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- - - v - - - [1755] 5 Brn 837 (29 November 1755)      -----      - v - (London : Section 27A & 20C) [2013] UKFTT RP_LON_00AJ_LSC_2013_0524
- v - (London : Section 27A & 20C) [2013] UKFTT RP_LON_00BH_LSC_2013_213      -----      - v - (Southern : Service charge
- v - (Southern : Service charges)      -----      (1) Syed Omar
(1) Tan Keng      -----      3A Downshire Hill,
3A Garage Villas      -----      7 Wesley Court
7 Westbourne Arcade      -----      12 Moorholme, Woking,
12 Mount Street,      -----      18 Sycamore Gardens
18 The Esplanade      -----      26 Chapel Road
26 Charlton Road      -----      36 Perrymead -
36 Pinewood Place      -----      49 Fletton Fields,
49 Gillett Road      -----      70-78 (even) York
70a, 72a, 74a,      -----      109 Sydenham Road,
109 Walsgrave Road,      -----      264 Beaumont Road
267 St George's      -----      [1996] NISSCSC C22/96(DLA)
[1996] NISSCSC C23/96(DLA)      -----      1999/33 - AG
1999/35 - Hansford      -----      [2002] UKSSCSC CIB_2312_2002
[2002] UKSSCSC CIB_2354_2001      -----      [2004] UKSSCSC CIB_4497_2002
[2004] UKSSCSC CIB_4751_2002      -----      [2007] UKSSCSC CH_3309_2006
[2007] UKSSCSC CH_3450_2006      -----      9574565 Canada Inc
A (To view the items beginning with A: first select a range here)
A v B      -----      A. v B. [1668] Mor 6119
A. v B. [1668] Mor 15724      -----      A Foster Mother
A. Fournier and      -----      A, Re [2023]
A, Re [2024]      -----      AA001922015 [2015] UKAITUR
AA001942015 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      AA011782007 (unreported) [2008]
AA011782013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      AA022542015 [2016] UKAITUR
AA022572013 [2013] UKAITUR      -----      AA033152006 (unreported) [2009]
AA033162011 (unreported) [2011]      -----      AA044382006 (unreported) [2007]
AA04439-2005 (unreported) [2006]      -----      AA-05461-2006 (unreported) [2007]
AA054612008 (unreported) [2009]      -----      AA064722012 (unreported) [2013]
AA064762009 (unreported) [2009]      -----      AA075822005v2 (unreported) [2007]
AA075822014 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      AA085682007 (unreported) [2008]
AA085682008 (unreported) [2013]      -----      AA097802014 [2015] UKAITUR
AA097812008 (unreported) [2011]      -----      AA109392009 (unreported) [2011]
AA109402011 (unreported) [2012]      -----      AA125752011 (unreported) [2012]
AA125802005 (unreported) [2006]      -----      AA163402010 (unreported) [2011]
AA163832010 (unreported) [2011]      -----      Abasand Oils Limited
ABASHEV v. RUSSIA      -----      Aberdeen City Parish
Aberdeen College v.      -----      Accountax Marketing Ltd
Accounting, Secretarial &      -----      Adamson v Secretary
ADAMSON, APPEAL v      -----      Advance Magazine Publishers v OHMI - Capela
Advance Magazine Publishers v OHMI - Montres      -----      AG -v- Wolstenholme
AG -v- Wylie      -----      AG v Dorney
AG v Dorset      -----      AG v Le Guillou
AG v Le Hameau      -----      AG v Sambor
AG v Sambor,      -----      AG -v- Gomes
AG -v- Goncalves      -----      AG v W [1988]
AG v W [1989]      -----      AH v Department
AH (Determination without      -----      AIG Europe Ltd v Fitzpatrick
AIG Europe Ltd v McCormick      -----      AKELIENE v. LITHUANIA
Aken v London      -----      ALAN O'BRIEN and
Alan P, R.      -----      Alessandro Albani and
Alessandro Ermacora v      -----      Alexander v Willow
Alexander Wilson v      -----      Alistair Sloan v
Alistairs Solicitors, R      -----      Allied Irish Banks Ltd
Allied Irish Banks Plc      -----      Alvi, R (on
Alvi v Revenue      -----      Amin v The Information
Amin v The Secretary      -----      Anderson v Barraclough
Anderson v BC      -----      Andrew Page and
ANDREW PARFINOWSKI v.      -----      Anglo Irish Bank Corporation PLC -v- O'Brien
Anglo Irish Bank Corporation PLC -v- Quinn      -----      ANTIPIN AND OTHERS
Antique Buildings Ltd      -----      Apparent Heir of
Appartments 5-10 Barton      -----      Aquilina, R (On
Aquinas Education Ltd      -----      Areva T &
AREWA v. LITHUANIA      -----      Arqiva Ltd v.
Arqiva Services Ltd      -----      AS003082007 (unreported) [2009]
AS003112007 (unreported) [2008]      -----      AS057622004 (unreported) [2005]
AS057802004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      AS185122004 (unreported) [2005]
AS185512004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      AS516252003 (unreported) [2004]
AS516262003 (unreported) [2005]      -----      AS583082003 (unreported) [2004]
AS583272003 (unreported) [2005]      -----      Aslan v TURKEY
ASLAN v. TURKEY      -----      AT (Guinea) v
AT Harris (t/a      -----      Att. Gen. v Hill [2000] JLR_Note 56d
Att. Gen. v Hill [2000] JLR_Note 62c      -----      Attorney General's Reference No.
Attorney General's Reference No      -----      AVENDI OOD v.
Aveng (Africa) Ltd      -----      Ayobiojo & Anor
Ayobiojo v. Camden      -----      Azzurro (Trade Mark:
B (To view the items beginning with B: first select a range here)
B v Cager      -----      B. TAGLIAFERRO &
B Taylor &      -----      Bailey & Ors v Glaxosmithkline (UK) Ltd [2019]
Bailey & Ors v Glaxosmithkline (UK) Ltd [2016]      -----      BALDACCHINO AND FALZON
Baldan v Commission      ----- Ltd v Wilson [2005] DRS 01764 Ltd v Wilson [2005] DRS 02409      -----      Barbara Littlejohn v Weir
Barbara Littlejohn v Wier      -----      Barnet London Borough Council (Local
Barnet London Borough Council v      -----      Basar Khan and
BASAR v. TURKEY      -----      Baxi Heating Ltd
Baxi Heating UK      -----      BBC (Other) [2019] UKICO fs50807605
BBC (Other) [2019] UKICO fs50812378      -----      Beckett v Secretary
Beckett v Wyre      -----      Belgravia Property Investment
Belgravia Trading Co      -----      Bennahmias v Parliament (Judgment) French Text [2021] EUECJ T-798/19
Bennahmias v Parliament (Judgment) French Text [2021] EUECJ T-799/19      -----      Berry v Revenue
Berry v Secretary      -----      Bhamjee v Secretary Of State For Environment, Transport & Regions & Anor [2002] EWCA Civ 914
Bhamjee v Secretary Of State For Environment, Transport & Regions & Anor [2002] EWCA Civ 987      -----      Bindra v Chopra
BINELIS AND NANNI      -----      Bisson -v- 3B
Bisson -v- JPCA      -----      Blair v. North
Blair of Ardblair,      -----      BM v The Director
BM v The Special      -----      Bollore logistics (Customs
Bollore SA v      -----      Borough of Bathurst
Borough of Hammersmith      -----      Bowling, R. v
Bowmaker v Home.      -----      Bradford Metropolitan District Council (Local government (District council)) [2016]
Bradford Metropolitan District Council (Local government (District council)) [2017]      -----      Breen Croke Crook
Breen v Department      -----      Bright Jemwa v
Bright v. Lincolnshire      -----      British Gas Trading Ltd v Amerada Hess Ltd & Anor [2006] EWCA
British Gas Trading Ltd v Amerada Hess Ltd & Anor [2006] EWHC      -----      Brookes v DC
Brookes v First      -----      Brown v Smith.
