church of England has recently indicated that it will have a publicly available list of its active clergy who have a licence or permission to officiate.298

4.104 As Anglican clergy are to be authorised by the Church of England or the Church in Wales, then the provision of training should also be a matter for the Church of England and the Church in Wales. So too should the monitoring of clergy and, where necessary, their de-authorisation.

Recommendation 19.

4.105 We recommend that Clerks in Holy Orders authorised to exercise ordained ministry within the Church of England and Church in Wales should automatically be recognised as officiants.


4.106 In regulating non-Anglican religious weddings, the current law largely adopts a buildings-based model: every registered place of worship may appoint its own authorised person to attend weddings there in place of a registration officer.299 However, in the case of the Religious Society of Friends and certain prescribed Jewish organisations the law adopts an organisation-based model.

4.107 Both of these models have advantages and disadvantages. The buildings-based model does not work well for those religious groups that do not worship in buildings, do not regard their place of worship as the appropriate place to marry, or do not have access to a registered place of worship. The organisation-based model depends on there being a body that speaks for a religious organisation; over time the list of prescribed Jewish organisations has been extended from the Board of Deputies of British Jews (representing Orthodox Judaism) to the West London Synagogue (representing Reformed Judaism) and the St John’s Wood Synagogue (representing Liberal Judaism). In the case of the latter around half a century elapsed between the emergence of Liberal Judaism and the amendment of the relevant legislation to recognise them.300

4.108 The scheme that we recommend builds on the current law by taking elements of both these options and fusing them into a new set of rules that would apply equally to all non-Anglican religious officiants. In essence, we recommend that all religious organisations will be able to nominate officiants in the same way that Jewish and Quaker organisations have been able to do since 1836. However, rather than specific organisations being prescribed in legislation, an organisation will have to satisfy certain criteria. These criteria are modelled in part on those that religious groups have previously had to satisfy in order for their place of worship to be registered for weddings, but without the need for them to have a building.

4.109 But although our scheme continues to entrust religious groups with important responsibilities, it also provides a clear framework of rules about training, monitoring and de-authorisation that is absent from the current law. In this section we explain which organisations would be able to nominate officiants; who within the organisation would be responsible for making the nomination; how the nomination would be made; and what criteria those nominated would have to fulfil. We also explain how nominated officiants would be prevented from subordinating their religious beliefs t0 commercial interests, and how they would be monitored and de-authorised. We emphasise that these recommendations are intended to work as a whole, and so should be read together rather than independently.

4.110 We also think that the scheme we recommend for religious organisations to nominate officiants is capable of being extended to non-religious belief organisations, should Government decide to enable them to conduct weddings.

4.111 We note that a few consultees suggested that there should be an option for religious and non-religious belief officiants to operate independently of any organisation. We think that such an option would be a far more radical departure from current practice. Although our Terms of Reference requires that our scheme is able to extend to nonreligious belief organisations, beyond that we have not been asked to expand the groups who can conduct weddings.301 Our recommendations seek to ensure that religious groups do not face unnecessary or unjustifiable barriers to conducting weddings, such as the requirement for a place of worship, but does not otherwise change the religious groups able to conduct weddings.302 Nor do we think that it is necessary to enable officiants to operate independently to enable couples to be married in accordance with their wishes and beliefs, or that individuals have a right to manifest their beliefs by being authorised to conduct weddings howsoever they wish.

Which organisations would be able to nominate officiants?

4.112 In considering which organisations should be able to nominate officiants, three issues fall to be considered: what kinds of organisations should be able to nominate officiants; what criteria those organisations should be required to fulfil; and whether any types of organisations should be specifically precluded from nominating officiants. We have grouped these issues together to emphasise how they operate cumulatively to determine which organisations will be able to nominate officiants.

4.113 In relation to the first issue, our Terms of Reference presume that religious groups will be able to solemnize marriages and that for these purposes “religion” has the meaning accorded to it by the Supreme Court in R (Hodkin) v Registrar General of Births, Deaths and Marriages.303 In that case, which confirmed that Scientology would be recognised as a religion for the purpose of its places of worship being certified as such and so eligible to be registered for weddings, Lord Toulson described a religion as:

A spiritual or non-secular belief system, held by a group of adherents, which claims to explain mankind’s place in the universe and relationship with the infinite, and to teach its adherents how they are to live their lives in conformity with the spiritual understanding associated with the belief system... . Such a belief system may or may not involve belief in a supreme being, but it does involve a belief that there is more to be understood about mankind’s nature and relationship to the universe than can be gained from the senses or from science.304

4.114 Our Terms of Reference also require us to consider how weddings conducted by Humanist and other non-religious belief organisations could be incorporated into a new scheme. In the Consultation Paper we reviewed various definitions of nonreligious belief organisations.305 We favoured opting for a positive definition that minimised the differences between religious and non-religious belief organisations for these purposes. We therefore provisionally proposed that for the purposes of our scheme such an organisation should be defined as one

that professes a secular belief system that claims to explain humanity’s nature and relationship to the universe, and to teach its adherents how they are to live their lives in conformity with the understanding associated with the belief system.306

We also discussed how the Irish legislation defines a “secular body” in broad terms but specifically excludes political parties, bodies which promote political parties, candidate or causes; sporting organisations; and trade unions; representative bodies of employers; and chambers of commerce.307 We therefore asked an open question as to whether there should be a list of types of organisations that should not amount to a non-religious belief organisation for the purpose of officiating at weddings, and, if so, what types of organisations should be listed.308

The proposed minimum of 20 was based on the current law, this being the number of householders required to certify that a particular building is their usual place of worship in order for it to be registered for weddings.310 The requirement to have either a wedding service or a belief about marriage was intended to help to limit the power to nominate officiants to those groups that would genuinely intend to officiate at weddings.311


Non-religious belief organisations

Humanist groups from promoting political causes when religious groups were able to do so.

Criteria for nominating organisations

Such higher requirements should most importantly include to be principally engaged in activity other than the provision of legally recognised marriages and/or the training and accreditation of celebrants for conducting such marriages. Other desirable requirements, some or all of which should also be included, would be to be a registered religion or belief charity for a minimum period of time; to have been in continuous existence for a minimum period of time; to have been performing weddings for a set period of time; to have in place procedures for the selection, initial and continuing training, accreditation, discipline, and de-accreditation of fit and proper persons to conduct solemnisation of marriage; to have a higher minimum number of members - we suggest 2,000; to have regular meetings of its members; and to have a building.

The exclusion of organisations that promote certain purposes

One legal professional asked about the application of the policy to imams who had conducted weddings in overseas jurisdictions where polygamous marriages and/or marriages involving children under 16 were permitted.

Discussion and conclusions

4.136 Our Terms of Reference assume that there is a difference between a religious organisation and a non-religious belief organisation. This distinction is important for two reasons. First, we are not considering whether religious groups should be obliged to solemnize the marriages of same-sex couples. Under our scheme, as under the current law, religious organisations will be free to determine whether or not to conduct same-sex weddings. By contrast, it is a policy assumption underpinning our review that any non-religious belief organisation given the right to conduct weddings will not be able to discriminate between opposite- and same-sex couples.314 Second, it is not our role to recommend whether non-religious belief organisations should be able to conduct weddings: given that our recommended scheme could apply if only religious organisations are able to conduct legal weddings, or if both religious and non-religious belief organisations are able to conduct weddings, depending on what Government decides, it must be possible to distinguish between the two.

4.137 As explained above, we did not ask a specific consultation question as to what would constitute a religious organisation, on the basis that the definition of religion was outside our Terms of Reference. We did however note in the Consultation Paper that the description set out in R (Hodkin) v Registrar General of Births, Deaths and Marriages315 was sufficiently broad to encompass organisations such as OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation. It clearly also already encompasses Pagan religions, as evidenced by the Glastonbury Goddess Temple being a registered place of worship for weddings. In our view the challenges faced by interfaith ministers and Pagan priests, priestesses or other officials under the current law are a consequence of the requirement for a place of worship, not the definition of religion.

4.138 We acknowledge that some individuals within an organisation that is classified as religious may not personally define themselves as religious. Whether any individual wedding can encompass religious and non-religious elements is a separate matter that we consider further in Chapter 5 where we consider wedding ceremonies. But at an organisational level we think that it will be possible to distinguish between organisations that profess a belief in the spiritual and those that do not.

Non-religious belief organisations

4.139 In the light of consultees’ responses, we should emphasise that our original definition of non-religious belief organisations was intended to convey the types of groups under consideration rather than being an attempt to draft a definition that could be included in a statute. In the discussion that follows we refer to our description of non-religious belief organisations as that better reflects our intentions.316

4.140 We have also reflected on and revised that description to take consultees’ concerns into account. Our revised description is less closely aligned with the description of religions in R (Hodkin) v Registrar General of Births, Deaths and Marriages. We appreciate that the result is to sharpen the difference between religious and nonreligious belief organisations. However, responses from non-religious belief organisations illustrated that the two operate in different ways, in particular in terms of whether the organisation seeks to “teach its adherents how they are to live their lives” in conformity with its beliefs. In addition, given that “secular” attracted both criticism and varying interpretations among consultees, we now take the view that the term “non-religious” is preferable.

4.141 We have considered whether any further qualification such as “philosophical” or “ethical” is needed. However, we think that consultees’ concerns would be better addressed by limiting the types of non-religious belief organisations able to nominate officiants to ones that advance beliefs whose level of cogency, seriousness, cohesion and importance brings them within article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights. We think this approach will help to convey that these are recognised belief systems that have been adjudged worthy of respect in a democratic society within the case law on protected beliefs under the Equality Act 2010.317

4.142 We also see the value in making it explicit that the organisation should have the advancement of non-religious beliefs as its sole or principal object, reflecting the approach taken in both Scotland and Ireland. Doing so should provide further reassurance that organisations that exist for commercial purposes or solely for the purpose of conducting weddings would not qualify as a non-religious belief organisation.

4.143 We think that such limitations, will, when combined with our other recommendations as to which organisations will be able to nominate officiants, exclude the groups about which consultees expressed concerns.

Establishing criteria for nominating organisations

Membership and meetings

4.155 We note that many nominating organisations will have a formal constitution or governing document or documents. Such documents will be evidence of it having been established for the minimum period. However, we recognise that many smaller organisations may have existed for a considerable period of time without any formal underpinning and would not wish to preclude them from nominating officiants if they can establish their existence by other means.

4.156 As we recommend below, the nomination of officiants will be made by the organisation’s governing authority.323 However, we do not think that there should be a requirement that the governing authority should itself have existed for any minimum period. We recognise that many existing religious communities may wish to constitute themselves into a more formal organisation for the purpose of nominating officiants. Nor do we think that there should be any requirement that an organisation has been conducting non-legally binding weddings for a minimum period before it is able to nominate officiants. Some groups may quite legitimately regard it as a point of principle not to conduct weddings without legal sanction.

4.157 We note that some consultees were concerned about fluctuating numbers. The authorisation of an officiant would not be revoked simply because the number of members within the organisation had fallen below 20. However, in our view a group whose numbers had so dwindled should not be able to appoint a replacement officiant. The ability to nominate an officiant is intended to reflect that there is a community for that officiant to serve.

Having processes in place to nominate and monitor officiants

4.158 We think that it would be a further safeguard to require that an organisation should have processes in place for nominating and monitoring their officiants. As we explain below, nominating organisations will be responsible for ensuring that the people they nominate are “fit and proper” persons to take on the role of officiant. They therefore need to show that they have processes in place to ensure that standard is met. Nominating organisations will also be responsible for monitoring their officiants and

ensuring that they continue to comply with the fit and proper person standard; again, they need to be able to show how they will do so.

4.159 We note that in smaller organisations that are nominating a single officiant, these processes may be very simple ones, particularly where the training is provided by the General Register Office. It is nonetheless important for all nominating organisations to be accountable to the state by demonstrating how they will fulfil the functions with which they have been entrusted.

The wedding as a manifestation of an individual’s beliefs

4.160 We have also revised our initial proposal that nominating organisations should be required to have a wedding service or a belief about marriage. We now recommend that, in order for a religious or non-religious belief organisation to nominate an officiant, it should be a manifestation of an individual’s religion or belief for them to have a wedding officiated at by an officiant nominated by that organisation.

4.161 We should emphasise that this requirement is for the organisation to satisfy rather than a precondition for every individual seeking to be married by them. We do not think that it is for the law to insist that individuals must share the beliefs of the organisation under whose auspices they are getting married. Nonetheless, we think that the requirement provides a further important filter against joke or bogus organisations and aligns our scheme with the requirements of human rights law. The case law on article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights establishes that not every act inspired or motivated by a person’s religion or beliefs constitutes a “manifestation” of those beliefs; there must be a sufficiently close and direct link between the act and the underlying belief.324 By way of illustration, in R (on the application of Harrison) v Secretary of State for Justice,325 in which the lack of an option for Humanist weddings was challenged, Mrs Justice Eady DBE held that

the evidence shows that, for many who hold those beliefs, the ceremonies that mark significant life events, such as marriage, provide a close and direct link to the beliefs of the participants such as to amount to a manifestation of those beliefs.326

4.162 We think that this requirement is preferable to requiring an organisation to have a specific marriage service. We acknowledge that having a marriage service may be evidence that a group has a belief about marriage, but that as a free-standing requirement it may serve little purpose. We are reinforced in this conclusion by our recommendations relating to the ceremony, as set out in Chapter 5; we are not recommending that officiants would be legally required to use any set form of service.

4.163 We also take the view that an organisation should not be able to nominate officiants if its only or primary activity is conducting wedding ceremonies. A belief in weddings is not the same as a belief about marriage.

4.164 We note that some consultees favoured including a rule that would require organisations to hold certain types of belief. We do not think that it is for the law to state that a religious organisation cannot believe in polygamy, any more than it should state that a religious organisation must believe in the legitimacy of same-sex marriage. However, we think that restrictions could be justified where beliefs translate into promoting weddings that would constitute a criminal offence, as we explain below.

Organisations that promote illegal purposes

4.165 On reflection, we should have repeated the full list of possible exclusions within the consultation question and explicitly referred to organisations promoting purposes in support of terrorism or terrorist activities or for the benefit of an organisation membership of which is unlawful. Had we done so, we think that consultees would have been less concerned about the risk of organisations being excluded simply because they held views that were unpopular. We wish to reassure consultees on this point by noting the protection that is afforded under articles 9 and 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights to freedom of belief and expression. We also wish to highlight the legislative provisions that allow religious organisations to refuse to conduct same-sex weddings; it is as much “public policy” that religious organisations are entitled to refuse to conduct same-sex weddings as it is that same-sex couples are entitled to marry.327

4.166 Deciding which organisations, other than those that have been proscribed by law, should be prohibited from being able to nominate officiants, is a matter of policy rather than law. In the absence of a clear response from consultees to the open question that we asked, we do not feel in a position to make a recommendation on this point but leave it for Government to determine.

4.167 We do however think that there could be a case for excluding an organisation from nominating officiants if it encourages the conduct of weddings which involve the commission of a criminal offence in England and Wales, as a number of consultees suggested. By this we have in mind organisations that explicitly endorse its officiants, celebrants or other officials conducting wedding ceremonies for those under the age of 16,328 bigamous marriages, or forced or sham marriages.329 The beliefs of the organisation about the validity of such marriages could not override their status under the law of England and Wales. Explicit prohibitions could also provide further reassurance to those concerned about the potential widening of the pool of the people who can officiate at weddings.

4.168 However, we do not think that campaigning to legalise marriages that are currently illegal should in itself disqualify an organisation from nominating officiants. We note, for example, that in the past such a provision would have prevented groups that campaigned to legalise same-sex marriage from being able to conduct weddings.

4.169 We should also note that the crime of bigamy is only committed where a person who is legally married goes through a ceremony that would, but for the earlier marriage, give rise to a legal marriage. It does not encompass religious-only polygamous marriages; while the latter are not legally recognised, they do not involve the commission of an offence.

4.170 Further, we recognise that the laws governing marriage differ between jurisdictions. We note that a person may commit a criminal offence under the law of England and Wales if they facilitate a forced or sham marriage or a marriage of a person under 18 in another jurisdiction.330 Such offences apart, the fact that an organisation conducts weddings in other jurisdictions of a kind that would not be recognised under the law of England and Wales should not disqualify it from nominating officiants.

Who within the organisation would be responsible for nominating officiants?

4.171 Under the current law, the trustees or governing body of a registered place of worship are responsible for appointing an authorised person for that place of worship.331 In relation to same-sex weddings, it is the “relevant governing authority” that must give consent to a place of worship opting in to conduct same-sex weddings. The definition of “relevant governing authority” is simply “the person or persons recognised by the members of the relevant religious organisation” as competent to give such consent.332 By contrast, in the case of Jewish and Quaker weddings the definition of “relevant governing authority” specifies particular offices or refers to the people recognised by particular groups.333

4.172 As we recognised in the Consultation Paper,334 religious organisations take different forms and are organised in different ways. We took the view that it is not for the state to prescribe who within a religious organisation should have the authority to nominate officiants. Instead, we thought that the existing concept of the “relevant governing authority” would be sufficiently flexible to accommodate the variety of arrangements that might exist, from national-level, highly centralised organisations to smaller local organisations that consist of a single congregation. We also took the view that this concept would be equally applicable to non-religious belief organisations, if enabled by Government to officiate at weddings.335 We provisionally proposed that the relevant governing authority within the nominating organisation should be responsible for nominating officiants.336


4.173 A significant majority of consultees supported this proposal. Consultees commented on the importance of officiants, especially religious officiants, having a connection with a nominating organisation, in terms being accountable to it or sharing its beliefs.

4.174 Some consultees, including the Churches’ Legislation Advisory Service and the Church Growth Trust, specifically endorsed the concept of “relevant governing authority” as sufficiently flexible to accommodate different types of religious and nonreligious belief organisations. The Baptist Union of Great Britain noted that Baptist churches would operate on a congregational model, while Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey similarly confirmed that the proposal would fit with its governance by the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives. The Religious Society of Friends also confirmed that the proposed model would work for Quakers.

4.175 However, among those consultees who disagreed, some were concerned that the concept of a “relevant governing authority” would be problematic for certain religious groups. Some consultees seem to have assumed that the relevant governing authority would have to be a national-level one. They noted that faiths such as Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism or Paganism have no single governing authority, or expressed concerns about the implications for churches that operate on a congregational model. Other consultees were concerned that some groups might find it difficult to identify their governing authority.

4.176 A few consultees were concerned that the proposal would result in authority being concentrated in a few hierarchical organisations, with implications for who would be nominated. By contrast, the Board of Deputies of British Jews was concerned about the potential decentralising effect of the proposal, noting that under the current system the Registrar General can rely on the Office of the Chief Rabbi, the West London Synagogue and the Liberal Jewish Synagogue to be “the pivot between civil marriages and religious marriages”. The Evangelical Alliance also noted that it would oppose a system in which individual churches within denominations were “their own governing authorities, able to change their individual view of marriage without the denomination having a means of redress”. Its concern was primarily with churches being able to make decisions about same-sex marriage.

4.177 Consultees who considered the position of non-religious belief organisations largely focussed on whether such organisations should be able to nominate officiants, with some supporting and some opposing such an option. None suggested that the model we had proposed would not work for non-religious belief organisations, although one noted that not all non-religious belief officiants belonged to an organisation.

Discussion and conclusions

4.178 As explained above, our proposal that nominations of officiants should be made by an organisation’s “relevant governing authority” was intended to respect the different ways in which different religions and denominations are governed.337 It accommodates organisations that operate on a centralised, national-level basis and those that operate on a local level, providing they meet the requirements to be a nominating organisation. In our view, it preserves the options that are available to religious groups under the current law while removing many of the limitations that prevent other religious groups from conducting weddings as they would wish. It is equally applicable to non-religious belief organisations, should Government decide to enable them to officiate at weddings.

4.179 As a result, we do not anticipate that our recommendation will lead to either inflexible hierarchies or to decentralisation. Our recommendation assumes that each nominating organisation will have its own governing authority; it does not require each religion to have a single governing authority. Nor would our recommendation enable individual churches to flout their governing authority’s decisions on issues such as same-sex marriage; just as under the current law, no nominated officiant would be able to opt in if the relevant governing authority had not given its consent. However, freedom of religion means that groups may separate from organisations with which they no longer agree and establish themselves as a new organisation. Their ability to do so is not a consequence of our recommendations in respect of weddings law and nor does our scheme incentivise them to do so. It is possible, under the current law, for any registered place of worship to nominate its own authorised person to conduct weddings according to its beliefs; whether the religious group in question is affiliated to a larger organisation is a matter for it to determine.

4.180 Our recommendation should not result in any change for Jewish and Quaker organisations, save that they will no longer be specifically named in the legislation. We do not think that this change will undermine their authority within their own religious communities; after all, few Jewish or Quaker groups have chosen to opt for the alternative of registering their places of worship for weddings. Equally, we do not see any reason why the law should place unique constraints on the ability of Jewish or Quaker groups to dissent from the existing governance structures.

The Government do not think it desirable to specify in legislation the governing authority for any particular religious organisation. That is properly a matter for the members of the religious organisation themselves. For the Government to seek to prescribe this would be an inappropriate interference in the internal governance and autonomy of religious organisations, which should be free to decide, and indeed change, their decision-making arrangements for themselves.338

How would the nomination be made?

Nominations to be made to the General Register Office and a public list to be maintained

The possibility of nomination by office

Discussion and conclusions

Nominations to be made to the General Register Office and a public list to be maintained

4.195 We also think that an officiant’s nominating organisation should be recorded alongside their name to enable a couple to choose an officiant who shared their beliefs or to check that their intended officiant belonged to a particular nominating organisation. Identifying the nominating organisation will also enable any complaints about officiants to be made directly to it rather than via the General Register Office. Further, as we discuss below, nominated officiants will be prevented from subordinating their beliefs to commercial interests; such a rule would have little purpose if the wider public was not permitted to know what beliefs the officiant was meant to be expressing. We also note that information about celebrants’ affiliation is publicly available in Australia and New Zealand.344

4.196 We do however acknowledge the concerns that were expressed by a few religious organisations. We think that these concerns can be met by allowing officiants to opt out from having their nominating organisation or area of residence included on the public list where the inclusion of such information would expose them to a risk of a specific and identifiable harm. In our view this should cover threats either to an identified officiant or to those connected with a specific place of worship or organisation.345

4.197 We also note that some consultees raised the risk of the list of officiants becoming out of date in discussing our proposal that there should be no time limit on the authorisation of officiants.346 We note that there are existing problems with the lists of certified and registered places of worship being out of date,347 and some local authorities implied that this is also a problem with the records of authorised persons. The General Register Office might wish to consider ways of encouraging nominating organisations to ensure that the public list is accurate, perhaps through regular emails or a reminder on the nomination form for new officiants.

Nomination by name rather than by office

4.198 Consultees’ responses illustrated the difficulties in allowing for nomination by office. Fundamentally, not all organisations have defined office-holders such as ordained ministers or accredited celebrants. Even within those organisations that do have defined office-holders, not all of those holding that office may wish to be officiants.

4.199 While we acknowledge that nomination by office would work for some religious groups, we think that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

4.200 First, allowing for nomination by office would require another set of rules as to which types of offices could be nominated or at least some criteria by which nominations by office could be made. In the absence of such rules or criteria, a nominating organisation could for example nominate “all office-holders”, resulting in considerable uncertainty as to who this encompassed. Any such rules or criteria would need to be sensitive to the range of potential nominating organisations, especially given the different conceptions of religious authority within different religious traditions.348 For example, a requirement that office-holders should have gone through a formal process of ordination would work for some religious groups but not for others. We think that any such criterion would introduce new and unnecessary distinctions into weddings law. For the same reason we do not favour allowing only certain types of organisations to nominate by office.

4.201 Second, we note that relatively few consultees cited administrative convenience and cost as reasons for nominating by office. The convenience of nomination by office might well be lessened if a nominating organisation had to satisfy additional criteria in order to do so. Equally, the inconvenience and cost of nominating by name might be lessened if an organisation were able to nominate a number of individuals at once.

4.202 Third, we think that the potential convenience to nominating organisations in nominating by office would be more than offset by the greater uncertainty as to whether any given person is an authorised officiant. As we noted above, having a public list of named individuals will make it easy for couples to check that their intended officiant is authorised, and for registration officers to double-check at the notice stage. Further, if nomination by office were allowed it would be necessary to maintain a list of any office-holders who had been de-authorised and who, even if they continued to hold office, would no longer be authorised by virtue of their office.

4.203 Fourth, we think that having to nominate a specific named person avoids the risk of a person being eligible to officiate by virtue of their office despite not fulfilling the criteria that nominated officiants will be expected to satisfy. As we explain below, these criteria are more specific than those we provisionally proposed in the Consultation Paper, and more difficult to reconcile with the option of nomination by office.

4.204 We are therefore recommending that officiants need to be nominated individually by name rather than collectively by reference to the office they hold.

What criteria would those nominated have to fulfil?

4.205 In the Consultation Paper we explained our view that those nominated to be officiants must be “fit and proper” persons to carry out this important role. We defined “fit and proper” as meaning that the individual in question should understand what was required of them and was able to fulfil the legal requirements of the role. As part of this, we envisaged that those nominated would have undergone training in what being an officiant entailed and would undertake continuing professional development to ensure that they were apprised of any legal changes relevant to their role.349

4.206 As we emphasised, our proposal related to the criteria for being an officiant rather than for holding religious office. However, we also recognised that training to be a priest, minister, imam or other religious leader would often encompass training in conducting legal weddings. We also noted that individual places of worship had been able to appoint their own “authorised persons” since 1899 and that our scheme is premised on minimising differences between religious and non-religious belief organisations. We therefore provisionally proposed that it would be the nominating organisation itself that should be responsible for ensuring that the people they nominate as officiants are “fit and proper” persons.350


4.207 In endorsing our proposal, several organisations emphasised the processes that they already have in place to oversee those involved in weddings. Consultees also noted that nominating organisations would be best placed to know the individuals involved.

4.208 A few consultees further argued that there should be no external criteria imposed on, or state oversight of, officiants nominated by religious organisations. However, while overall a substantial majority of consultees supported our proposal, many did so conditional on there being Government oversight of the process. Some consultees also expressed concern about delegating too much responsibility to nominating organisations, citing the risk of bias and varying standards. In relation to religious organisations, concerns were also expressed about safeguarding failings, religious leaders not carrying out proper checks on capacity and consent, and discriminatory beliefs and practices towards women and others.

4.209 Many consultees suggested that the General Register Office would need to scrutinise nominations or assess them against standardised requirements. Some argued that it should be able to refuse nominations that did not meet the criteria (with some also suggesting that there should be a means of appealing against such refusals). Others suggested that the General Register Office should directly assess officiants or proposed that specific evidence should accompany any nomination.

4.210 Linked to this, many consultees, whether they agreed and disagreed, identified the need for a more specific definition of “fit and proper” or suggested other criteria that they thought nominated officiants should have to meet. Some consultees favoured imposing Disclosure and Barring Service (“DBS”) checks or otherwise preventing those with criminal records from being authorised. Several suggested criteria regarding an officiant’s residence or nationality. Others suggested the criteria should be the same as for independent officiants, or otherwise proposed minimum age requirements, evidence that the nominee had understood the legal requirements of the role and/or had undergone specific training.

4.211 Among those supporting a more express requirement for training, some thought that such training should be delivered by the General Register Office and/or lead to an accredited qualification. Several also specifically advocated that such training should deal with issues such as capacity and consent, safeguarding, equality and diversity. The Board of Deputies of British Jews proposed that officiants should be trained on the differences between religious and legally recognised weddings and the consequences of marriage in law, so that they could in turn advise the couples at whose weddings they officiate. Several consultees also suggested that there should be a requirement for ongoing training or that processes should be in place to deal with organisations that nominated officiants who did not meet the “fit and proper” standard.

Discussion and conclusions

4.212 In the light of consultees’ responses, we have reviewed and revised our provisional proposals to make explicit what will be expected of nominating organisations and what role the General Register Office will play in assessing nominations. In doing so we have been guided by our five principles.351 A certain degree of regulation is needed to ensure that officiants understand their legal duties and responsibilities. At the same time, a complex scheme with onerous conditions may simply deter organisations from engaging with it. We have also sought guidance from the way in which “fit and proper person” is defined in other areas of the law and in the marriage law of other local jurisdictions.

4.213 No consultees argued against the central requirement that nominated officiants should be “fit and proper”. Reviewing the content of other legislative definitions of “fit and proper”, we have identified three core elements: character, competence, and the absence of criminal convictions.


4.214 We think it would be helpful to include a specific requirement that the person being nominated is of good character. Requirements to this effect are included in other definitions of “fit and proper”.352 In Scotland the Registrar General takes account of “personal integrity in relation to character, behaviour and standards of conduct” in determining whether a potential celebrant or nominee is a “fit and proper person to solemnize a marriage”.353 Similarly, in Jersey, the Superintendent Registrar will take into account whether a person seeking to be a celebrant is of good standing in the community.354 Further, a number of consultees suggested including a requirement of this kind and we agree that it will underline the importance of the officiant’s role.


4.215 The competence element of the “fit and proper person” test would be met by requiring those nominated to have attained the age of 18, to have undergone training in the legal requirements for being an officiant, and to understand the legal requirements for being an officiant and performing the role.

4.216 We think that it would be helpful to have a minimum age of 18. We think that it would be odd for someone who has not attained the minimum age of marriage - 18 years old without consent - to be able to confer the status of marriage on others.355 Moreover, no consultees suggested that nominating organisations might want to nominate people under 18. While some proposed higher minimum ages, these generally reflected the minimum age for ordination within a specific religious tradition. As a matter of equalities law, good reason would have to be demonstrated for imposing a minimum age above 18 years. If a nominating organisation wished to limit nominations to those who hold a particular office and limit such offices to those who have reached a certain age, that would be a matter for it to decide.

4.217 Requiring training is intended to ensure that officiants understand how to fulfil their legal duties and responsibilities. At present, there is no statutory requirement for authorised persons to undertake any training and research indicates that training provided by local authorities largely focuses on the completion of the documentation.356

4.218 As we note above, training for religious office may involve training in how to conduct legal weddings. Where organisations do provide such training, we see no need for that to be duplicated. We do however take the view that organisations would have to satisfy the Registrar General that they provide their nominees with training in the legal duties and responsibilities of being an officiant. Subject to the approval of the Registrar General, that training could be delivered by the nominating organisation itself or by another organisation. If an organisation did not wish to provide training for its officiants, or if the Registrar General was not satisfied with the processes it had in place, then nominees would need to undertake training provided by the General Register Office.

4.219 Consultees’ responses emphasised that the state has a role in ensuring that people fulfilling a legal function are suitable to perform it. We think that our recommendation strikes an appropriate balance between recognising the important role that many nominating organisations will play in training their officiants and assuaging consultees’ concerns about delegating responsibility for training to such groups without any oversight by the state.

4.220 We also note that many consultees expressed support for training to be provided by the General Register Office. As was evident during our consultation events, some religious groups would prefer not to have the responsibility for delivering training. Smaller groups, or those with less experience in conducting legal weddings, may well lack confidence in delivering the necessary training.

4.221 It will be for the General Register Office to determine the specific content of the required training. In the light of consultees’ responses and concerns we note that training in issues relating to capacity and consent will be central, since officiants are under a duty to ensure that the parties freely express consent to marry each other. We also think that officiants should be aware of their legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010. We think such training would reassure religious officiants that they will not face any adverse consequences for refusing to officiate at a same-sex wedding. At the same time, we think officiants should also be aware of their obligations not to discriminate on the basis of the other protected characteristics in the Equality Act 2010, including disability, sex, and race.357

The absence of criminal convictions

4.222 We do not think that those being nominated should be required to show that they have undertaken DBS checks. Only a basic DBS check could be required for the role of officiant.358 We also note that obtaining even a basic DBS check costs £23 and that requiring it for all those being nominated could be expensive for larger organisations. If an organisation wants its nominees to have basic DBS checks (or if these checks, or more stringent DBS checks, are required by virtue of the other roles an officiant is performing) it can still require this as part of its own internal processes.

