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United Kingdom Cases

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- v - (Eastern : -) [2013] UKFTT RP_CAM_00KG_LSC_2013_0005 (29 July 2013)      -----      - v - (London : s27A LTA 1985) [2014] UKFTT RP_LON_00AU_LSC_2014_0204
- v - (London : s27A LTA 1985) [2014] UKFTT RP_LON_00AZ_LSC_2014_0012      -----      - v - (Northern : -)
- v - (Northern : An      -----      (1) Kiwi Estates
(1) KLM Property      -----      3 Harold Mews,
3 Hatherley Court,      -----      8 Youngswood Copse,
8-18 Updown Hill,      -----      16 Meads Street,
16 Millfield Park,      -----      25-46 Deanswood, London,
25A & 25      -----      39 Holborn Road,
39 Kingfisher Court,      -----      59 Newton Gardens, Great Barr, Birmingham, B43 5DY (Leasehold disputes (management) - Service charges) [2019] UKFTT RP_IR_00CS_LIS_2018_0020
59 Newton Gardens, Great Barr, Birmingham, B43 5DY (Leasehold disputes (management) - Service charges) [2019] UKFTT RP_IR_00CS_LIS_2018_0068      -----      101-2002 Raphael House,
101b St. Johns      -----      357-361 Harrow Road,
360 zebra (Trade      -----      [1998] UKSSCSC CI_624_1998
[1998] UKSSCSC CI_1698_1997      -----      [2002] UKSSCSC CIB_1664_2002
[2002] UKSSCSC CIB_1745_2002      -----      [2004] UKSSCSC CIB_790_2004
[2004] UKSSCSC CIB_805_2004      -----      [2006] UKSSCSC CTC_643_2005
[2006] UKSSCSC CTC_1594_2006      -----      [2009] UKUT 48
[2009] UKUT 49      -----      9574565 Canada Inc
A (To view the items beginning with A: first select a range here)
A & A      -----      AA v First-tier
AA (HC395 para      -----      AA006232011 (unreported) [2011]
AA006262016 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      AA013752009 (unreported) [2009]
AA013752014 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      AA021242015 [2018] UKAITUR
AA021252008 (unreported) [2009]      -----      AA028972015 [2016] UKAITUR
AA02902 (unreported) [2007]      -----      AA036392005 (unreported) [2005]
AA036392011 (unreported) [2012]      -----      AA044382005 (unreported) [2009]
AA044382006 (unreported) [2007]      -----      AA051332011 (unreported) [2012]
AA051332014 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      AA058872015 [2016] UKAITUR
AA058922015 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      AA066022007 (unreported) [2008]
AA066072015 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      AA073882006 (unreported) [2007]
AA073892011 (unreported) [2012]      -----      AA080702012 ors (unreported)
AA080752008 (unreported) [2009]      -----      AA088412008 (unreported) [2010]
AA08847-2006 & Chipanga      -----      AA096952009 (unreported) [2010]
AA096962008 [2013] UKAITUR      -----      AA104882014 [2015] UKAITUR
AA104902005 (unreported) [2007]      -----      AA113552014 [2015] UKAITUR
AA113572010 (unreported) [2011]      -----      AA12677-2006 (unreported) [2007]
AA126782009 (unreported) [2011]      -----      AA-14702-2005 (unreported) [2007]
AA147042010 (unreported) [2011]      -----      Abdool Hye v
Abdool Latiff v      -----      Addenbrooke v Princess
Adderley Primary School      -----      Agri-Food and Biosciences
AGRIFORCE (Trade Mark:      -----      Al Jedda v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2008] UKSIAC 66/2008
Al Jedda v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2008] UKSIAC 66/08      -----      Ali v Best
Ali v Birmingham      -----      Amalgamated Metal Corporation
Amalgamated Society of      -----      Anduril (Trade Mark:
Andy Dossett v      -----      Applied Minds Inc
Applied Nutrition Ltd      -----      Arrowsmith v. Nottingham
Arroyo-Valencia v. Homebase      -----      AS019382004 (unreported) [2004]
AS019462004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      AS060972003 (unreported) [2004]
AS-06110-2005 (unreported) [2006]      -----      AS144652004 (unreported) [2005]
AS144892004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      AS460422003 (unreported) [2004]
AS460932003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      AS526832003 (unreported) [2004]
AS526942003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      AS574262003 (unreported) [2004]
AS574422003 (unreported) [2005]      -----      Assethold Ltd v Interface
Assethold Ltd v Jonathan      -----      Auto Poz Trans
AUTO� -STOP (Trade      -----      Azzurro (Trade Mark:
B (To view the items beginning with B: first select a range here)
B & Anor      -----      Baker v Revenue
Baker v Secretary      -----      Barking, Havering &
Barking, Havering &      -----      Batili v Revenue
Batley Grammar School      -----      BBC (Other) [2019]
BBC (Other) [2020]      -----      Belhaj & Anor
Belhaj & Ors      -----      Bevington vs Leicester