Brown v. Smith      -----      BSEF v Commission
BSF Group Ltd.      -----      Bulgari S.p.A. v
Bulgaria v Commission      -----      Burnett t/a Bearwood
Burnett v The      -----      Butterworth v The
Butterworth v. West      -----      BZQ v Overijssel
C (To view the items beginning with C: first select a range here)
C v B      -----      C. (R.) v.
C R Smith      -----      Cabinet Office (Central government) [2023] UKICO 159959
Cabinet Office (Central government) [2023] UKICO 161408      -----      Cain & Ors,
Cain Electrical Ltd      -----      Cambray, R. v
Cambrex Bio Science      -----      Campbell v Jamie
Campbell v John      -----      Cantor Fitzgerald & Co v YES
Cantor Fitzgerald & Co v Yes      -----      Care Quality Commission (Health) [2023] UKICO 208149
Care Quality Commission (Health) [2023] UKICO 211965      -----      Carrek Ltd v
Carrel v AG      -----      Casey, R (on the application of) v Restormel
Casey, R (on the application of) v The      -----      Cavendish Funding Ltd
Cavendish v. Greater      -----      CC230022000 (unreported) [2004]
CC230482002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      CC502012003 (unreported) [2005]
CC502222003 (unreported) [2005]      -----      Cemal SUNBUL and
CEMAL YILMAZ v.      -----      Chagos Islanders v Attorney
Chagos Islanders v the      -----      Charity Commission (Local government (Other)) [2007] UKICO FS50101614
Charity Commission (Local government (Other)) [2007] UKICO FS50148098      -----      Cheerupmate2 Ltd v Allan Fergus Gladstone (Northern
Cheerupmate2 Ltd v Allan Fergus Gladstone Michael      -----      Chief Adjudication Office
Chief Adjudication Officer      -----      Chiquita Brands &
Chiquita Brands v      -----      Christos KARAGIANNIS v
Christos KAREFYLLIDES and      -----      City College Birmingham,
City College, Brighton      -----      Claire Thistlethwaite (trading
ClaireaBella Designs Ltd      -----      Claxton Engineering Services
Claxtoune and Waldoun      -----      Clunes v Revenue
Clunies v M'Kenzie.      -----      COFFEE TIME DONUTS DESERTS
COFFEE TIME DONUTS (Trade      -----      Collins (Free movement
Collins v Godefroy      -----      Commission v Austria (Free movement of goods) French text
Commission v Austria (Free movement of goods) French Text      -----      Commission v Germany (Infringement
Commission v Germany (Judgment)      -----      Commission v Netherlands [2010]
Commission v Netherlands (Access      -----      Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Spain. (Member States) [1991] EUECJ C-192/90
Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Spain. (Member States) [1991] EUECJ C-313/89      -----      Commissioner of Police of The
Commissioner of Police of the      -----      Compton Parish Council
Compton, R (on      -----      Constantin v Court
CONSTANTIN AND STOIAN      -----      Cooper, R (on
Cooper, Re [2005]      -----      Cornwall County Council v
Cornwall County Council (Local      -----      Council of the University of Cambridge (Education) [2021]
Council of the University of Cambridge (Education) [2023]      -----      Cox v The English
Cox v The King      -----      CRC Credit Fund
CRC v Department      -----      Crilly v. T. & J. Farrington Ltd. [1999]
Crilly v. T. & J. Farrington Ltd. [2001]      -----      Crotty v. An
Crotty v SAS      -----      CSONTOS AND OTHERS
Csorba v Budapest      -----      Cuprum Properties Ltd
Cura Anlagen (Freedom      -----      CZUWARA v. POLAND
Czyzewski, R. v      -----      Czyzyk v Regional
D (To view the items beginning with D: first select a range here)
D v E      -----      Da Silva v
da Silva v      -----      DA003942009 (unreported) [2010]
DA003942011 (unreported) [2012]      -----      DA009252013 [2014] UKAITUR
DA009272013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      DACIA SRL v. MOLDOVA - 3052/04 [2008]
DACIA SRL v. MOLDOVA - 3052/04 [2009]      -----      Damian PAWLIK v
DAMIANO v. ITALY      -----      Darrell v Portman
Darren Anthony Wilson      -----      David Neath v
David Ng Pak      -----      DAVTYAN v. ARMENIA - 29736/06
DAVTYAN v. ARMENIA - 30779/13      -----      De Gezamenlijke Steenkolenmijnen
De Gortari v.      -----      Degussa v Commission
Degussa� -Huls AG      -----      Dennehy & anor
Dennehy & Anor      -----      Department for Education (Central government) [2024] UKICO 290447
Department for Education (Central government) [2024] UKICO 295184      -----      Department for Work and Pensions (Central government) [2019] UKICO fs50793852
Department for Work and Pensions (Central government) [2019] UKICO fs50812627      -----      Department of the Environment Northern Ireland (Decision Notice) [2006]
Department of the Environment Northern Ireland (Decision Notice) [2009]      -----      Deutsche Telekom v Commission (Competition
Deutsche Telekom v Commission (Competition)      -----      D.H. AND OTHERS v. NORTH
D.H. AND OTHERS v. SWEDEN      -----      DIFC Investments LLC
Diffa, R (on      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions v B.K.
Director of Public Prosecutions v BK      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions v O.G.P.
Director of Public Prosecutions v O'Grady      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions -v- Lee [2017] IECA 152
Director of Public Prosecutions -v- Lee [2017] IECA 312      -----      Dixon, R. v
Dixon, R (on      -----      Dog v -
Dog v Mushet.      -----      Donkin v Reid
Donkin v The      -----      Douglas v Cheeslie.