4.223 Instead, we recommend an approach similar to that which operates in Scotland. Under the Scottish scheme, a person applying for temporary authorisation as a celebrant must disclose any criminal convictions that occurred within four years of the application, and celebrants regulated by National Records of Scotland must notify it within 21 days if they are convicted of an offence. Applying this to our scheme, a nominating organisation will be required to disclose if their nominee has any unspent convictions. We think that the offences that should preclude a person from being authorised as an officiant should be a matter for the General Register Office to determine but should probably include any offences related to marriage or serious fraud, or that result in a person being subject to a requirement to notify the police of certain personal information (commonly known as “being on the sex offenders register”).

Preventing beliefs being subordinated to commercial interests

4.224 In the Consultation Paper we acknowledged that expanding the range of people who can officiate at weddings might raise concerns about the commercialisation of marriage. Although we took the view that it would be unlikely that any organisation that satisfied the conditions to nominate officiants would be operating on a commercial basis, we thought it would be helpful to preclude the possibility of beliefs being used as a cover for commercial activity. We therefore provisionally proposed that officiants nominated by religious and (if enabled by Government to officiate at weddings) nonreligious belief organisations should be prohibited from making a business of officiating at weddings, by elevating the making of profits above the expression of their beliefs.359

4.225 This provisional proposal was adapted from the existing provision in Scottish law whereby a celebrant’s authorisation can be removed if he or she “has, for the purpose of profit or gain, been carrying on a business of solemnising marriages”.360 Our formulation incorporated the guidance issued by National Records of Scotland that a person would be deemed to be carrying on a business for profit or gain when “the interests of enacting, celebrating and promoting the celebrant’s religious or philosophical beliefs are subordinated to commercial interests”.361 We understand that this rule has enabled National Records of Scotland to take action against groups that have strayed “into commercial activity”.362


4.226 A very substantial majority of consultees agreed with our proposal. Many commented that weddings are not about business or profit, or that nominated officiants should be conducting wedding to reflect their beliefs, not for profit. Only a few thought that there should be no rules on what nominated officiants could charge.

4.227 There was, however, a range of views among consultees, whether they agreed or disagreed, as to what nominated officiants should be able to charge. A few indicated that that they did not charge any fee to conduct a wedding. Some suggested that nominated officiants should only be able to recover the direct costs involved in officiating, or at most receive a nominal sum. Others referred to the need for fees to be “reasonable” and to reflect the costs involved in training to be an officiant as well as those incurred in relation to any individual wedding. Humanists UK, which agreed with the proposal, noted the need to charge a fee that reflected the time spent creating personalised Humanist ceremonies, suggesting that Humanist celebrants would “typically spend about 30-50 hours per ceremony”. Many consultees also supported nominated officiants being able to make a living from officiating at weddings or the organisation making a profit that would be used to further its beliefs, for example a church whose main income was from weddings.

Discussion and conclusions
Monitoring and de-authorisation

4.238 As set out above, nominating organisations will be responsible for deciding who to nominate and for ensuring that their officiants receive appropriate training. Consistently with this approach, we provisionally proposed that the primary responsibility for monitoring officiants should lie with the organisation that had nominated them. As we explain above, the role of an officiant is an open-ended one, rather than being subject to a specific time-limit. It would be the responsibility of the nominating organisation to request the withdrawal of an officiant’s authorisation if they failed to comply with the fit and proper standard or with their duties and responsibilities as an officiant.365

4.239 However, we also took the view that the General Register Office should have a default power to de-authorise nominated officiants who failed to comply with the fit and proper standard or with their duties and responsibilities as an officiant if the nominating organisation failed to do so.366 Since these two questions essentially formed a single proposal rather than alternatives, we consider them together below.


4.240 Overall, there was a broad consensus that nominating organisations should have the primary responsibility to monitor and de-authorise their officiants but that this should be subject to oversight by the General Register Office. Relatively few consultees argued that nominating organisations should either have no role to play or the exclusive right to monitor and de-authorise their officiants. Similarly, only a few consultees advocated that the proposed functions should be exercised by a body other than the General Register Office.

4.241 In relation to the first proposal that the primary responsibility for monitoring and deauthorisation should lie with the nominating organisation, consultees noted that the nominating organisation would be best placed to supervise its officiants and identify any problems. Some religious groups commented that the proposal reflected current practice, while other organisations that might wish to nominate officiants (should our scheme be enacted) confirmed that they already had monitoring processes in place. A few consultees also noted that a nominating organisation should be able to deauthorise officiants who had ceased to share its beliefs, subject to any general requirements of employment law.

4.242 Many consultees also commented on the importance of organisations understanding their own responsibilities and those of their officiants and having appropriate internal mechanisms to monitor their officiants. Other consultees agreed on condition that the General Register Office would have oversight of nominating organisations and their officiants, with some suggesting ways by which issues could be reported and a few advocating a more interventionist role with “spot checks” on officiants.

4.243 Consultees who disagreed with nominating organisations having the primary responsibility for monitoring and de-authorising their officiants cited concerns about bias, abuse of power, differing standards and existing evidence of safeguarding failings. Conversely, consultees discussing the proposed power for the General Register Office to be able to de-authorise officiants highlighted the importance of religious freedom and the importance of limiting the scope for de-authorisation so as not to impinge on that freedom. The Evangelical Alliance, for example, argued that state authorities should only be able to withdraw an officiant’s authorisation in cases such as “complicity or negligence in connection with criminal offences being committed” and favoured having a stricter definition of “fit and proper”. A number of consultees also emphasised that a refusal to conduct same-sex weddings should not be grounds for de-authorisation.

4.244 Whether the General Register Office was to have a primary or supporting role, some consultees suggested that it should consult the nominating organisation before taking any action to de-authorise an officiant or that complaints should in the first instance be made to the nominating organisation. Other consultees suggested that procedural safeguards, including an appeal or review mechanism, should be in place before the General Register Office could withdraw a nominated officiant’s authorisation.

4.245 Some consultees suggested that suspension might be more appropriate than deauthorisation in certain circumstances. Others questioned whether an officiant who had been de-authorised could be re-authorised, noting that the concerns that had led to their de-authorisation would have had to been addressed.

4.246 Several consultees focussed on the consequences for nominating organisations who failed to act or who have a pattern of nominated officiants being de-authorised. Some, including Humanists UK, suggested that in such cases the nominating organisation itself should be barred or prevented from nominating any further officiants.

Discussion and conclusions

4.247 The support from consultees has confirmed us in our provisional view that nominating organisations should have the primary responsibility to monitor and de-authorise their officiants but that this should be subject to oversight by the General Register Office.

4.248 In considering what level of oversight is necessary, we note that there are currently no statutory provisions covering the monitoring or de-authorisation of authorised persons, save that specifying that those convicted of an offence under the Marriage Act 1949 shall cease to be authorised.367 Nor are there any statutory provisions on the monitoring or de-authorisation of Jewish secretaries or Quaker officers. No consultees who opposed entrusting nominating organisations with the responsibility to monitor and de-authorise their officiants identified the lack of existing mechanisms as having created problems. At the same time, we are aware of a degree of informal monitoring in practice and are conscious that our scheme would enable a wider range of religious (and potentially non-religious belief) organisations to nominate officiants. We therefore take the view that our scheme should make it clear how oversight will be provided.

4.249 Conferring the primary responsibility on nominating organisations to monitor their officiants is also consistent with our other recommendations about the appointment and training of nominated officiants and the ongoing responsibility of nominating organisations to ensure that their officiants remain “fit and proper” persons. As we explain above, this criterion requires officiants to have undertaken training in the legal aspects of being an officiant and to understand what is required of them. It follows that a person whose conduct indicates that they do not (or no longer) understand what is required of them should have their authorisation withdrawn.

4.250 We think this approach provides an appropriate means of distinguishing between occasional and/or accidental failures and ones that are attributable to a failure to meet the fit and proper standard. So, for example, a single failure to ensure that the schedule was signed would not in itself be a basis for de-authorisation, but a persistent failure would be. A willingness to conduct sham or forced marriages, by contrast, would clearly demonstrate that the officiant did not meet the fit and proper person standard and would justify de-authorisation. Failing to act with dignity and solemnity, or subordinating beliefs to commercial interests, could also be a basis for de-authorisation, but organisations would need to exercise their judgment as to whether this would be justified in the circumstances. In cases of minor failures, nominating organisations could provide additional support for the officiant whose understanding of the legal requirements has been called into question, for example by having another person attend their ceremonies.

Recommendation 20.

The evidence required to demonstrate the existence of the organisation could be (but is not limited to) a constitution or governing document or documents.

Recommendation 21.

Recommendation 22.



Individual applications

4.268 While marginally more consultees agreed than disagreed with this proposal, there was not an overall majority in favour of it, with a number of consultees expressing other views. However, only a few consultees engaged with the specifics of the proposal rather than the broader policy issue of whether there should be a category of independent officiants.

Criteria for authorisation

Discussion and conclusions

Individual applications

Criteria for authorisation

4.287 We also think that it is important to have a requirement for both initial and ongoing380 training. We note that training in being an officiant is not the same as training in being a celebrant; as we explained in the Consultation Paper, any training would be directed to the legal duties and responsibilities of being an officiant, with the precise content being determined by the Registrar General.381 As we discuss above in relation to nominated officiants, we think that officiants should be aware of their legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010. Independent officiants, if enabled by Government, would be civil officiants and under the same obligations to officiate at same-sex weddings as registration officers. Officiants should also be aware of their obligations not to discriminate on the basis of other protected characteristics in the Equality Act 2010, including disability, sex, and race.

4.288 It would be for the Registrar General to determine whether training should be delivered by the General Register Office or could be delivered by other organisations. It would also be for the Registrar General to determine the mode of delivery and assessment.

4.289 Similarly, we think that ongoing training is important to ensure that independent officiants remain aware of their legal duties and responsibilities and any changes to the law that affect them.

4.290 As in relation to nominated officiants, weddings law does not need to get involved with immigration status or the right to work of independent officiants (which is covered by immigration law).

4.291 We do not think that experience of conducting non-legally binding ceremonies (or weddings in other jurisdictions) should be required. Nor do we think that applicants should be required to produce testimonials. Applications will need to be assessed by reference to whether the applicant meets the legal requirements to be an officiant, not by reference to their skills as a celebrant.

4.292 We note that there may be benefits in being members of a professional organisation, in terms of professional support and insurance. However, consultees’ responses suggested no compelling reasons for departing from our view that neither professional affiliation nor insurance should be a requirement for being authorised.

Preventing independent officiants from acting with a conflict of interests

4.293 In the Consultation Paper we explained why we thought that different rules would need to apply to nominated officiants and independent officiants. In particular, we noted that the prohibition that we provisionally proposed would apply to nominated officiants - which would preclude them from making a business of officiating at weddings by elevating the making of profits above the expression of their beliefs -could not apply to independent officiants as they would not be acting in pursuance of particular beliefs. We also noted that any legal limits on fees would only apply to their role in officiating at weddings and would not extend to other services such as meeting with the couple to plan the ceremony and conducting the ceremony.382

4.294 Nonetheless, we thought the dignity of the role of officiant would be compromised if officiants used their role to require couples to purchase other services from them or if they received a commission from third parties for referring couples to particular providers of ancillary services. We therefore provisionally proposed that (if enabled by Government to officiate at weddings) independent officiants should be prohibited from acting with a conflict of interest but that there should not otherwise be any limits on the fees that they could charge for officiating at weddings.383


4.295 There was an almost even split between consultees agreeing and disagreeing with our proposal. Most of the disagreement focussed on the question of whether there should be limits on the fees that independent celebrants could charge.

4.296 Consultees who favoured not limiting fees noted that the cost would largely depend on the choices made by the couple as to the role they wanted the officiant to play and the time involved in personalising ceremonies. Some noted that lower-cost options would still be available to couples. Others commented that market forces would in practice control the fees that independent officiants would charge.

4.297 However, many consultees argued that independent officiants’ fees should be either capped or fixed. A number expressed concern about commercialisation as being incompatible with the dignity of the institution of marriage. Other consultees viewed competition as likely to lead to overcharging and the risk of couples being priced out of getting married.

4.298 Some consultees expressed the view that independent officiants should not operate as a business. Humanists UK, whose response was supported by Humanist Society Scotland, thought that our proposal prohibiting nominated officiants “from making a business of officiating at weddings, by elevating the making of profits above the expression of their beliefs”384 should also apply to independent officiants; however, this was subject to their opposition to independent celebrants being authorised as officiants.

4.299 Conversely, some consultees suggested that there should be a minimum fee to avoid independent officiants undercutting other officiants. Others proposed that the same rule as to charging should apply to all officiants. A few consultees thought that officiants should not be able to charge a fee at all. Other consultees suggested that independent officiants should have to publish their fees or otherwise be clear in advance what the fee would be.

4.300 Very few consultees opposed the prohibition of conflicts of interests, but some raised questions as to its scope. Some noted that independent celebrants might be employed by a venue or provide other services such as catering. A couple of consultees also asked whether officiating at the wedding of a relative would be a conflict of interest.

Discussion and conclusions

4.301 We think that the same arguments against fixed or capped fees that we discuss above in relation to nominated officiants apply with equal force to independent officiants. In particular, any fixed fee could only apply to their role in officiating at a wedding and would be likely to form a relatively small part of their fee for crafting a bespoke ceremony and leading the ceremony. Moreover, we do not see the charging of a fee as detrimental to the dignity of the institution of marriage. Nor does there seem any reason why increased competition would increase costs or why couples should have to pay a set fee if independent officiants wished to offer their services for a lower cost.

4.302 We also note that under our scheme, the potential to make a profit would not be restricted to independent officiants: nominated officiants would not be precluded from making a profit, so long as they did not do so in a way that subordinated their beliefs to commercial interests. This rephrasing does not change the fact that it would not be possible to apply the same restriction to independent officiants, who are not representing a belief.

4.303 In our view, preventing independent officiants from acting with a conflict of interests is an appropriate way to maintain the dignity of the officiant’s role. In relation to the concerns expressed as to how such a rule would be enforced, we note the power of the General Register Office to de-authorise independent officiants.

4.304 In the light of consultees’ responses, we have further considered what would constitute a conflict. In our view there would be no conflict in an independent officiant requiring the couple to engage them to lead the ceremony as well as to officiate at it; since the role of celebrant will often be combined with that of officiant, we see the two roles as complementary rather than conflicting. An independent officiant would also be able to offer other goods or services such as floristry, decorations or catering. However, they could not make it a condition of their officiating at a wedding that the couple buy these goods or services from them or their company. It would also be a conflict of interest for an officiant to accept a payment to recommend another provider of goods or services.

4.305 Some consultees also raised the possibility of independent officiants being employed by venues. We note that it would be a conflict for an independent officiant to require that the wedding take place at that venue as a condition of officiating, or to accept a payment to recommend a venue, whether they are employed by it or not. However, the rule would not otherwise prevent an independent officiant being employed by a venue. A venue would also be able to require a couple to use a particular officiant, although there would be no question of the venue itself appointing officiants; the appointment of independent officiants would be for the General Register Office alone to determine.

4.306 We do not think that officiating at the wedding of a relative would be a conflict of interest. We note, for example, that there is no legal bar to registration officers, Anglican clergy, Jewish secretaries, Quaker officers or authorised persons acting in relation to the wedding of a relative. Indeed, the closeness of the relationship might be the very reason why a particular person has been asked to officiate: a number of participants in the Nuffield project had chosen friends or family to lead their non-legally binding ceremonies.385 Given that being authorised will require applicants to undertake specific training, we think it unlikely that friends or family would seek to become officiants to conduct a single wedding. It seems to us more likely that a couple who wanted a friend or family member to conduct the ceremony would have them do so alongside an officiant, rather than by becoming an officiant. If a friend or family member did in fact become an officiant, then they would of course be obliged to comply with their legal duties and responsibilities as such. And if, as some consultees feared, friends or family were complicit in forced or sham marriages, they would be guilty of a criminal offence.386

Monitoring and de-authorisation

4.307 As set out above, we took the view that the General Register Office would be the appropriate body to assess whether applicants meet the criteria to be authorised as independent officiants and to determine the content of their required training. It followed that it would also be the appropriate body to monitor and, if necessary, deauthorise independent officiants. We therefore provisionally proposed that the General Register Office should be responsible for monitoring independent officiants and deauthorising those who fail to comply with the fit and proper standard or their duties and responsibilities. As part of this role we provisionally proposed that the General Register Office should also be able to carry out such investigations as are necessary to exercise its powers.387


4.308 A very substantial majority of consultees supported this proposal, noting that it would ensure standards were upheld and that the General Register Office was the appropriate organisation to exercise these functions. A number also highlighted the importance of having fair and transparent processes in place, together with a means of appealing against de-authorisation.

4.309 Consultees’ reasons for opposing the proposal were more varied. Some were opposed to independent celebrants. Others were independent celebrants who argued that their own professional organisations should be responsible for monitoring them. Some local authorities similarly advocated a greater role for local authorities in regulating independent officiants. A few members of the public were critical of the proposal as leading to increased bureaucracy or suspected that the General Register Office might abuse its powers.

4.310 Other consultees doubted whether the General Register Office would in practice be able to monitor independent officiants adequately or suggested that a new organisation should exercise the proposed responsibility. Several commented on the importance of having clear standards to which independent officiants should be held. Others suggested that a complaints system should be put in place to make the General Register Office aware of any problems with a particular independent officiant.

Discussion and conclusions

4.311 If Government decides to enable independent officiants, some form of state regulation will be necessary, and the General Register Office remains the obvious body to monitor and (if necessary) de-authorise them. Given its long-standing role and expertise, we do not see any need for a new regulatory body to be created. Nor would the level of monitoring that we envisage require local authorities to play a role. In addition, while celebrancy organisations may have a valuable role to play in training, advising, and supporting their members, the high level of support for our proposal indicates that regulation by a Government organisation should be a pre-condition for recognition.

4.312 We note that monitoring would be limited to whether independent officiants continued to meet the criteria for being authorised (in terms of being “fit and proper”) and whether they were fulfilling their duties and responsibilities as officiants. It would not be to assess the quality of the service provided by officiants or ensure that couples got a good experience. As we discuss above in relation to nominated officiants, occasional or accidental failures should not justify de-authorisation; only a serious or persistent failure in complying with their duties and responsibilities, or a willingness to conduct forced or sham marriages, would do so.

4.313 The basis for any intervention from the General Register Office would need to be concerns or evidence that the officiant was failing to meet the fit and proper standard, or was failing to fulfil their duties and responsibilities. We do not envisage the General Register Office observing weddings conducted by independent celebrants or making spot checks (something that the couples getting married might find intrusive). Instead, we envisage the General Register Office monitoring the uptake of ongoing training and de-authorising those who do not complete it satisfactorily or at all. We also think that there would be value in a complaints process, so that individuals can bring concerns to the attention of the General Register Office. We discuss this further at paragraph 4.360 and following below.

4.314 Any public decision-making process, including decisions to de-authorise officiants, has to be fair. If the General Register Office is to have the power to de-authorise independent officiants (and indeed nominated officiants, if their organisation has failed to act),388 then there should also be a mechanism for appeals. We discuss this further below.

When authorisation would lapse

4.315 As we recommend above, there will be no time limit on the authorisation of officiants. However, that does not mean that an officiant’s authorisation should continue indefinitely in the absence of further action on their part. As we explained in the Consultation Paper, independent officiants would be in a different position from other officiants. We therefore provisionally proposed that the authorisation of an independent officiant should lapse if they failed to comply with their obligation to undertake continuing professional development.389


4.316 A substantial majority of consultees, including all four celebrancy organisations that responded, agreed with our proposal. Many consultees welcomed the proposal as a means of monitoring independent officiants, enforcing the obligation to undertake continuing professional development, and ensuring officiants were aware of changes in the law or other requirements.

Discussion and conclusions

circumstances for their failure to engage in the required ongoing training, we think that it would be fair for any fee for being (re)authorised to be reduced or waived.390

Recommendation 23.

4.327 We recommend that individuals applying to be authorised as independent officiants should be required to demonstrate that they are “fit and proper” persons, by providing evidence that they:

4.328 We recommend that the General Register Office should hold a public list of independent officiants that includes officiants’ names and the town or district in which they reside, but individuals should be able to opt out from having their area of residence included where the inclusion of such information would expose them to a risk of a specific and identifiable harm.

4.329 We recommend that independent officiants should be required to undertake ongoing training as prescribed by the General Register Office, and that they should be automatically de-authorised if they fail to comply with this obligation.

4.330 We recommend that the General Register Office should be responsible for monitoring independent officiants and de-authorising those who fail to comply with the fit and proper standard or their duties and responsibilities.

Recommendation 24.

4.331 We recommend that independent officiants should be prevented from acting with a conflict of interest. This rule should not prevent an independent officiant from being employed by a commercial venue, so long as the independent officiant does not insist that a wedding take place in that venue.


4.332 As we explain in Chapter 10, our recommended scheme will also include a new category of officiant, called maritime officiants. Their role will be solely to officiate at civil weddings in international waters on board cruise ships registered in the United Kingdom with a port of choice in England or Wales.

4.333 In order to be authorised as a maritime officiant, an individual will need to be a deck officer, a category that comprises the captain, chief mate, and other officers who take charge of a navigational watch on board a ship.393 They will also be subject to the same processes for authorisation, training and monitoring that we recommend should apply to independent officiants.

4.334 However, there are two differences between maritime officiants and independent officiants.

4.335 First, the public list of maritime officiants would record the ship or ships on which they are employed rather than the district in which they reside. Given that maritime officiants are only able to officiate at weddings in international waters, we think that recording their district of residence while on land would be unhelpful and potentially misleading.

4.336 Second, maritime officiants must ensure that the wedding only takes place on the cruise ship on which they are employed as a deck officer. That would not be a conflict of interest for them, since it is the only circumstance in which they will be authorised to officiate. However, a maritime officiant will otherwise be prevented from acting with a conflict of interest such as accepting a payment to recommend a specific provider of goods or services, or placing their commercial interests above their duties and responsibilities as an officiant.

Recommendation 25.

4.337 We recommend that maritime officiants should apply to the General Register Office to be authorised.

4.338 We recommend that individuals applying to be authorised as maritime officiants should be required to demonstrate that they are “fit and proper” persons, by providing evidence that they:

4.339 We recommend that the General Register Office should hold a public list of maritime officiants that includes officiants’ names and the ship or ships on which they are employed.

4.340 We recommend that maritime officiants should be required to undertake ongoing training as prescribed by the General Register Office, and that they should be automatically de-authorised if they fail to comply with this obligation.

4.341 We recommend that the General Register Office should be responsible for monitoring maritime officiants and de-authorising those who fail to comply with the fit and proper standard or their duties and responsibilities.

Recommendation 26.

4.342 We recommend that maritime officiants should be prevented from acting with a conflict of interest.


4.343 Under our scheme, the concept of an officiant, and the duties and responsibilities of that officiant, will be common to all weddings. However, as we set out above, there will be different routes to becoming an officiant, each requiring specific criteria to be fulfilled. Moreover, our scheme envisages different bodies being responsible for monitoring different officiants, differences in the types of ceremony at which they may officiate, and different rules as to what they could charge.

4.344 As we explained in the Consultation Paper, these different criteria and restrictions led us to take the view that it should not be possible for a person to be authorised as an officiant by different routes.394 Our consultation question focussed on nominated and independent officiants, as we did not envisage that there would be any overlap between these categories and either registration officers or Anglican clergy. Our provisional proposal was therefore that it should not be possible for the same person to be authorised as an independent officiant and nominated by either a religious or a non-religious belief organisation. We also provisionally proposed that it should not be possible for the same person to be nominated by both a religious and a non-religious belief organisation.395


4.345 A significant majority of consultees agreed with our proposal. For many, the key issue was that an officiant nominated by either a religious or non-religious belief organisation would be representing the beliefs of that organisation. As the Church of England commented:

No one seeking to be authorised as both a religious and non-religious officiant could be acting in good faith or be capable of working honestly with a couple to represent their beliefs in the wedding ceremony.

A number also commented that independent officiants would not be representing any specific set of beliefs and that they could not be independent while being nominated by an organisation. Other consultees commented that the proposal would ensure clarity and accountability and prevent individuals switching between categories to take advantage of different rules.

4.346 Some consultees suggested that the proposal should go further and prevent any officiant from being nominated by more than one organisation, whether religious or non-religious. This point was made by both Humanists UK and the Evangelical Alliance, among others. A number of consultees also said that registration officers should not be able to be authorised as independent officiants, although some local authorities did suggest that this should be permitted. A couple of consultees also suggested that the same rule should apply to all officiants.

4.347 Among those who disagreed, some consultees questioned why this restriction was needed. Some suggested that it should be up to nominating organisations to decide whether their nominated officiants could also be nominated by another organisation, while Humanist and Secularist Liberal Democrats expressed the hope that religious and non-religious belief organisations would be able to work together.

4.348 Others actively supported nominated officiants being able to be authorised independently. A number of these consultees gave examples of how they currently operated as independent celebrants while also holding a religious role or how they would like to be able to conduct ceremonies according to specific religious beliefs. In addition, one Anglican clergyman said that he would welcome the opportunity to be authorised independently as well as officiating at Anglican weddings.

4.349 Some consultees raised the issue of interfaith couples. OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation commented that there is not always a clear distinction between religious and nonreligious beliefs, while one consultee noted that interfaith ministers represent a range of different beliefs. Other consultees raised specific issues about Paganism, noting the diversity of organisations and beliefs it encompasses.

4.350 In addition, a few consultees who agreed with the proposal suggested that being authorised by one route should not preclude an officiant changing to a different route at a later stage, as long as they were only authorised in one way at any given time.

Discussion and conclusions

4.351 Consultees’ responses reinforced our view that allowing individuals to be authorised by different routes - and so to act in different capacities - would lead to confusion and undermine other elements of our scheme. Our recommendations regarding the way in which officiants would be appointed, monitored and de-authorised, and the different rules that would apply in relation to fees and profit, are incompatible with officiants being simultaneously authorised by different routes.

4.352 Our view is that any officiant should only be able to be authorised by one route at any given time. In the light of responses from consultees we think it is necessary to make it clear that this rule will apply to all categories of officiant, including Anglican clergy and registration officers, rather than leaving this to their terms of employment. We think that there would be a clear conflict in registration officers employed by local authorities also operating on their own account as independent celebrants, especially given the differing rules on what fees could be charged. However, once an individual has ceased to be authorised in one capacity, they will be able to seek authorisation in a different capacity.

4.353 However, we recommend one exception to this general rule: that the unique category of maritime officiants should also be able to be authorised as independent officiants, if Government enables independent officiants to officiate at weddings. As we explain in Chapter 10, this exception is justified because maritime officiants will be subject to the same rules as independent officiants, in relation to their authorisation and in relation to fees and profit.396

4.354 We also take the view that an officiant can only be nominated for authorisation by one organisation at any given time. While our proposal did not expressly prohibit an officiant being nominated by organisations within the same category (two or more religious bodies, or two or more non-religious bodies), we did not envisage the same person being nominated by multiple organisations. Under our scheme, nominating organisations will be responsible for ensuring that those it nominates meet the requirements to be an officiant and receive appropriate training; they will also be responsible for monitoring officiants, and requesting the withdrawal of authorisation from those who fail to comply with the fit and proper standard or with their duties and responsibilities. All these responsibilities on the nominating organisation point in favour of there being just one organisation performing this role in relation to any given officiant.

4.355 We appreciate that, within some organisations, the distinction between religious and non-religious beliefs is not as clear-cut as it is for others. However, given our definitions of religious and non-religious belief organisations, we think it would be impossible for any organisation to qualify as both. We think that the concerns of consultees about the potential rigidity of that divide will be addressed by our recommendations regarding the ceremony. We discuss these in detail in Chapter 5; here we simply note that officiating at a ceremony that reflects different beliefs will not require an officiant to be nominated by different organisations but will depend on what their organisation permits.

4.356 In addition, as we explain in paragraph 4.136 above our Terms of Reference require a distinction to be made between religious and non-religious belief organisations. One of the reasons this distinction is necessary is because the locks in relation to same-sex marriage will continue for religious organisations but will not be extended to nonreligious belief organisations if they are enabled by Government to officiate at weddings. These locks also provide a further reason for not permitting religious officiants to be independent officiants. There may well be religious officiants who would like to be able to conduct same-sex weddings but whose governing authority does not currently allow this. Allowing such religious officiants to be authorised as independent officiants to conduct same-sex weddings would create an obvious conflict between their two roles. If an officiant is not happy with the rules of their organisation then it is open to them to resign and find another organisation that does permit samesex weddings, or (should this be an option) seek authorisation solely as an independent officiant.

4.357 Finally, we note that our scheme would not necessarily prevent nominated officiants (or indeed Anglican clergy or registration officers) from being independent celebrants conducting non-legally binding ceremonies. It will be up to each organisation to decide what it wishes to permit its officiants to do. Equally, there would be nothing to prevent an independent officiant from being appointed as a minister and conducting (rather than officiating at) weddings in that capacity. Our recommendation is only aimed at preventing dual authorisation.

Recommendation 27.

4.358 We recommend that an officiant should only be able to be authorised as one of the below categories of officiant at any one time -

4.359 We recommend that it should not be possible for a nominated officiant to be nominated by more than one nominating organisation at any one time.


4.360 We think that there should be a means for complaints about nominated, independent and maritime officiants to be made directly to the General Register Office, to enable it to be alerted to any problems. What form this complaints mechanism should take will be for the General Register Office to determine, although we think it should consult on any procedure it devises.

4.361 The role of a complaints procedure will also be different for different groups of officiants. As noted above, giving the General Register Office the power to deauthorise nominated officiants who failed to comply with the fit and proper standard or their duties and responsibilities as an officiant was supported by a very substantial majority of consultees. In the light of feedback from our consultees, we note that there was strong support for any complaints being directed to the nominating organisation in the first instance. However, we also note that there may well be cases in which a nominating organisation does not have a formal complaints process in place and the individual concerned does not know how to initiate a complaint otherwise than via the General Register Office. There may also be cases in which it is more appropriate for the complaint to be made directly to the General Register Office. We have heard from a number of consultees about the difficulties that women in particular may face in engaging with religious authorities and many might prefer to have the option of raising their concern via an independent body.

4.362 By contrast, the General Register Office would have direct responsibility for monitoring and de-authorising independent officiants. It therefore follows that any complaints about independent officiants would be made directly to the General Register Office.

4.363 As we explain above, under our scheme the Registrar General will have the power to decide not to authorise a particular nominee or applicant, and the power to deauthorise a nominated officiant (if their nominating organisation fails to act) or an independent officiant. A number of consultees highlighted the need for there to be an appeal mechanism.

4.364 We note that Scotland, Northern Ireland, Jersey, and Ireland all make provision for an appeal against the decision of the Registrar General (or equivalent figure) to deauthorise an officiant to be made to the relevant government department or minister.397 Of these, Jersey has the most detailed provision. Appeals are to be made in writing stating the basis on which a review is justified. The relevant Minister may receive submissions or request a suitably qualified independent person to investigate,398 and their decision is stated as final.399 We think this would provide a suitable model for our scheme for an officiant to appeal against their de-authorisation (or a refusal to authorise) to the relevant Secretary of State.

Recommendation 28.

4.365 We recommend that there should be a means for complaints about nominated, maritime and independent officiants to be made directly to the General Register Office, with the procedure to be adopted to be devised by the General Register Office after consultation.

4.366 We recommend that the General Register Office should have the power to conduct investigations necessary to exercise its powers.

