S.I. No. 6/1965:
I, PÁDRAIG Ó CINNÉIDE, An tArd-Chláraitheoir, in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 18 of the Registration of Births and Deaths (Ireland) Act, 1863, and section 8 of the Registration of Marriages (Ireland) Act, 1863, hereby order as follows:--
1. This Order may be cited as the County Longford (Registrars' Districts) Order, 1965.
2. The boundaries of the Registrars' Districts of Abbeyshrule, Ballinalee, Ballymahon, Granard, Killashee, Longford and Meathas Truim shall be altered as follows:--
(a) The townlands of Carrickbeg, Cartron, Keel and Keelbaun in the District Electoral Division of Forgney shall cease to form part of the Registrar's District of Abbeyshrule and shall henceforth form part of the Registrar's District of Ballymahon.
(b) The townlands of Ballinlough, Bunlahy and Halfcartron in the District Electoral Division of Bunlahy shall cease to form part of the Registrar's District of Granard and shall henceforth form part of the Registrar's District of Ballinalee.
(c) The townlands of Killeter and Rhine in the District Electoral Division of Cloonee shall cease to form part of the Registrar's District of Longford, and shall henceforth form part of the Registrar's District of Ballinalee,
(d) The townlands of Ballymichan, Craane, Crockaun, Dunbeggan, Gragh, Trillickacurry and Trillickatemple in the District Electoral Division of Moydow, and the townlands of Brianstown, Ballykenny, Tully, Aghareagh, Lissanurlan, Brownbog, Cartronlebagh, Fihoges and Cornollen in the District Electoral Division of Cloondara shall cease to form part of the Registrar's District of Killashee and shall henceforth form part of the Registrar's District of Longford.
(e) The townlands of Corboy, Lisfarrell, Oldtown, Treel, Lissaghanedan, Aghanageeragh, and Ballynagoshen in the District Electoral Division of Corboy shall cease to form part of the Registrar's District of Longford and shall henceforth form part of the Registrar's District of Meathas Truim.
(f) The townlands of Aghamore, Castlenugent, Balloo, Kilfintan, Kilfintan Lower or Crancam, Lechurragh, Lisryan, Queensland and Lisnaneane in the District Electoral Division of Coolamber and the townlands of Tonywardan, Ferskill, Aghaboy, Coolagherty, Graffoge, Muckerstaff and Willsbrook in the District Electoral Division of Milltown shall cease to form part of the Registrar's District of Meathas Truim and shall henceforth form part of the Registrar's District of Granard.
3. This Order shall come into operation on the 1st day of February, 1965.
GIVEN under my hand at Oifig an Ard-Chláraitheora, Custom
House, Dublin, this 18th day of January, 1965.
The Minister for Health approves of the above Order.
Dated this 18th day of January, 1965.
Minister for Health.
The effect of this Order is to vary the boundaries of the Registrars' Districts of Abbeyshrule, Ballinalee, Ballymahon, Granard, Killashee, Longford and Meathas Truim to make the boundaries of the Districts co-terminous with the boundaries of these Dispensary Districts.