Douglas v. Clifford      -----      D.P.P. v. Fennelly [1998] IEHC
D.P.P. v. Fennelly [1998] IESC      -----      Dr Dais Ahmed
Dr David Johnston      -----      DRAGON CONSTRUCTION ADEILADWYR
Dragon Futureres Ltd      -----      D'Souza v. London
D'Souza v. Ouseley      -----      Duke of Hamilton v
Duke of Hamilton v.      -----      Dunn v. Her Majesty's Advocate [2002] ScotHC 322
Dunn v. Her Majesty's Advocate [2002] ScotHC 329      -----      Dyfed Powys Police (Police and criminal justice ) [2017] UKICO FS50619657
Dyfed Powys Police (Police and criminal justice ) [2017] UKICO FS50665772      -----      DZYRUK v. POLAND
E (To view the items beginning with E: first select a range here)
E v E      -----      EA008352015 [2019] UKAITUR
EA008362016 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      EA037502019 [2021] UKAITUR
EA037502019 [2022] UKAITUR      -----      EA075912018 [2019] UKAITUR
EA075982017 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      Earl Fife and Sir James Duff v Sir John Sinclair. [1780] Mor 8687 (00 1780)
Earl Fife and Sir James Duff v Sir John Sinclair. [1780] Mor 8687 (00 January      -----      East Kilbride Housing
East Lancashire Coachbuilders      -----      Eccles v Lisburn
Eccles Provident Industrial      -----      Eduardo Vieira and
Eduardo Vieira, SA,      -----      Ehi-Palmer, R v
Ehmed, R (on      -----      ELG & Anor
E.L.G. (a minor      -----      Elmbridge Borough Council (Local
Elmbridge Borough Council v      -----      Endurodoor (Trade Mark:
ENE 1 Kos      -----      EP or G
EP v Secretary      -----      ES (A Child),
ES (a minor),      -----      Euphen Auchterlonie, John
Eur Ing Chris      -----      Evans, R. v [2017]
Evans, R. v [2019]      -----      Export Credits Guarantee Department (Decision Notice) [2006] UKICO FER0096804
Export Credits Guarantee Department (Decision Notice) [2006] UKICO FS50079488      -----      EZZOUHDI v. FRANCE
F (To view the items beginning with F: first select a range here)
F v A      -----      Fairbriar Plc v
Fairbridge (Undertakings) [2012]      -----      Farraj & Anor v King's Healthcare NHS Trust &
Farraj & Anor v King's Healthcare NHS Trust (KCH)      -----      Federal Republic of Germany v Commission of the European Communities. [1984] EUECJ C-84/82
Federal Republic of Germany v Commission of the European Communities. [1984] EUECJ C-278/84R      -----      FERNANDEZ MARTINEZ v.
Fernandez v. Odiachi      -----      FILIPPOV AND OTHERS
FIRAT KOC v.      -----      Fitzpatrick v Board of Management of St Mary's Touraneena National School and anor [2013] IESC 57
Fitzpatrick v Board of Management of St Mary's Touraneena National School and anor [2013] IESC 62      -----      Flat 2 5 Campbell
Flat 2 5 Fonblanque      -----      Flat 6, Southfields House, 5 Southfields Green, Gravesend, Kent DA11 7BF (Leasehold disputes (management) - Service charges) [2019] UKFTT RP_CHI_29UG_LIS_2018_0009
Flat 6, Southfields House, 5 Southfields Green, Gravesend, Kent DA11 7BF (Leasehold disputes (management) - Service charges) [2019] UKFTT RP_HI_29UG_LIS_2018_0009      -----      Flat 112a Queens
Flat 114, Dudeney      -----      Flats at Queens
Flats at Raford      -----      FO (AP), Re
F.O. v. CROATIA      -----      Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Central government ) [2017] UKICO FS50631529
Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Central government ) [2017] UKICO FS50636381      -----      Fortress Security Contract
Fortress Supported Living      -----      France v Parliament (Law
France v Parliament (Opinion)      -----      Frederick George Shearer
Frederick Germano Martins      -----      FRUMKIN v. RUSSI
FRUMKIN v. RUSSIA      -----      FZO v Adams
G (To view the items beginning with G: first select a range here)
G v G      -----      Gadinala v Secretary
Gadir MUSAYEV v      -----      GAMZE ULUDAG v.
G.A.N. (Cameroon) -v-      -----      Gashi, R (on the application of) v Immigration
Gashi, R (on the application of) v Secretary      -----      Gebremariam v Ethiopian
Gebroeders Beentjes BV      -----      Generics (UK) Ltd
Generics [uk] Ltd      -----      George White v
George Wildes and      -----      Gheorghe and Anatol
GHEORGHE AND MARIA      -----      Gill & Anor
Gill & Anor,      -----      G.L. v HSE
G.L. v. HUNGARY      -----      Global Alliance Against Industrial Aquaculture and Scottish Ministers (Numbers
Global Alliance Against Industrial Aquaculture and Scottish Ministers (Seal      -----      GOGINASHVILI v. GEORGIA
GOGITIDZE AND OTHERS      -----      Goodsir v AG [1984]
Goodsir v AG [1992]      -----      GOROVAYA v. RUSSIA
GOROVENKY AND BUGARA      -----      Gradual Investments Ltd v Grant
Gradual Investments Ltd v Kennedy      -----      Grant Thornton /
Grant Thornton (A      -----      Greece v Commission (Judgment) French Text [2019]
Greece v Commission (Judgment) French Text [2020]      -----      GRESAKOVA v. SLOVAKIA
Gresham International Ltd      -----      Ground Floor Maisonette,
Ground Floor Maisonette      -----      Guiney, R (on
Guiney -v- Accountant      -----      Gwent Police (Police and criminal justice) [2020]
Gwent Police (Police and criminal justice) [2022]      -----      Gzimaila v Prosecutor
H (To view the items beginning with H: first select a range here)
H v B      -----      HABABOU v. FRANCE
Habanos v OHMI      -----      Haliburton v Hunter. [1633]
Haliburton v Hunter. [1669]      -----      Hamilton v Board
Hamilton v Bogle.      -----      Hands, R. v
Hands, Re Judicial      -----      Hargreaves v Revenue
Hargreaves v Salt      -----      Harrods Village, Trinity
Harrogate and District      -----      Hastings Borough Council (Local government) [2022] UKICO 111386 (11 May 2022)
Hastings Borough Council (Local government) [2022] UKICO 111386 (11 May 2022)      -----      Hayle Harbour Authority (Decision
Hayle Harbour Authority (Education)      -----      Heathcote Ball &
Heathcote v Crackles      -----      Hemmings v Mathias
Hemmings & Ors,      -----      Hepburn v Crown
Hepburn v Dickson.      -----      Herron v Revenue
Herron v Roberts      -----      Higgins v Ideal
Higgins v Irish      -----      Hindes & Anor,
Hindes & Anor,R      -----      HM Prison Service v
HM Prison Service v.      -----      Hockey v R
Hockey, R. v      -----      Holterman v Electrium
Holterman Ferho Exploitatie      -----      Home Office (Decision Notice) [2009]
Home Office (Decision Notice) [2010]      -----      Horn v Pow.