4.367 We recommend that there should be a procedure for officiants to appeal to the relevant Secretary of State against a decision by the General Register Office not to authorise them, or to withdraw their authorisation.

Chapter 5: The wedding ceremony



The requirement for consent

Declaration of no impediments

Consent and the prescribed words

Some consultees acknowledged the need to make accommodation for individuals with disabilities.

Signing the schedule or marriage document

Time of formation

Submission of ceremony details by nominating bodies

Discussion and conclusion

No impediments

The need for consent to be expressed in a ceremony

How consent can be expressed

The expression of consent in a belief ceremony

“I call upon these persons here present to witness that I, [name], do take thee, [name], to be my lawful wedded wife [or husband]”; or

“I [name] take you [or thee] [name] to be my wedded wife [or husband]”.425

The expression of consent in a civil ceremony

“I call upon these persons here present to witness that I, [name], do take thee, [name], to be my lawful wedded wife [or husband]” or “I [name] take you [or thee] [name] to be my wedded wife [or husband]”,

could become

“I accept you [name] as my [husband, wife or spouse]”.434

This core, together with the provision that words can be said to the same effect, would be similar to the requirement for declarations of words of contact in Scotland,435 Northern Ireland,436 and Ireland.437

Signing the declaration in the schedule or marriage document

Timing of formation

The presence of the officiant and two witnesses

Submission of ceremony details


Recommendation 29.

The form of ceremony

Chosen by the couple and agreed to by the officiant

Anglican, Jewish and Quaker weddings

Discussion and conclusion

The form of ceremony

5.107 We also disagree with Humanists UK’s suggestion that the law should require weddings at which a nominated officiant is officiating to match the form imposed by their nominating body, or that the officiants of nominating organisations should only be able to provide weddings to that organisation’s members or those who are part of their community. This restrictive approach currently applies to varying degrees to Anglican, Jewish and Quaker ceremonies and causes problems.461 Extending it further would multiply these problems. Clearly, it would not work for many groups who offer flexibility in relation to the form of their ceremonies, including those who conduct interfaith ceremonies, such as the Unitarian church and OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation. It would also needlessly restrict groups for which “market[ing] themselves to a wider range of couples” (which Humanists UK raised as a concern with our provisional proposal if done so for profit and gain) may be important for religious (or non-religious belief) reasons, rather than financial ones. Simply put, it would undermine our recommendations to ensure that couples can marry in a way that is meaningful to them.

5.108 The Church in Wales proposed a modification to the wording of the provisional proposal, so that instead of taking place according to the form and ceremony “chosen by the parties and agreed to by the officiant”, it would be that “chosen by the officiant and agreed to by the couple”. We had worded our proposal to make it clear that the couple may ask questions or make suggestions, but the officiant would be able to refuse. Referring to the officiant’s agreement makes clear that they essentially have a veto,462 a point we think should be clear in the recommendation. However, to emphasise the officiant’s role, we have modified the wording of our recommendation so that the ceremony may take place “according to the form and ceremony agreed between the parties and the officiant”.

Anglican, Jewish and Quaker weddings

5.109 To ensure that all types of wedding can take place according to the form and ceremony agreed between the couple and the officiant, the specific rules which dictate the form which Anglican, Jewish and Quaker weddings must take place, and who may have a Jewish and Quaker wedding, must be removed.

5.110 A substantial majority of consultees agreed with this proposal, and in particular, consultees did not offer reasoned objections as to why Jewish groups or the Religious Society of Friends are in need of special protections, and restraints, on their ceremonies when other religious groups are not.

5.111 The Religious Society of Friends supported the proposal but the Board of Deputies of British Jews disagreed with it.463 Although the Board of Deputies accepted that there should not be special rules about the form of any wedding, it believed that the words “in accordance with the usages of the Jews” should be retained, because the same wording appears in the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973.464 This provision allows a court to order that a decree of divorce is not made absolute in relation to a marriage solemnized in “accordance with the usages of the Jews” until each party takes the necessary steps to dissolve the marriage (by way of a get) in accordance with Jewish law. However, as we explained in the Consultation Paper, we disagree that removing the requirement in weddings law for Jewish weddings to take place according to Jewish usages would cause any problems in relation to the order-making power under the 1973 Act. Jewish communities would continue to marry couples in accordance with these usages as a matter of fact. Indeed, the order-making power in the 1973 Act can be exercised in relation to any religious usages so long as they have been prescribed by the Lord Chancellor, regardless of whether couples are required to marry according to those usages as a matter of weddings law or not.


Recommendation 30.

Open doors
Discussion and conclusion

5.138 We disagree that we have not engaged with the question of what marriage “is”. As we noted above, religious groups will continue to have the right to celebrate and support only those marriages that fit with their views of what a marriage should be. However, in designing a new scheme to govern weddings law, our focus is necessarily on the legal conception of what a marriage is, rather than a conception that is based on specific beliefs, religious or otherwise.

5.139 While our concern therefore lies with the legal conception of marriage, the question of what marriage is according to the law is not the primary focus of a project on weddings law: it is more directly relevant to capacity to marry and the rights and responsibilities marriage imparts, issues specifically outside the scope of our review.489 Judicial pronouncements about the meaning of marriage are now primarily found in the context of assessments of capacity to marry, in setting out what an individual must be able to understand in order to be able to marry. These statements focus on the essence of marriage. This essence is largely centred on marriage as a legal institution, from which flows status, rights, and responsibilities.490 The law’s current conception of marriage is broad and flexible, accommodating many different beliefs and many different relationships. As explained recently by Mr Justice Mostyn when considering the mental capacity required to marry, a shared economy, cohabitation, sexual relations and procreation are not essential features of marriage.491 Many marriages will involve some or all of a shared economy, cohabitation, sexual relations and procreation, and some or all of these may be fundamental to how some individuals or religious faiths understand marriage. But none are essential to its legal status.

5.140 In our view, abolishing the existing requirements for open doors will help to ensure that the law can recognise the diversity of beliefs, expressed in the array of ceremonies used to celebrate weddings in England and Wales today. In particular, it will facilitate the recognition of some weddings, often religious weddings, which take place in private. As illustrated in the Nuffield project, the current open doors requirement prevents legally recognised weddings from taking place in Mormon Temples, which are only open to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints who have a Temple recommend.492 We also know that many Muslim nikah ceremonies take place in private. As Tristan Cummings explained, “the open doors principle has a disproportionate impact on some religious groups” and can operate to exclude them from conducting legal weddings.493

Recommendation 31.

5.141 We recommend that weddings should not be required to take place with open doors or with public access.


5.142 Under the current law, couples having civil ceremonies are prohibited from including anything other than incidental religious content in their ceremonies. Readings, songs or music are only permitted if any religious references are incidental and in an “essentially non-religious context”.494

Proposal to permit religious content

many nonreligious people, or people who do not want a religious wedding, find special meaning in songs, poems, prayers and other expressions that happen to be religious in origin and theme.

5.151 Some consultees expressly agreed with the proposed requirement that the ceremony should remain identifiable as a civil ceremony. Some suggested that the elements of the ceremony must not be mostly or fully religious, with Dr Augur Pearce (an academic) offering that the test should be the “overriding impression given by the ceremony taken as a whole”. The Reverend Professor Thomas Glyn Watkin QC repeated his concern that the law should preclude a suggestion that a “lay officiant is performing a function with religious significance which in a religious ceremony would require a suitably qualified or authorized person to perform”. Similarly, the Church of England said that any religious content in civil weddings must “not be lifted directly from the rites of any religious body ... as such material is integral to the religious rite and cannot be taken in isolation”, giving the example of the vows from the Book of Common Prayer. Oxfordshire Registration Service suggested that the ceremony could be identified as civil in the introduction to the ceremony.

Inclusion in the law of examples of permitted religious content

books, and religious poetry or religious readings about love, marriage or commitment;

a god.

Discussion and conclusion

5.166 Some concerns with the current law’s prohibition on religious content in civil ceremonies will be addressed by other aspects of our scheme, particularly those that facilitate couples having religious weddings where they wish to do so. Under our recommendations about the location where weddings can take place, religious weddings will be permitted to take place in locations other than places of worship, so that religious couples marrying in civil weddings on what are now approved premises or in other similar types of location will instead be able to have a religious wedding there. They will therefore not be subject to any specific rules governing civil ceremonies.100 Our recommendations about officiants should also better serve couples wanting an interfaith or mixed-faith wedding: our scheme would enable interfaith ministers to be nominated as officiants.101 And mixed faith couples too will be able to have their religious wedding ceremonies in a location which they feel is right for them, including one that honours, or is neutral in relation to, their different beliefs.

and our own review makes clear the importance many couples having civil ceremonies attach to marrying in a way that is meaningful to them. For many couples, this includes incorporating religious elements to reflect their religious beliefs. Legislating to make civil ceremonies devoid of any beliefs would impose undue and unwarranted restrictions on these couples, and would frustrate one of the fundamental aims of our project.

5.169 Accordingly, we do not think the current law’s strict prohibition on religious content in civil ceremonies should be replicated under our scheme. However, we do agree that some limitations are justified so that there remains a clear distinction between civil ceremonies and ceremonies conducted according to religious (or non-religious) beliefs.

5.170 We recommend that the prohibition on religious content in civil ceremonies should be replaced with a prohibition on a religious service. In a way, this approach will return the law to how it is expressed in the Marriage Act 1949 and abolish the further restrictions imposed in the Approved Premises Regulations.499 However, our scheme will also make it explicit that this prohibition does not preclude religious content.

5.171 Under our recommendations, a civil ceremony will be required to be identifiable as such. Beyond that, it can incorporate religious elements so long as it does not amount to a religious service. We recommend two requirements which would aid the identification of a ceremony as civil, which we set out below. And we recommend that there should be a non-exhaustive list, outlined in legislation, about the types of content that can be incorporated into a civil ceremony, taking the approach in Jersey500 as a starting point.

5.172 Furthermore, if non-religious belief organisations are enabled by Government to conduct legally binding weddings, we agree that any restriction applying to religious content should apply equally to non-religious belief content. Because religious and non-religious belief content will generally be permissible, we do not need to consider Humanists UK’s suggestions about whether expressions of belief in the tenets of Humanism should be prohibited: couples will be able to express belief whether or not they evince a particular religious or Humanist conviction.

The identification of the ceremony as civil

5.173 A civil wedding ceremony should be identifiably civil. But the difference between what is a civil ceremony and what is a religious (or non-religious belief) ceremony is not always obvious.501 Therefore, we recommend two requirements that would apply to civil ceremonies to ensure that they are distinct.

5.174 First, we recommend that every civil wedding ceremony should be identified as such, either by the officiant (or another leading the ceremony). Alternatively, the officiant should be required to identify themselves as a civil officiant. This requirement means that the ceremony cannot be identified as a belief ceremony, or a ceremony according to any particular religious or non-religious belief. Whether the ceremony is identified as a civil ceremony or the officiant is identified as a civil officiant, such identification must be made to the couple and the two witnesses. This approach will ensure that there is no confusion in the minds of the couple and the witnesses about the type of ceremony, which should address any concerns about civil officiants purporting to officiate at religious or (if authorised) non-religious belief ceremonies.

5.175 Secondly, we recommend that religious and (if authorised) non-religious belief rites or rituals should not form part of the couple’s expression of consent. This approach would be similar to that followed in Scotland.502 We recommended earlier in this chapter that a couple in a civil wedding should be required to express their consent by saying required words of contract, or words to the same effect. Accordingly, couples will not be able to use part of the marriage rites of any particular religion when saying the words of contract. We do not think that this rule will be unduly prohibitive because couples will still be able to include references to their beliefs or cultural practices in other parts of the ceremony, including in any promises they make to each other.

A list of permitted elements

5.176 Although we think that civil ceremonies should be distinguishable from religious and (if authorised) non-religious belief ceremonies, couples having civil ceremonies should nevertheless be able to make them personally meaningful. We therefore recommend that belief content should be permitted within civil ceremonies. It will not matter what the couple’s motivation is - for example, religious elements will be permitted to reflect a couple’s religious beliefs.

5.177 To provide clarity and certainty in relation to the content that couples having civil ceremonies most frequently request, we think legislation should outline the elements that are permitted. This list should be non-exhaustive, so that other types of content should be permitted where it would not amount to a religious service. Specifically, we recommend that the law should provide that couples may incorporate into their civil wedding ceremonies religious and non-religious belief elements, including music; readings; symbols, iconography and dress; rituals and symbolic acts; prayers; blessings; and vows and statements or expressions of commitment or consent that make references of a religious or non-religious belief nature, so long that those vows or statements do not replicate the wording or the form of any ritual or vow that is required within a religious or (if authorised) non-religious belief marriage ceremony. As an example, this would preclude a couple from reciting the vows in the Book of Common Prayer.

5.178 We are not recommending that there should be a limit on the proportion or percentage of religious or non-religious belief content in a civil ceremony, such as requiring that most of the ceremony for which the officiant is present does not reflect any religious or non-religious beliefs. We do not think this type of accounting would be helpful or necessary; it might take longer to sing a hymn than to say the required words. However, there will be a limit on the amount of any belief service that could be included in a civil ceremony: a religious or non-religious belief service in its entirety, or nearly its entirety, will not be permitted.

The participation of the civil officiant

5.179 We further recommend that civil officiants, including registration officers, will not be required to participate in any religious or non-religious belief element or ritual. This will include that they will not be required to say any religious words or sing any religious songs.

5.180 Given that, under the current law, registration officers are required to attend expressly religious ceremonies in registered places of worship in the absence of authorised persons,503 we disagree that there are any problems with registration officers officiating at civil ceremonies that include religious or non-religious belief elements. The legal responsibilities and duties of an officiant are to be present and to ensure the legal requirements are met: officiants are not required to participate and need not play any role in conducting the ceremony. Accordingly, we do not think that requiring a registration officer’s presence means the state is being required to be involved in performances involving religion or belief or is approving or promoting the couple’s beliefs.

Recommendation 32.


5.188 In the Consultation Paper, we explained the very specific historical reasons this provision was introduced in the Marriage and Registration Act 1856: it sought to remove doubt about the validity of civil weddings, in the light of some Anglican clergy advising couples who had been married in a register office that they must have another ceremony in church. We explained that the provision was no longer serving a useful purpose and indeed led to confusion.506

5.189 We provisionally proposed that the provision in section 46 of the Marriage Act 1949 to permit a religious service to be conducted after a civil wedding ceremony should be repealed.507


5.190 Only approximately a quarter of consultees agreed with this provisional proposal, with the majority disagreeing.

5.191 Some consultees agreed that section 46 is legally redundant. One local authority, agreeing that the provision serves no useful purpose, added that it only serves to require couples to take unnecessary steps to have a religious service. Some consultees also agreed that section 46 causes confusion.

5.192 Other consultees, including the Churches’ Legislation Advisory Service and the Methodist Church in Britain, agreed with the proposal on the condition that it would not in substance change the law, so that it would remain clear that a religious service could follow a civil wedding ceremony.

5.193 The most common reason for opposition to this proposal was a misunderstanding that its effect would be to prohibit a religious service after a civil ceremony. Many consultees told us why couples might want a religious ceremony after a civil wedding.

5.194 Although the Church of England supported the proposal, both the Church in Wales and the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury appeared to suggest that section 46 plays a special role in relation to Anglican weddings. Dr Augur Pearce (an academic) put the point more clearly, saying that in the Church of England “no service can be held without some legislative authority”.

5.195 The Religious Society of Friends also expressed concern that repealing section 46 could have an impact on how conversions of civil partnership into marriage take place, in particular that its repeal would prevent a conversion from taking place in a Quaker Meeting House.

Discussion and conclusion

5.196 A ceremony which the law does not recognise as creating a legal marriage need not be authorised under weddings law, either under the current Marriage Act 1949 or under our scheme. We may have been insufficiently clear in the Consultation Paper that our proposals would in no way prevent another ceremony - religious or otherwise - from taking place before or after a legally recognised wedding ceremony.

5.197 This provisional proposal was a technical one about how the law should give effect to the policy that ceremonies that the law does not recognise accordingly do not need to be regulated by the law. We made it because the original purpose of section 46 is spent: it had been enacted in response to concerns about Anglican clergy conducting Anglican weddings after a civil ceremony, where they were implying that the civil ceremony was not valid. The provision was not about permitting a religious service after a civil ceremony, but about imposing conditions on that religious service: in particular, that it could not be registered as a valid marriage.508

5.198 We continue to believe that section 46 is legally redundant.

5.199 In addition to being unnecessary, section 46 causes confusion in practice: it is sometimes interpreted as a prohibition on a non-legally binding religious ceremony taking place in advance of a civil wedding. Some consultees corroborated this belief. Confusion was also evidenced in the Nuffield project: two Buddhist participants would not conduct a religious ceremony in advance of a legally recognised civil ceremony and some couples were told they must have a civil ceremony before a non-recognised religious ceremony.509

5.200 We believe that repealing this section will address this confusion.

5.201 We do not think that repealing section 46 will deprive the Anglican churches of their ability to continue to conduct blessings or non-legally binding ceremonies. It is not the Marriage Act 1949 that authorises the services that the Church of England or the Church in Wales can hold, but rather its own canons. Since the Church of England (Worship and Doctrine) Measure 1974 the General Synod has had the power to approve, amend, continue or discontinue any forms of service and Parliamentary approval has not been required. Similarly, the canons of the Church in Wales are a matter for its own governing body. We also do not think that if section 46 is repealed that it could make Anglican clergy vulnerable to criminal liability under section 75(1)(b) of the Marriage Act 1949; conducting a blessing would not be “solemnizing” a marriage.510 Moreover, we do not recommend that this specific offence should be carried forward into the new law in any event.511

5.202 We consider the impact on conversions of the repeal of section 46 in Chapter 13. As we recommend that the law should permit all weddings, and so all conversions, to take place anywhere, section 46 will no longer be necessary to permit a ceremony following a conversion to take place in any specific religious premises.

Recommendation 33.

5.203 We recommend that the provision to permit a religious service to be conducted after a civil wedding ceremony (section 46 of the Marriage Act 1949) should be repealed as redundant, but it should continue to be possible for a couple to have a non-legally binding wedding ceremony before or after a legally binding wedding ceremony.

Chapter 6: Location


A wedding is one of the most important days in a person’s life and it is right that couples should have greater choice in how they celebrate their special occasion.521


Weddings should be permitted to take place in any type of location

The locations where weddings should be permitted to take place

There are many persons that would find it meaningful to have their wedding in their own home (normally the bride’s home) where the simplicity, dignity, and solemnity of the occasion can be fully experienced without other distractions.

should help facilitate legally recognised ceremonies, especially for couples who simply do not prioritise that when they are planning their more personally meaningful religious ceremony and celebrations.

Fouzia Azzouz (an academic) agreed that the proposal would “remove some of the obstacles” for many Muslim couples who “avoid or forgo marriage registration altogether”.

The provisional recommendations would allow all wedding ceremonies to be conducted in accordance with the wishes of the couple, subject to the agreement of the officiating body, and they address concerns relating to health, safety, planning, alcohol licencing etc, as well as the dignity and solemnity of the ceremony.

Elsewhere, the concept of dignity has been introduced (as in Q.52) as a desirable or essential factor in a wedding ceremony. Yet no attempt is made to define the parameters which would protect or promote dignity and, in conversation, members of the Commission have declared that they see no way to do so. This is a classic case of willing the ends but not the means.

Instead, by abdicating any responsibility for enabling weddings to remain dignified, this proposal opens the door to frivolous, attention-seeking and farcical behaviours which could seriously undermine any notion that a wedding is a dignified and serious occasion in which both the state and the public have an interest. It is only necessary to see what has happened to the "dignity" of weddings in jurisdictions that make no requirements limiting locations to see that a kind of competitive absurdity is likely to develop among a small minority of attention-seeking couples trying to outdo each other in outlandish wedding locations.

Public accessibility and availability of locations for civil weddings

marriages have always been solemnized in Jewish homes which are not open to the public; civil solemnization should not be subject to greater regulation than Jewish.

England, the Church in Wales and the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury all gave responses which supported public accessibility to or public interest in wedding ceremonies. The Church of England said:

Again, this contradicts the important principle that a wedding is a matter of public interest - a principle which reinforces the public necessity of establishing the identity and consent of the parties.

Other consultees argued that this accessibility is necessary to reflect the principle that a wedding is a public event or declaration by the couple. Others spoke of the need to support a member of the public’s ability to identify impediments to the marriage and to object.

Discussion and conclusion

Dignity and commercialisation

Public accessibility and availability

The Commission’s proposals... would go a significant way towards reducing the effects of the law on religious minorities who may not traditionally marry in public places, where their places of worship are not automatically registered for the solemnisation of marriage, or where the marriage takes place in some other building such as a restaurant.546

Forced and predatory marriages

The recognition of meaningful ceremonies

Practicalities for local authorities

Weddings in the home

Weddings outdoors, on inland waters or in the air


The use of religious or non-religious belief premises

6.100 We therefore asked an open question, as to whether the law should prohibit:


6.101 Consultees’ views on these points were mixed: there was not a majority view either in favour of or against limiting the use of religious or non-religious belief premises to religious or non-religious belief organisations respectively.

6.102 Some consultees in favour of imposing limitations argued that the type of wedding should be apparent from its location, with a clear distinction between religious, nonreligious belief and civil ceremonies. For example, the Church of England said:

It is important to maintain the clear distinction between religious organisations, nonreligious belief organisations and the state. They are separate categories. Weddings are not "Mix and Match" affairs where couples can take a venue from here, a text from there and a celebrant from somewhere else.

Other consultees also suggested that coherence of belief required prohibitions in relation to location. In many cases, consultees argued for the need to preserve the distinctiveness or sanctity of religious weddings.

6.103 For others, it was important to ensure certainty, with some suggesting that clear distinctions are necessary to prevent confusion, including among guests, about the type of ceremony.

6.104 Consultees emphasised, as they had in response to another consultation question,572 the importance of owners and occupiers of venues being able to control the use of their properties. Consultees who agreed with prohibitions made comments about the need to protect religious venues and the congregations of places of worship from other types of weddings or activities. Some emphasised the need to protect the sanctity or special nature of the religious venue or of religious marriage.

6.105 Some consultees expressed concern that, without specific prohibitions in weddings law, religious or non-religious belief premises could be compelled to host ceremonies outside their own belief systems, or which were contrary to their values. In particular, some consultees were concerned that religious venues would not be protected from claims of discrimination for refusing to host same-sex weddings.

Discussion and conclusion

6.112 We appreciate the importance many consultees placed on preserving the distinctive nature of religious ceremonies. However, on reflection, we do not think that it is necessary, or consistent with other elements of our scheme, to achieve this by imposing restrictions on the use of certain types of location.

6.113 Under our scheme, religious and non-religious belief weddings will be able to take place in secular venues. This is a considerable benefit of our scheme for religious groups which do not have their own places of worship, cannot feasibly host weddings in their places of worship, or do not see their place of worship as a meaningful place to marry. Moreover, it would be practically impossible, if non-religious belief weddings are permitted, to say that they could not take place in secular venues, as non-religious belief organisations may not have their own distinct venues. In practice, for example, there will necessarily be an overlap in where Humanist ceremonies and civil ceremonies would take place.

6.114 More significantly, our scheme is officiant-based, not buildings-based. The officiant, and the source of their authorisation, determines the type of wedding, not where the wedding takes place. This point was made by consultees who commented that it should not matter where the wedding takes place; the rules governing the officiant and the ceremony will be determinative of the type of wedding. Imposing prohibitions about where civil, religious or non-religious belief weddings can take place is not necessary.

6.115 We also agree that it would be difficult, and potentially confusing, to attempt to define what amounts to religious or (more particularly) non-religious belief premises. One option would be to rely on existing case law defining what amounts to a place of worship, with a comparable definition for a place of gathering for non-religious beliefs.573 However, it might be harder to define religious (or non-religious belief) premises for the purpose of excluding activities from taking place on them than when determining whether they can be registered for weddings. Another option would be to draft a definition of a religious or non-religious belief venue based on the current Approved Premises Regulations definition of religious premises as those “used solely or mainly for religious purposes”, or premises which were used solely or mainly for religious purposes “and have not been subsequently used solely or mainly for other purposes”.574 However, this definition has made some approved premises reluctant to host non-legally binding religious ceremonies, suggesting that in practice any restriction might be interpreted more broadly than intended.

6.116 We moreover agree that religious and non-religious belief groups should decide for themselves how their premises are used. The law does not impose restrictions generally on how religious groups can use their premises; for example, religious groups are free to allow or refuse other religions or denominations to hold services in their spaces. We therefore think it would be difficult to justify imposing restrictions in weddings law, particularly on groups which see their premises as community venues.

6.117 We understand consultees’ concerns that religious organisations should be free to refuse to permit weddings on their premises with which they disagree without the risk of claims of discrimination. We identified this issue as one potential justification for imposing prohibitions on weddings taking place in religious or non-religious belief venues, as a means of protecting such places. However, as we noted, property law, including the rules about licences and trespass, will continue to apply regardless of reforms to weddings law.575 Moreover, as we explain in Chapter 8, legislation that implements our recommendations should include the creation of a specific exception in equality law to protect owners of religious premises, ensuring that they could refuse to allow their premises from being used for same-sex weddings. This specific exception would buttress a general exception which already exists, which allows religious and belief organisations to restrict participation in activities of their organisation and the use of their facilities and premises on the basis of religion or belief or sexual orientation.576 These exceptions in equality law, together with the general rules of property law, will offer sufficient protection.

6.118 Our conclusion is that there should not be legal prohibitions on the use of religious or non-religious belief venues for any type of wedding.

6.119 At paragraph 6.183 and following below, we consider the need for the officiant and couple to ensure that they have the permission of the owner of the location.


6.120 Having recommended that weddings should be permitted to take place in any type of location, we now consider what, if any, pre-approval process should be required.

6.121 In the Consultation Paper, we explained that the specific regulatory regime applying to approved premises appeared largely redundant, given the requirements of planning law, licensing law, tort law, and health and safety law. In light of the significant regulatory burden and cost associated with the approved premises regime, our provisional view was that it was not justified. We also explained that the requirement that most religious weddings take place in a registered place of worship does not involve any assessment of the building’s safety or dignity.577

6.122 Our provisional view was that the state’s interest in where a wedding takes place is limited to ensuring that the location is safe and dignified. We explained that our initial conclusion was that this interest does not require wedding locations to be subject to a formal authorisation process. Instead, we proposed that the decision about a location should be the responsibility of the officiant.

The responsibilities of the officiant

6.123 We provisionally proposed that the individual officiant should be responsible for deciding whether to approve a location for any given wedding.578 We proposed that, as part of their responsibilities, the officiant should ensure that the wedding location is safe and dignified. We further proposed that the General Register Office should, in its guidance to officiants, provide advice on how to assess whether a location is safe and dignified for a wedding.579


The officiant’s role

6.124 Consultees’ views were roughly split in response to the proposal that the officiant should be responsible for deciding whether to approve a location.580

6.125 A number of consultees agreed that this responsibility is an appropriate one for the officiant to have, being consistent with the other duties and responsibilities we proposed they should have. Some consultees explained that, in relation to non-legally binding weddings, this role was one that independent celebrants already perform.

6.126 The Religious Society of Friends advised that this approach would work for Quaker weddings. The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha7s of the United Kingdom and the Methodist Church in Britain clarified that the responsibility, in those organisations, would lie with the nominating body itself.

6.127 Several local authorities also commented that local authorities would take responsibility, including imposing their own criteria, where a registration officer was officiating at a wedding. Some local authorities noted the need to consider health and safety law in relation to employees.

Safety and dignity

Guidance from the General Register Office

Discussion and conclusion

The officiant’s agreement

“reasonably represents” the authority’s costs or average costs for approval applications, the median fee was £1,500.581 We explained in the Consultation Paper that many businesses or organisations are priced out of hosting weddings due to these costs. We do not want our scheme to replicate these problems. Fundamentally, we do not think these costs are necessary to regulate where weddings, including civil weddings, can take place.



Permission of the landowner


Guidance by the General Register Office

6.194 At paragraphs 6.165 to 6.176 above, we have outlined our conclusions that safety of those attending is to be assessed in line with the duties of officiants under the general law, including occupiers’ liability and negligence. At paragraph 6.182 above, we have also offered our views as to the factors are or could be important in assessing dignity. We believe these conclusions will assist the General Register Office in preparing its guidance.

A voluntary pre-approval process

6.195 In the Consultation Paper we considered whether an optional pre-approval process might be efficient for locations which regularly host weddings, such as hotels. We envisaged that where a location had gone through the pre-approval process, there would be no need for individual officiants to assess its safety or dignity. Because religious and (if enabled to conduct legally binding weddings) non-religious belief organisations would be able to impose additional criteria, we thought that such a process might most benefit officiants conducting civil weddings: registration officers and (if authorised) independent officiants.

6.196 However, we questioned whether such a system would be efficient in practice. We therefore invited consultees to share their views as to whether there should be an optional pre-approval process, alongside the general rule that the officiant must agree to the location. We also asked, if there were a voluntary pre-approval process, who should be responsible for it and how it should work.592


6.197 Although the majority of consultees gave a positive response to this question, the extent of support for a voluntary pre-approval process is difficult to gauge. A substantial proportion of consultees answered the question as if it were about the types of locations at which weddings should be allowed to take place, or the standards against which approval decisions should be made. Some consultees appeared to answer “yes” to this question because they saw optional pre-approval as (partly) remedying what they otherwise perceived as being an overly liberal scheme created by our provisional proposals. Indeed, some consultees argued that pre-approval should be mandatory. Other consultees disagreeing with the question thought this process would be unnecessary if, as they preferred, weddings could only take place in certain, pre-approved locations. Some consultees also appeared to find it confusing that we were asking about the possibility of an optional pre-approval process operating alongside our general proposal making the officiant responsible for agreeing to the location.

6.198 Among consultees who engaged with the direct question we asked, there was both agreement and disagreement.

6.199 Some consultees thought an optional pre-approval process would be efficient. They commented that pre-approval would mean that an individual officiant would not have to visit or give approval to the location for every wedding held there. Some consultees also thought it would provide certainty that weddings could be held at a specific location. Several consultees thought this certainty would give a marketing advantage to locations on the pre-approved list.

Discussion and conclusion


Recommendation 34.




The role of the officiant
The form and content of the schedule
Discussion and conclusions

will continue to record whether the wedding was after banns or by a common or special licence.


The issue and completion of schedules in Welsh

Although bilingual forms are available, couples do not currently have the option of registering their marriage in Welsh only. We provisionally proposed that couples should have the option of registering their marriage in English only, in Welsh only, or in both English and Welsh.643


Organizations should be required to make it clear in which languages their officiants can officiate, and there should be an obligation upon civil registrars to provide a service in the couple's language or languages of choice (English and/or Welsh) within Wales. It should be open to the Welsh Language Commissioner to set language standards regarding the provision of wedding services by other bodies or individuals.

Discussion and conclusions

Glyn Watkin QC suggested, should be a matter for the Welsh Language Commissioner to determine.648

Electronic registration


Recommendation 35.

Recommendation 36.



Religious organisations

will not consider the question of whether or not religious groups should be obliged to solemnize marriages of same sex couples, which was decided by Parliament following wide public debate.

Non-religious belief organisations and independent officiants

that any non-religious belief organisations or independent celebrants given the right to conduct marriage ceremonies cannot discriminate between opposite and samesex couples.