Bevins v Customs      -----      Birmingham City Council (Local government) [2022] UKICO 109558
Birmingham City Council (Local government) [2022] UKICO 125904      -----      Blue Max Group
Blue Metal Industries      -----      Boswell v The
Boswell Williams v      -----      Breen v Revenue
Breeze Benton Solicitors      -----      Bristol NHS Primary Care Trust (Decision Notice) [2013] UKICO FS50480617
Bristol NHS Primary Care Trust (Decision Notice) [2013] UKICO FS50483036      -----      Brooks v. Commissioner
Brooks v Delta      -----      BULLET ENERGY DRINK
BULLET (Trade Mark:      -----      BZ DR (Risk,
C (To view the items beginning with C: first select a range here)
C & A      -----      Cabinet Office (Central government) [2019] UKICO fs50829656
Cabinet Office (Central government) [2019] UKICO fs50837172      -----      Cabinet Office (Decision Notice) [2014] UKICO FS50510061
Cabinet Office (Decision Notice) [2014] UKICO FS50510754      -----      Camelot Corporation (GB) Ltd v
Camelot Corporation (GB) Ltd v.      -----      Care Quality Commission (Health) [2022] UKICO 154399
Care Quality Commission (Health) [2022] UKICO 166094      -----      Catchpole v Revenue & Customs [2012]
Catchpole v Revenue & Customs (INCOME      -----      CC174352003 (unreported) [2004]
CC175002002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      CC403682003 (unreported) [2004]
CC404252002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      CC577682002 (unreported) [2004]
CC578012002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      Chadwick (as trustee
Chadwick v. Bayer      -----      Chartered Financial Analyst
Chartered Institute of      -----      Chief Adjudication Officer
Chief Azere of      -----      Chowdhury v Bramerton
Chowdhury (Extended family      -----      City of York Council (Local government) [2019] UKICO fs50833295
City of York Council (Local government) [2019] UKICO fs50879913      -----      Cliq Designs Ltd
Clitheroe v Information      -----      Colne Valley Spinning
COLO GATO (Trade      -----      Congden Court Ltd
Congleton Engineering Developments      -----      Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure
Cornes v Revenue      -----      Cozens v Revenue & Customs [2012]
Cozens v Revenue & Customs (EXCISE      -----      Crown Prosecution Service (Police and criminal justice) [2023] UKICO 188204
Crown Prosecution Service (Police and criminal justice) [2023] UKICO 208224      -----      Czarnecka & Ors
Czarnecki v Choice      -----      Czikai v Freemantle
D (To view the items beginning with D: first select a range here)
D v E      -----      DA001782014 [2016] UKAITUR
DA001782015 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      DA004512016 [2017] UKAITUR
DA004512016 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      DA008352013 [2014] UKAITUR
DA008362010 (unreported) [2012]      -----      DA016852013 [2015] UKAITUR
DA016872013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      Daniel B Nielson,
Daniel Cain v      -----      Davies & Ors
Davies v A      -----      Dean v Revenue
Dean Rogers T/a      -----      Department for Communities and Local Government (Central government ) [2014] UKICO FER0525303
Department for Communities and Local Government (Central government ) [2014] UKICO FER0526358      -----      Department for Energy Security & Net Zero (Central government) [2023] UKICO 233018
Department for Energy Security & Net Zero (Central government) [2023] UKICO 235039      -----      Department for Work and Pensions v
Department for Work and Pensions (Central      -----      Department of Health and Social Care (Central government) [2022] UKICO 123331
Department of Health and Social Care (Central government) [2022] UKICO 123460      -----      Deutsche Bahn AG & Ors
Deutsche Bahn AG & Others      -----      DIAMOND (Trade Mark:
DIAMONITE (Trade Mark:      -----      Dolphin Drilling Ltd
Dolphin Drilling Personnel      -----      Dr C Allen-Megahey
Dr C Black      -----      Dr W Williams
Dr Waney Squier      -----      Dunhill v Burgin
DUNHILL RELEASE (Trade      -----      Dzineku-Liggison & Ors,
E (To view the items beginning with E: first select a range here)
E . I      -----      EA014052015 [2017] UKAITUR
EA014162020 [2021] UKAITUR      -----      EA034432016 [2018] UKAITUR
EA034442018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      EA060362016 [2018] UKAITUR
EA060422016 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      EA097672017 [2018] UKAITUR
EA098252016 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      East Cheshire Council,
East Cheshire NHS      -----      ECOO (Trade Mark:
ECOSOLDER SENJU METAL      -----      Ekwelem v Excel
Ekweozoh v London      -----      Employment Rights Advice
Employment Service v      -----      Erre� Sport S.p.A.