Horn, R. v      -----      Howard League for
Howard Lionel HOUGH      -----      HR368032002 (unreported) [2004]
HR368302002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HU007442019 [2019] UKAITUR
HU007462016 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      HU028722019 & HU028732019
HU028742018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      HU050052021 [2023] UKAITUR
HU050062015 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      HU072102017 & Ors.
HU072112017 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      HU094282017 [2020] UKAITUR
HU094282017 [2023] UKAITUR      -----      HU118312019 [2021] UKAITUR
HU118332018 & Ors      -----      HU143752015 [2017] UKAITUR
HU143792015 & Ors.      -----      HU176232016 [2018] UKAITUR
HU176362016 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      HU222092016 & Others
HU222342016 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      Hugh M'Leod v
Hugh Moncrief of      -----      Hunter & Anor,
Hunter & Ors      -----      Hutchinson v General
Hutchinson v Grant      -----      HX023302004 (unreported) [2004]
HX023312003 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX0658082002 (unreported) [2003]
HX065852003 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX113912003 (unreported) [2004]
HX114432004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      HX166622003 (unreported) [2004]
HX166642004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      HX220452002 (unreported) [2003]
HX220452003 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX279932001 (unreported) [2004]
HX279962002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX333172003 (unreported) [2004]
HX333212001 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX388272003 (unreported) [2004]
HX388642002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX441852003 (unreported) [2004]
HX441982002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX495592003 (unreported) [2004]
HX495612003 (unreported) [2005]      -----      HX533892002 (unreported) [2005]
HX533972002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX573532002 (unreported) [2003]
HX573532002 (unreported) [2004]      -----      hx61705-2003 (unreported) [2006]
HX617062000 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX664522002 (unreported) [2004]
HX664612002 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX758922002 (unreported) [2004]
HX758952002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      Hzustaljova -Guzhova v
I (To view the items beginning with I: first select a range here)
I & Anor      -----      IA007402006 (unreported) [2006]
IA007402015 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      IA018822007 (unreported) [2007]
IA018832014 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      IA031482009 (unreported) [2009]
IA031482015 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      IA047082015 [2016] UKAITUR
IA-04711-2005 (unreported) [2007]      -----      IA063082010 (unreported) [2011]
IA063112013 [2013] UKAITUR      -----      IA079332007 (unreported) [2008]
IA079342007 (unreported) [2008]      -----      IA096112009 (unreported) [2009]
IA096142008 (unreported) [2008]      -----      IA113012014 [2015] UKAITUR
IA113022015 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      IA132492007 (unreported) [2008]
IA132492011 (unreported) [2011]      -----      IA149212011 & IA149272011
IA149232009 (unreported) [2010]      -----      IA168792015 [2017] UKAITUR
IA168802013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      IA188152015 & IA251052015
IA188162009 (unreported) [2010]      -----      IA208922015 [2017] UKAITUR
IA209122015 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      IA229512011 (unreported) [2012]
IA229532013 & IA229592013      -----      IA253002011 (unreported) [2013]
IA253012011 & IA253022011      -----      IA277122011 (unreported) [2012]
IA277152014 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      IA302932014 [2015] UKAITUR
IA303032015 & Others      -----      IA331722013 [2014] UKAITUR
IA331742009 (unreported) [2010]      -----      IA356812009 (unreported) [2010]
IA356862009 (unreported) [2010]      -----      IA396752014 [2015] UKAITUR
IA396812014 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      IA443672014 & Ors.
IA443792014 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      IA499322013 [2015] UKAITUR
IA499462013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      Ibrahim v Revenue
Ibrahim SAHIN v      -----      IKEA Holesale Ltd
Ikea Ltd &      -----      IM094642005 (unreported) [2005]
IM09467-2006 (unreported) [2006]      -----      IMP Bronzefield (Other)
IMP v. ROMANIA      -----      In re Ports
In re Poundworld      -----      In the matter of Guoan
In the matter of H      -----      In the matter
In The Matter      -----      Information Commissioner (Decision Notice) [2013] UKICO FS50483541
Information Commissioner (Decision Notice) [2013] UKICO FS50483981      -----      Inntrepreneur Estates Ltd
Inntrepreneur Pub Company      -----      International Protection Appeals
International Railway Company      -----      Irina Viktorovna SEMENOVA
Irina Vladimirovna KLIMOVA      -----      Islamic Republic of
Islamic Vision Ltd      -----      IVANOV AND OTHERS v. RUSSIA - 50942/08
IVANOV AND OTHERS v. RUSSIA - 54470/21      -----      IZZO v. ITALY
J (To view the items beginning with J: first select a range here)
J v E      -----      J Uddin v
J. Ullman and      -----      Jagmohan Singh and
Jago & Ors      -----      James Eggay Taylor Appeal
James Eggay Taylor v      -----      James Rymer v
James S Anderson      -----      Janne RANINEN v
Janner, R (On      -----      Jean Burden, Widow
Jean Burnet, Daughter      -----      Jeswunt Sing-Jee Ubby
Jet 2 Holidays      -----      J.N. v. THE
JN (Uganda) v      -----      John Dick v
John Dick, Esq.      -----      John Maxwell of
John Maxwell, Procurator-Fiscal      -----      Johnatty v. The
John-Baptiste v City      -----      Jones & Anor v.
Jones & Anor v      -----      JOSEPH GRANT v.