Registration officers


Same-sex weddings
Anglican weddings
Other religious weddings
Weddings of transgender people


Same-sex weddings
Anglican weddings
Other religious weddings
Owners of religious buildings
Weddings of transgender people
Secular venues and other services



When non-compliance would result in the marriage being void

Failing to give notice

Authority to marry expired

Officiant not authorised

Relevant governing body not opted in

Other factors

Discussion and conclusions

Failing to give notice

Authority to marry expired

Officiant not authorised

Relevant governing body not opted in

Other factors

Recommendation 37.

authorised officiant; or

When non-compliance would not affect validity

Mistakes in issuing the schedule or marriage document

Absence of witnesses

Failing to sign or return the schedule or marriage document

Discussion and conclusions

Mistakes in issuing the schedule or marriage document

banns being called but we are not aware of any recent examples.737 Further, these cases tended to involve misrepresentations by the parties as to their names. Once couples have a duty to provide documentary evidence of their names, the scope for such misrepresentations is materially reduced.


Failing to sign the schedule or marriage document

Failing to return the schedule or marriage document to be registered

Recommendation 38.

When non-compliance would result in a non-qualifying ceremony

Attorney General v Akhter744 confirmed that there must be a minimum level of compliance with the required formalities before a ceremony has any legal recognition. In the Consultation Paper we set out what we thought that minimum should be.

Discussion and conclusions

in the case of a same-sex marriage, both knew that the necessary opt-in had not been given by the officiant’s relevant religious governing authority.

Recommendation 39.

officiated at by an authorised officiant, or


When a presumption in favour of the validity of a known ceremony should arise
Discussion and conclusions

The majority of consultees agreed with our proposal that a presumption should arise where the couple had signed the schedule or marriage document, or had given notice and gone through a ceremony with a person acting as officiant. Those who disagreed largely did so because they had understood this question as asking what was necessary for a valid marriage, rather than what would raise a presumption of validity.

9.114 The presumption arises because the couple have gone through a ceremony that is potentially capable of creating a valid marriage, not because they have cohabited for a period of time after a ceremony that would not be capable of creating a valid marriage. Clarifying that it is not necessary for the couple to have cohabited for any period of time after the ceremony in order for the presumption to arise will remove the confusion that has arisen about a lengthy period of cohabitation being necessary.

9.115 In recommending that there should be no need for the couple to have cohabited for any period after the ceremony, we do not mean to imply that their subsequent cohabitation is irrelevant to the operation of the presumption. While we recognise that there may be many reasons why a couple do not set up home together immediately after a ceremony, one reason might be that they realised that they had not complied with what was required for a valid marriage. In other words, while cohabitation is not a requirement for a valid marriage, a failure of the parties to cohabit may well be relevant to the inferences that should be drawn about the validity of the ceremony. A judge could quite legitimately take a failure to cohabit into account when assessing whether the couple (or one of them) had genuinely believed that they had gone through a ceremony officiated by a person who was authorised to do so or in assessing the likelihood that other requirements for a valid wedding had been observed.

9.116 We also note, in response to the concerns raised by consultees, that clarifying that cohabitation is not a condition for the presumption to arise has no impact on the current non-consummation grounds. Nor would it have any impact on the investigations that are carried out into potentially sham marriages to ascertain whether a couple have established a genuine relationship.

Abolishing the presumption that a couple who have cohabited and been reputed to be married have in fact married

9.117 We also provisionally proposed that the presumption that a couple must have gone through a ceremony of marriage if they cohabited for a long period of time and were believed to be married by family and friends should be abolished.757 As we explained, the social conditions that made it both necessary and appropriate to presume that such a couple had in fact gone through a ceremony of marriage have long vanished. First, with cohabitation now widespread and widely accepted, its value as evidence that the couple are likely to have gone through a valid ceremony of marriage is much diminished. Second, the need to rely on the presumption has been virtually removed by improved record-keeping, not to mention increased longevity and larger-scale weddings increasing the likelihood of individuals being able to give evidence that a wedding took place.

9.118 Quite apart from the difficulty in drawing any inferences from cohabitation now that many couples who live together are not married, the systematic registration of marriages has largely removed the need for any presumption based on cohabitation and reputation. The only situation in which cohabitation and reputation might be the only evidence of a marriage available to the court would be where the couple and all those present at the ceremony are now dead and unable to give evidence, there is no external evidence of the ceremony such as photos or videos, and the wedding took place in a jurisdiction without reliable registration. Our view was that such cases were likely to be rare and could be dealt with on their facts with the court assessing the weight to be given to the evidence of cohabitation and reputation in determining the likelihood of a valid marriage having taken place.758


9.119 A substantial majority of consultees agreed with the proposal to abolish the presumption that a couple who had cohabited and been reputed to be married had in fact married. Many consultees suggested that the abolition of the presumption would lead to greater clarity or help to remove misunderstandings about “common law marriage”.759 In addition, the majority of those who suggested that they disagreed gave answers that in fact appeared to oppose the presumption, rather than oppose its abolition.

9.120 However, some consultees thought that the question was asking whether cohabitants should be treated as if they were married. Among them, many consultees noted that a formal process is necessary for a couple to be married. A few, however, were under the impression that our proposal would remove rights from cohabitants.

Discussion and conclusions

Recommendation 40.

acting as officiant

but should not require the couple to have cohabited for any period after its celebration.


The abolition of the three-year limit on petitioning for nullity

Extensive delays often occur because women are both unaware of the forms of redress available to them and/or are isolated and subject to severe forms of coercive control which hinders their ability to seek advice and support... . BME women also face immense multiple and overlapping internal and external barriers to accessing specialist legal advice due to their sex, race, caste, class and/or socio-economic status and cultural and religious constraints.

there comes a time, if a couple have been living in a supposed marriage and may have had children in the marriage, where it would be inappropriate for a court to determine that, in fact, there had never been a marriage all along.

Discussion and conclusions

The abusive nature of a forced marriage does not begin and end on the day of the marriage ceremony. Rather the marriage forms the start of a potentially unending period in the victim’s life where much of her daily experience will occur without their consent and against their will, or will otherwise be abusive^ . Life for an unwilling participant in a forced marriage is likely to be characterised by serial rape, deprivation of liberty and physical abuse experienced over an extended period. It may also lead to forced pregnancy and childbearing.766

Recommendation 41.



a more targeted offence may be necessary to deter against malpractice and to clarify - beyond doubt - how vulnerable women entering a religious-only marriage will be protected from ignorance or deception.

Similar concerns were voiced by Southall Black Sisters, who commented that

the structures of many BME communities are such that the lines between family, community and religion are blurred. This means that religious persons are embedded in family, kinship and community networks and therefore frequently complicit in the deception, coercion and abuse that women experience when entering into a religious-only marriage.

Discussion and conclusions
The offence of misleading the couple

9.162 We have therefore revised our recommendation to reflect this conclusion. Under our scheme it will be an offence for an officiant, someone who purports to be an officiant, or someone who is leading the ceremony, dishonestly to mislead either of the couple about their status (or about the status of the officiant or anyone purporting to be an officiant) or the effect of the ceremony. For example, it would be an offence:

officiant to mislead one or both of the couple as to its legal effect, including by dishonestly claiming that another person either is or is not an authorised officiant.

9.163 Simply failing to clarify a misunderstanding would not fall within this offence unless the prosecution could prove that the defendant did so dishonestly (for example in response to a question from one of the couple).

Are there existing offences which cover the targeted behaviour?

9.164 The only existing offence that covers the behaviour we wish to target by our recommended offence is that of “knowingly and wilfully” falsely pretending to be in Holy Orders and solemnizing a marriage according to Anglican rites.776 There is no equivalent offence of pretending to be a superintendent registrar, Quaker officer, Jewish secretary or authorised person.

9.165 There is also a common law offence of misconduct in public office. However, this offence could not apply to those who are not authorised as officiants. Moreover, the Law Commission has separately, in our project on Misconduct in Public Office, made recommendations as regards the scope of this offence that would exclude officiants from the definition of “public office”. First, in that project, our list of persons holding public office generally excluded members of the clergy or other religious leaders. Further, employees of local authorities would only be holding public office if they were performing functions of governance. These recommendations were made after the publication of our Consultation Paper on Getting Married. In making the recommendations, we noted that the offence we had provisionally proposed in relation to weddings law would ensure that the criminal law remained capable of dealing with serious misuse or abuse of the role of wedding officiant.777

9.166 There is also a statutory offence of fraud by false representation. However, in our view this offence is intended to deal with a different kind of situation. It has to be shown that the representation was made with intent “to make a gain for himself or another, or to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss”.778 To show that the person officiating had intended to make a gain as a result of representing themselves to be authorised, it would need to be shown that - for instance - they intended to receive a payment that the parties would not have made if the parties had been aware that they were not authorised. It would also be difficult to show that they had made a representation with the intention of causing loss to one or both of the couple. Since the marriage would be void, the parties would have the right to apply for financial provision, so the only loss would be those benefits that are dependent on the marriage being valid. While there is evidence that some of those involved in conducting non-legally binding ceremonies are aware that one of the parties is keen to avoid financial obligations to the other, it is unlikely that they would have in mind issues relating to pensions and state benefits. It would therefore be difficult to show that any representation they had made was intended to cause the loss of such rights.

9.167 There are also existing offences relating to coercion.779 Again, we do not think that these would cover the wrongful behaviour we have in mind. Misleading the parties is not the same as coercing them.

9.168 As a result, we do not think that any existing criminal offences adequately cover the wrongful behaviour and the harm it could cause that we have in mind.

Would civil action or sanctions be more appropriate?

9.169 We do not think that civil action or sanctions are likely to be effective. Although some consultees mentioned the possibility of an officiant being deauthorised, this was in addition to, rather than instead of, criminal sanctions. Further, the threat of deauthorisation cannot influence a person who is not authorised in the first place.

What is the public interest for criminalising this behaviour?

9.170 In our view, dishonestly misleading a person about the effect of a ceremony is a serious matter, particularly where either or both of the couple believe that ceremony to be a legal wedding. The difference in the legal and financial consequences will be starkest if the ceremony is non-qualifying, but (as noted in paragraph 9.2 above) even a void marriage does not confer precisely the same rights as a valid one. Consultees also clearly viewed the actions that would constitute an offence under our scheme as meriting criminalisation.

9.171 In addition, attaching criminal penalties to those who are not authorised removes one of the current disincentives to being authorised. Under the current law, authorised persons potentially face criminal sanctions for conducting non-legally binding ceremonies whereas those who hold no such role do not. Our scheme would redress this difference in treatment by making it an offence for any person acting as an officiant to mislead another as to the effect of the ceremony, whether they are authorised or not.

Is the proposed new offence simply for deterrent effect, and, if so, is there any evidence to support this approach?

9.172 The proposed new offence is not simply for deterrent effect. We note that Professor Russell Sandberg questioned the need to deter individuals from purporting to be officiants, suggesting that there is “no evidence to suggest that the problem of unregistered religious marriages is mainly attributable to rogue celebrants”. However, we note the comment from Southall Black Sisters that those conducting ceremonies may be complicit in deceiving individuals, particularly women, as to their legal status; in the case studies they submitted, in all but one the women appear to have had no indication from the imams or maulvis conducting the religious ceremony that it would not be legally recognised. Moreover, while some imams in the Nuffield project regarded it as their role to make both of the couple aware as to the non-status of a nikah conducted outside the framework of the Marriage Act 1949, others did not. In at least one case their reason for not informing one of the parties was their knowledge that the other party’s family did not want such advice to be given.780

Could any existing offences be repealed or consolidated?

9.173 The existing offence of “knowingly and wilfully” falsely pretending to be in Holy Orders and solemnizing a marriage according to Anglican rites781 could be repealed as it will be covered by the new offence.

The impact of creating a new criminal offence

9.174 It is possible that the new offence would result in more prosecutions than under the current law, largely because so few prosecutions are brought at present. However, we do not anticipate that there will be a significant number of prosecutions, and so the impact on legal aid, courts, prosecuting bodies and prisons is also likely to be minor.

The offence of an officiant failing to disclose that the ceremony will not be valid

9.175 Our second new offence will apply to any authorised officiant who officiates at a ceremony that does not comply with the legal requirements for a valid marriage and who fails to disclose to the couple that the ceremony will result in either a void marriage or non-qualifying ceremony. However, an officiant will have a defence if they can prove that they had acted reasonably in the circumstances. The burden of proof for this defence will be on the defendant to establish to the civil standard, that is, on the balance of probabilities.

9.176 This second offence is not intended to prevent officiants from conducting non-legally binding ceremonies. We take the view that preventing officiants from doing so might well deter individuals from becoming officiants in the first place. However, being an officiant brings with it certain duties. We state in Chapter 4 that an officiant who is conducting a ceremony that does not comply with the legal requirements will be under a duty to explain to the couple that the ceremony will not be legally recognised. For example, if a couple presenting themselves to be married do not have the necessary documentation, an officiant should explain that the marriage will be void if they have not given notice. Similarly, if the authority to marry has expired the officiant should explain that if the ceremony goes ahead, the marriage will be void. Equally, an officiant should also explain that their presence will result in the marriage being void rather than a non-qualifying ceremony or, alternatively, that a declaration by either party that they are not consenting to a ceremony that has legal effect will result in a non-qualifying ceremony.

Are there existing offences which cover the targeted behaviour?

9.181 None of the existing offences under the Marriage Act 1949 address the issue of nondisclosure. At present, Anglican clergy and superintendent registrars will be guilty of an offence if they knowingly and wilfully solemnize a marriage otherwise than in accordance with the Marriage Act 1949, and authorised persons will be guilty of an offence if they fail to comply with any of the Act’s requirements. However, our offence would focus specifically on whether the officiant made the couple aware of the nature of the ceremony. It would also apply consistently to all officiants.

9.182 We are not aware of the common law offence of misconduct in public office ever having been applied in this context. Moreover, as explained above, it is not envisaged that an officiant would meet the definition of holding “public office”.791 Similarly, the offence of fraud by false representation would not cover non-disclosure.792

9.183 As a result, we do not think that any existing criminal offences adequately cover the wrongful behaviour and the harm it could cause that we have in mind.

Would civil action or sanctions be more appropriate?

9.184 We do not think that sanctions such as de-authorisation would be as effective as imposing criminal sanctions.

What is the public interest for criminalising this behaviour?

9.185 In our view, the role of the officiant is an important one and the state is entitled to expect that those who undertake this responsibility will discharge it properly. A number of consultees expressed similar views in explaining why they thought criminalisation was appropriate.

Is the proposed new offence simply for deterrent effect, and, if so, is there any evidence to support this approach?

9.186 We think that this proposed new offence is more targeted than existing offences and would reduce the risk of individuals being deterred from becoming officiants. Under the current law, authorised persons potentially face criminal sanctions for conducting non-legally binding ceremonies. Under our scheme they would be able to do so as long as they made the parties aware of the status of the ceremony.

Could any existing offences be repealed or consolidated?

9.187 Our proposed offence will replace the existing offences that make it an offence to solemnize a marriage otherwise than in accordance with the requirements of the Marriage Act 1949.793 Those offences can therefore be repealed.

The impact of creating a new criminal offence

9.188 Again, it is possible that this new offence will result in more prosecutions than under the current law, given how few prosecutions are brought at present. However, we do not anticipate that there will be a significant number of prosecutions, and so the impact on legal aid, courts, prosecuting bodies and prisons is also likely to be minor.

How the offences would be dealt with

9.189 In our view it would be appropriate to impose a condition that prosecutions for our recommended offences should only be brought with the consent of the Director for Public Prosecutions, in line with the Law Commission’s separate recommendations on when such consent should be required.794 Such a condition does not require the Director for Public Prosecutions to give consent personally; rather, it would be for the Crown Prosecution Service to determine whether a prosecution should be brought, excluding the possibility of private prosecutions. Persecution of religious leaders, particularly in light of the strongly held views about religious-only weddings, might result in the unwarranted institution of private prosecutions. Such allegations could cause irreparable harm to a person’s reputation. Moreover, the risk of such a prosecution in relation to the strict liability offence might deter some religious officials from becoming authorised as officiants.795

9.190 We also think that the offence of misleading the couple should be triable either way, while the strict liability offence of non-disclosure could be dealt with summarily.

9.191 In determining what the appropriate penalty would be, the existing offences under the Marriage Act 1949 offer little guidance. Different penalties apply to similar offences, depending on who is committing that offence.796 The offence of “knowingly and wilfully” falsely pretending to be in Holy Orders and solemnizing a marriage according to Anglican rites, which dates back to the 18th century, is punishable by imprisonment for up to 14 years.797 We note that the types of offences that carry 14 years are generally those involving death or serious harm,798 the exceptions being possession with intent to supply Class C drugs, blackmail, or burglary in a dwelling. Most of the other offences under the Marriage Act 1949 are punishable by imprisonment for up to five years,799 while authorised persons may be fined or face imprisonment for up to two years for failing to comply with the requirements of the Act.800 In Scotland the similar offence of conducting a ceremony in such a way as to lead the couple to believe that it is a valid marriage is punishable by a fine or by imprisonment for up to two years.801 By contrast, the more recently created offence of forced marriage is punishable by imprisonment for up to seven years.802

9.192 We think that dishonestly misleading one or both of the couple about the effect of the ceremony or the status of the person involved is sufficiently serious to justify the possibility of a prison sentence. We think the closest analogies are the two-year sentences available in respect of authorised persons in England and Wales and for the offence in Scotland, while 14 years would clearly be excessive. However, we leave the maximum duration of such imprisonment to be determined by Government. By contrast, we think that a fine would be more appropriate for the strict liability offence that would apply to authorised officiants who fail to disclose the legal effect of the ceremony, but again we leave the appropriate level of any such fine to be determined by Government.

Are other criminal offences necessary?

9.193 We do not think that a person who is not an officiant should be under a duty to explain that the ceremony would not result in a legal marriage. First, it would be difficult to determine to whom any such responsibility should attach. Under our scheme, responsibilities attach to the officiant, who is not necessarily the person leading the ceremony. Moreover, within certain religious traditions no third party is needed to lead the ceremony. Second, a person who is not an officiant is unlikely to have the same knowledge as to what is required for a valid marriage; if an obligation were to be imposed on them, there are no regulatory channels whereby they could be informed of it.

9.194 We are aware that many religious leaders conduct religious-only ceremonies as a service to their community, reflecting the importance within such communities of couples being married in accordance with their religion before embarking on any kind of intimate relationship.803 It would be good practice for any person officiating at a non-legally binding ceremony to ensure that the couple are aware that the ceremony does not have legal status. Many already do take steps to make it clear to the couple that the ceremony will not be regarded as a legal marriage. But we think that a failure to explain that the ceremony would not result in a legal marriage should only amount to a criminal offence under our scheme where the person is an authorised officiant.

9.195 Similarly, we do not think that officiants should be under any legal obligation to advise couples as to the legal effects of the ceremony in terms of the rights and responsibilities that flow from a valid marriage. If Government were to decide that all couples should have advice about the legal effects of getting married before doing so, the appropriate time for such advice would be during the preliminaries. An officiant will not usually have the necessary legal knowledge to advise couples as to the legal consequences of getting married (which in any case may change) and it is hard to envisage how they would fulfil that role during the ceremony. Similarly, we do not think that an officiant would be under any obligation to inform the couple as to the status and effect of the ceremony as a matter of religious law. If any religious groups wish to impose such obligations on their nominated officiants, that is a matter for them to decide.

Are other enforcement mechanisms necessary?

9.200 We do not think that there is a need for the “new statutory tort of negligently conducting a non-qualifying ceremony” suggested by Dr Patrick Nash (an academic). We agree that it would be good practice for those conducting non-legally binding ceremonies to ensure that the couple are aware that such a ceremony has no legal consequences. However, we do not think that a couple should be required to seek independent legal advice before entering into such a ceremony. Nor do we think that an unauthorised person should be under a legal obligation to inform a couple of the ceremony’s lack of status. We also note that his suggestion that such a person would be liable for the amount that the claimant would have received upon a decree of nullity overlooks our recommendation that a decree of nullity should be available where at least one of the couple believed the person officiating to be authorised to do so.


Recommendation 42.

9.201 We recommend that it should be an offence


9.202 Religious-only weddings are weddings which conform to the beliefs and practices of a religion but are conducted outside the legal framework. Such ceremonies are recognised as valid for the purposes of the religion, but are not recognised as a matter of law. The lack of legal recognition can result in hardship upon breakdown or death, such hardship being disproportionately (though not invariably) experienced by women.

9.203 In this part of the chapter, we consider how our scheme will apply to those who have had a religious-only wedding. While we are aware that many non-legally binding ceremonies are not religious in nature, ceremonies conducted by Humanist or independent celebrants do not raise the same issues as religious-only weddings; the very fact that such ceremonies are personalised means that there is not the same risk of a couple believing themselves to be married because the ceremony was conducted in line with certain prescribed rites. Moreover, research suggests that couples who opt for Humanist and independent-led ceremonies are almost invariably aware that they need to go through an additional legal wedding in order to be legally married.806

9.204 Since the publication of the Consultation Paper, we have further information about a wide range of non-legally binding ceremonies from our consultation responses, the Nuffield project, and discussions with Southall Black Sisters and One Law For All. We have also benefitted from meeting, through Southall Black Sisters,807 with women who have talked about the circumstances in which they entered into religious-only weddings and the consequences there have been for themselves and the children of the relationship when it has broken down. We are particularly grateful to them for discussing their circumstances with us.

9.205 In addition, the Women and Equalities Committee has been carrying out an inquiry into the rights of cohabiting partners. As part of this enquiry it has heard evidence about the lack of rights of those in religious-only marriages, which we draw on below.

Why do religious-only weddings arise?

9.206 In the Consultation Paper we discussed the factors that could result in a religious-only wedding and the extent to which such weddings represent the free and informed choice of both of the couple.808 In order to add to our understanding of this issue, we asked consultees if they were in a marriage that was not legally recognised, whether celebrated in a religious or non-religious ceremony. If so, we further asked whether they had knowingly and willingly chosen its lack of legal recognition.809

9.207 Only a few consultees confirmed that they were in a marriage that was not legally recognised. They reported a range of different types of ceremonies: Muslim nikahs, handfastings, Humanist ceremonies, and ceremonies conducted by independent celebrants. One consultee had an informal celebration when their planned wedding had to be cancelled on account of the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, a few consultees said that they had been in a non-legally recognised marriage that had since come to an end.

9.208 Almost all of those consultees who were in a marriage that was not legally recognised said that they had been aware of its lack of legal recognition at the time of entering into it. Only a few went on to explain why they had entered into a marriage that was not legally recognised. These consultees said that being married in accordance with their beliefs was more important to them than being legally married.

9.209 Only one consultee said that they had been unaware that their marriage was not legally recognised, only discovering this when it ended. However, we cannot assume that our consultees are representative of those that enter into religious-only marriages; the very fact that they are responding to a consultation on proposals for legal reform may indicate that they are more legally aware than most.

9.210 Significantly, consultees responding on behalf of organisations provided a different perspective. The National Commission on Forced Marriage stated that many young people left the legal arrangements to their parents and had no idea that they were not legally married. Register Our Marriage also noted that in most of its case studies the lack of legal recognition had only come to light upon the breakdown of the relationship or the death of one of the parties.

9.211 Southall Black Sisters also provided six detailed case studies of women who had entered into religious-only marriages either unaware that they lacked legal status or in the expectation that a legal wedding would follow. It suggested that

unregistered religious-only marriages in minority communities constitute a harmful cultural practice against women. They amount to a form of domestic abuse, in particular financial and sexual abuse, at the heart of which lies deception, control and coercion. The intention of those who compel women to have a religious-only marriage is purely to deprive women of their marital assets and to keep them in marital captivity.

During the consultation period, Southall Black Sisters also facilitated a discussion group with five women who had been in a religious-only marriage. These five women spoke movingly of their experiences, and the hardship they had experienced.

9.212 By contrast, the Nuffield project found that most participants who were or had been in a religious marriage had been aware at the time of the ceremony that it was not legally recognised.810 Most of these participants were Muslim but there were also Hindu, Sikh, Pagan and interfaith ceremonies. Almost all saw the religious ceremony as essential to being married, and most regarded it as more important than the legal wedding. For Muslim participants the religious ceremony had an added importance in enabling them to get to know each other better, none of them having lived together previously. Most planned to have a legal wedding at some point. Some, however, had chosen not to be legally married because of the perceived difficulty of obtaining a civil divorce or because they wanted to retain control over their finances, while a few saw no point in being legally married. However, this was a qualitative study and a high proportion of the sample had professional occupations and at least an undergraduate degree.

9.213 These different sources confirm that religious-only weddings take place for a range of reasons. Some couples will choose to have a religious-only wedding to enable them to cohabit; such a wedding may either be a short-term precursor to a legal wedding or a long-term alternative. Other couples will see being religiously married as more important than being legally married. But for some individuals a religious-only wedding will not be a choice, but the result of deception or coercion.

The consequences of being in a religious-only marriage

9.214 As part of the consultation, we also asked consultees if they had experienced any consequences from not being in a legally recognised marriage.811 Almost all of those consultees who were in a marriage that was not legally recognised said that they had not experienced any consequences as a result of not being legally married. However, notably, consultees whose marriage had since come to an end were more likely to report adverse consequences. These consequences included the absence of any claim to financial support on relationship breakdown, not being recognised as the next of kin when medical issues had arisen, and complications with death in service benefits. These differences in experience suggest that difficulties arising from religious-only marriages may particularly be manifested at the end of the relationship (whether through separation or death). However, the lack of rights may also have an impact on the relationship between the couple where that the lack of legal protection is used as a coercive tool.

9.215 In addition, Register Our Marriage listed a number of consequences reported to it, including:

9.216 Southall Black Sisters commented that the lack of protection afforded to women in religious-only marriages

makes women dependent on profoundly discriminatory and misogynistic religious arbitration forums for a resolution in the event of a marriage breakdown, even though such forums are highly gender discriminatory, work against women’s rights and expose them to the risk of serious and escalating abuse.

9.217 In the discussion group facilitated by Southall Black Sisters, the women repeatedly spoke about being misinformed, deceived and coerced into a relationship that they thought was legally binding. The lack of recognition also created additional vulnerability to domestic abuse including financial abuse and the deprivation of rights flowing from such deception and coercion.

9.218 The joint response of Rights of Women and Southall Black Sisters to the Women and Equalities Committee’s inquiry into the rights of cohabiting partners also highlighted the links between the lack of protection of cohabiting couples and the lack of recognition of religious-only marriages. It noted that the result is to leave

many women from specific cultural backgrounds who are primarily from Black and minoritised communities without any legal protection despite them being married and being treated as married by society and many institutions such as the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). The fact that cohabitees have no rights is used as a tool to control and disempower Black and minoritized women who are forced or coerced into religious only marriages.812

The effect of our recommendations on religious-only weddings

9.219 As we have explained elsewhere in this Report, the scheme that we recommend should make it easier for couples to have a religious wedding that is also a valid and legally binding wedding.

9.220 Making it more convenient to give notice will enable more couples to have their legal wedding at the same time as their religious ceremony if they so wish. It will also make it harder for one of the couple to make excuses as to why a legal wedding cannot take place.

9.221 Moving away from the strict restrictions of the current law, legal religious weddings will not be confined to taking place in registered places of worship. They will be able to take place anywhere that any other wedding could take place (subject to the agreement of the officiant, who will need to take account of any limitations imposed by the religious organisation that nominated them). Allowing couples to express their consent to be married in accordance with their own religious traditions will also remove the perceived need for two separate ceremonies. The Nuffield project similarly concluded that “there would be fewer non-legally binding ceremonies if the Commission’s scheme were to be implemented”.813

9.222 The new offences that we recommend should also ensure that individuals are not misled into entering into a religious-only marriage rather than a legal one. We note the view of the National Secular Society that our recommendation that it should be an offence to mislead either of the couple about the status or effect of the ceremony is “one of the best ways to protect people from entering into unions they believe have legal significance, when in fact they do not”.

9.223 We think our scheme will also provide more protection for those whose ceremonies do not comply with all of the legal requirements.

9.224 As under the current law, the validity of the marriage will not depend on all of the legal requirements being fulfilled. In most cases, as long as the couple have completed the in-person stage of the civil or Anglican preliminaries,814 and at least one of them believes the person officiating is authorised by law to do so, then the marriage will be valid.815

9.225 Further, our recommendations make it more likely that a marriage conducted outside our scheme will be void rather than non-qualifying, thereby enabling a court to make the same financial orders as it could upon divorce. As we set out above, under our scheme a marriage will be void if:

officiant; or

For present purposes, the key point is that a marriage will be void even if the couple have not given notice as long as at least one of them believes that the person officiating at the ceremony is authorised by law to do so. This marks a significant change from the current law.

9.226 We think that this change will give protection to those who believed that their religious ceremonies would result in a marriage which the law recognises. This protection would include the situation where one of the couple has been deceived about the validity of the ceremony, including when their belief has been encouraged by the other to avoid having the legal obligations of marriage.

9.227 The detailed case studies submitted by Southall Black Sisters provide a means of evaluating how this element of our scheme would work. One woman explicitly noted how the presence of an imam at the ceremony had influenced her assumptions about the status of the marriage:

I presumed that if the wedding was conducted by the Mosque, it would be legal - I saw that an imam was there, he was a well-known person too, and it didn’t occur to me that I wouldn’t have any rights or financial security.

Another noted that her husband had informed her that the mosque in which the ceremony took place was registered for weddings and that their ceremony would therefore be legally recognised:

He made me believe that so it didn’t make me think we need to go to the council or court as well ... . I didn’t know all this time I wasn’t safe and secure.

Three others, who had married at home in the presence of a maulvi or imam, similarly thought that they were entering into legally recognised marriages. One of them, who was just 16 at the time of the ceremony, later discovered that there had been an agreement between her family and that of her husband’s family that she would also have a “registered marriage”, but at the time there was nothing to indicate to her that anything more needed to be done.

9.228 Applying our scheme, we think that these marriages would be classified as void rather than non-qualifying. We do not think that establishing a belief that the person officiating is authorised by law to do so should require a person to be aware of what being authorised means, since this would require an understanding of the law that many people, including some in religious-only marriages, understandably lack. Nor do we think that it should require the person officiating to have made any claim about their status. If someone believes that their ceremony will be legally recognised it may be inferred that they believe that the person officiating is authorised to do so. For these purposes, “officiating” would cover actions such as leading the ceremony, making a formal pronouncement as part of the ceremony that the couple are married, or dealing with the paperwork, for example asking the couple to sign a piece of paper or presenting them with a certificate.

9.229 Our scheme will therefore provide protection to many of those who have been deceived into thinking that the ceremony they went through was a legally recognised marriage. In our view, focussing on whether a person believed the ceremony to be legally recognised will offer more protection than the alternative suggested by Southall Black Sisters of making deception a ground on which a marriage could be held to be void. There may well be cases where there has been no active deception but one of the couple simply assumes that the ceremony will be legally recognised or where both of the couple believe that the ceremony will be legally recognised. To limit the remedy to cases of deception would be to unduly narrow its scope and potentially exclude cases where a remedy is merited.

9.230 As noted above, Mishcon de Reya LLP expressed concerns about one of the couple claiming that they had believed the officiant was authorised “as leverage upon the breakdown of their relationship”. In our view it is unlikely that such claims would be made without foundation. The onus would be on the person making this claim to show that any ceremony had taken place, as well as establishing that they had believed the officiant to be authorised.816

9.231 Their reference to “leverage” does however provide a useful reminder of the possibility that such cases may be settled without expensive court proceedings. Where a marriage is void, there is no need to obtain a decree of nullity from the court. The only advantage in doing so is the fact that the court has same the power to make orders for financial provision in such cases as it does upon divorce. But most divorcing couples agree between themselves how their assets will be divided, rather than seeking an order from the court. Similarly, the possibility of one of the couple obtaining a decree of nullity and accompanying financial orders from a court may be sufficient to convince the other to agree to a fair division of the assets.