Erridge v Revenue      -----      EVONTRUS (Trade Mark:
Evontrus (Trade Mark:      -----      ezyVet (Trade Mark:
F (To view the items beginning with F: first select a range here)
F & Anor,      -----      Favell v Revenue
Favourtech Systems Ltd      -----      Financial Ombudsman Service (Other) [2020] UKICO fs50853126 (27 February 2020)
Financial Ombudsman Service (Other) [2020] UKICO fs50853126 (27 February 2020)      -----      Flanagan v Information
Flanagan v Revenue      -----      Flat 7 Regents
Flat 7 Royal      -----      Flats 1-6, 35
Flats 1-6 46      -----      Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Central government ) [2016] UKICO FS50572414
Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Central government ) [2016] UKICO FS50585337      -----      Fortress Security Contract
Fortress Supported Living      -----      Frognal Estate Finchley
Frognal Estates v      -----      FZ (human rights
G (To view the items beginning with G: first select a range here)
G & A      -----      Gardner Merchant Ltd v.
Gardner Merchant Ltd v      -----      General Medical Council (Health) [2019] UKICO fs50831407
General Medical Council (Health) [2019] UKICO fs50872018      -----      Gibson v East Riding Of
Gibson v East Riding Yorkshire      -----      GLUTALYTE (Trade Mark:
GlycoBioSciences Inc. (Patent)      -----      Goss Graphic Systems
Gossage v Information      -----      Greater London Authority (Local government) [2022] UKICO 110410
Greater London Authority (Local government) [2022] UKICO 202044      -----      Ground Rents (Regis) Ltd v Mr G
Ground Rents (Regis) Ltd v Mr T      -----      GZ v Secretary
H (To view the items beginning with H: first select a range here)
H - D      -----      Halton Borough Council (Local
Halton Borough Council (Monetary      -----      Hare (United Kingdom)
HARE WINES LIMITED      -----      Hastings BC v
Hastings Borough Council      -----      Health Research Authority (Decision Notice) [2014] UKICO FS50517493
Health Research Authority (Decision Notice) [2014] UKICO FS50526958      -----      Herbert Berry Associates
Herbert v Customs      -----      Highways England (Central government ) [2017] UKICO FER0661512
Highways England (Central government ) [2017] UKICO FS50655046      -----      HM Revenue and Customs (Central government) [2020] UKICO fs50790339
HM Revenue and Customs (Central government) [2020] UKICO fs50850981      -----      Holsworthy Ltd v
Holt v Information      -----      Home Office (Central government) [2023] UKICO 237362
Home Office (Central government) [2023] UKICO 237717      -----      Horton v. Sadler
Hortus Blackheath Ltd      -----      HR00421-2004 (unreported) [2006]
HR004222004 (unreported) [2006]      -----      HS v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (ESA)
HS v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (JSA)      -----      HU014562021 [2022] UKAITUR
HU014582015 & Others      -----      HU029852020 [2021] UKAITUR
HU029912019 [2020] UKAITUR      -----      HU044922020 [2022] UKAITUR
HU044972017 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      HU059762020 [2022] UKAITUR
HU059772020 [2021] UKAITUR      -----      HU075512018 [2019] UKAITUR
HU075552020 & HU075572020      -----      HU090762015 [2017] UKAITUR
HU090772017 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      HU107962016 & HU107992016 [2018]
HU107962016 & HU107992016 [2019]      -----      HU124342016 [2018] UKAITUR
HU124382018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      HU142852016 [2018] UKAITUR
HU142902017 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      HU165542016 [2018] UKAITUR
HU165562016 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      HU190042019 & HU190062019
HU190092019 [2021] UKAITUR      -----      HU228782016 [2018] UKAITUR
HU228882018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      Hughes v. Archers
Hughes v Argos      -----      HX000932004 (unreported) [2005]
HX000972002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX023112005 (unreported) [2005]
HX023142004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      HX050232004 (unreported) [2005]
HX050262003 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX085812004 (unreported) [2005]