Joseph Hayim Hayim      -----      JR054662018 & JR045672018
JR056532019 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      Just for Kids
JUST JUNK (Trade      -----      JZ v Secretary
K (To view the items beginning with K: first select a range here)
K v W      -----      KĽACANOVA v. SLOVAKIA
KACAR v. TURKEY      -----      Kaolim Private Limited
KAOS GL v.      -----      Kathleen Nutt and
Kathleen Winter and      -----      Kearns v Evenson
KEARNS v. FRANCE      -----      Kelly -v- Minister
Kelly -v- Monson      -----      Kent v Dethlefson
Kent v Do      -----      Keyes Transport Ltd
Keyfresh IT Ltd      -----      KHLAIFIA AND OTHERS v. ITALY - 16483/12 (Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction) : Court (Grand
KHLAIFIA AND OTHERS v. ITALY - 16483/12 (Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction) : Court (Second      -----      King v. Edinburgh
King Edward VI      -----      Kiril TASEV and
Kiril Todorov FILIPOV      -----      KLIMKIEWICZ v. POLAND - 44537/05 [2009]
KLIMKIEWICZ v. POLAND - 44537/05 [2010]      -----      Koku v South
KOSUMOVA AND OTHERS      -----      Kronospan Mielec (Taxation)
KROON AND OTHERS      -----      Kurt Josephs v
Kurt Kampffmeyer Muehlenvereinigung      -----      KZ v The
L (To view the items beginning with L: first select a range here)
L v S      -----      LA v Commission
La Compagnie d'approvisionnement,      -----      Lady Rosyth v
Lady Rothemay v      -----      LALIK v. POLAND
Lalit v Leya      -----      Landesamt fur Verbraucherschutz
Landesbank Baden-Wurttemberg v      -----      Lattimer v Karamanoli
Lattimer v. Wight      -----      Laxman v Lajitti
Laxmanrao Madhavrao Jahagirdar      -----      LEBEDEVA v. UKRAINE
LEBEDINSCHI v. THE      -----      Lehman Brothers Australia Ltd v Lomas
Lehman Brothers Australia Ltd v MacNamara      -----      Lerwick Port Authority,
Les Ambassadeurs Club      -----      Lexi Holdings Plc v Luqman & Ors [2007] EWCA
Lexi Holdings Plc v Luqman & Ors [2007] EWHC      -----      Likitif v Luvaun
Likvidejama p/s Selga      -----      Liquidator of Photoglyptic
Liquidator of Property      -----      LL v Parliament (Provisions governing the institutions - Judgment)
LL v Parliament (Provisions governing the institutions - Member      -----      Lodge v Royal
Lodge (t/a JD      -----      London Borough of Camden Council &
London Borough of Camden Council (Local      -----      London Borough Of
London Borough of      -----      Long v Social Security Agency and Oth... [2010]
Long v Social Security Agency and Oth... [2011]      -----      Lord Lyon's Case.
Lord Macdonald [1838]      -----      Low v Strachan.
Low (t/a Lows      -----      Luen Fat Metal and
Luen Fat Metal And      -----      Lynch, R. v
Lynch, R v      -----      LZL v HYC
M (To view the items beginning with M: first select a range here)
M v F      -----      M, R. v
M, R v      -----      MA v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (ESA) (Employment
MA v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (ESA) (Members      -----      MackelFleck v Northern
Mackellar v. Lambert.      -----      MADARA ROCK (Trade
Madarassy v Nomura      -----      Mahant Kristna Dayal
Mahant Lahar Puri      -----      Makdwski v Robert
Make Giving Count      -----      MAMIC v. SLOVENIA
Mamidakis v Greece      -----      Mansouri -v- The
Mansur Ali Khan      -----      Margulead Ltd. v
MARGULEV v. RUSSIA      -----      Market Watch v EUIPO - El
Market Watch v EUIPO - Glaxo      -----      Martin & Ors Gabriele
Martin & Ors v      -----      MASHCHENKO v. UKRAINE
MASHINYAN AND RAMAZYAN      -----      Matthew Hill obo
MATTHEW JACK WELSH      -----      Mayet v Osman
Mayeur (Social policy)      -----      McAnoy, Re Application
McAnulty [2005] NICC      -----      McCaughey v Deutsche
McCaughey Developments Ltd      -----      McDonagh v. Her
McDonagh v Information      -----      McGlinchey, R v [2009]
McGlinchey, R v [2014]      -----      McKenna (Transport -
McKenna -v- Commissioner      -----      McMillan v Airedale NHS Foundation Trust [2013]
McMillan v Airedale NHS Foundation Trust [2014]      -----      MD -v- Department for Social Development (CA) [2017]
MD -v- Department for Social Development (CA) (Entitlement)      -----      Meehan, Re Judicial
Meehan v. Reid      -----      Mendip District Council (Local government) [2020] UKICO fs50865240
Mendip District Council (Local government) [2020] UKICO IC-49496-F3C3      -----      MERYEM GUVEN AND
Merz & Krell      -----      Metso Paper Automation
Metso Paper Bender      -----      Michael Gold and
MICHAEL GORRIE v.      -----      Midland (1967 Act decisions) [2002] EWLVT 125
Midland (1967 Act decisions) [2002] EWLVT 126      -----      Miles v Wakefield
miles v walker      -----      Milton Keynes Council (Decision Notice) [2011]
Milton Keynes Council (Decision Notice) [2012]      -----      Minister for Justice -v- Kinsella
Minister for Justice -v- McG      -----      Ministry of Justice (Central government ) [2017] UKICO FS50654011
Ministry of Justice (Central government ) [2017] UKICO FS50654869      -----      Miroslav GMAJNER and
Miroslav Hristov GEORGIEV      -----      Miss A Neitzelt
Miss A Nelson      -----      Miss C Douch
Miss C Dousi      -----      Miss D Hare
Miss D Harman      -----      Miss Elaine North
Miss Elizabeth Keate      -----      Miss I Murphy
Miss I Norvaisaite      -----      Miss V Jackova
Miss V Jackson      -----      Miss L A
Miss L Abbott      -----      Miss M Ables
Miss M Ackers      -----      Miss N Carpenter
Miss N Carruthers      -----      Miss R Cunnington
Miss R D      -----      Miss S Grant-Taylor
Miss S Greaves      -----      Miss T Ellis v London
Miss T Ellis v Tony      -----      Mitchelsones v Mitchelsone.