9.232 However, as we explained in the Consultation Paper, our scheme would not result in every ceremony, including every religious ceremony, being legally recognised.817

9.233 We explained in the Consultation Paper why the law could not recognise all ceremonies that conformed to religious beliefs as legal weddings.818 The Nuffield project provides further evidence of the difficulties that such an approach would bring. Those involved in conducting religious ceremonies often had different views as to what was essential for those ceremonies to be valid in religious terms. Some interviewees had ceremonies that reflected their own personal religious beliefs but were not conducted according to a religiously prescribed form. In one case a ceremony took place with just the couple present. As we noted, holding that a simple exchange of consent could generate legal consequences without any other formalities being completed would risk deregulating marriage entirely and lead to considerable uncertainty. Nor did consultees advocate that the law should attach legal consequences to a simple exchange of consent.

9.234 Applying our recommendation on when a ceremony would be non-qualifying to these kinds of cases, the circumstances in which a ceremony would be non-qualifying819 would be limited to:

Alternative proposals for reform

increasing the rights of all cohabiting couples would address the gaps in the law for those who have been coerced into a religious only marriage, and go further to protect all women from Black and minoritised communities no matter how and why they cohabit.823

Chapter 10: Weddings in specific circumstances or locations



The application of our general scheme
Specific provision for those who are detained and housebound

Whether or not there is a specific requirement in weddings legislation, a person who is detained will need permission in relation to the location of their intended wedding in the same way that all couples will.838 Prison governors could still require prisoners to apply for permission using a standard form even if weddings law did not impose that requirement as part of the notice process. We therefore do not think that removing the requirement for this statement would in practice change the law in relation to the ability of a person who is detained to get married, or allow them to be married without the permission of the prison authorities. However, we did not specifically consult on the point about the role of the governors of prisons or (where a person is detained in a hospital) managers of hospitals in providing a statement of agreement as a part of the preliminaries process. We recognise that this point may interact with wider policy considerations in relation to prisons and prisoners. Government may therefore wish to retain a requirement that people who are detained provide a statement of agreement as a part of the civil preliminaries process.

Specific provision for those who are terminally ill

Paper, we think that it should continue to be the case that, where a registration officer is satisfied that a person has a terminal illness, the waiting period should not apply.840 As many consultees emphasised in their responses to the questions about weddings in these circumstances, it is important to ensure that couples can marry quickly where there is a risk that one of them may die soon.

Definition and evidence
The process of giving notice


whilst the vast majority of such cases will be legitimate and should be approached with the deepest pastoral care, an interview with a registration officer is entirely appropriate both as a safeguard and as a way of supporting the parties discreetly.

Other consultees also emphasised the need for the registration officer to conduct the interview with compassion and sensitivity.

any imposition that might extend the time between that first request and the wedding taking place can only serve to increase the number of occasions when time runs out for the patient, with all the implications for inheritance and pension provision that might follow for the surviving partner.

Discussion and conclusion

Alignment with our general scheme: the authority to marry

Abolishing the Registrar General’s licence

Period of validity of the schedule

Discussion and conclusions

Recommendation 43.

Recommendation 44.

register office.

Recommendation 45.

Recommendation 46.



Discussion and conclusion

Recommendation 47.


Where such weddings could take place

at present we have ships in the fleet we are unable to conduct weddings on due to the ship’s registration. Being able to conduct weddings would influence choice of registration and additionally open a huge amount of opportunity for our guests that wish to marry on certain vessels.

Discussion and conclusions

Weddings at sea generally

International waters

The link to England and Wales

Wales exclusively to give notice, which will not be convenient for them,907 this will be a necessary safeguard.

The types of vessel on which a wedding could take place

emergency on board a lifeboat or emergency vessel, we note our scheme does not seek to allow a wedding to take place in an emergency without giving notice.

Maritime officiants

Civil officiants

Belief officiants

Discussion and conclusions
Discussion and conclusion
Discussion and conclusion
Discussion and conclusion

Recommendation 48.

Recommendation 49.

Recommendation 50.

Recommendation 51.

Chapter 11: Covid-19 and weddings during emergencies



the registrars needed to be in attendance, and the registrar office had closed prior to lockdown. As they held all the paperwork, there was no opportunity for these [weddings] to continue, but at that time there was no restrictive lockdown and the marriage could have gone ahead if the building had been registered for more than a year.

See The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Local COVID-19 Alert Level) (Medium) (England) Regulations 2020 (SI 2020 No 1103), sch 1 sub-para 3(9)(a)(ii) and para 7(5); The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Local COVID-19 Alert Level) (High) (England) Regulations 2020 (SI 2020 No 1104), sch 1 sub-paras 4(9)(a)(ii) and 5(9)(a)(ii) and para 10(2); The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Local COVID-19 Alert Level) (Very High) (England) Regulations 2020 (SI 2020 No 1105), sch 1 sub-para 4(9)(a)(ii) and para 11(2).

See The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 5) (Wales) Regulations 2020 (WSI 2020 No 1609), sub-para 57(1)(b).

weddings”. However, it noted that its ability to issue special licences had been fettered during the second lockdown in England (between 5 November and 2 December 2020) as the regulations had imposed a condition that marriages could only take place by special licence where “at least one of the parties to the marriage is seriously ill and not expected to recover".931


Adaptations to facilitate weddings in times of emergencies

we are very well aware of the risks - financial and legal - of couples being left without a legal relationship in case of the death of one partner. This is particularly relevant during a time of national emergency such as a pandemic.

Dr Stephanie Pywell (an academic) concluded that it was “sensible to delegate legislative powers that permit appropriate regulations to be made rapidly in the event of a national emergency”. Dr Rajnaara Akhtar (an academic) also commented that non-legally binding ceremonies would continue to take place even if legal weddings did not. As she explained, religious-only ceremonies had been taking place within Muslim communities:

online wedding ceremonies using platforms such as Zoom have been widely reported. This demonstrates the need for the law to retain some flexibility, especially where lockdown has excluded any weddings from taking place in person at all.

All could significantly impact upon safeguarding vulnerable adults and children. Any system which does not require people to be seen in person can increase the likelihood of harm and abuse, both for people with learning disabilities who may be isolated and not have the skills to raise concerns for themselves and for potential victims of forced marriage. Anything that makes marriage easier to do makes safeguarding more difficult. The current system requires improvement in relation to safeguarding - implementing the measures suggested above would be a step backwards.

Extending the validity of the authority to marry

Allowing both stages of civil preliminaries to take place entirely remotely

An oath for a Common Licence cannot currently be taken remotely but we consider that in the event the taking of oaths is permitted remotely in other legal fields, be it in a national emergency or otherwise, then the Consistory Court should seriously consider following suit.

Allowing the parties to attend the wedding ceremony remotely

in practice we cannot imagine many couples who genuinely wish to get married would want to do any of these steps, particularly the ceremony, remotely... . We think that couples would genuinely rather wait, if they had to.

Signing the schedule remotely or separately

if circumstances required eg there are health risks in more than one party touching a document, or to spend more than a required amount of time in the presence of others, then remote signing of the schedule should be an option.

Discussion and conclusions

Extending the validity of the marriage document or schedule

The fact that this was not possible under the current law generated quite a number of complaints. As one put it, ‘not extending people’s wedding license is utterly ridiculous!’ Quite apart from the financial implications, there was the time and annoyance of going through the process again, especially when, as one noted, all their answers would be exactly the same as before.951

Allowing civil preliminaries to take place online

Allowing the parties to attend the wedding ceremony remotely

Signing the schedule or marriage document remotely or separately

Who should be able to get married under these emergency provisions?

11.70 In the Consultation Paper we explained why we thought that the emergency provisions we had proposed for times of national emergency should apply to all couples.961 We noted how couples might have various reasons for wanting to marry, and that a national emergency might make it all the more important for them to be able to do so. We therefore provisionally proposed that the emergency provisions should be able to apply to all couples, depending on the nature and length of the emergency.962


11.71 A significant majority of consultees agreed with our proposal. Consultees commented that making the emergency provisions available to all would be fair, given the range of reasons why couples might want to marry. A few suggested that additional safeguards would need to be in place for those deemed vulnerable.

11.72 Those who disagreed largely repeated their objections to remote weddings or their concerns about forced or sham marriages.

11.73 Only a few consultees suggested that the availability of the emergency provisions should be limited to specific groups of couples. Humanists UK, for example, thought that there would be more merit in the power being drafted more narrowly and applying only to individuals with “compelling reasons to want to get married before a certain date”, such reasons to be assessed by a registration officer. Other consultees advocated limiting the emergency provisions to those who were ill or otherwise incapacitated, those who had religious convictions against living together before marriage, military personnel (on immediate deployment), or circumstances necessary to prevent a child being born outside marriage. By contrast, the Marriage Foundation was concerned that applying the provision to all couples could lead to abuse but could not see how to avoid this without discrimination.

Discussion and conclusions
Expedited weddings in times of national emergencies
Discussion and conclusions

Recommendation 52.

Where necessary, the emergency measures should be able to extend beyond the end of the emergency.

Chapter 12: Fees


civil preliminaries, the ceremony and location of weddings officiated at by registration officers, the authorisation of officiants, and registration of marriages.


Discussion and conclusion

Recommendation 53.


Weddings in the register office
Discussion and conclusion

Recommendation 54.

Weddings outside the register office
Fee for agreeing to the location


Discussion and conclusion

Recommendation 55.

Fee for officiating at a wedding outside the register office


It is clear to us that registrars’ fee structures are currently engineered to lead to profit for the local authority - indeed, during one of the Commission’s online consultation sessions concern was expressed by a registrar that the reforms might interfere with the cross-subsidisation by weddings of the rest of the registration service. Some civil marriage fees, for example at the weekend, currently run to thousands of pounds. This is particularly egregious, considering the de facto monopoly registrars currently enjoy, in terms of options for legally recognised marriages for non-religious couples. Removing such profit-making would de-commercialise the marriage industry. It would also reduce incentives for commercial behaviour for other types of officiant, by ensuring that registrars offer relatively low-cost options. And it would create parity between registrars and religion or belief officiants, who will similarly be bound by profit and gain rules. (It seems to us that it would be unfair to bind religion and belief officiants in this way, but not have any limits on registrars.)

Discussion and conclusion

however, they are not in the same position as registration officers, who are employees of the state.

Recommendation 56.

Weddings in specific circumstances
Discussion and conclusion
Discretionary services
Discussion and conclusion


Discussion and conclusion

Recommendation 57.




I solemnly and sincerely declare that we are in a civil partnership with each other and I know of no legal reason why we may not convert our civil partnership into a marriage. I understand that on signing this document we will be converting our civil partnership into a marriage and you will thereby become my lawful wife [or husband].

In addition to signing the conversion declaration, the couple may also say the words of declaration.1022

The standard procedure
The two-stage procedure
The procedures for housebound and detained people
The procedure for people who are terminally ill



The requirement to meet and provide evidence
The provision of a low-cost option in the register office
Rules governing where a conversion can take place

weddings; this exception could also include conversions, which are only available to same-sex couples.

Any subsequent ceremony
The procedures for people who are detained, housebound and terminally ill

Recommendation 1.

Paragraph 3.47

Recommendation 2.

Paragraph 3.78

Recommendation 3.

Paragraph 3.109

Recommendation 4.

Paragraph 3.136

Recommendation 5.

Paragraph 3.142

Recommendation 6.

Paragraph 3.167

Recommendation 7.

Paragraph 3.174

Recommendation 8.

Paragraph 3.201

Recommendation 9.

Paragraph 3.227

Recommendation 10.

Paragraph 3.257

Recommendation 11.

Paragraph 3.263

Recommendation 12.

Paragraph 3.268

Recommendation 13.

Paragraph 3.282

Recommendation 14.

Paragraph 3.296

Recommendation 15.

Paragraph 3.307

Recommendation 16.

couple, two people who have witnessed the parties’ expression of consent, and themselves.

Paragraph 4.63

Recommendation 17.

Paragraph 4.66

Recommendation 18.

Paragraph 4.94

Recommendation 19.

Paragraph 4.105

Recommendation 20.

The evidence required to demonstrate the existence of the organisation could be (but is not limited to) a constitution or governing document or documents.

Paragraph 4.256

Recommendation 21.

Paragraph 4.259

Recommendation 22.

Paragraph 4.262

Recommendation 23.

Paragraph 4.326

Recommendation 24.

Paragraph 4.331

Recommendation 25.

Paragraph 4.337

Recommendation 26.

Paragraph 4.342

Recommendation 27.

Paragraph 4.358

Recommendation 28.

Paragraph 4.365

Recommendation 29.

Paragraph 5.78

Recommendation 30.

Paragraph 5.118

Recommendation 31.

Paragraph 5.141

Recommendation 32.

Paragraph 5.183

Recommendation 33.

Paragraph 5.203

Recommendation 34.

Paragraph 6.210

Recommendation 35.

Paragraph 7.55

Recommendation 36.

Paragraph 7.57

Recommendation 37.

authorised officiant; or

Paragraph 9.50

Recommendation 38.

Paragraph 9.86

Recommendation 39.

officiated at by an authorised officiant, or

Paragraph 9.100

Recommendation 40.

acting as officiant

but should not require the couple to have cohabited for any period after its celebration.

Paragraph 9.129

Recommendation 41.

Paragraph 9.145

Recommendation 42.

Paragraph 9.201

Recommendation 43.

Paragraph 10.66

Recommendation 44.

register office.

Paragraph 10.67

Recommendation 45.

Paragraph 10.69

Recommendation 46.

Paragraph 10.70

Recommendation 47.

Paragraph 10.100

Recommendation 48.

Paragraph 10.187

Recommendation 49.

Paragraph 10.188

Recommendation 50.

Paragraph 10.191

Recommendation 51.

Paragraph 10.192

Recommendation 52.


Where necessary, the emergency measures should be able to extend beyond the end of the emergency.

Paragraph 11.87

Recommendation 53.

Paragraph 12.21

Recommendation 54.

Paragraph 12.38

Recommendation 55.

Paragraph 12.58

Recommendation 56.

Paragraph 12.75

Recommendation 57.

Paragraph 12.113


   SI 2005 No 3168.


SI 2015 No 122.


Or, once the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 is in force, before their 18th birthday.


Humanists UK, Humanism, https://humanism.org.uk/humanism/ (last visited 1 July 2022).


The minimum age to marry is 16 years (with the consent of specified persons), or 18 years (without such consent): Marriage Act 1949, ss 2 to 3. Once the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 is in force, the current provisions permitting 16- and 17-year olds to marry with the consent of specified persons will be abolished and so the minimum age to marry will be 18 years.


SI 2015 No 122.


The full Terms of Reference for our project are included in Appendix 1.


Jewish weddings and Quaker weddings are not subject to any legal restrictions as to place. The rules governing the ceremony instead flow from the requirements as to who may marry in Jewish or Quaker ceremonies and that those ceremonies are conducted “according to the usages” of those groups: Marriage Act 1949, ss 26(1)(c) and (e), 26B(2) and (4), and 47. Anglican weddings generally must take place in “a church or other building in which banns may be published”; however, on the authority of an Archbishop’s special licence, an Anglican wedding can take place anywhere. Authority to conduct weddings vests directly in clergy, without consideration of a link to a church: Marriage Act 1949, ss 12, 15, 22 and 26(1)(e), and Ecclesiastical Licences Act 1533.


Marriage Act 1949, s 26(1)(b) and (bb). For more about the recent amendments to the law, see para 1.69 and following below.


Marriage Act 1949, ss 5(1), 26(1)(c), (d) and (e), 26B(2)(a) and (4)(a), 44(3) and (3A), 45(1), 46B(3), and 47(1).


Marriage Act 1949, ss 45(2) and 46B(4); The Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005 (SI 2005 No 3168), sch 2 para 11.


See the Glossary for the meaning of “void marriage” and “non-qualifying ceremony”.


A Barlow, “Modern Marriage Myths: the Dichotomy Between Expectations of Legal Rationality and Lived Law” in RC Akhtar, P Nash and R Probert (eds), Cohabitation and Religious Marriage: Status, Similarities and Solutions (2020). Research from the British Social Attitudes Survey (carried out by The National Centre for Social Research) in 2019 demonstrates that almost half of people in England and Wales mistakenly believe that unmarried couples who live together have a common law marriage and enjoy the same legal rights as married couples: J Curtice, E Clery, J Perry, M Phillips and N Rahim (eds), British Social Attitudes: the 36th report (2019) p 113.


A chapel is a place without a permanent clergy or congregation, and a public chapel is one that provides facilities for worship additional to the parish church.


Weddings of members of the royal family were also excepted. As to whether Jewish or Quaker weddings would have created a valid marriage at this time is not entirely clear. Case law and statements suggest that a wedding in accordance with Jewish law would have created a valid marriage, but there is no case law that considered whether a Quaker wedding would be recognised as creating a valid marriage: see R Probert, Marriage Law and Practice in the Long Eighteenth Century: A Reassessment (2009).


Clandestine Marriages Act 1753. For a more detailed history, see R Probert, Marriage Law and Practice in the Long Eighteenth Century: A Reassessment (2009); and W Kennett, “The Place of Worship in Solemnization of a Marriage” (2015) 30 Journal of Law and Religion 260.


R Probert, Tying the Knot: The Formation of Marriage 1836-2020 (2021) pp 39 and 86, citing Toleration Act 1688, Roman Catholic Relief Act 1791, Places of Worship Act 1812, and Places of Worship Registration Act 1855.


  R Probert, Tying the Knot: The Formation of Marriage 1836-2020 (2021) pp 44 to 45.


  R Probert, Tying the Knot: The Formation of Marriage 1836-2020 (2021) pp 96 to 97, citing the Marriage and

Registration Act 1856; R Probert, “Secular or sacred? The ambiguity of ‘civil’ marriage in the Marriage Act 1836” (2022) Journal of Legal History (online), https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01440365.2022.2092947?scroll=top&needAccess=true (last visited 3 July 2022).


Marriage Act 1994.


The Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (SI 2021 No 775); and Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (SI 2022 No 295). Government intends to introduce similar reforms to allow weddings to take place in the grounds of registered places of worship and Anglican churches and chapels, when legislative time is available: see Ministry of Justice, Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships: Government response to the consultation on Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships (15 March 2022) p 32.


Since 2021, “approved premises” includes both the room within the built premises which has been approved, as well as any “linked outdoor areas”: see The Marriage and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (SI 2021 No 775); Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (SI 2022 No 295).


See the Glossary for the meaning of “schedule”. See also paras 7.5 to 7.14 below.


Getting Married: A Consultation Paper on Weddings Law (2020) Law Commission Consultation Paper No 247 (hereafter, “Consultation Paper”), para 8.7. See also Ch 7.


For example, Islamic ceremonies held in a private flat (A-M v A-M (Divorce: Jurisdiction: Validity of Marriage) [2001] 2 FLR 6), a hotel (Shagroon v Sharbatly [2012] EWCA Civ 1507, [2013] Fam 267), and the Moroccan consulate (Dukali v Lamrani (Attorney-General Intervening) [2012] EWHC 1748 (Fam), [2012] 2 FLR 1099) were all held to be a non-qualifying ceremony, although in A-M v A-M it was presumed that a valid marriage had taken place overseas. A Hindu ceremony in a restaurant (Gandhi v Patel [2002] 1 FLR 603) was held to be a non-qualifying ceremony.


Marriage Act 1949, s 46B(2); Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005 (SI 2005 No 3168), sch 1 para 2 and sch 2 para 12.


See Consultation Paper, paras 7.61 to 7.64.


See paras 1.69 and following and 6.7 below.


For example, the extension to certify a place of worship to non-Christian groups in the Places of Worship Registration Act 1855, and the ability of registered places of worship to appoint an authorised person to attend their weddings, instead of the registrar, in the Marriage Act 1898: see Probert, Tying the Knot: The Formation of Marriage 1836-2020 (2021) pp 39, 86, and 140.


Bearing in mind the significant exceptions for Jewish and Quaker weddings.


See Consultation Paper, paras 1.42 to 1.45.


Marriage (Scotland) Act 1977.


There are four categories of religious and belief celebrants who can solemnize weddings: see Marriage (Scotland) Act 1977, s 8(1); and Consultation Paper, para 5.73.


The Marriage (Northern Ireland) Order 2003 refers only to religious bodies conducting weddings; however, as a result of a successful challenge under the Human Rights Act 1998, the Northern Ireland Court of Appeal determined that the statutory prohibition against having a Humanist celebrant conduct a legal marriage would have constituted unlawful discrimination: Re Smyth’s Application for Judicial Review [2018] NICA 25, [2020] NI 308. Officiants of non-religious belief bodies can be authorised as temporary officiants: see NI Direct, Officiant registration, https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/officiant-registration#toc-4 (last visited 1 July 2022).


Civil Registration Act 2004.


Marriage and Civil Status (Jersey) Law 2001.


Law Commission, Getting Married: A Scoping Paper (17 December 2015) (hereafter, “Scoping Paper”).


  HM Treasury, Budget (29 October 2018) para 5.52.


  We identified this as an aim for reform in our Scoping Paper, para 3.32.


We identified and suggested that the first four principles should underpin a revised law in the Scoping Paper, para 3.2 and following. The fifth principle reflects a priority of Government, reflected in HM Treasury, Budget (29 October 2019) para 5.52


  [2013] UKSC 77, [2014] AC 610.


The General Synod of the Church of England can change the law by making Measures, which have to be approved by Parliament, relating to any matter concerning the Church of England.


  SI 2021 No 411.


  Consultation Paper, para 1.77.


Registration of Marriages Regulations (draft statutory instrument), deposited in the House of Lords Library on 17 April 2018 by Baroness Williams of Trafford.


The Independent Review into the Application of Sharia Law in England and Wales (2018) Cm 9560, p 5.


HM Government, Integrated Communities Strategy Green Paper (March 2018) p 58.


  See the Marriage (Approved Organisations) Bills 2012-13 and 2013-14, both introduced by Lord Harrison.


  Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013, s 14(7).


  Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013, s 14(2); Ministry of Justice, Marriages by Non-Religious Belief

Organisations (26 June 2014).


R (on the application of Harrison) v Secretary of State for Justice [2020] EWHC 2096 (Admin), [2021] PTSR 322.


See HM Government, First ever marriage review to free-up dream wedding venues (28 June 2019), https://www.gov.uk/government/news/first-ever-marriage-review-to-free-up-dream-wedding-venues (last visited 1 July 2022).


See Consultation Paper, paras 11.46 and 11.53.


Ministry of Justice, Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships (20 December 2021) p 7.


  Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (SI 2021 No 775).


  Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (SI 2022 No 295).


Under the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Act 2006.


Ministry of Justice, Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships: Government response to the consultation on Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships (15 March 2022) p 32.


See Ch 11.


See eg Editorial, “The Guardian view on predatory marriage: new safeguards needed” (3 October 2021) The Guardian, https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/oct/03/the-guardian-view-on-predatory-marriage-new-safeguards-are-needed (last visited 1 July 2022).


See eg Ministry of Justice: Forced Marriage Written Answer (HC) 92940 (22 December 2021) (James Cartlidge); Wills: Written Answer (HC) 115814 (19 November 2020) (Alex Chalk MP); Ministry of Justice: Forced Marriage: Written Answer (HL) HL6614 (14 July 2020) (Lord Keen).


The full Terms of Refence for the project are included in Appendix 1.


  Sheffield City Council v E (An Alleged Patient) [2004] EWHC 2808 (Fam), [2005] Fam 326 at [144].


  NB v MI (Capacity to Contract Marriage) [2021] ewhc 224 (fam), [2021] 2 flr 786 at [27].


 EJ (as attorney for DMM) v SD [2017] EWCOP 32, [2018] COPLR 137.


  Sheffield City Council v E & Anr [2004] EWHC 2808 (Fam), [2005] Fam 326; A, B, C v X, Z [2012] EWHC

2400 (COP), [2013] WTLR 187; Southwark LBC v KA [2016] EWCOP 20, [2016] COPLR 461.


Making a Will (2017) Law Commission Consultation Paper No 231.


To which One Law For All contributed.


Our consultations do not benefit from any of the methodologies necessary to ensure that a group of participants are representative of the public.


  See para 5.7 below.


  See para 5.131 below.


see eg NB v MI [2021] ewhc 224 (fam), [2021] 2 flr 786.


An overview of the project is available online: Nuffield Foundation, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies, https://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/project/wedding-not-marriage-exploring-non-legally-binding-ceremonies (last visited 1 July 2022).


Professor Probert is also a specialist consultant on the Law Commission’s project. We have benefitted significantly from Professor Probert’s general expertise on weddings law as well as the specific Nuffield project work on weddings that take place outside of the legal framework. The Commission has not afforded any special status to the Nuffield research on account of Professor Probert’s involvement in the project and the recommendations in this Report are the independent conclusions of the Commissioners. We are grateful to the Nuffield Foundation for supporting research work specifically designed to contribute to the evidence base for this project.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021).


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: Final Report (2022).


R Probert, R Akhtar, S Blake and S Pywell, The impact of Covid-19 on legal weddings and non-legally binding ceremonies (2022).


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) pp 8 and 162.


When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: Transcripts (2022), https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/law/research/projects/wedding-not-marriage/resources/ (last visited 13 July 2022).


See para 1.56 above.


With the exception that a maritime officiant could also be authorised as an independent officiant, if the latter are enabled by Government to officiate at weddings.


See para 1.47 above.


The categories are local authorities and the Local Government Association; individual registration officers;

Anglican churches, Anglican clergy and other people involved in Anglican preliminaries; people who conduct or register other religious weddings; religious organisations; non-religious belief organisations; people who conduct non-religious belief weddings (including people who conduct Humanist weddings whether or not accredited by Humanists UK); independent celebrants (including those with corporate personality);

celebrancy representative bodies; venues including marine venues other than cruise companies, and representative organisations; other wedding professionals; other organisations; cruise ship companies; legal professionals and organisations; academics and academic organisations; Members of Parliament and lords temporal; members of the public; Government departments or bodies.


For a list of those individuals and groups, see Consultation Paper, para 1.105.


A civil ceremony will need to be identified as such, the couple will need to express consent using required words (or words to the same effect) and there will be limits on the use of religious and (if enabled to conduct weddings) non-religious content in civil ceremonies.


The special provisions that ensure religious organisations are not required to conduct same-sex weddings would not, however, apply to non-religious belief organisations.


Throughout this Report, our use of “forced marriage” is based on the definition of forced marriage in s 121 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.


The full Terms of Reference for the project are included in Appendix 1.


The use of banns or a common licence to fulfil Anglican preliminaries would only be possible, as under the current law, where both of the couple are relevant nationals. See the Glossary for the meaning of “relevant national”.


This summary assumes that both of the couple are relevant nationals. If either or both of the couple are not relevant nationals or exempt from immigration control, they will need either to give notice together (as at present) or have their in-person interview together. They will also be required to be interviewed separately, as will all couples under our scheme. And if either or both of the couple are not exempt persons - meaning that they are not relevant nationals, do not have appropriate immigration status, and do not hold a relevant visa - the waiting period could be extended to 70 days, again as at present. See the Glossary for the meaning of these terms.


See the Glossary for the meanings of “caveat”.


Each of the couple will be seen by the incumbent in their parish of residence. Where the couple live in different parishes, they will therefore be seen by a different member of the clergy. Where they live in the same parish, they will be seen separately by the same member of the clergy.


See respectively Marriage (Scotland) Act 1977; Marriage (Northern Ireland) Order 2003 (SI 2003 No 413); Civil Registration Act 2004; Marriage and Civil Status (Jersey) Law 2001; The Marriage (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 2020.


See respectively Marriage Act 1955 (New Zealand); Marriage Act 1961 (Australia); eg Marriage Act 1996 (British Columbia) and Marriage Act 1990 (Ontario); and eg New York (Domestic Relations Law, Article 3).


The officiant will be required to be present while the couple express consent and the schedule or marriage document is signed. They will not be required to be present during other parts of the wedding ceremony, but will remain under their legal responsibilities for as long as they are in fact present.


For more detail about criminal offences, see Ch 9.


We explain in Ch 10 why maritime officiants should be restricted to officiating at weddings on cruise ships, and not on other types of ship.


  [2013] UKSC 77, [2014] AC 610.


  At [57].


The Marriage and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (SI 2021 No 775); The Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (SI 2022 No 295).


Ministry of Justice, Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships: Government response to the consultation on Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships (15 March 2022) p 32.


Ministry of Justice, Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships: Government response to the consultation on Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships (15 March 2022) pp 30 and 32.


Respondents to Government’s consultation said that “outdoor ceremonies accounted for between 30-100% of the weddings they hosted”: Ministry of Justice, Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships: Government response to the consultation on Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships (15 March 2022) p 16.


Ministry of Justice and Tom Pursglove MP, Press release: Outdoor civil weddings and civil partnerships made permanent (15 March 2022), https://www.gov.uk/government/news/outdoor-civil-weddings-and-civil-partnerships-made-permanent (last visited 1 July 2022).


Provision for the introduction of the schedule system was made in the Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration etc) Act 2019.


The Registration of Marriages Regulations 2021 (SI 2021 No 411).


A person who entered into a void marriage in good faith can apply for provision under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975.


The Law Commission made recommendations for reform in respect of the rights of cohabitants on the death of their partner in our report Intestacy and Family Provision: Claims on Death (2011) Law Com No 331. In 2013, Government announced that these recommendations - which would be given effect by the draft

Inheritance (Cohabitants) Bill annexed to the Report - would not be implemented during that Parliament. For more information, see https://www.lawcom.gov.uk/project/intestacy-and-family-provision-claims-on-death/.


The myth of common law marriage is the incorrect, but commonly held, belief that after a particular period of cohabitation a couple are treated by law in the same way as those who are married.


Cohabitation: the Financial Consequences of Relationship Breakdown (2007) Law Com No 307; Intestacy and Family Provision: Claims on Death (2011) Law Com No 331. In 2011, Government announced that it did not intend to take forward our recommendations for reform of cohabitation law during that Parliamentary term. For more information, see https://www.lawcom.gov.uk/project/cohabitation/. In 2013, Government announced that our recommendations to reform intestacy law in relation to cohabitants would not be implemented during that Parliament. For more information, see https://www.lawcom.gov.uk/project/intestacy-and-family-provision-claims-on-death/.


See Consultation Paper, paras 4.10 and 4.103 to 4.106.


Marriage Act 1949, s 78(1).


The Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Act 2020 (Consequential, Saving, Transitional and Transitory Provisions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 (SI 2020 No 1309). See the Glossary for the meanings of “relevant national” and “exempt from immigration control”. See further para 3.34 below for details of the different procedures required for those who do not fall within these categories.


Registration of Marriage Regulations 2021 (SI 2021 No 411).


Marriage Act 1949, s 21A.


Specifically, as outlined in Explanatory Notes to the Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration etc) Act 2019, paras 3 to 7; Hansard (HL), 26 January 2018, vol 788, col 1248; and Registration of Marriages Regulations (draft statutory instrument), reg 16, deposited in the House of Lords Library on 17 April 2018 by Baroness Williams of Trafford.


One such change was that it is no longer possible for one of the couple to give notice from a specified Commonwealth country or territory. This was the subject of Consultation Question 8 and is discussed further at para 3.156 and following below.


The full Terms of Reference for the project are included in Appendix 1.


Consultation Paper, paras 4.163 to 4.172.


Consultation Paper, para 4.173, Consultation Question 18.


That is not to imply that establishment is simply a matter of power and privilege: for a theological view see M Brown, “Establishment: Some Theological Considerations” (2019) 21(3) Ecclesiastical Law Journal 329.


Eligibility includes whether a couple qualifies to be married in a particular parish, whether a member of the clergy is able to marry them, and whether a member of the clergy is entitled to refuse to marry them: see Consultation Paper, paras 2.68 and 2.95 to 2.98 for explanation.


This was the issue in Middleton v Crofts (1736) 93 ER 1030, cited by the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury in its response.


Immigration Act 2014, s 57, amending Marriage Act 1949, ss 5 and 8.


See the Glossary for the meaning of “relevant national”.