HX085982002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX119032004 (unreported) [2005]
HX119042003 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX156652003 (unreported) [2003]
HX156772004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      HX194762002 (unreported) [2004]
HX194902003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX234302002 (unreported) [2003]
HX234312003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX275012003 (unreported) [2005]
HX275022003 (unreported) [2005]      -----      HX313062003 (unreported) [2006]
HX313162003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX350792001 (unreported) [2003]
HX350812002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX390412002 (unreported) [2003]
HX390412002 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX426642002 (unreported) [2003]
HX426682002 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX466052001 (unreported) [2003]
HX466142003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX501432003 (unreported) [2005]
HX501472002 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX527982003 (unreported) [2005]
HX527992003 (unreported) [2005]      -----      HX556362003 (unreported) [2005]
HX556382003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX584852003 (unreported) [2004]
HX584942002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX615042003 (unreported) [2005]
HX615142002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX646132002 (unreported) [2003]
HX646132003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX698162002 (unreported) [2004]
HX698292002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      Hyman v Customs
Hyman v. Hackney      -----      HZ470802001 (unreported) [2004]
I (To view the items beginning with I: first select a range here)
I (A Child),      -----      IA005922013 [2013] UKAITUR
IA005922014 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      IA014192012 [2014] UKAITUR
IA014202012 (unreported) [2012]      -----      IA022702015 [2016] UKAITUR
IA022732007 (unreported) [2007]      -----      IA0314306 (unreported) [2007]
IA031452008 (unreported) [2008]      -----      IA042502021 [2022] UKAITUR
IA042512009 (unreported) [2009]      -----      IA053852012 (unreported) [2012]
IA053862009 & IA053932009      -----      IA064932007-V2 (unreported) [2007]
IA064942006 (unreported) [2007]      -----      IA076042014 [2014] UKAITUR
IA076052007 (unreported) [2008]      -----      IA087802014 [2015] UKAITUR
IA087812008 (unreported) [2009]      -----      IA099662012 (unreported) [2013]
IA099682014 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      IA111852006 (unreported) [2007]
IA111882012 (unreported) [2013]      -----      IA124822006 (unreported) [2007]
IA124862007 (unreported) [2008]      -----      IA137992013 & IA138052013
IA138012009 (unreported) [2010]      -----      IA149722015 [2017] UKAITUR
IA149742011 (unreported) [2011]      -----      IA163232007 (unreported) [2008]
IA163252014 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      IA177382015 [2018] UKAITUR
IA177412009 (unreported) [2010]      -----      IA191112012 (unreported) [2013]
IA191142008 (unreported) [2009]      -----      IA205772010 (unreported) [2010]
IA205802013 & ors      -----      IA219752012 & IA219792012
IA219752012 IA219792012 (unreported)      -----      IA235332012 [2013] UKAITUR
IA235362012 IA235382012 (unreported)      -----      IA252222014 [2015] UKAITUR
IA252262014 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      IA269462011 & IA269932011
IA269482012 [2013] UKAITUR      -----      IA287152014 [2016] UKAITUR
IA287192014 & ors      -----      IA305312010 (unreported) [2011]
IA305502015 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      IA326142011 (unreported) [2012]
IA326192011 (unreported) [2012]      -----      IA343012009 (unreported) [2010]
IA343032009 (unreported) [2011]      -----      IA363642013 & IA363762013
IA363642014 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      IA392122014 [2016] UKAITUR
IA392192014 & IA005022015      -----      IA425122013 [2014] UKAITUR
IA425182014 & Ors.      -----      IA460312014 & Ors.
