S.I. No. 528/2007 - Gas (Amendment) Act 1987 (Section 2) (Distribution) (Amendment) Order 2007
S.I. No. 528/2007 - Gas (Amendment) Act 1987 (Section 2) (Distribution) (Amendment) Order 2007
S.I. No. 528 of 2007
Gas (Amendment) Act 1987 (Section 2) (Distribution) (Amendment) Order 2007
The Commission for Energy Regulation, having received and considered a request made to it by Bord G�is �ireann and, in exercise of the powers conferred on it by section 2 of the Gas (Amendment) Act 1987 , hereby orders as follows:
1. This Order may be cited as the Gas (Amendment) Act 1987 (Section 2) (Distribution) (Amendment) Order 2007.
2. In this Order, �Principal Order� means Gas (Amendment) Act 1987 (Section 2) (Distribution) Order 2003 ( S.I. No. 196 of 2003 ) as amended by Gas (Amendment) Act 1987 (Section 2) (Distribution) (Amendment) Order 2006 ( S.I. No. 517 of 2006 ).
3. This Order shall come into operation on 16th, July 2007.
Amendment of Principal Order.
4. (1) The Principal Order is is hereby amended by the substitution of the following Schedule for the Schedule to that Order:
Article 4 (1) |
Area of Application
Functions applicable
The administrative county of Galway.
All functions contained in this Order.
The administrative county of Mayo.
All functions contained in this Order.
So much of the administrative county of Westmeath as lies within a radius of 5km of Town Bridge (over the Shannon), Athlone (the �Athlone Radius�).
All functions contained in this Order.
So much of the administrative county of Offaly as lies within a radius of 5km of Kilbeggan Bridge (over the Grand Canal), Tullamore (the �Tullamore Radius�).
All functions contained in this Order.
So much of the administrative county of Offaly as lies within a 4km radius of The Square, Clara (the �Clara Radius�).
All functions contained in this Order.
So much of the administrative county of Westmeath as lies within a 5km radius of Market House, Pearse Street, Mullingar (the �Mullingar Radius�).
All functions contained in this Order.
The area of 1km on either side of the gas pipeline route between:
(a) the Board's above ground installation in the townland of Gaybrook Demesne, County Westmeath, west to the regional road R400 and north along the regional road R400, to the Mullingar Radius;
(b) the Board's above ground installation in the townland of Ories, County Westmeath, west along the national road N6, to the Athlone Radius;
(c) the Board's above ground installation in the townland of Donore Cross County Westmeath south along the regional road R391, to the Clara Radius; and
(d) the Clara Radius to the Tullamore Radius along the national road N80.
All functions contained in this Order.
SEALED with the common seal of the Commission for Energy Regulation on the 16th, July 2007.
Michael G. Tutty
Member of Commission

Denis Cagney
Member of Staff of Commission
(This note is not part of the Instrument and does not purport to be a legal interpretation)
This Order amends the Schedule of the Principal Order so as to bring the entirety of counties Galway and Mayo within BG�'s remit.