Marriage Act 1949, s 33(3). Section 27(4) notes that a superintendent registrar must enter the details into the marriage register “as soon as reasonably practicable” after notice is given by the parties. In practice we understand that this is done electronically at the meeting with each of the couple but there may be circumstances when that is not possible and the details are entered at a later date.


However, it would no longer be possible for the preliminaries to be completed in another jurisdiction or on a naval ship at sea: see para 3.156 and following below.


It will be for Government to consider whether (and if so, how) the option of giving initial notice online could apply to those who are not exempt persons, or if they will continue to have to give notice in person: see para 3.34 below. See the Glossary for the meaning of “exempt person”.


In Northern Ireland the registrar may require notice in person where there appears to be doubt about the identity of a party or a legal impediment and/or if any of the documentation was incorrect or “not in order”: The Marriage (Northern Ireland) Order 2003 (SI 2003 No 413), art 3(4); The Marriage Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003 (SI 2003 No 468), reg 4.


The Royal Court of Guernsey, New Marriage Law http://www.guernseyroyalcourt.gg/article/182137/Marriages (last visited 1 July 2022).


Marriage and Civil Status (Jersey) Law 2001, art 11(1); Marriage (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 2020, s 24(3)(a).


  Marriage (Scotland) Act 1977, s 6; Marriage (Northern Ireland) Order 2003 (SI 2003 No 413), art 7(2)(c).


  Marriage and Civil Status (Jersey) Law 2001, art 15.


Marriage (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 2020, s 28(2).


Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc) Act 2004, s 19(2A). See the Glossary for the meaning of “relevant national” and “exempt from immigration control”.


These alternative requirements where either or both of the couple are not relevant nationals represent a slight modification of our general scheme.


See the Glossary for the meaning of “exempt person”.


Marriage Act 1949, s 28H.


Family Law Act 1996, s 63A.


Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, s 12(1)(c).


Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, s 121.


We understand that the Forced Marriage Unit is developing a workshop for registration officers on forced marriage which it plans to offer quarterly.


See para 1.73 and following above.


WU v BU [2021] EWCOP 54, [2022] COPLR 46.


See the Glossary for the meaning of “caveat”.


There are separate rules for couples who are not relevant nationals and not exempt from immigration control, who must give notice together: Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc) Act 2004, s 19(2A). See the Glossary for the meaning of “relevant national” and “exempt from immigration control”.


Consultation Paper, paras 4.13 to 4.19.


Consultation Paper, para 4.92, Consultation Question 4.


As we noted in the Consultation Paper, para 4.18, its original purpose seems to have been to ensure that civil preliminaries could not be any speedier than their Anglican equivalents.


As confirmed by the Forced Marriage Unit during the pre-consultation stage: Consultation Paper, para 4.34.


  As confirmed by the Home Office during the pre-consultation stage: Consultation Paper, para 4.34.


  Marriage Act 1949, ss 34 and 35. There are no equivalent restrictions for civil, Jewish or Quaker weddings.

Different restrictions apply to Anglican weddings.


S Falcetta, P Johnson and RM Vanderbeck, “The Experience of Religious Same-Sex Marriage in England and Wales: Understanding the Opportunities and Limits Created by the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013” (2021) 35(1) International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 1.


Consultation Paper, paras 4.43 to 4.45. In particular, we noted the criminal offences that would be committed by one person forcing another to give notice or pretending to be someone else for the purpose of giving notice.


Consultation Paper, para 4.39.


See K Chantler and M McCarry, “Forced Marriage, Coercive Control, and Conducive Contexts: The Experience of Women in Scotland” (2020) 26(1) Violence Against Women 89 for discussion of how some individuals did not conceptualise what had happened to them as a forced marriage.


Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, s 121.


  Consultation Paper, para 4.45.


  Consultation Paper, para 4.40.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) para 2.32.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) para 2.36.


Marriage Act 1949, s 28B requires a notice of marriage to be accompanied by “specified evidence” of each person’s name, date of birth, place of residence and nationality and, if they have previously been married or in a civil partnership, of the ending of that marriage or civil partnership.


See R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) paras 1.21 to 1.22.


See para 9.28 and following below.


While those who are subject to immigration control will have their in-person interview together, following on from the current requirement that they give notice together, some part of the interview should take place separately for the reasons given.


Consultation Paper, para 4.94, Consultation Question 6.


Consultation Paper, paras 4.57 to 4.61.


Founded in 2013, the National Commission on Forced Marriage is an independent body chaired by the Rt Hon Baroness Butler-Sloss.


Consultation Paper, para 4.64.


Hirani v Hirani (1983) 4 FLR 232, [1983] CLY 1118.


K Chantler, N Mirza and M Mackenzie, “Policy and Professional Responses to Forced Marriage in Scotland” (2022) 52(2) The British Journal of Social Work 833.


R Clawson, “Safeguarding People with Learning Disabilities from Forced Marriage: The Role of Safeguarding Adult Boards” (2016) 18(5) Journal of Adult Protection 277; T Miles-Johnson and T Courtenay, “Recognition and response: policing ‘Forced marriage’ in England” (2021) 31 Policing and Society 1248.


K Noack-Lundberg, AK Gill and S Anitha, “Understanding forced marriage protection orders in the UK” (2021) 43(4) Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 371.


R Clawson and R Fyson, “Forced marriage of people with learning disabilities: a human rights issue” (2017) 32(6) Disability & Society 810.


K Chantler, N Mirza and M Mackenzie, “Policy and Professional Responses to Forced Marriage in Scotland” (2022) 52 The British Journal of Social Work 833.


For an outline of the process see J Hitchens and N Daly, Forced Marriage Law and Practice (2021) ch 10.


HM Passport Office, General Register Office, Information leaflet on the referral of documents to the General Register Office (GRO FD2).


For example, if an individual had submitted evidence that they were an exempt person that turned out to be false.


Alternatively, they may go ahead with a religious-only ceremony: see eg R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) para 2.11.


Marriage Act 1949, s 31(2)(a). See Consultation Paper, para 4.62.


See para 3.30 above.


Consultation Paper, para 4.97, Consultation Question 9.


Consultation Paper, para 4.74.


Consultation Paper, para 4.78.


We also recommend that weddings should not be required to take place with open doors, or otherwise be open to the public, in Ch 5: see para 5.120 and following below.


As distinct from the schedule: see Recommendation 8 at para 3.201 below.


This is termed “entering a caveat”, although we suggested in the Consultation Paper that it would be helpful for the language to be updated: Consultation Paper, para 4.72 n 53.


Once the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 is in force, the current provisions permitting 16- and 17-year olds to marry with the consent of specified persons will be abolished and so the minimum age to marry will be 18 years.


Generally referred to as impediments to marriage. For the prohibited degrees, see Marriage Act 1949, s 1.


Under Marriage Act 1949, s 29(4), if an objection is made on grounds that the Registrar General deems to be frivolous, that person “shall be liable for the costs of the proceedings before the Registrar General and for damages recoverable by the person against whose marriage the caveat was entered”.


In addition, individuals without internet access will still be able to check the database at the register office and make an objection to registration officers: Consultation Paper, para 4.80.


  The specific concern was of a violent ex-partner obtaining details of the couple’s address(es).


  Under the retained EU version of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) No 2016/679 and the Data

Protection Act 2018.


Consultation Paper, para 4.30.


The Consultation Paper referred to protecting couples from having their address given to the press or those marketing wedding-related services, but this was in the context of what information would be displayed, not in relation to when it would be appropriate to dispense with publicity altogether.


Electoral registration form for registering anonymously (ITR-A-E), https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/931866/R egister-to-vote-anonymously-resident-in-England.pdf (last visited 1 July 2022); Representation of the People Act 1983, s 9B.


This could include an injunction or restraining order under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, a nonmolestation order or forced marriage protection order under the Family Law Act 1996, or a domestic violence protection order under the Crime and Security Act 2010.


Based on the list of those who can provide an attestation when a person is applying for anonymity on the electoral register, that list could include police officers, directors of social services, medical practitioners, nurses, midwives, and those who manage refuges.


Consultation Paper, para 4.84.


Consultation Paper, para 4.97, Consultation Question 9.


See the Glossary for the meaning of “caveat”.


Under the Mental Capacity Act 2005, s 9. A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document under which a person (“an attorney”) can be appointed to make decisions on behalf of a person who is unable to make their own decisions regarding welfare, money or property. A person must have capacity to make a Lasting Power of Attorney. Once it is registered, the attorney can with the person’s permission make decisions about their money and property; but the attorney can only make decisions regarding the person’s welfare if and when the person loses capacity to make their own decisions.


Under the Mental Capacity Act 2005, s 16. A deputy is a person appointed by the Court of Protection to manage the welfare of property and affairs of a person who lacks the capacity to make such decisions on their own behalf.


To an extent this already exists with the Registration Online (RON) system.


Consultation Paper, paras 4.65 to 4.68.


  Consultation Paper, para 4.95, Consultation Question 7.


 Consultation Paper, para 4.67.


 Consultation Paper, para 4.69.


Consultation Paper, para 11.82(2), Consultation Question 67. See Ch 11.


 Marriage Act 1949, s 39.


Marriage Act 1949, s 37. Under Marriage (Scotland) Act 1977, s 7(2), the person resident in Scotland must give notice of the intended wedding to the appropriate registrar in Scotland, and obtain a certificate confirming their legal capacity to marry.


Marriage of British Subjects (Facilities) Act 1915. The list of specified countries and territories comprised Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda or Somers Island, Botswana, Canada (Newfoundland only), Cyprus, Dominica, Eswatini, Fiji, The Gambia, Ghana (former Gold Coast Colony only), Gibraltar, Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony, Grenada, the Bailiwick of Guernsey (including Alderney and Sark), Isle of Man, Jamaica, Jersey, Kenya, Leeward Islands, Lesotho, Malawi, Malaysia (former Straits Settlement of Labuan, Malacca and Penang only), Mauritius, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pacific Protectorate (ie any island or group of islands, or place under the jurisdiction of HM High Commissioner for the Western Pacific, St Lucia, St Vincent, the Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Tanzania (Zanzibar only), Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. In such cases notice would be given according to the requirements of the country or territory of residence.


Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc) Act 2004, s 19.


 Consultation Paper para 4.96, Consultation Question 8.


 Registration of Marriages Regulations 2021 (SI 2021 No 411), reg 8.


 Marriage Act 1949, s 33(3).


 Marriage Act 1949, s 31(2).


Consultation Paper, para 4.98, Consultation Question 10.


 Consultation Paper, para 4.99(1), Consultation Question 11.


 Consultation Paper, para 4.99(2), Consultation Question 11.


See Recommendation 19 at para 4.105 below.


 See Recommendation 42 at para 9.201 below.


 See Recommendation 37 at para 9.50 below.


 See Recommendation 21 at para 4.260 below.


 See Recommendation 50 at para 10.191 below.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: Final Report (2022) p 103.


See eg Marriage Act 1949, s 27(5).


See Ch 12.


See Recommendation 9 at para 3.227 below.


Consultation Paper, para 4.89.


Consultation Paper, paras 4.100 to 4.101, Consultation Question 12.


 See Recommendation 37 at para 9.50 below.


 See Recommendation 42 at para 9.201 below.


Consultation Paper para 4.173, Consultation Question 18.


See Ch 4 in particular.


The Ecclesiastical Licences Act 1533 conferred the power to grant such licences, a power that is preserved in the Marriage Act 1949, s 79(6).


Or ensuring that one is issued and provided to them.


Marriage Act 1949, s 21A.


See para 3.12 above.


See Consultation Paper, para 4.10.


 Marriage Act 1949, s 16(1C).


 Marriage Act 1949, s 8. While s 5 states that banns cannot be used where one party is not a relevant

national it is not clear what the status of the marriage would be if banns were used in such a case.


The Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Anglican Marriage in England and Wales: A Guide to the Law for Clergy (3rd edition) (Second Supplement, April 2015) para 7.6, merely states that it is “strongly recommended” that ministers see evidence of the couple’s nationality.


Which includes prescribed evidence that they meet the criteria of a relevant national under the EU Settlement Scheme. See the Glossary for the meaning of “relevant national”.


Marriage Act 1949, s 28B. They must also provide the same details about their intended spouse.


Consultation Paper, para 4.152, Consultation Question 16(1).


Marriage Act 1949, s 19.


Consultation Paper, para 4.150, Consultation Question 14.


Marriage Act 1949, s 6.


For the details see the Consultation Paper, paras 2.74 to 2.75.


Consultation Paper, para 4.151, Consultation Question 15.


The original contingency provisions can be found in the Clandestine Marriages Act 1753 and the Marriage Act 1823 and predated the introduction of civil preliminaries by the Marriage Act 1836.


Marriage Act 1949, s 8 envisages that the information necessary for the banns to be called may be delivered indirectly.


Consultation Paper, para 4.152, Consultation Question 16(2).


This is in line with our recommendation that banns be called in each person’s parish of residence. See further Recommendation 13 at para 3.282 above.


See para 3.255 and Recommendation 10 at para 3.257 above.


Marriage Act 1949, s 16.


Consultation Paper, para 4.153, Consultation Question 17.


See respectively Marriage Act 1955 (New Zealand); Marriage Act 1961 (Australia); and eg Marriage Act 1996 (British Columbia) and Marriage Act 1990 (Ontario).


Marriage Act 1949, s 53D(2), places the responsibility to return the marriage document on the member of the clergy who solemnized the marriage.


Marriage Act 1949, s 53C and 53D(3)(b).


Consultation Paper, para 5.44.


Consultation Paper, para 5.65, Consultation Question 19.


Consultation Paper, paras 5.2 to 5.4.


Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and Home Office, Guidance: Multi-agency statutory guidance for dealing with forced marriage and Multi-agency practice guidelines: Handling cases of forced marriage (13 June 2022) s 11.4.


R Probert, Tying the Knot: The Formation of Marriage 1836-2020 (2021) chs 2, 3 and 5.


See Recommendation 29 at para 5.78 below and Recommendation 32 at paras 5.183 and 5.184 below.


See para 9.176 below.


See Recommendation 7 at para 3.174 above.


Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, s 24.


Consultation Paper, para 5.200, Consultation Question 35.


Consultation Paper, paras 5.194 to 5.195.


Consultation Paper, para 5.212, Consultation Question 36.


For the current guidance for registration officers, see Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and Home Office, Guidance: Multi-agency statutory guidance for dealing with forced marriage and Multi-agency practice guidelines: Handling cases of forced marriage (13 June 2022) ch 11.


See Consultation Paper, paras 5.198 to 5.199 for discussion of what we envisaged guidance would cover.


R Probert, RC Akhtar, S Blake, V Vora and T Barton, “The Importance of Being Authorised: The Genesis, Limitations and Legacy of the Marriage Act 1898” (2021) 10(3) Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 394.


Consultation Paper, paras 5.204 to 5.205.


Consultation Paper, para 5.215, Consultation Question 40.


Consultation Paper, paras 5.68.


See Registration Services Act 1953, ss 5, 6, and 8.


See R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: Final Report (2022) chs 3 and 5. A registration officer is currently also required to attend, and is responsible for ensuring registration of, weddings that take place according to religious rites (other than Anglican, Jewish or Quaker ones) that involve people who are terminally ill, housebound or detained: see Ch 10 below.


Consultation Paper, para 5.66, Consultation Question 20.


R Probert, R Akhtar, S Blake, V Vora and T Barton, “The Importance of Being Authorised: The Genesis, Limitations and Legacy of the Marriage Act 1898” (2021) 10(3) Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 394.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) paras 3.6 and 3.10.


Under the current law, an authorised person appointed for one registered place of worship can attend and be responsible for ensuring the registration of weddings in another registered place of worship, regardless of denomination.


Under our scheme such collaboration would be possible if those churches formed an organisation with a single governing authority.


See Recommendation 32 at paras 5.183 and 5.184 below.


The full Terms of Reference for the project are included in Appendix 1.


Marriage Act 1949, ss 45(1) and 46B(1)(b).


Consultation Paper, para 5.67, Consultation Question 21.


See Moray Council, Births, Marriages, Deaths: Fees, http://www.moray.gov.uk/moray_standard/page_39803.html (last visited 1 July 2022) for an example of a Scottish local authority that advertises that they require two registration officers for “isolated” locations.


If the attendance of two registration officers was purely an operational matter, for example, to allow one registration officer to manage guests or provide any other services which are not the responsibility of an officiant, sending two registration officers would be a discretionary service that would require the couple to agree to it being provided, under the general powers of local authorities to offer (and charge for) discretionary services. It would not be a requirement under weddings law, and so not a mandatory service. See Ch 12 for more detail.


The General Register Office already advises registration officers to consult them in certain situations (for example if the person’s appearance does not match their photo).


Consultation Paper, para 5.77. For convenience we refer to these as “any eligible couple”.


Consultation Paper, para 5.144, Consultation Question 22.


For discussion of the debate see M Hill, Ecclesiastical Law (4th ed 2018) para 5.29.


See Recommendation 8 at para 3.201, and para 3.233 above.


The Church of England, National Register of Clergy to be created (14 January 2021),

https://www.churchofengland.org/safeguarding/safeguarding-news-and-releases/national-register-clergy (last visited 1 July 2022).


Marriage Act 1949, ss 43 and 43B. The only precondition is that the building must have been registered for one year.


R Probert, Tying the Knot: The Formation of Marriage, 1836-2020 (2021) chs 6 and 8.


We have also been asked to make recommendations that could make provision for independent celebrants, which we discuss at para 4.263 and following below.


See para 4.113 below.


  [2013] UKSC 77, [2014] AC 160.


R (Hodkin) v Registrar General of Births, Deaths and Marriages [2013] UKSC 77, [2014] AC 160 at [57].


Consultation Paper, paras 5.122 to 5.127.


Consultation Paper, para 5.146, Consultation Question 24.


It also excludes bodies pursuing purposes that are illegal or contrary to public policy: on this see Consultation Question 26.


  Consultation Paper, para 5.147, Consultation Question 24.


  Consultation Paper, para 5.148, Consultation Question 25.


  Marriage Act 1949, ss 41 and 43A.


  Consultation Paper, para 5.99.


Consultation Paper, paras 5.100 to 5.102.


Consultation Paper, para 5.149, Consultation Question 26.


See Ch 8.


  [2013] UKSC 77, [2014] AC 610 at [57].


See also R (Hodkin) v Registrar General of Births, Deaths and Marriages [2013] UKSC 77, [2014] AC 160 at [57], in which Lord Toulson emphasised that he was providing a description rather than a definition of religion.


Based on the criteria outlined in Grainger Plc v Nicholson [2010] 2 All ER 253, [2010] 1CR 360.


For example, members could be required to provide written and signed support, with proof of their addresses.


Marriage Act 1949, s 43 and 43B.


Australian Government, Attorney-General’s Department, “Information Sheet - Recognised Denominations”, available at Australian Government, Attorney-General’s Department, Recognised religious denominations (13 January 2020), https://www.ag.gov.au/families-and-marriage/publications/information-sheet-recognised-denominations (last visited 1 July 2022).


Civil Registration Act 2004, s 45A(1)(f).


See eg Marriage Act 1996 (British Columbia), s 2; Marriage Act 1990 (Ontario), s 20(3); The Marriage Act 1995 (Saskatchewan), s 5.


See Recommendation 20 at para 4.256 below.


Eweida v United Kingdom (2013) 57 EHRR 8, [2013] 57 EHRR 8 at [82].


 [2020] EWHC 2096 (Admin), [2021] PTSR 322.


R (on the application of Harrison) v Secretary of State for Justice [2020] EWHC 2096 (Admin), [2021] PTSR

322 at [68].


See Ch 8.


  Under 18 years once the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 has come into force.


  See respectively Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, s 121; Offences against the Person

Act 1861, s 57; Immigration Act 1971, s 25.


Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, s 121(3); Immigration Act 1971, s 25(4).


Marriage Act 1949, ss 43 and 43B.


  Marriage Act 1949, s 26A(4).


  Marriage Act 1949, s 26B.


Consultation Paper, paras 5.103 to 5.107.


  Consultation Paper, para 5.134.


  Consultation Paper, para 5.145, Consultation Question 23.


On which see F Cranmer, “Ecclesiastical regulation and secular law: A comparative exploration” in F Cranmer, M Hill QC, C Kenny and R Sandberg (eds), The Confluence of Law and Religion: Interdisciplinary Reflections on the Work of Norman Doe (2016).


Hansard (HL), 19 June 2013, vol 746, col 330 to 331 (The Advocate-General for Scotland, Lord Wallace of Tankerness).


See Recommendation 20 at para 4.256 below.


  Consultation Paper, para 5.108.


  Consultation Paper, para 5.151, Consultation Question 28.


  Consultation Paper, para 5.111.


  Consultation Paper, para 5.150, Consultation Question 27.


See Australian Government, Attorney-General’s Department, “List of Commonwealth Registered Celebrants”, https://marriage.ag.gov.au/ (last visited 1 July 2022) and The Department of Internal Affairs (Te Tari Taiwhenua), “Locating a Celebrant”, https://celebrants.dia.govt.nz/ (last visited 1 July 2022).


The officiant would need to provide evidence of such threats but given that such threats need not have been directed against them personally it would not be practicable to require them to provide the same kinds of evidence required of couples opting out of having their details displayed online when their notices of marriage are published: see para 3.129 and following above.


See para 4.57 above.


See R Probert, “A Uniform Marriage Law for England and Wales?” [2018] 30(3) Child and Family Law Quarterly 259.


N Doe, Comparative Religious Law: Judaism, Christianity, Islam (2018) ch 3, explains that ordination is a key element within Catholicism, Methodism, and Presbyterianism but is not always regarded as essential within the Baptist tradition and that there is no process of ordination within Islam.


Consultation Paper, paras 5.153 to 5.163.


Consultation Paper, para 5.187, Consultation Question 30.


The full Terms of Reference for the project are included in Appendix 1.


Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, reg 5(3)(a) (“of good character”); Financial Conduct Authority, Fit and Proper test for Employees and Senior Personnel sourcebook (February 2022) para 1.3.1 B (“honesty, integrity and reputation”), https://www.handbook.fca.org.uk/handbook/FIT.pdf (last visited 1 July 2022).


The “fit and proper” test applies both to those seeking temporary authorisation and those seeking to be nominated as celebrants on a permanent basis: Marriage (Scotland) Act 1977, ss 9(2) and 12. The policy of National Records of Scotland on the factors to be taken into account in making the assessment of whether a person is fit and proper is available at https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/files//registration/nrs-marriage-authorisation-policy.pdf (last visited 1 July 2022).


Superintendent Registrar of Jersey, “Authorised Civil Celebrants: Code of Practice”, p 11, https://www.gov.je/SiteCollectionDocuments/Life%20events/Code%20of%20Practice%20for%20Celebrants. pdf (last visited 1 July 2022).


Once the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 is in force, the current provisions permitting 16- and 17-year olds to marry with the consent of specified persons will be abolished, and so the minimum age to marry will be 18 years.


R Probert, R Akhtar, S Blake, V Vora and T Barton, “The Importance of Being Authorised: The Genesis, Limitations and Legacy of the Marriage Act 1898” (2021) 10(3) Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 394.


We note that some consultees suggested that officiants should scrutinise any additional agreement between the parties as to their rights and responsibilities within the marriage or upon its end. However, in our view it is not the role of an officiant to scrutinise such agreements. We also note that in a legal marriage any such agreement will not be binding; in the event of divorce, a court will consider whether it is unfair to hold the couple to their pre-nuptial agreement. See further Law Commission, Matrimonial Property, Needs and Agreement (2014) Law Com No 343.


DBS checks have four levels: basic, standard, enhanced and enhanced with barred list check. A basic DBS check contains details of convictions and conditional cautions considered to be ‘unspent’ under the terms of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, and can be obtained by an individual or their employer. A standard DBS check will also reveal spent convictions, cautions, reprimands and warnings held on the Police National Computer which are not subject to filtering. A standard DBS check can only be requested by an employer, and only if the position is one for which that level of level of enquiry is permitted under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 (SI 1975 No 1023); the role of officiant is not such a position. A useful guide to the levels of DBS checks is available on the Disclosure and Barring Service’s webpage at https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/disclosure-and-barring-service/about (last visited 1 July 2022).


 Consultation Paper, para 5.189, Consultation Question 32.


 Marriage (Scotland) Act 1977, s 10.


National Records of Scotland, “Marriage Celebrants - NRS Policy on Authorisation”, p 9 https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/files/registration/nrs-marriage-authorisation-policy.pdf (last visited 1 July 2022).


Consultation Paper, para 5.174.


See R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) paras 4.65 to 4.66 for examples of adaptations.


For example, conducting ceremonies in accordance with different beliefs, if the nominating organisation made it clear that its officiants should only conduct ceremonies in accordance with a single set of beliefs.


 Consultation Paper, para 5.212, Consultation Question 37.


 Consultation Paper, para 5.213, Consultation Question 38.


Marriage Act 1949, s 77.


See para 9.39 and following and Recommendation 42 at para 9.201 below.


S Pywell, “The day of their dreams: celebrant-led wedding celebration ceremonies” [2020] 32 Child and Family Law Quarterly 177. The precise number of celebrant-led ceremonies is unknown, since by their nature they are not formally recorded.


See Appendix 1 for the full Terms of Reference.


Consultation Paper, paras 5.138 and 5.139.


S Pywell, “Beyond beliefs: a proposal to give couples in England and Wales a real choice of marriage officiants” [2020] 32 Child and Family Law Quarterly 215.


S Pywell, “The day of their dreams: celebrant-led wedding celebration ceremonies” [2020] 32 Child and Family Law Quarterly 177.


 Consultation Paper, para 5.152, Consultation Question 29.


 Consultation Paper, para 5.188, Consultation Question 31.


See further paras 4.194 to 4.196 above for discussion of this option.


We do not think that all applicants should have to undertake DBS checks, for the reasons given at para 4.222 above.


 See further para 4.223 above for discussion of these criteria.


 See further para 4.216 above. The minimum age to marry is 16 years (with the consent of specified

persons), or 18 years (without such consent): Marriage Act 1949, ss 2 and 3. Once the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 is in force, the current provisions permitting 16- and 17-year olds to marry with the consent of specified persons will be abolished and so the minimum age to marry will be 18 years.


In the Consultation Paper we referred to “continuing professional development” but in the light of consultees’ responses we think that “ongoing training” better captures what will be required of officiants.


Consultation Paper, para 5.168.


 Consultation Paper, para 5.177.


 Consultation Paper, para 5.190, Consultation Question 33.


Consultation Paper, paras 5.175 and 5.189, Consultation Question 32.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: Final Report (2022) ch 6.


Relevant offences include the offences of forced marriage (Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, s 121), breach of a forced marriage protection order (Family Law Act 1996, s 63CA), assisting unlawful immigration (Immigration Act 1971, s 25), and conspiracy to commit a particular offence (Criminal Law Act 1977, s 1). For how the sham marriage offences could apply to officiants, see Crown Prosecution Service, Immigration Offences legal guidance - Annexx: Table of Immigration Offences, https://www.cps.gov.uk/sites/default/files/documents/publications/Immigration-Offences-Annex.pdf (last visited 1 July 2022).


Consultation Paper, para 5.214, Consultation Question 39.


See Recommendation 21 at para 4.261(2) above.


Consultation Paper, para 5.216, Consultation Question 41.


See para 12.101 and following below.


See Recommendation 8 at para 3.201 above.


See para 9.42 below.


International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) (1978) (as amended), reg I/1(1.5) and ch II.


 Consultation Paper, para 5.183.


 Consultation Paper, para 5.191, Consultation Question 34.


See para 10.157 and Recommendation 49 at para 10.190 above.


Marriage (Scotland) Act 1977, s 10(4); Civil Registration Act 2004, s 56(2); Marriage (Northern Ireland) Order 2003, art 13(2); Marriage and Civil Status (Jersey) Order 2018, art 10.


 Marriage and Civil Status (Jersey) Order 2018, art 10(3).


 Marriage and Civil Status (Jersey) Order 2018, art 10(6).


Consultation Paper, paras 6.3 and 6.4.


   Marriage Act 1949, ss 5(1); 26(1)(c), (d) and (e); 26B(2)(a) and (4)(a); and 47(1).


   Marriage Act 1949, s 44.


   Marriage Act 1949, ss 45 and 46B. They are also subject to a prohibition on religious service, which we

consider at para 5.142 and following below.


See eg Consultation Paper, para 6.8.


When the Marriage Act 1836 was passed, only Christian places of worship could conduct weddings, because only Christian places of worship could be licenced. It was not until the passage of the Places of Worship Registration Act 1855 that any place of worship could be certified as such, and so registered for marriage: see R Probert, Tying the Knot: The Formation of Marriage 1836-2020 (2021) pp 39 to 40, 86 and 101 to 102.


Consultation Paper, para 6.8.


See Consultation Paper, para 6.123. See also W Kennett, “The Place of Worship in Solemnization of a Marriage” (2015) 30(2) Journal of Law and Religion 260, 265, citing Act of Toleration 1689, s 19.


See Consultation Paper, paras 6.9 to 6.22.


Consultation Paper, para 6.68, Consultation Question 42.


In an Anglican wedding service, the member of the clergy conducting the service first asks the congregation, and then the couple, to declare if there is any impediment to the marriage, rather than requiring a declaration of no impediments.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: Final report (2022) ch 5.


Consultation Paper, para 6.48(3).


  Consultation Paper, para 6.43.


  Marriage Act 1949, s 28.


See Recommendation 10 at para 3.257 and Recommendation 15 at para 3.307 above.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) para 4.47.


Consultation Paper, para 6.62.


Civil partnerships are formed on the signing of the civil partnership document: Civil Partnership Act 2004, s 2. And a civil partnership is converted into a marriage on the signing of the conversion declaration: The Marriage of Same Sex Couples (Conversion of Civil Partnership) Regulations 2014 (SI 2014 No 3181), reg 3.


See para 4.27 and Recommendation 16 at para 4.63 above.


See Ch 9 for a discussion of the requirements for a valid marriage under our scheme.


  See para 5.52 below.


  See para 5.7 above.


R Probert, “Secular or sacred? The ambiguity of ‘civil’ marriage in the Marriage Act 1836” (2022) Journal of Legal History (online), https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01440365.2022.2092947?scroll=top&needAccess=true (last visited 3 July 2022); R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) para 4.17.


See Consultation Paper, para 6.48(2) and (3) for a description of Jewish and Quaker wedding ceremonies.


Marriage Act 1949, s 44(3) to (3A).


Together with a formalisation of the previous exceptions for Jewish and Quaker weddings.


R Probert, Tying the Knot: The Formation of Marriage 1836-2020 (2021) pp 65 to 66. There is also evidence of Catholic couples having to repeat the prescribed words separately in earlier decades: see Tying the Knot, p 129.


Consultation Paper, para 6.21.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) paras 4.18 to 4.37.


In particular, we think it is difficult to see how the prescribed words protect against forced marriage. A person can easily be coached and coerced into speaking the prescribed words, especially given how short they are.


Consultation Paper, para 6.57.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) paras 4.8 to 4.17.


Marriage Act 1961 (Australia), s 45(1) and (2); Marriage Act 1955 (New Zealand), s 31(3).


The language of “take you” and “wedded” are expressions used in the Book of Common Prayer, so we have not used it in our example. The Welsh version of this could be “Yr ydwyf i [enw] yn dy dderbyn di yn [wr, wraig neu briod] i mi”, but we note that there is more than one way of expressing this statement in Welsh.


Which requires a declaration by the parties “that they accept each other as husband and wife” or “that they accept each other in marriage”: Marriage (Scotland) Act 1977, s 9(3).


Which requires the parties to declare their consent to marry each other, with no particular form of words required: Marriage (Northern Ireland) Order 2003 (SI 2003 No 413) arts 10(3), 15(2)(b) and 19(2)(b) to (3).


Which requires the parties to make a declaration “to the effect that each of them accepts the other as a husband, a wife or a spouse, as the case may be”: Civil Registration Act 2004, s 51(4).