Mitchelstown Co-Op Agricultural      -----      M'Lean of Drumnin
M'Lean of Kingairloch      -----      MOFFA v. ITALY
Moffat & Co.      -----      Moncrieff v Fairholm
Moncrieff v L.      -----      Moore v Brendan
Moore v British      -----      Morison v Tenants
Morison (Todd's Curator      -----      Mostyn-Williams v Mostyn-Williams
Mosur Subramania Sastri      -----      Mr A Ahmed v TC
Mr A Ahmed v Transport      -----      Mr A Daleki
Mr A Daley      -----      Mr A J Adesuyi
Mr A J Beale      -----      Mr A N Russell
Mr A N Williamson      -----      Mr A Stanton
Mr A Star      -----      Mr Alick Nkhata
Mr Alisdair MacPherson      -----      Mr B French
Mr B Fry      -----      Mr BJ Clachar
Mr BJ Fernandes      -----      Mr C Habbad
Mr C Hadjipaulis      -----      Mr C Rogers v A
Mr C Rogers v RLK      -----      Mr D and Chief
Mr D and City      -----      Mr D Frodsham
Mr D Froggatt      -----      Mr D Marvell
Mr D Marvin      -----      Mr D Spence
Mr D Spiers      -----      Mr Douglas Cassidy
Mr Douglas G      -----      Mr F Balde
Mr F Barnes      -----      Mr G Dixon
Mr G Do      -----      Mr G Robson
Mr G Rood      -----      Mr H Glab
Mr H Glasby      -----      Mr I Lynch
Mr I M      -----      Mr J Broom
Mr J Broomfield      -----      Mr J Greechan
Mr J Greeer      -----      Mr J McArthur
Mr J McAuley      -----      Mr J Scott v BDR
Mr J Scott v Pastures      -----      Mr James Noble
Mr James Ogilvy      -----      Mr K Cracknell
Mr K Cragg      -----      Mr K Rowlandson
Mr K Rowlatt      -----      Mr L Edwards v ABC
Mr L Edwards v Dreams      -----      Mr L-S Andrei
Mr LS Cowley      -----      Mr M Clements v SRCL
Mr M Clements v Stapleton-�s      -----      Mr M Hobbs
Mr M Hodges      -----      Mr M Mohammad
Mr M Mojumdar      -----      Mr M Smith v South
Mr M Smith v Stagecoach      -----      Mr Matthew Wright
Mr Maul v      -----      Mr N Hussaini
Mr N Hussein      -----      Mr O Butler Jones
Mr O Butler v      -----      Mr P Cromby
Mr P Cromwell      -----      Mr P Moore v Core
Mr P Moore v Falmouth      -----      Mr Paul Barber
Mr Paul Batt      -----      Mr R C
Mr R Cabrera      -----      Mr R Lambert v Amey
Mr R Lambert v Secretary      -----      Mr R Szpregiel
Mr R Szymanski      -----      Mr S Ambrosio
Mr S Amir      -----      Mr S Fields
Mr S Fisher      -----      Mr S Llewellyn
Mr S Lloyd      -----      Mr S Scott v Bradford
Mr S Scott v L      -----      Mr Steven Ouditt
Mr Steven Owurre      -----      Mr T Morris
Mr T Morrison      -----      Mr W Birch
Mr W Black      -----      Mr X and
Mr. X and      -----      Mr X and
Mr. X and      -----      Mr Y Olarinde
Mr Y Oppong      -----      Mrs A Keogh
Mrs A Kettrick      -----      Mrs B Ratcliffe
Mrs B Rees      -----      Mrs C Thompson
Mrs C Thomsett      -----      Mrs E Cain
Mrs E Caldecott      -----      Mrs G Pirie
Mrs G Pollock      -----      Mrs J Clark
Mrs J Clarke      -----      Mrs J Southworth
Mrs J Sowerbutts      -----      Mrs K Price
Mrs K Prigmore      -----      Mrs L Piggott
Mrs L Pitfield      -----      Mrs M Longstaff v Plymouth
Mrs M Longstaff v University      -----      Mrs N Robinson
Mrs N Roe      -----      Mrs R Richmond
Mrs R Riggans      -----      Mrs S McConnachie-Low
Mrs S McConnell      -----      Mrs T Smith v Doncaster
Mrs T Smith v Essex      -----      Ms A Hernandez v Utility Savings Group Ltd (England and Wales : Breach
Ms A Hernandez v Utility Savings Group Ltd (England and Wales : Unfair      -----      Ms B Lock v Tesco
Ms B Lock v Wm      -----      Ms C Webster
Ms C Welford      -----      Ms E Groves
Ms E Guerrero      -----      Ms H Cameron
Ms H Carrigan      -----      Ms J Jennings
Ms J Jepson      -----      Ms K Jhuti
Ms K Joachim      -----      Ms L Prosser v Awelon
Ms L Prosser v Dr      -----      Ms M Nicol
Ms M Nicolson      -----      Ms O Ryan
Ms O S      -----      M.S. v. RUSSIA
Ms Ruth Jones      -----      Ms S Richards
Ms S Richmond      -----      Ms W Ni
Ms W Osinska      -----      Ms Y Leung
Ms Y Liu      -----      Mulcahy v. Minister
Mulcahy v Ministry      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1629] Mor 12514
Multiple cases with citation: [1629] Mor 12702      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1675] 1 Brn 742
Multiple cases with citation: [1675] 1 Brn 744      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1694] 4 Brn 151
Multiple cases with citation: [1694] 4 Brn 153      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1742] 2 Elchies 50
Multiple cases with citation: [1742] 2 Elchies 78      -----      Munir, R. v [2008] EWCA Crim 1892
Munir, R. v [2008] EWCA Crim 3110      -----      Murray v Gilchrist
Murray v. Glasgow      -----      MUTLU AND YILDIZ
Mutlu v Secretary      -----      MZT LEARNICA A.D.
N (To view the items beginning with N: first select a range here)
N v D      -----      Nailstone Parish Council (Local government) [2018] UKICO fs50724782
Nailstone Parish Council (Local government) [2018] UKICO fs50733234      -----      Nathaniel Stuart Chalmers
Nathoobhoy Ramdass v      -----      Natural England (Decision Notice) [2010] UKICO FER0261274
Natural England (Decision Notice) [2010] UKICO FER0267363      -----      Nee -v- An
Nee -v- Meagher      -----      Neurim Pharmaceuticals (1991) Ltd & Anor v Generics (UK) Ltd (T/A
Neurim Pharmaceuticals (1991) Ltd & Anor v Generics (UK) Ltd &      -----      Next in Kin
NEXT LEVEL IMPACT      -----      Nicholas v Secretary
Nicholas Steel v      -----      Nintendo Co Ltd
Nintendo Company Ltd      -----      Nolan & Anor
Nolan & anor      -----      North East London Clinical
North East London College      -----      Northern Rock (Asset
NORTHERN ROCK (ASSET      -----      Novello & Company
Noven Pharmaceuticals Inc,      -----      Nutricia Ltd, R
NUTRIGRO (Trade Mark:      -----      NZXT (Trade Mark:
O (To view the items beginning with O: first select a range here)
O v C      -----      OA016232011 (unreported) [2011]
OA016232014 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      OA053722010 (unreported) [2011]
OA053772013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      OA091032015 [2019] UKAITUR
OA091042005 (unreported) [2007]      -----      OA132722014 [2016] UKAITUR
OA132772012 (unreported) [2013]      -----      OA182442012 [2013] UKAITUR
OA182662012 [2013] UKAITUR      -----      OA23884 & 2007,
OA238922008 (unreported) [2009]      -----      OA335002007 (unreported) [2008]
OA335262006 (unreported) [2007]      -----      OA504582009 & OA504602009
OA504812007 (unreported) [2012]      -----      OA780102008 (unreported) [2009]
OA780252008 (unreported) [2009]      -----      O'Carroll -v- Diamond
O'Cathail v Transport      -----      O'Farrell -v- The
OFathaigh v Information      -----      O'Hanlon v Mallaghan
O'Hanlon v Northern      -----      Oliphant v Boots
Oliphant, &c. v      -----      Onehundredpercent Publishing Ltd
Oneida Indian Nation      -----      Oral Contraceptive Group
Oral Healthcare Ltd      -----      Osborne v Royal
Osborne v Survey      -----      OW v EASA
Owadally & Anor      -----      OZYOL v. TURKEY
P (To view the items beginning with P: first select a range here)
P v P      -----      PA002112021 [2022] UKAITUR
PA002142020 [2020] UKAITUR      -----      PA012642015 [2017] UKAITUR
PA012662017 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      PA024252017 [2018] UKAITUR
PA024262018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      PA035652018 [2019] UKAITUR
PA035662017 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      PA048682017 [2018] UKAITUR
PA048692017 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      PA063832017 [2018] UKAITUR
PA063832018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      PA077542016 [2017] UKAITUR
PA077562019 [2022] UKAITUR      -----      PA091332019 [2020] UKAITUR
PA091352018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      PA106262019 [2020] UKAITUR
PA106282016 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      PA120632016 [2018] UKAITUR
PA120652018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      PA137982018 [2019] UKAITUR
PA138012018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      Palm Developments Ltd
Palm Green Capital      -----      Paris v. Smith.