We therefore do not think provision needs to be made for translation, a point we considered in the Consultation Paper, paras 6.71 to 6.72.


European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages 1992, pt 2. See also: Council of Europe, “European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages” (2021) p 2, https://rm.coe.int/ukevaliria5-en/1680a287e0 (last visited 1 July 2022).


The requirement that the couple expresses consent by words or actions in a belief ceremony will also allow consent to be expressed in a language other than English or Welsh.


Although we make recommendations about how consent should be expressed, in terms of validity, the only requirement is that each of the couple expresses consent to be married, in any form, including by signing the schedule. This will be sufficient to make a marriage valid. See Recommendation 38 at para 9.86 and Recommendation 39 at para 9.100 below.


Of course, the marriage will still be voidable if consent was expressed but was vitiated by impaired mental capacity, duress or mistake: Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, s 12.


As we noted above, the marriage will be validly formed however the couple expresses consent, so long as they do so in each other’s presence and the presence of the officiant; failure to follow the specific requirements of how they express consent will not affect the validity of the marriage.


Consultation Paper, paras 5.15 to 5.16 and 6.116. Although the secretary of the synagogue or registering officer and two witnesses are required to sign the schedule, they are not expressly required to be present at the ceremony: Marriage Act 1949, s 53C(5)(c).


Consultation Paper, para 6.69, Consultation Question 43.


Consultation Paper, para 6.70, Consultation Question 44.


Marriage Act 1949, s 47(2)(b).


  Marriage Act 1949, s 44(1).


  Marriage Act 1949, s 44(1), (3) and (3A).


  Which, as we explained above, will be subject to a requirement for required words of contract or words to

the same effect: see Recommendation 29 at para 5.78 above.


  Consultation Paper, para 6.13.


  Consultation Paper, para 6.14.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) paras 4.56 to 4.64.


See eg NB v MI [2021] EWHC 224 (Fam), [2021] 2 FLR 786.


  The full Terms of Reference for the project are included in Appendix 1.


  For example, the Nuffield project found that, for weddings conducted by Humanist and independent

celebrants, “bespoke ceremonies were a means of enhancing the commitment that the couples were making to each other”: R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A briefing paper for the Law Commission (2021) para 4.72.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A briefing paper for the Law Commission (2021) paras 6.57 to 6.65, 6.69.


 See Recommendation 22 at para 4.262 and Recommendation 24 at para 4.331 above.


 See Recommendation 16 at para 4.64 above.


  See Recommendation 22 at para 4.262 above.


Consultation Paper, para 6.13.


For this reason, it also fits better with other aspects of our scheme. For example, that the officiant must agree to the location for a wedding: see Ch 6 below.


In correspondence clarifying its response, after the consultation period.


As amended by the Divorce (Religious Marriages) Act 2002. The Board of Deputies of British Jews also referred to the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013, but the references in that Act are those provisions which amended the Marriage Act 1949.


Marriage Act 1949, s 7(2). Although this provision provides that “all the other rules prescribed by the said rubric concerning the publication of banns and the solemnization of matrimony shall, so far as they are consistent with the provisions of this Part of this Act, be duly observed”. The term “rubric” refers here to the instructions preceding the form of service. The reference to “the solemnization of matrimony” must be taken as referring solely to the stipulation in the rubric that if the parties live in different parishes banns are to be published in both and that the person marrying them must not do so without the certificate of banns from the other parish.


Canon B1.


Canon B1; Approved and Commended forms of service under Canon B2.


Church of England (Worship and Doctrine) Measure 1974.


N Doe, “The Constitution of the Church” in N Doe (ed) A New History of the Church in Wales: Governance and Ministry, Theology and Society (2020).


Church in Wales, Constitution, Chapter VI: Appointments and Nominations, s 10.


B Morgan, “The Clergy: Priests and Deacons” N Doe (ed) A New History of the Church in Wales: Governance and Ministry, Theology and Society (2020), p 136.


  Created according to the process of revision set out in the constitution of the Church in Wales.


  See eg the Clergy Discipline Measure 2003.


Consultation Paper, para 6.136, Consultation Question 47. Under the current law, civil weddings comprise those on approved premises and in register offices.


See para 5.9 above.


Consultation Paper, para 7.149. See eg Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and Home Office, Guidance: Multi-agency statutory guidance for dealing with forced marriage and Multi-agency practice guidelines: Handing cases of forced marriage (13 June 2022).


See para 3.96 and following above, citing K Chantler, N Mirza and M Mackenzie, “Policy and Professional Responses to Forced Marriage in Scotland” (2022) 52(2) The British Journal of Social Work 833.


See paras 4.25 and 4.52 above. The Forced Marriage Unit has published guidance for registration officers about forced marriage, including what to do and what not to do. Where they suspect a marriage is being forced at the ceremony itself, the guidance emphasises the importance of confidentiality, speaking to the person in private, respecting and recognising the person’s wishes, and not doing anything to put the individual at risk of harm: see Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and Home Office, Guidance: Multi-agency statutory guidance for dealing with forced marriage and Multi-agency practice guidelines: Handling cases of forced marriage (13 June 2022) ch 11.


See para 3.34 above.


Consultation Paper, para 7.149.


Registration officers are under a duty to report suspicions of sham marriages to the Home Secretary: Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, s 24.


  Marriage Act 1949, s 28B and Recommendation 10 at para 3.257 above.


  Marriage Act 1949, sch 1.


See R Probert, Double Trouble: The Rise and Fall of the Crime of Bigamy (2015).


  Consultation Paper, para 6.126.


Marriage (Scotland) Act 1977; Marriage (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020.


  Consultation Paper, para 6.128.


The Nuffield project provided further evidence of the possibility of disruption, specifically the possibility of a wedding being interrupted based on the religious beliefs of one of the couple: R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) para 4.110.


  The full Terms of Reference for the project are included in Appendix 1.


  See eg Sheffield City Council v E [2004] EWHC 2808 (Fam), [2005] Fam 326; X City Council v MB, NM and

MAB [2006] EWHC 168 (Fam), [2006] 2 FLR 968; YLA v PM, MZ [2013] EWHC 4020 (COP), [2014] COPLR 114; NB v MI [2021] EWHC 224 (Fam), [2021] 2 FLR 786.


NB v MI [2021] EWHC 224 (Fam), [2021] 2 FLR 786at [20] to [26].


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) para 4.110. A Temple recommend is a certificate issued to members of The Church of Latter-day Saints which allows a member to enter the temple.


T Cummings, “Equality as a central principle? - The Law Commission’s solutions to the religious-only marriage problem” (2021) 33 Child and Family Law Quarterly 63, 80.


Marriage Act 1949, ss 45(2) and 46B(4); Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005 (SI 2005 No 3168), sch 2 para 11. See Consultation Paper, paras 6.73 to 6.76.


S Pywell and R Probert, “Neither sacred nor profane: the permitted content of civil marriage ceremonies”, (2018) 30(4) Child and Family Law Quarterly 415.


  Consultation Paper, paras 6.73, 6.76 and 6.86.


  Consultation Paper, paras 6.81 to 6.85.


Consultation Paper, paras 6.109 to 6.110, Consultation Question 45.


As we explained in the Consultation Paper, paras 6.75 to 6.76, the rule which applies to weddings in the register office only prohibits a religious service: Marriage Act 1949, s 45(2). However, the more extensive prohibition on any religious content other than “incidental” references “in an essentially non-religious context” which applies to weddings on approved premises, has apparently been applied to weddings in the register office: Marriage Act 1949, s 46B(4) and Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005 (SI 2005 No 3168), sch 2 para 11.


Marriage and Civil Status (Jersey) Law 2001, art 17(8) to (10).


Consider the currently prescribed words, required in civil ceremonies but “structurally and linguistically similar” to the Anglican wedding service, perhaps why two participants in the Nuffield project experienced them as religious: R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) paras 4.16 to 4.17.


As we noted in the Consultation Paper, para 6.103.


 And to attend religious weddings involving persons who are detained or terminally ill: see Ch 10.


 [2009] EWCA Civ 1357, [2010] 1 WLR 955.


Including Anglican, Jewish and Quaker weddings: see Recommendation 30 at paras 5.118 and 5.119 above.


Consultation Paper, paras 6.112 to 6.113.


Consultation Paper, para 6.114, Consultation Question 46.


 R Probert, Tying the Knot: The Formation of Marriage 1836-2020 (2021) pp 92 to 96.


 R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding

ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) paras 4.95 and 4.100.


R v Benson, The Times, 12 July 1856; Galloway v Goldstein [2012] EWHC 60 (Fam), [2012] 2 WLR 1003.


See Ch 9.


Chapter 4, which focusses on the responsibilities of officiants and how they will be authorised and regulated, contains most of the detail about how weddings will be regulated under our recommended scheme.


See HM Government, First ever marriage review to free-up dream wedding venues (28 June 2019), https://www.gov.uk/government/news/first-ever-marriage-review-to-free-up-dream-wedding-venues (last visited 1 July 2022).


Ministry of Justice, Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships (20 December 2021) p 7.


The Marriage and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (SI 2021 No 775).


Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (SI 2022 No 295).


Under the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Act 2006.


Ministry of Justice, Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships: Government response to the consultation on Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships (15 March 2022) p 32.


Ministry of Justice, Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships: Government response to the consultation on Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships (15 March 2022) pp 30 and 32.


Respondents to Government’s consultation said that “outdoor ceremonies accounted for between 30-100% of the weddings they hosted”: Ministry of Justice, Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships: Government response to the consultation on Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships (15 March 2022) p 16.


Ministry of Justice and Tom Pursglove MP, Press release: Outdoor civil weddings and civil partnerships made permanent (15 March 2022), https://www.gov.uk/government/news/outdoor-civil-weddings-and-civil-partnerships-made-permanent (last visited 1 July 2022).


For an assessment of the law in Scotland, see M McLean, “Beyond belief: the law and practice of marriage formation in contemporary Scotland” [2018] Child and Family Law Quarterly 237.


Ministry of Justice, Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships: Government response to the consultation on Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships (15 March 2022) p 32.


Marriage Act 1949, ss 6, 12(1), 15, and 25(2)(a); Church of England Marriage Measure 2008, s 1.


Ministry of Justice, Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships: Government response to the consultation on Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships (15 March 2022) p 32.


Marriage Act 1949, ss 34, 35, 41, 43A and 44.


SI 2005 No 3168.


Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005 (SI 2005 No 3168), regs 2(1) and 2C(1) and sch 1 para 2.


The Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (SI 2021 No 775); Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (SI 2022 No 295).


See eg R Probert, Tying the Knot: The Formation of Marriage 1836-2020 (2021) ch 2; see paras 1.18 to 1.22 above.


Consultation Paper, paras 7.87 to 7.90.


  Consultation Paper, para 7.158 and 7.159, Consultation Question 48.


  Consultation Paper, para 7.160, Consultation Question 49.


Consultation Paper, para 6.136, Question 47.


For example, as we noted in the Scoping Paper, para 1.4, casinos and shopping centres have been approved under the Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005 (SI 2005 No 3168).


Consultation Paper, para 7.131.


See Consultation Paper, paras 7.44 to 7.68.


Office for National Statistics, Marriages in England and Wales: 2019 (19 May 2022).


R Probert, S Pywell, R Akhtar, S Blake, T Barton and V Vora, “Trying to get a piece of paper from City Hall? The availability, accessibility and administration of the register office wedding” (2022) 44 Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law (forthcoming), https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09649069.2022.2067651 (last visited 1 July 2022) found that many counties have only one register office.


As demonstrated by the Nuffield project, which showed that approved premises are popular venues even for couples having a ceremony that is not legally binding: R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) paras 5.33 to 5.35.


Consultation Paper, para 13.30.


M Baker and V Elizabeth, Marriage in an age of cohabitation: How and When People Tie the Knot in the Twenty-First Century (2014) pp 104 to 105.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) para 7.9 and following.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) para 5.38.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) para 5.48 and following.


T Cummings, “Equality as a central principle? - The Law Commission’s solution to the religious-only marriage problem” (2021) 33 Child and Family Law Quarterly 63, 80.


Consultation Paper, para 7.145; Scoping Paper, p 16, figure 5.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) para 5.77.


Equality Act 2010, ss 20 to 22 and 29.


Equality and Human Rights Commission, 4. The three requirements of the duty, https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/multipage-guide/three-requirements-duty (last visited 1 July 2022); and Equality and Human Rights Commission, 6. How do we define ‘reasonable’?, https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/multipage-guide/how-do-we-define-reasonable (last visited 1 July 2022).


Consultation Paper, para 7.181.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) para 5.101.


See para 3.98 above, citing K Noack-Lundberg, AK Gill and S Anitha, “Understanding forced marriage protection orders in the UK” (2021) 43 Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 371; and K Chantler, N Mirza and M Mackenzie, “Policy and Professional Responses to Forced Marriage in Scotland” (2022) 52 The British Journal of Social Work 833.


Consultation Paper, para 7.149.


Consultation Paper, para 7.149.


See Recommendation 16 at para 4.63 above.


See Recommendation 2 at para 3.78, Recommendation 3 at para 3.109, Recommendation 14 at para 3.296 and Recommendation 15 at para 3.307 above.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) paras 5.9 to 5.20.


Marriages and Civil Partnership (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005 (SI 2005 No 3168).


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) para 5.42 and 5.71.


See Recommendation 18 at para 4.94(2) above.


See Consultation Paper, paras 7.29 to 7.31.


Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, s 121. The existing rules on secondary liability would apply to any person who aids, abets, counsels or procures the commission of the offence: Accessories and Abettors Act 1861, s 8; Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980, s 44. Under the Serious Crime Act 2007, ss 44 to 46, encouraging or assisting a substantive offence is also an offence.


See Consultation Paper, paras 11.8 to 11; and Ch 10.


See para 6.22 above.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021) para 5.55.


For one example see the Merchant Shipping (Vessels in Commercial Use for Sport or Pleasure) Regulations 1998 (SI 1998 No 2771).


See Consultation Paper, paras 7.35 and 7.36.


See para 6.182(2) below.


Consultation Paper, paras 7.152 to 7.156.


Consultation Paper, para 7.161, Consultation Question 50.


Where we provisionally proposed that weddings should be able to take place in any type of location: see para 6.19 and following above.


It might not be possible to define places of worship based on certification. Because we recommend eliminating the need to register a place of worship for marriage, it is possible that the ability to certify a place of worship under the Places of Worship Registration Act 1855 will not be retained. This was anticipated, in the Local Government Act 2003, s 68, which is un-commenced, but which would remove the requirement for certification so that all public places of worship would be exempt from non-domestic rates.


The Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005 (SI 2005 No 3168), reg 2.


Consultation Paper, para 7.155.


See paras 8.40 to 8.43 below.


Consultation Paper, para 7.164 to 7.165.


  Consultation Paper, para 7.190, Consultation Question 51.


  Consultation Paper, paras 7.191 and 7.192, Consultation Question 52.


We mistakenly did not include an “other” option for this question on the online response form.


For approval of a single room that is not already licensed to serve alcohol. See Consultation Paper, para 7.61.


See Recommendation 22 at para 4.262 and Recommendation 24 at para 4.331 above.


Consultation Paper, para 7.163.


The only wedding ceremony ritual which we know of which does genuinely seem to pose a safety risk is, in Hindu or Jain ceremonies, the sacred fire around which the couple walks. It is worth noting that this fire risk is unregulated by weddings law currently: the law presumes Hindu and Jain weddings are taking place in registered places of worship, and there is nothing about the regulation of weddings in registered places of worship that have anything to say about fire safety. And we are not aware of there being any problems with these ceremonies: the Hindu priests who gave evidence to the Nuffield project said that they already carried out risk assessments. They also had experience of lighting their sacred fires in a wider range of venues than just registered places of worship, so the proposals would make no difference to their practices.


A negligent failure by an officiant to discharge their statutory responsibility in relation to safety will not in itself give rise to a private law cause of action: X (Minors) v Bedfordshire CC [1995] 2 AC 633.


Wheat v E Lacon & Co Ltd [1966] AC 522, [1996] 2 WLR 581. See for example W Norris, “Duty of care and personal responsibility: occupiers, owners, organisers and individuals” (2008) 3 Journal of Personal Injury Law 187.


For recent explanations of these principles by the Supreme Court, see Robinson v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police [2018] UKSC 4, [2018] AC 736 and N v Poole Borough Council [2019] UKSC 25, [2020] AC 780.


Guidance on conducting risk assessments by the Health and Safety Executive might be useful.


Consultation Paper, paras 7.174 to 7.177; Marriages and Civil Partnership (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005 (SI 2005 No 3168), sch 2 para 7 and sch 2B para 3.


Marriage and Civil Status (Jersey) Order 2018, art 20.


Consultation Paper, para 7.137 n 66.


Consultation Paper, paras 7.199 to 7.200, Consultation Question 53.


For example, see Midlothian, Arranging a Marriage, https://www.midlothian.gov.uk/info/640/birth_marriage_and_death/47/arranging_a_marriage (last visited 1 July 2022) which provides a list of popular wedding venues and outlines the process if you chose an alternative venue.


See R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: Final Report (2022) ch 3: participants variously used the term to refer to giving notice, recording the fact that a marriage had taken place, and the entire process of getting married.


The Registration of Marriages Regulations 2021 (SI 2021 No 411).


Consultation Paper, ch 8; Registration of Marriages Regulations (draft statutory instrument), deposited in the House of Lords Library on 17 April 2018 by Baroness Williams of Trafford.


The Registration of Marriages Regulations 2021 (SI 2021 No 411).


   Marriage Act 1949, s 21A.


   Marriage Act 1949, s 31(2).


Marriage Act 1949, ss 53B(3) and 53C(5).


   Marriage Act 1949, s 53B(3).


   Marriage Act 1949, s 53C(8).


  Marriage Act 1949, s 53C(5)(c).


  Marriage Act 1949, ss 53B(3) to (4) and 53C(5) to (6).


  Marriage Act 1949, s 53C(7).


  Registration of Marriages Regulations 2015 (SI 2015 No 207), sch 1.


  The inclusion of mothers’ details provided the political impetus behind the passage of the Civil Partnerships,

Marriages and Deaths (Registration etc) Act 2019.


  Registration of Marriages Regulations 2015 (SI 2015 No 207), sch 1.


  Registration of Marriages Regulations 2015 (SI 2015 No 207), regs 9C(4) and 10C(4).


  Registration of Marriages Regulations 2015 (SI 2015 No 207), regs 9C(3) and 10C(3).


Marriage Act 1949, s 55 (repealed).


  Marriage Act 1949, ss 57 to 58 (repealed).


  Marriage Act 1949, ss 64 to 65.


  Marriage Act 1949, s 53D(1) to (3).


  Marriage Act 1949, s 53D(1)(a).


  Marriage Act 1949, s 53A(1) to (2).


Registration of Marriages Regulations 2015 (SI 2015 No 207), reg 11B.


  Marriage Act 1949, s 53D(5) to (6).


  Marriage Act 1949, s 53D(7) to (9).


  Marriage Act 1949, s 76A; Sentencing Act 2020, s 122(1).


Should a couple require immediate evidence of their marriage, there is an option for a “Form of Acknowledgement” to be completed that confirms that a marriage took place and that a marriage certificate will be available once the marriage is registered: see eg General Register Office, A Guide for Authorised Persons (July 2021) Appendix G.


Marriage Act 1949, ss 53D(10)(b) and 64 to 65.


Registration of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Fees) Regulations 2016 (SI 2016 No 911), sch 1 para 1.


  Marriage (Keeping of Records in Churches and Chapels) Regulations 2021 (SI 2021 No 538), reg 2.


  Marriage (Keeping of Records in Churches and Chapels) Regulations 2021 (SI 2021 No 538), reg 3.


See Ch 4.


Registration of Marriages Regulations (draft statutory instrument), reg 16, deposited in the House of Lords Library on 17 April 2018 by Baroness Williams of Trafford.


Registration of Marriages Regulations 2015 (SI 2015 No 207), regs 11H to 11J.


  Registration of Marriages Regulations 2015 (SI 2015 No 207), reg 11H(3).


  Registration of Marriages Regulations 2015 (SI 2015 No 207), reg 11H(9) to (10).


  Registration of Marriages Regulations 2015 (SI 2015 No 207), reg 11H(9) to (10).


  Consultation Paper, para 8.12.


See Recommendation 8 at para 3.201.


Consultation Paper, para 8.29, Consultation Question 54.


Consultation Paper, para 8.13.


Consultation Paper, para 4.99, Consultation Question 11.


See Recommendation 8 at para 3.201 above. The schedule will refer to a “registration officer in [name of] registration district” or “Clerk in Holy Orders authorised to exercise ordained ministry in [name of] parish” respectively.


General Register Office, A Guide for Authorised Persons (March 2019) para 4.25. In addition, the guidance issued to Jewish secretaries noted that such person “may” also sign the register book: General Register Office, Guidebook for Secretaries (for Marriages) of Synagogues (March 2019) para 4.39.


Registration of Marriages Regulations 2015 (SI 2015 No 207), reg 9C.


With the removal of the need for the couple to give notice in their district of residence, residence will no longer be recorded on the schedule.


  Consultation Paper, paras 8.8 and 8.19; Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011, s 1(1).


  Consultation Paper, para 8.19, citing Welsh Language Commissioner, Rights to use the Welsh language,

http://www.comisiynyddygymraeg.cymru/English/My%20rights/RightstousetheWelshlanguage/Pages/Rightst ousetheWelshlanguage.aspx (last visited 1 May 2020); see instead Comisiynydd y Gymraeg / Welsh

Language Commissioner, Freedom to Use Welsh, https://www.welshlanguagecommissioner.wales/your-rights/freedom-to-use-welsh (last visited 1 July 2022).


Consultation Paper, para 8.30, Consultation Question 55.


Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011.


The Welsh Language Standards (No 1) Regulations 2015 (SI 2015 No 996).


See Home Office, The Home Office Welsh Language Scheme: Prepared under the Welsh Language Act 1993 (February 2018) para 3.12.


The Welsh Language Standards (No 1) Regulations 2015 (SI 2015 No 996).


See eg Comisiynydd y Gymraeg / Welsh Language Commissioner, What do organisations have to do?, https://www.welshlanguagecommissioner.wales/your-rights/what-organisations-have-to-do (last visited 1 July 2022).


Consultation Paper, para 8.31, Consultation Question 56.


Marriage Act 1949, s 53D(4).


Consultation Paper, paras 8.26 to 8.27. See further Electronic Execution of Documents (2019) Law Com No 386.


The full Terms of Reference for the project are included in Appendix 1.


Maritime officiants are a category of officiant which we discuss in detail in Ch 10. As we recommend in Recommendation 25 at para 4.337 and following and Recommendation 26 at para 4.342 above, the same general rules that apply to independent officiants will apply to maritime officiants which, for the purposes of this chapter, include the treatment under equality law and in relation to the special provisions. For ease of reference, we do not refer to maritime officiants further in this chapter, but any reference to independent officiant can be understood to apply them.


Consultation Paper, paras 9.12 to 9.24.


See paras 6.105 and 6.117 above.


In the Gender Recognition Act 2004 and the Equality Act 2010. See paras 8.26 to 8.29 below for further detail.


Equality Act 2010, s 4.


The Registration Service Act 1953, ss 5(2) to 6, requires the appointment of superintendent registrars and registrars in each district, who are then officers of the council.


  Eweida v United Kingdom (2013) 57 EHRR 8 (App Nos 48420/10, 59842/10, 51671/10 and 36516/10).


   Hansard (HC), 5 Feb 2013, vol 558, col 129; Hansard (HL), 3 June 2013, vol 745, col 939.


Hansard (HL), 3 June 2013, vol 745, cols 939 to 949; Government Equalities Office, Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act: A factsheet (April 2014) p 2.


However, Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013, s 8 contains a power for the Lord Chancellor by order to make provision for the marriage of same-sex couples according to the rites of the Church in Wales, which may amend primary legislation. The Lord Chancellor can only exercise this power if satisfied that the Governing Body of the Church in Wales has resolved that the law should be changed to allow for same-sex weddings according to the rites of the Church in Wales.


  Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013, s 1(4).


  Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013, s 1(3).


Marriage Act 1949, ss 26A(3) and 26B(2)(b), (4)(b) and 6(d); Marriage (Registrar General’s Licence) Act 1970, s 1(3). Weddings in armed forces chapels are an exception: before the Secretary of State applies for an armed forces chapel to be registered for same-sex weddings, they must consult with the relevant governing authority of any religious organisation which makes significant regular use of the chapel, but the Secretary of State need not obtain the authority’s consent: Marriage of Same Sex Couples (Use of Armed Forces’ Chapels) Regulations 2014 (SI 2014 No 815), reg 3.


Marriage Act 1949, s 26A(4).


Other than weddings authorised by Registrar General’s licence, involving people who are terminally ill.


Marriage Act 1949, s 26B(3) and (5).


Other than weddings involving detained or housebound parties according to Quaker or Jewish usages, and excluding Anglican weddings.


  Marriage Act 1949, s 26B(6) to (7); Marriage (Registrar General’s Licence) Act 1970, s 1(4).


  Marriage Act 1949, s 43A.


  Consultation Paper, para 5.12 and following.


  The schedule system included the introduction of a new creation, called the marriage register, maintained by

the Registrar General. A marriage is not registered until the details are entered into the marriage register, by a registrar. The person the law regulates in relation to weddings is the person responsible for signing the schedule or marriage document (in addition to the couple and witnesses) and returning it for registration: Marriage Act 1949, ss 53B to 53D.


Marriage Act 1949, s 43B.


See further para 8.24 below.


HM Passport Office, Places of worship registered for marriage (December 2021), https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/places-of-worship-registered-for-marriage (last visited 1 July 2022).


Britain Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, Quaker same sex weddings: letter to superintendent registrars (July 2015), https://quaker-prod.s3-eu-west-

1.amazonaws.com/store/208204d083996fa7d55c29708ce07a1bde73e40f59d5965dfb90c75a64ff (last visited 1 July 2022).


For synagogues affiliated to Liberal Judaism, the relevant governing authority is the marriage secretary of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, St John's Wood or those certified by it; for synagogues affiliated to the Movement for Reform Judaism the relevant governing authority is the marriage secretary of the West London Synagogue of British Jews or those certified by it: Marriage Act 1949, s 26B(5).


Office for National Statistics, Marriages in England and Wales: 2019 (19 May 2022). 2019 is the latest year for which data are available.


  Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013, s 2(1).


  Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013, s 2(2).


See the Explanatory Note to the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013.


Equality Act 2010, sch 3 para 25A.


  Marriage Act 1949, s 5B.


  Marriage Act 1949, s 44(1). In the case of a building of the Roman Catholic Church, the “officiating minister”

must consent.


Equality Act 2010, sch 3 para 24.


See para 4.260 above.


S Falcetta, P Johnson, and R M Vanderbeck, “The Experience of Religious Same-Sex Marriage in England and Wales: Understanding the Opportunities and Limits Created by the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013” (2021) 35 International Journal of Law, Policy and The Family 1.


S Falcetta, P Johnson, and R M Vanderbeck, “The Experience of Religious Same-Sex Marriage in England and Wales: Understanding the Opportunities and Limits Created by the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013” (2021) 35 International Journal of Law, Policy and The Family 1, 16.


  Hansard (HL), 19 June 2013, vol 746, cols 330 to 331.


  Hansard (HL), 19 June 2013, vol 746, col 331.


For example, where the authorised officiant was only acting as the officiant, but another person was conducting or solemnizing the ceremony in their presence. For more detail on the role of the officiant under our scheme, see para 4.23 and following above.


Consequential amendments will be necessary to the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013, s 2, to reflect the new scheme.


Consequential amendments to Equality Act 2010, sch 3 para 25A, might be necessary to reflect the shift from a buildings-based scheme to an officiant-based scheme.


Marriage (Scotland) Act 1977, ss 8(1B)(a)(ii) and (1D)(b), and 9(1A).


Consultation Paper, para 9.32.


See Consultation Paper, para 7.161. We also considered whether there should be restrictions on the use of non-religious belief premises. See para 6.99 and following above.


  Equality Act 2010, ss 4 and 29.


  Equality Act 2010, s 10 and sch 23 para 2.


Similar to the provision made for religious premises in relation to weddings in Scotland: see Equality Act 2010, sch 23 para 2(9A) to (9B).


Consultation Paper, para 9.33.


The Religious Society of Friends and some Jewish groups have opted into conducting same-sex weddings: see para 8.22 above.


Equality Act 2010, ss 4 and 29.


See, for example, Preddy v Bull [2013] UKSC 73, [2013] 1 WLR 3741, where it was illegal for the owners of a hotel who were motivated by their religious beliefs to discriminate against same-sex couples.


   Our focus is on the formalities required for a valid marriage; see Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 for the other

grounds on which a marriage may be void (s 11) or voidable (s 12).


Marriage Act 1949, ss 25 and 49.


  Attorney General v Akhter [2020] EWCA Civ 122, [2020] 2 WLR 1183.


   For a summary of the implications of this see J Miles, “‘Cohabitants’ in the Law of England and Wales: a

Brief Introduction” in RC Akhtar, P Nash and R Probert (eds) Cohabitation and Religious Marriage: Status, Similarities and Solutions (2020).


For discussion see R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: Final Report (2022) ch 1.


The Independent Review into the application of Sharia Law in England and Wales (2018) Cm 9560.


See HM Government, Integrated Communities Strategy Green Paper (March 2018).


A voidable marriage is one that is capable of being annulled but which is valid up until such time as the decree is granted, whereas a void marriage is automatically void without the need for any decree. The grounds on which a marriage may be voidable are set out in Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, s 12.


Marriage Act 1949, ss 25 and 49.


  Consultation Paper, para 10.17.


  Consultation Paper, para 10.128, Consultation Question 57(1).


Consultation Paper, paras 10.58 to 10.71.


Consultation Paper, para 10.67.


Consultation Paper, para 10.73.


Consultation Paper, para 10.84.


 [2020] EWCA Civ 122, [2020] 2 WLR 1183.


  Consultation Paper, para 10.19.


  See Ch 3.


As we explain in Ch 3, Anglican special licences would continue to operate as an exception to the legislative requirements.


 See Recommendation 14 at para 3.296 and Recommendation 15 at para 3.307 above.


  As we explain in Ch 3, special licences, which are not currently regulated by the Marriage Act 1949, remain

outside the scope of our scheme.


Under the current law, the schedule is issued to one or both of the couple, except where a registrar is to be present at the ceremony: Marriage Act 1949, s 31(4).


Marriage Act 1949, s 49(g) to (gg). An equivalent provision applies to weddings in registered buildings: s 49(f).


See Recommendation 8 at para 3.201, Recommendation 21 at para 4.260, and Recommendation 23 at para 4.328 above.


For example, if the officiant’s authorisation has been withdrawn or if an independent officiant’s authorisation has lapsed on account of their failure to engage in continuing professional development: see Recommendation 21 at para 4.261 and Recommendation 23 at para 4.329 above.


Attorney General v Akhter [2020] EWCA Civ 122, [2020] 2 WLR 1183.


See para 8.31 and following above.


On the absence of witnesses not affecting the validity of the marriage, see Wing v Taylor (1861) 2 Sw & Tr 278, (1861) 164 ER 1002.


Consultation Paper, para 10.129, Consultation Question 57(2).


  Marriage Act 1949, s 49(b).


  Marriage Act 1949, s 25(2)(b).


Consultation Paper, para 10.129, Consultation Question 57(2).


  Tongue v Allen (1835) 163 ER 13; Brealy v Reed (1841) 163 ER 601; Wormald v Neale (1868) 19 LT 93.


 Holmes v Simmons (1865-69) LR 1 P&D 523; In re Rutter [1907] 2 Ch 592; Plummer v Plummer [1917] P



See para 3.247 and following above.


Marriage Act 1949, ss 24 and 72(3); Church of England Marriage Measure 2008, s 4(2); Marriage (Wales) Act 2010, s 5.