Paris v Stepney      -----      PARTNERS 2000 KFT
Partners For Endoscopy      -----      Patrick Crawfurd v
Patrick Crawfurd of      -----      Pawlak (Freedom of establishment - Judgment)
Pawlak (Freedom of establishment - Opinion)      -----      Peek & Cloppenburg v EUIPO - Peek & Cloppenburg (Peek)
Peek & Cloppenburg v EUIPO - Peek & Cloppenburg (Peek's)      -----      Pera-Grave v OHIM
Perak Pioneer Limited      -----      Peter Burt v
Peter Cain v      -----      Petrou v Lambrou
PETROV AND IVANOVA      -----      Phillips v R.
Phillips, R. v      -----      PINEAPPLE HEAD (Trade
Pineapple Trademarks v      -----      Planetart LLC v
Planetree Nominees Ltd      -----      POINTIS SOLUTIONS LIMITED
Pointon & Ors      -----      Popa v Price
Popa, R (on      -----      Poupart Ltd v.
Pour & Ors      -----      Prentice v AG
Prentice v Att.      -----      Pritchard Englefield v
Pritchard v Hamer      -----      Property Alliance Group Ltd v Royal
Property Alliance Group Ltd v The      -----      Puigdemont i Casamajo and Comin i Oliveres v Parliament (Interim
Puigdemont i Casamajo and Comin i Oliveres v Parliament (Law      -----      PZX (Anonymity Order
Q (To view the items beginning with Q: first select a range here)
Q v Q      -----      QUILICHINI v. FRANCE
Quillan & Ors,      -----      Q-ZAR (Trade Mark:
R (To view the items beginning with R: first select a range here)
R. v Deindre-Labiyi      -----      R, R (on
R, R (On      -----      Rafferty (Kieran) v
Rafferty v. Lamp      -----      Raji & Anor,
Raji v. General      -----      Rank Group (Taxation)
Rank Hovis Ltd      -----      Razak v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2009]
Razak v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016]      -----      Reckless, R (on
Reckley v. The      -----      Regent Management Ltd
Regent Oil Co      -----      RENAISSANCE (Trade Mark: Opposition) [1998]
RENAISSANCE (Trade Mark: Opposition) [2019]      -----      Republic of Kazakhstan
Republic of Korea      -----      REVLON (Trade Mark:
REVO (Trade Mark:      -----      Richard William Pebble
RICHARD WILSON v.      -----      Riniker v. Waymark
Rinke (Freedom of      -----      Robbins v O
Robbins v OSullivan      -----      Robert Sturmer v IC (Dismissed
Robert Sturmer v IC (The      -----      Robinson v. Highswan Associates (t/a The Republic Night-Club) & Ors [2002] UKEAT 1020_01_0611
Robinson v. Highswan Associates (t/a The Republic Night-Club) & Ors [2002] UKEAT 1020_01_3101      -----      Rogers v Northumbria
Rogers v Poltair      -----      Rose of Garlestone.
Rose of Kilravock,      -----      Rowan v Darling.
Rowan v David      -----      Royal Mail Group Ltd v DAF Trucks Ltd and Others [2023]
Royal Mail Group Ltd v DAF Trucks Ltd and Others (JUDGMENT:      -----      RU, Re Judicial
RU v Secretary      -----      Ruthven of Reidcastle
Ruthven v The      -----      Rzucek v Vinnicombe
S (To view the items beginning with S: first select a range here)
S v F      -----      S v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2006]
S v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012]      -----      SAFIR EUROPA/SAFIREUROPA (Trade
Safir (Free movement      -----      Salomon S.A.S v
Salomone Haim v      -----      SANDRA JANKOVIC v.
Sandra Menant Art      -----      Sastry Velaider Aronegary
Sasy N Savy      -----      SC, CB and
S-C (Children), Re      -----      Schwarz (Free movement
Schwarz (Freedom of      -----      Scottish Lion Engineering
Scottish Lion Insurance      -----      Sebastian Holdings, Inc
Sebastian SZYMANKI v      -----      Secretary of State
Secretary Of State      -----      Selby District Council (Decision
Selby District Council (Local      -----      Serious Organised Crime Agency v Szepietowski & Ors [2009] EWHC 344
Serious Organised Crime Agency v Szepietowski & Ors [2009] EWHC 1560      -----      Shahbaz Khan v
Shahbaz MAHWI v      -----      Shaw v L.
Shaw v Ladbrokes      -----      Sheppard-Capurro, R (on
Sheppard's Trustee v.      -----      Shorter v Surrey
Shorterm Group Ltd      -----      Sillare & Anor
Sillars v. Bowie      -----      Sinclair v Heirs
Sinclair v. Her      -----      Sir C. B.
Sir Charles Abraham      -----      Sir Robert Preston's Children
Sir Robert Preston's Relict      -----      Skeiky v Argos
Skeletal Family (Trade      -----      Slovak Telekom (Competition
Slovakia v Commission      -----      Smith v. Forsyth
Smith (Freedom to      -----      Smyth v Hendersons-
Smyth v Hi-Tech      -----      Societe Roquette freres
Societe Roquette Freres      -----      Sommerville v Ballyhenry
Sommerville v Gordon.      -----      South Tyneside Council (Local government)
South Tyneside Council (Local government      -----      Spain v Commission (Agriculture
Spain v Commission (Agriculture)      -----      Spencer Place Development Company Ltd.
Spencer Place Development Company Ltd      -----      Sri Raja Viravara
Sri Raja Vyricherla      -----      Staatssecretaris van Financien v Shipping
Staatssecretaris van Financien v Stadeco      -----      Stanley Wattam Ltd
STANLEY WOOD AGAINST      -----      Stefan BURUIAN v
Stefan BUTURCA v      -----      STEVENSON AGAINST SIR
Stevenson v Allans.      -----      Stirling v The
Stirling -v- Collins      -----      Stranaghan v Ryobi
Stranaghan v Valley      -----      Such, R v
Such v Transport      -----      Superior Drug Company
Superior Import /      -----      Svend Bech Kristensen,
Svenska Bankforeningen and      -----      Syarikat Kewangan Melayu
T (To view the items beginning with T: first select a range here)
T v B      -----      Tahir & Anor,
Tahir & Anor      -----      Target Group Ltd
Target Holdings v      -----      Taylor v. The
TAYLOR v. THE      -----      Telefonica UK Ltd v Office of Communications &
Telefonica UK Ltd v Office of Communications [2012]      -----      Test Claimants In the FII
Test Claimants In the Franked      -----      TH083762003 (unreported) [2004]
TH083962004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      TH537802003 & TH537712003
TH537822003 (unreported) [2005]      -----      The Applicant and City of Edinburgh Council [2021] ScotIC 040_2021
The Applicant and City of Edinburgh Council [2021] ScotIC 048_2021      -----      The Beeches Homecare
The Belfast and      -----      The Commissioner of Income Tax Madras v B.
The Commissioner of Income Tax Madras v Diwan      -----      The Director of Public Prosecutions -v- O'Donoghue
The Director of Public Prosecutions -v- O'Neill      -----      The Financial Conduct Authority &
The Financial Conduct Authority v      -----      The Independent Workers'
The Independent Workers      -----      The Local Authority v El
The Local Authority v A      -----      The Minister for Justice and Equality -v- Staniak
The Minister for Justice and Equality -v- T.E.      -----      The Point Building,
The Point Inn      -----      The Scottish Coal Company Ltd v
The Scottish Coal Company Ltd v.      -----      The Trustees of Alan
The Trustees of Archbishop      -----      Thomas Burns, Petitioner.
Thomas v Butler      -----      Thompson v Chubb
Thompson v Clady      -----      Thurmaston Tool &
Thurrat v The      -----      Titus (United Kingdom)
Tiuta International Ltd      -----      Tomes v CokeWallis [2002]
Tomes v CokeWallis and      -----      Tough CA v SPS (Holdings)
Tough CA v SPS Holdings      -----      TRANC�KOV� v. SLOVAKIA
TRANDA AND OTHERS      -----      Trident Turboprop (Dublin)
Tridon (Environment and      -----      TSIRLIS AND KOULOUMPAS
TSIRONIS v. GREECE      -----      Turner v. Selkirk'S
Turner v South      -----      Tzu-Tsai Cheng v.
U (To view the items beginning with U: first select a range here)
U. & Anor      -----      UI2022002351 [2023] UKAITUR
UI2022002368 [2024] UKAITUR      -----      UI2022006391 [2023] UKAITUR
UI2022006392 & Ors      -----      UI2023002217 [2023] UKAITUR
UI2023002218 [2023] UKAITUR      -----      UI2023004717 [2024] UKAITUR
UI2023004719 [2024] UKAITUR      -----      UI2024001330 & UI2024001085
UI2024001331 [2024] UKAITUR      -----      UK Border Agency (Decision Notice) [2010]
UK Border Agency (Decision Notice) [2011]      -----      Union Des Associations
Union des associations      -----      University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust &
University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust (Health)      -----      Upshire Primary Foundation School (Decision Notice) [2012] UKICO FS50408845
Upshire Primary Foundation School (Decision Notice) [2012] UKICO FS50408858      -----      UZZO v. ITALY
V (To view the items beginning with V: first select a range here)
v [2012] JCA      -----      VA124972013 [2014] UKAITUR
VA125502010 (unreported) [2011]      -----      VA348752010 (unreported) [2011]
VA349612010 (unreported) [2011]      -----      Valentina Georgiyevna GEDICH
Valentina Georgiyevna OKHRIMENKO      -----      Various Claimants v News Group Newspapers Ltd [2022]
Various Claimants v News Group Newspapers Ltd (Re      -----      Vehicle Classification Agency
Vehicle Control Services      -----      VGC Construction Ltd
VGG AG (Rules      -----      Virdee v The
Virdee v Virdi      -----      Vodafone Group Plc v
Vodafone Group Plc &      -----      VV005342004 (unreported) [2004]
VV005452005 (unreported) [2006]      -----      VV133492005 (unreported) [2006]
VV133532003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      VZ (Soumissionnaire definitivement
W (To view the items beginning with W: first select a range here)
W. Ż. ()      -----      Wainwright & Anor
Wainwright & Cummins      -----      Wallace v Wallaces.
Wallace v. Wallace's      -----      Ward v An Post (Approved) [2021] IEHC 470
Ward v An Post (Approved) [2021] IEHC 471      -----      Waterside (Wakefield) Ltd
Waterson v Customs      -----      Weavering Macro Fixed Income Fund v
Weavering Macro Fixed Income Fund Ltd      -----      Welsh Ministers &
Welsh Ministers v      -----      West Yorkshire Police (Police and criminal justice) [2023] UKICO 230120
West Yorkshire Police (Police and criminal justice) [2023] UKICO 232083      -----      Whitbread Plc v Beattie
Whitbread Plc v Bennett      -----      WIEDER AND GUARNIERI
WIEGANDOVA v. THE      -----      William Cockburn of
William Cockburn v      -----      William Sanderson v
William Sandieman and      -----      WILLIE WONKA (Trade Mark: Revocation) [2005] UKIntelP o17305
WILLIE WONKA (Trade Mark: Revocation) [2005] UKIntelP o17405      -----      Wimpress v Office
Win (s. 83      -----      WLOCH v. POLAND -
WLOCH v. POLAND (No.      -----      Woodquay Properties Ltd
Woodroffe School (Education      -----      Wright v Michael Wright (Supplies)
Wright v Michael Wright Supplies      -----      WZ, Re (Placement
X (To view the items beginning with X: first select a range here)
X v A      -----      X v Y (England and Wales : Unfair Dismissal) [2018]
X v Y (England and Wales : Unfair Dismissal) [2020]      -----      XZR, Re (Abduction:
Y (To view the items beginning with Y: first select a range here)
Y v Z      -----      Yenkanna v Achanna
Yennusick & Ors      -----      Young v Thomson.
Young v. Thomson      -----      YZEIRAJ v ALBANIA
Z (To view the items beginning with Z: first select a range here)
Z v University      -----      ZAWISZA v. POLAND
Zaya Living Real      -----      Zobortrans EU sro
Z-O'C (Children), Re      -----      ZZZZZ (Trade Mark: Opposition) [1998] UKIntelP o05498 (9 March 1998)

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