The issue of whether a superintendent registrar could grant a certificate to a couple to marry in a church that lay within their district but not their parish of residence was raised as early as 1840, with The Episcopal Magazine, 15(2), March 1840, p 168 reporting that the Registrar General had confirmed that the certificate should always be granted subject to the provision that the marriage be solemnized in the church of the parish in which one of the parties resided. However, no such provision was ever included in the legislation.


Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, s 12.


See Recommendation 29 at para 5.81 above.


 [2020] EWCA Civ 122, [2020] 2 WLR 1183.


Consultation Paper, para 10.130, Consultation Question 58.


If the consent was not valid due to duress, mistake or incapacity, the marriage would be voidable: Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, s 12.


Consultation Paper, para 10.130, Consultation Question 58.


Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, s 12(c).


Consultation Paper, paras 10.40 to 10.44.


See R Probert, “The Presumptions in Favour of Marriage” (2018) 77(2) Cambridge Law Journal 375.


Consultation Paper, para 10.42.


  [2000] 1 FLR 8, [2000] 1 FCR 419.


 [2020] EWCA Civ 122, [2020] 2 WLR 1183.


Consultation Paper, para 10.131, Consultation Question 59(1).


  [2000] 1 FLR 8, [2000] 1 FCR 419.


See R Probert, “The Presumptions in Favour of Marriage” (2018) 77(2) Cambridge Law Journal 375.


Consultation Paper, para 10.132, Consultation Question 59(2).


Consultation Paper, paras 10.122 to 10.125.


Recent research shows that almost half of the population still mistakenly believe that cohabitation results in a common-law marriage conferring the same rights as a legal marriage: A Barlow, “Modern Marriage Myths - the Dichotomy Between Expectations of Legal Rationality and Lived Law” in RC Akhtar, P Nash and R Probert (eds), Cohabitation and Religious Marriages: Status, Similarities and Solutions (2020).


Consultation Paper, para 10.122.


  Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, s 12.


  Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, s 13. The only exception is where the person seeking the annulment was

suffering from a mental disorder during those three years and satisfies the court that it would be just to grant leave for proceedings to be brought despite the period having elapsed.


Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, s 13(1).


  [2010] 1 FLR 1721, [2010] Fam Law 348.


Consultation Paper, para 10.143, Consultation Question 60.


  [2020] EWCA Civ 190, [2020] Fam 283 at [24].


  [2010] 1 FLR 1721, [2010] Fam Law 348.


Under the Marriage Act 1949, ss 75 to 77 create 19 distinct criminal offences of varying degrees of specificity.


Marriage Act 1949, s 75(1)(d).


Consultation Paper, para 10.158 to 10.169.


Consultation Paper, para 10.170, Consultation Question 61.


See para 9.39 and following above.


Ministry of Justice and Cabinet Office, Advice on introducing or amending criminal offences and estimating and agreeing implications for the criminal justice system (2015).


Consultation Paper, paras 10.167 to 10.169.


See eg Marriage (Scotland) Act 1977, s 24(1)(d), which makes it a criminal offence for a person who is not an approved celebrant or authorised registrar to conduct a marriage ceremony in such a way as to lead the parties to believe that they are solemnizing a valid marriage.


Marriage Act 1949, s 75(1)(d).


Misconduct in Public Office (2020) Law Com No 397, para 4.58 and n 33.


Fraud Act 2006, s 2.


It is an offence to use violence, threats or other forms of coercion to cause another person to enter into a marriage: Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, s 121(1). This offence applies to religious-only ceremonies as well as to legal weddings. It is also an offence to engage in controlling or coercive behaviour in an intimate or family relationship: Serious Crime Act 2015, s 76.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021), para 6.51.


Marriage Act 1949, s 75(1)(d).


See para 9.167 above.


  [2004] UKHL 43, [2005] 1 AC 264.


  R v DPP ex parte Kebiline and Others [2000] 2 AC 326, [1999] 3 WLR 972.


  R v DPP ex parte Kebiline and Others [2000] 2 AC 326, [1999] 3 WLR 972; R v Johnstone [2003] UKHL 28,

[2003] 1 WLR 1736 at [50].


R v DPP ex parte Kebiline and Others [2000] 2 AC 326, [1999] 3 WLR 972.


Sliney v London Borough of Havering [2002] EWCA Crim 2558, [2003] Cr App R 35 at [48(4)]; R v Lambert [2001] UKHL 37, [2002] 2 AC 545 at [154].


  Sliney v London Borough of Havering [2002] EWCA Crim 2558, [2003] Cr App R 35 at [48(3)].


  Sliney v London Borough of Havering [2002] EWCA Crim 2558, [2003] Cr App R 35 at [48(6)].


  Sliney v London Borough of Havering [2002] EWCA Crim 2558, [2003] Cr App R 35 at [48(7)].


  See para 9.165 above.


  See para 9.166 above.


  Marriage Act 1949, ss 75(1) and (3), and 77.


  Consents for Prosecution (1998) Law Com No 255.


See Consents for Prosecution (1998) Law Com No 255, para 6.52.


Consultation Paper, paras 10.148 to 10.150.


Marriage Act 1949, s 75(1)(d).


For example: causing death by dangerous driving (Road Traffic Act 1988, s 1), causing or allowing the death of a child or vulnerable adult (Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004, s 5), encouraging or assisting the suicide or attempted suicide of another person (Suicide Act 1961, s 2), female genital mutilation (Female

Genital Mutilation Act 2003, s 1), placing explosives with intent to cause bodily injury (Offences against the Person Act 1861, s 30), burglary with intent to commit grievous bodily harm on a person or do unlawful damage to a building or anything in it (dwelling) (Theft Act 1968, s 9), aggravated vehicle taking (Theft Act 1968, s 12A) and sexual offences involving children, such as facilitating child prostitution (Sexual Offences Act 2003, s 50).


  Marriage Act 1949, ss 75(2) and (3), and 76(3).


  Marriage Act 1949, s 77.


Marriage (Scotland) Act 1977, s 24(1).


Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, s 121(9)(b). Once the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 is in force, this offence will encompass any conduct causing a child to enter into a marriage before their 18th birthday.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: Final Report (2022) p 48.


Accessories and Abettors Act 1861, s 8; Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980, s 44. Under the Serious Crime Act 2007, ss 44 to 46, encouraging or assistance a substantive offence is also an offence.


Serious Crime Act 2007, s 44.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: Final Report (2022).


To which One Law For All contributed.


 Consultation Paper, para 10.172 and following.


 Consultation Paper, para 1.58, Consultation Question 1.


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding marriage ceremonies (2022): 16 participants were in a religious-only marriage at the time of the interview and a further 12 had a religious ceremony more than a month before the legal wedding.


Consultation Paper, para 1.58, Consultation Question 1.


Written evidence from Rights of Women and Southall Black Sisters, HAB0293, p 7 https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/37609/pdf/ (last visited 1 July 2022).


R Probert, R Akhtar and S Blake, When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies: A Briefing Paper for the Law Commission (2021), para 6.69; see also paras 6.58 to 6.63 for participants’ views on the provisional proposals.


Other than where the marriage is by special licence.


The marriage may still be void if it took place after the authority to marry had expired or, in the case of a same-sex couple, both knew that the necessary opt into same-sex marriage had not been given by the relevant religious governing authority.


Assuming that there was no other compliance with the formal requirements. See further Recommendation 40 at para 9.129 above on the circumstances in which a presumption in favour of the validity of the ceremony would arise.


 Consultation Paper, paras 10.190 to 10.195.


 Consultation Paper, paras 10.196 to 10.199.


Recommendation 39 at para 9.100 above.


A Bone, “Islamic Marriage and Divorce in the United Kingdom: The Case for a New Paradigm” (2020) 40 Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 163.


Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975, s 25(4).


See our recommendations in Cohabitation: the Financial Consequences of Relationship Breakdown (2007) Law Com No 307. In 2011, Government announced that it did not intend to take forward our recommendations for reform during that Parliamentary term. For more information, see https://www.lawcom.gov.uk/project/cohabitation/.


Written evidence from Rights of Women and Southall Black Sisters, HAB0293, p 7 https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/37609/pdf/ (last visited 1 July 2022).


See Consultation Paper, paras 2.162 to 2.180, and 11.8 to 11.13.


Consultation Paper, para 11.17, Consultation Question 62. Responses to this question have been integrated into our discussion of specific issues in this chapter.


Marriage (Registrar General’s Licence) Act 1970, s 1(1).


Marriage Act 1949, ss 26(1)(dd) and (2), and 26B(2); Marriage Act 1983, s 1(1).


Marriage (Registrar General’s Licence) Act 1970, s 1(1); Marriage Act 1949, s 26(2)(a) and 26B(8). As we explain below, an Anglican wedding involving a person who is detained or housebound can take place as authorised by the civil preliminaries under these provisions (and the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury advises that civil preliminaries should be used in preference to a special licence where possible); however, an Anglican wedding involving a person who is terminally ill cannot be authorised by civil preliminaries. The latter must be authorised by special licence under the current law: see para 10.62 below.


Consultation Paper, para 11.17, Consultation Question 62.


See Recommendation 8 at para 3.201 above.


   Marriage Act 1949, s 45A; Marriage (Registrar General’s Licence) Act 1970, s 10(2).


   Excluding maritime officiants, who will only be authorised to officiate at weddings on cruise ships in

international waters: see paras 10.97 and 10.156 below.


If enabled by Government, independent officiants will also be able to officiate at civil weddings involving people who are terminally ill, detained or housebound.


  Consultation Paper, para 11.17, Consultation Question 62.


  We do not think any specific provision will be necessary to require a registration officer to travel to the

person’s regular place of residence if they are officiating at the wedding, because under our scheme registration officers will generally be obliged to travel to officiate at civil weddings in a variety of locations.


Marriage Act 1949, s 27A.


Consultation Paper, para 11.17, Consultation Question 62.


See paras 6.183 to 6.185 above.


Marriage Act 1949, s 31(5A).


Consultation Paper, paras 11.27 to 11.30.


  Marriage (Registrar General’s Licence) Act 1970, s 1(2).


  Marriage (Registrar General’s Licence) Act 1970, s 3(d).


See Family Law: Report on the Solemnisation of Marriage in England and Wales (1973) Law Com No 53, paras 8 and 13.


Some couples are subject to having their notice period extended to 70 days, as we explain at para 3.34 above.


Consultation Paper, para 11.17, Consultation Question 62.


  Marriage (Registrar General’s Licence) Act 1970, s 3(d).


  Marriage (Registrar General’s Licence) Act 1970, s 2(1).


  Marriage (Registrar General’s Licence) Act 1970, s 3(d).


  Consultation Paper, para 11.26, Consultation Question 63.


Under the Marriage Act 1949, s 27(1) and (2), as originally enacted; Family Law: Solemnization of Marriage in England and Wales (1971) Law Commission Consultation Paper No 35, p 5.


As we noted above, throughout this Report, our use of “forced marriage” is based on the definition of forced marriage in s 121 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.


For example, the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.


Marriage (Registrar General’s Licence) Act 1970, s 3(d).


Registration officers do not attend the weddings of people who are terminally ill when they take place according to Anglican, Jewish or Quaker rites or usages: see para 10.11 above.


See para 4.25 above.


At Recommendation 46 at para 10.70 below, we recommend that the Registrar General’s authority should no longer routinely be necessary to authorise a wedding in these circumstances, so a registration officer would have the authority to issue the authorisation for the wedding to take place.


Marriage Act 1949, s 33(3).


Marriage (Registrar General’s Licence) Act 1970, s 8.


  Consultation Paper, para 11.35, Consultation Question 64.


  Consultation Paper, para 11.37, Consultation Question 65; Consultation Paper, para 11.44, Consultation

Question 66.


Consultation Paper, para 11.32.


The purpose of making special provision in the cases of people who are terminally ill under our scheme is to allow the wedding to take place without notice. A common licence is the more natural comparator, being issued by the diocesan registrar to allow a wedding to take place without notice; unlike the Archbishop’s special licence, it does not expand the places where the wedding can take place (Marriage Act 1949, s 16(1)). In responding to Consultation Question 62 (Consultation Paper, para 11.17), Leicester Diocesan Registry commented on the use of common licences to authorise emergency weddings. It also suggested that thought should be given to allowing such weddings to take place anywhere like special licences permit; under our recommendations, once a marriage document is issued following a common licence, the wedding would be permitted by the civil law to take place anywhere, but the Anglican churches would continue to retain authority about where it permits the weddings that they conduct to take place.


  Marriage Act 1949, s 31(5A).


  Consultation Paper, para 11.33.


Marriage (Registrar General’s Licence) Act 1970, s 1(1).


In their responses to our open question about problems in this area of the law: Consultation Paper, para 11.17, Consultation Question 62.


  The full Terms of Reference for the project are included in Appendix 1.


  Consultation Paper, paras 11.87 to 11.90; Marriage Act 1949, s 68(2).


  Consultation Paper, para 11.91.


  Consultation Paper, para 11.93; Marriage Act 1949, s 69(1) and sch 4 pt 1.


  Consultation Paper, para 11.94; Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005

(SI 2005 No 3168).


See Ministry of Defence: Weddings: Written Answer (HC) 222595 (26 February 2019) (Gavin Williamson).


See Recommendation 34 at paras 6.210 to 6.213 above.


Constrained only by public law rules against discrimination.


See para 6.89 and following above.


These are areas over which states’ sovereignty extends. Territorial seas are measured from a line drawn around the coast called the baseline, and extend 12 nautical miles outwards from the baseline: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982), arts 1, 2 and 3. In this category we include coastal waters that are not part of the territorial sea but are internal waters, that is, where the baseline deviates from the low water line, such as across the mouths of some bays (for example, in England and Wales, Morecambe Bay, Cardigan Bay, the Severn Estuary, The Solent, and The Wash are all internal waters): see United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982), arts 5 and 10; Territorial Sea (Baselines) Order 2014 (SI 2014 No 1353).


Consultation Paper, paras 11.110 to 11.118.


Consultation Paper, para 11.145, Consultation Question 68.


See para 10.146 and following below.


Should the Church of England or the Church in Wales allow Anglican weddings to take place in the territorial sea or other coastal waters; the decision whether to do so being entirely a matter for them.


See Ch 3.


For just one example, see the Merchant Shipping (Vessels in Commercial Use for Sport or Pleasure) Regulations 1998 (SI 1998 No 2771).


Consultation Paper, paras 11.115 to 11.116.


Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005 (SI 2005 No 3168), reg 2(1) “built premises”.


United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982), art 3.


Although the baseline generally follows the low water line, in places the baseline deviates from the low water line, for example across the mouths of some bays. This means that some bays are internal waters, rather than the territorial sea. See United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982), arts 5 and 10; Territorial Sea (Baselines) Order 2014 (SI 2014 No 1353).


See Registration Service Act 1953, s 5(1); Local Government Act 1972, s 72; Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013, s 46.


The full Terms of Reference for the project are included in Appendix 1.


  Department for Transport, Maritime 2050: Navigating the Future (2019) s 5.8.


  Consultation Paper, paras 13.84 to 13.85.


HM Government, The Benefits of Brexit: How the UK is taking advantage of leaving the EU (2022) p 75.


As we explained in the Consultation Paper, prior to 1994, ships were registered on registers held at individual ports around the United Kingdom, and the port at which the ship was registered was called its port of residency: Merchant Shipping Act 1894, s 13 (now repealed). The Merchant Shipping (Registration etc) Act 1993 introduced a central register of ships, but applicants for registration continue to be required to nominate a port of choice, and the ship must be marked with the name of that port: The Merchant Shipping (Registration of Ships) Regulations 1993 (SI 1993 No 3138), regs 31 and 122, and sch 3 para 3.


  Consultation Paper, para 11.146, Consultation Question 69.


  Consultation Paper, para 11.124.


  Consultation Paper, para 11.146, Consultation Question 69.


  Consultation Paper, para 11.147, Consultation Question 70.


HM Government, The Benefits of Brexit: How the UK is taking advantage of leaving the EU (2022) p 75.


See para 6.70 and following above.


Registration officers, Anglican clergy, nominated officiants, and (if enabled by Government) independent officiants. Whether belief officiants will be willing to do so will be a matter for their relevant governing authority, or for Anglican clergy, the Church of England and the Church in Wales to decide.


  United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982), s 1.


  Lord Collins of Mapesbury (ed), Dicey, Morris and Collins on the Conflict of Laws (15th ed 2012) paras 1

005 to 1-017.


United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982), art 92(1). See also Lord Mackay of Clashfern (ed), Halsbury’s Laws of England (5th ed 2011) vol 19 para 502 n 1.


Scotland and the British Antarctic Territory both have specific provisions for weddings to take place in their territorial seas: see Marriage (Scotland) Act 1977, s 18(1)(ab)(iii); Foreign and Commonwealth Office, “British Antarctic Territory”, https://www.gov.uk/world/organisations/british-antarctic-territory (last visited 1 July 2022), British Antarctic Territory Order 1989 (SI 1989 No 842), art 2, and The Marriage Ordinance 2016, s 6(1). Weddings also reportedly take place on board cruise ships according to the domestic laws of some Canadian provinces, New Zealand and Australia. Cruise ships also reportedly conduct weddings at port in Turks and Caicos Islands, Jamaica, in certain states and territories of the United States, Mexico, Greece, Saint Lucia and Sint Maarten: see eg P&O Cruises, “Ceremonies at Sea”, https://www.pocruises.com.au/-/media/b2c/brochures/files/ceremonies-at-sea.pdf?la=en (last visited 1 July 2022); Norwegian Cruise Lines, “Dream Wedding Planner”, https://ncl.eweddingcalendar.com/Wedding-Calendar-Home (last visited 1 July 2022).


See Scrimshire v Scrimshire (1752) 161 ER 782; Middleton v Janverin (1802) 161 ER 797.


See Recommendation 2 at para 3.78 and Recommendation 3 at para 3.109 above. At Recommendation 48 at para 10.187 below, we recommend that only civil weddings should permitted to take place in international waters; accordingly, Anglican preliminaries will not be able to authorise a wedding in international waters.


We note that a consequential amendment will be necessary to the rules governing fiance(e) visas to ensure that they are required, and apply to, someone entering the UK to give notice of a wedding that will take place under the law of England and Wales.


A point we noted at Consultation Paper, para 11.124.


Merchant Shipping (Officer Nationality) Regulations 1995 (SI 1995 No 1427).


  Consultation Paper, para 11.149(1), Consultation Question 72(1).


  Consultation Paper, para 11.150, Consultation Question 72(2).


  Consultation Paper, para 11.149(2), Consultation Question 72(1).


  Consultation Paper, para 11.152, Consultation Question 73.


International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) (1978) (as amended), reg I/1(1.5) and ch II.


See paras 10.116 to 10.119 above.


It will not be possible for a person authorised as an officiant to conduct a wedding under the law of England and Wales in the territorial seas of another jurisdiction, a point we explain at para 10.118 above.


  Consultation Paper, para 11.148, Consultation Question 71.


  Consultation Paper, para 11.133.


See Recommendation 8 at para 3.201 above.


Consultation Paper, para 8.14, citing the Explanatory Notes to the Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration etc) Act 2019, and Registration of Marriages Regulations (draft statutory instrument), reg 16, deposited in the House of Lords Library on 17 April 2018 by Baroness Williams of Trafford. See also Hansard (HL), 26 January 2018, vol 788, col 1248.


The member of the Anglican clergy, authorised person, Jewish synagogue secretary, or Quaker officer. If a registrar attends the wedding, they retain the schedule: see para 7.8 above.


  Marriage Act 1949, s 53D(1) to (3).


  Marriage Act 1949, ss 53D(4) and 74(2).


 Consultation Paper, para 11.151, Consultation Question 72(3).


 Consultation Paper, para 11.142.


Consultation Paper, para 10.128(3), Consultation Question 57(1).


See Consultation Paper, paras 11.46 and 11.53.


For a review of initiatives elsewhere, see R Probert and S Pywell, “Love in the time of Covid-19: a casestudy of the complex laws governing weddings” (2021) 41 Legal Studies 676.


Consultation Paper, para 1.65, Consultation Question 3.


R Probert, R Akhtar, S Blake and S Pywell, The impact of Covid-19 on legal weddings and non-legally binding ceremonies (2022) p 3.


Consultation Paper, para 1.65; Consultation Question 3.


The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (No. 4) Regulations 2020 (SI 2020 No 1200).


This particular provision applies where two or more benefices are held by the same person, or “in plurality”. The bishop of the diocese may direct that any banns that would normally be called in one parish church may be called in another. Equivalent provision is made for Anglican marriages in Wales under the Marriage (Wales) Act 1996, s 1. For the rules on where banns are required to be called for any given couple see Consultation Paper, paras 2.72 to 2.75.


Government introduced reforms, first on a temporary basis, to permit civil weddings on approved premises to take place outdoors, which came into force on 1 July 2021: see para 6.7 above.


See Recommendation 2 at para 3.78 and Recommendation 4 at para 3.136 above.


The Marriage and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (SI 2021 No 775); Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (SI 2022 No 295); Ministry of Justice, Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships: Government response to the consultation on Outdoor Marriages and Civil Partnerships (15 March 2022)


  See Ch 6.


 See Recommendation 18 at para 4.94 above.


 See Recommendation 18 at para 4.94 above.


  See para 10.12 above.


  Consultation Paper, para 11.58.


The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Amendment No 5) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (SR 2020 No 96).


Consultation Paper, para 11.62.


Consultation Paper, paras 11.66 and 11.69.


Consultation Paper, para 11.82, Consultation Question 67.


See further R Probert and S Pywell, “Love in the time of Covid-19: a case-study of the complex laws governing weddings” (2021) 41 Legal Studies 676.


R Probert, R Akhtar, S Blake and S Pywell, The impact of Covid-19 on legal weddings and non-legally binding ceremonies (2022).


See further R Akhtar, “Unregistered Muslim Marriages: An Emerging Culture of Celebrating Rites and Conceding Rights” in J Miles, P Mody and R Probert (eds) Marriage Rites and Rights (2015).


HHJ E Nott, “Addressing domestic abuse before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: a perspective from within the criminal justice system of England and Wales” (2022) Criminal Law Review 525, 536 to 537.


Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and Home Office, Forced Marriage Unit Statistics 2020 (1 July 2021), https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/forced-marriage-unit-statistics-2020/forced-marriage-unit-statistics-2020 (last visited 1 July 2022).


  Consultation Paper, para 1.65, Consultation Question 3; see para 11.14 and following above.


  R Probert and S Pywell, “Love in the time of Covid-19: a case-study of the complex laws governing

weddings” (2021) 41 Legal Studies 676.


S Pywell and R Probert, “Postponing the day of your dreams” (2022) Families, Relationships and Societies (forthcoming).


See paras 3.168 and following above for a discussion of this point. See also para 7.22 and following above for a discussion of what information is recorded on the marriage document or schedule.


See para 3.151 and following above.


In addition, if either or both of the couple is not a relevant national and is not an exempt person, their intended marriage will still be referred to the Secretary of State to determine whether the marriage should be investigated as a potential sham, in which case the waiting period could be extended to 70 days. See the Glossary for the meaning of “relevant national” and “exempt person”.


Consultation Paper, para 4.95, Consultation Question 7.


See para 3.149 above.


R Probert and S Pywell, “Love in the time of Covid-19: a case-study of the complex laws governing weddings” (2021) 41 Legal Studies 676.


“Why Virtual Weddings Are No Longer Legal in New York”, New York Times, 16 July 2021.


Executive Order 2020 No 202.20, Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency (New York),

https://www.governor.ny.gov/sites/default/files/atoms/files/EO_202.20.pdf (last visited 1 July 2022);

Consultation Paper, para 11.70.


  Consultation Paper, para 11.76.


  Consultation Paper, para 11.83, Consultation Question 67.


R Probert, R Akhtar, S Blake and S Pywell, The impact of Covid-19 on legal weddings and non-legally binding ceremonies (2022); R Probert and S Pywell, “Love in the time of Covid-19: a case-study of the complex laws governing weddings” (2021) 41 Legal Studies 676.


Consultation Paper, para 1.65, Consultation Question 3.


Consultation Paper, para 11.84, Consultation Question 67.


Consultation Paper, paras 12.26 to 12.29.


Registration Services Act 1953, ss 6 and 8.


Under the Marriage Act 1949, s 31(5A). We understand that the Secretary of State will make regulations acting on the advice of the General Register Office.


Marriage Act 1949, ss 71A(1)(a), (b) and (i) and (2).


SI 2016 No 911, sch 1.


Consultation Paper, paras 12.17 and 12.18.


Consultation Paper, para 12.22, Consultation Question 75.


Consultation Paper, para 12.23, Consultation Question 76.


Marriage Act 1949, s 74(3).


Registration of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Fees) Regulations 2016 (SI 2016 No 911), reg 3.


See Recommendation 8 at para 3.202 and Recommendation 50 at para 10.191 above.


A register office is the office of the superintendent registrar of each district, required to be provided to the superintendent registrar by each council: Marriage Act 1949, s 45(1) and Registration of Services Act 1953, s 10.


Consultation Paper, para 12.32.


Consultation Paper, paras and 13.23 to 13.25.


Consultation Paper, para 12.37, Consultation Question 77.


All-Party Parliamentary Humanist Group, ‘Any lawful impediment?’: A report of the All-Party Parliamentary Humanist Group’s inquiry into the legal recognition of humanist marriage in England and Wales (2018); and S Pywell, “2 + 2 = £127, if you’re lucky” (3 March 2020) Law Gazette, https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/practice-points/2--2--127-if-youre-lucky/5103309.article (last visited 1 July 2022).


Many local authorities have re-classified rooms which were register offices as approved premises, with the result that some counties only have a single register office where statutory ceremonies can take place: R Probert, S Pywell, R Akhtar, S Blake, T Barton and V Vora, “Trying to get a piece of paper from City Hall? The availability, accessibility and administration of the register office wedding” (2022) 44 Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law (forthcoming), https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09649069.2022.2067651 (last visited 1 July 2022).


R Probert, S Pywell, R Akhtar, S Blake, T Barton and V Vora, “Trying to get a piece of paper from City Hall? The availability, accessibility and administration of the register office wedding” (2022) 44 Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law (forthcoming), https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09649069.2022.2067651 (last visited 1 July 2022).


Consultation Paper, para 13.26.


Local Government Act 2003, s 93; Localism Act 2011, s 3; Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021, s 26. For more detail, see para 12.95 below.


See Recommendation 34 at paras 6.210 to 6.213 above.


Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005 (SI 2005 No 3168), reg 12(1) to (5).


Consultation Paper, para 12.39.


  Consultation Paper, para 12.43, Consultation Question 78.


  Consultation Paper, para 12.46, Consultation Question 79.


An approach we explained in the Consultation Paper, para 7.125.


Renfrewshire Council, Marriage fees, https://www.renfrewshire.gov.uk/article/3208/Marriage-Fees (last visited 1 July 2022); West Lothian Council, Wedding Fees, https://www.westlothian.gov.uk/article/50516/Wedding-Fees (last visited 1 July 2022). See also Perth and Kinross Council, Marriage and civil partnership fees, https://www.pkc.gov.uk/article/15029/Marriage-and-civil-partnership-fees (last visited 1 July 2022).


Midlothian, Arranging a marriage, https://www.midlothian.gov.uk/info/640/birth_marriage_and_death/47/arranging_a_marriage (last visited 1 July 2022).


Marriage Act 1949, s 46B(1)(b); Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005 (SI 2005 No 3168), reg 12(6).


  Consultation Paper, para 12.48.


  Consultation Paper, para 12.55, Consultation Question 80.


Registration Service Act 1953, ss 6 and 8.


Under the current law, both must attend a civil wedding. The registrar must also attend religious weddings involving a person who is detained, housebound or terminally ill, except weddings taking place according to Anglican, Jewish or Quaker rites. Under our recommended scheme, a registrar will not attend any belief weddings; instead, they will be officiated at by Anglican clergy or nominated officiants. See Ch 10.


Registration of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Fees) Regulations 2016 (SI 2016 No 911), sch 1.


See paras 10.7 and 10.8 above.


  Consultation Paper, para 12.61, Consultation Question 82.


  Consultation Paper, para 12.62, Consultation Question 83.


Some consultees, including local authorities, said that the fees set for weddings involving persons who are terminally ill are too low in response to Consultation Question 62 (at Consultation Paper, para 11.17).


Marriage Act 1949, s 71A(5); and Registration of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Fees) Regulations 2016 (SI 2016 No 911), reg 3(2).


Consultation Paper, paras 12.53 to 12.54.


Consultation Paper, para 12.56, Consultation Question 81.


Local Government Act 2003, s 93; Localism Act 2011, s 3; Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021, s 26.


Localism Act 2011, s 3. See Local Government Act 2003, s 93 and Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021, s 26; S H Bailey, Cross on Local Government Law (9th edition 2022) para 12-35.


Under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, s 19, local authorities can provide recreational facilities and require “such charges as the authority thinks fit” for their use.


Under the Civic Restaurants Act 1947, local authorities can establish and carry on restaurants and incidental activities.


Local Government Act 2003, s 95; Localism Act 2011, s 4; Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021, s 27.


All those other than the Church of England; the Church in Wales; synagogues certified by the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the West London Synagogue, or St John’s Wood Synagogue; and the Religious Society of Friends.


Registration of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Fees) Regulations 2016 (SI 2016 No 911).


  Consultation Paper, para 12.67.


  Consultation Paper, para 12.69, Consultation Question 84.


See Recommendation 17 at para 4.66 above.


See Consultation Paper, para 7.61.


Civil Partnership Act 2004, s 2.


Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013, s 9. Only a civil partnership formed in England and Wales or consular or armed forces civil partnerships formed outside England and Wales, can be converted into a marriage of a same-sex couple.


The Marriage of Same Sex Couples (Conversion of Civil Partnership) Regulations 2014 (SI 2014 No 3181). This is also true of the process of registering a civil partnership, which provides for the standard procedure, the procedure for housebound people, the procedure for detained people, and the special procedure: Civil Partnership Act 2004, s 5.


The Marriage of Same Sex Couples (Conversion of Civil Partnership) Regulations 2014 (SI 2014 No 3181), regs 3(2)(a) and 4.


The Marriage of Same Sex Couples (Conversion of Civil Partnership) Regulations 2014 (SI 2014 No 3181), reg 3.


The Marriage of Same Sex Couples (Conversion of Civil Partnership) Regulations 2014 (SI 2014 No 3181), reg 18(1) and (4).


The Marriage of Same Sex Couples (Conversion of Civil Partnership) Regulations 2014 (SI 2014 No 3181), reg 6.


Meaning premises approved for civil wedding ceremonies under the Marriage Act 1949.


Meaning places of worship registered for same-sex marriage; places where the Religious Society of Friends and Jewish groups which have opted into same-sex marriage can take place; and naval, military or air force chapels registered for same-sex marriage.


The Marriage of Same Sex Couples (Conversion of Civil Partnership) Regulations 2014 (SI 2014 No 3181), regs 11 and 14.


Marriage Act 1949, s 46.


The Marriage of Same Sex Couples (Conversion of Civil Partnership) Regulations 2014 (SI 2014 No 3181), reg 7.


The Marriage of Same Sex Couples (Conversion of Civil Partnership) Regulations 2014 (SI 2014 No 3181), reg 8.


The Marriage of Same Sex Couples (Conversion of Civil Partnership) Regulations 2014 (SI 2014 No 3181), regs 7(3) and 8(3).


The Marriage of Same Sex Couples (Conversion of Civil Partnership) Regulations 2014 (SI 2014 No 3181), reg 9.


See Recommendation 18 at para 4.94 above.


R Probert, Tying the Knot: The Formation of Marriage 1836-2020 (2021) pp 91 to 99; R Probert, “Rites and Wrongs: Anglican ceremonies after legal weddings, 1837-1857” (2022) Studies in Church History (forthcoming).


See paras 5.187 and following above.

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