IA460322014 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      IA500462013 [2014] UKAITUR
IA500602013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      ICP (Trade Mark:
icr Internet Changeback      -----      IM062182004 (unreported) [2005]
IM062252006 (unreported) [2007]      -----      IM204182005 (unreported) [2006]
im20424-2004 (unreported) [2006]      -----      IN THE PINK (Trade Mark: Opposition) [2008] UKIntelP o13508
IN THE PINK (Trade Mark: Opposition) [2008] UKIntelP o20108      -----      Inland Revenue v
Inland Revenue v.      -----      Irwin Industrial Tool
IRWIN'S SOFTEE (Trade      -----      Izzet v Revenue
J (To view the items beginning with J: first select a range here)
J & A      -----      Jaguar Land Rover Limited v Big Marketing (Full
Jaguar Land Rover Limited v Big Marketing Limited      -----      Janet Card v
Janet Dedman v      -----      JINI (Trade Mark: Opposition) [2001] UKIntelP o13701
JINI (Trade Mark: Opposition) [2001] UKIntelP o13801      -----      John Livingstone Mitchell,
John v London      -----      Jones v. Northbrook
Jones v Northumberland      -----      JTI POLSKA Sp.
JTL v Secretary      -----      JZ (Procedure, Adjudicators,
K (To view the items beginning with K: first select a range here)
K & K      -----      Kathleen Molly Stuart
Kathri Arachige Don      -----      Kent v Information
Kent Management Services      -----      KILLERCHORUS (Trade Mark:
Killik & Co      -----      Kleinwort Benson Ltd
Kleinwort Cohen and      -----      Kumar Singh Chhajor
Kumar Tarakeswar Roy      -----      KZ v The
L (To view the items beginning with L: first select a range here)
L & B      -----      Lambeth London Borough Council (Local government) [2020] UKICO fs50867388
Lambeth London Borough Council (Local government) [2020] UKICO fs50882456      -----      Lavery v Inspector
Lavety v Lanarkshire      -----      Legal Services Agency Northern Ireland (Other) [2021]
Legal Services Agency Northern Ireland (Other) [2022]      -----      LG Electronics Inc
LG ELECTRONICS INC      -----      Little Fish Packaging
LITTLE GENIUS (Trade      -----      LOM Management Ltd
Lomas (Scaffolding) v.      -----      London Borough Of Hillingdon v Morgan
London Borough Of Hillingdon v Scott      -----      London Sephardi Trust
London Signs Ltd      -----      LS (EEA Regulations
LS Express Ltd      -----      LZ (homosexuals) Zimbabwe
M (To view the items beginning with M: first select a range here)
M & Anor      -----      MacKenzie v Burnley
Mackenzie v. Dunlop      -----      Majestic Wine Warehouse
Majestic-12 Ltd Alex      -----      Marble Imports Ltd
Marble Wood Ltd      -----      Martin Fallon and
Martin Farrell v      -----      Maxwell v Revenue
Maxwell v Southport      -----      McKee v Revenue & Customs (INCOME
McKee v Revenue & Customs [2014]      -----      Meena Seddon Settlement
Meenakshi Naidoo v      -----      Meteor Capital Group
Meter Sport Ltd      -----      Michael B. Marcus
Michael Barnbrook v      -----      Miller v. Lambeth
Miller Ltd v      -----      Ministry Of Defence
Ministry of Defence      -----      Ministry of Justice (Decision Notice) [2009] UKICO FS50145474
Ministry of Justice (Decision Notice) [2009] UKICO FS50155363      -----      Miss A Gangat
Miss A Gates      -----      Miss A Townson
Miss A Trala      -----      Miss C Dyer v Royal
Miss C Dyer v University      -----      Miss C Williams v John
Miss C Williams v Midlands      -----      Miss E Carvalho
Miss E Cavananagh      -----      Miss F Simeon
Miss F Siphuma      -----      Miss H Walker
Miss H Walsh      -----      Miss J Lievesley
Miss J Limer      -----      Miss K Dobler
Miss K Doolin      -----      Miss Kendra Longthorne
Miss V Keri-Nagy      -----      Miss L Reynolds v Premier
Miss L Reynolds v South      -----      Miss M Jeffries
Miss M Johnson      -----      Miss N Francis
Miss N Fraser      -----      Miss P Powell v Mr
Miss P Powell v Sodexo      -----      Miss RJ Procinski
Miss RL Harper      -----      Miss S Krysta
Miss S Kumari      -----      Miss T Beardsley
Miss T Beattie      -----      Mitchell v Information
Mitchell v Registrar      -----      Molson's Bank v
Molyneux v Revenue      -----      Morton I Hyson
Morton v Information      -----      Mr A Awan
Mr A Ayannuga      -----      Mr A Daly
Mr A Daly-Carr      -----      Mr A Harman
Mr A Haroon      -----      Mr A Langdale
Mr A Langerveld      -----      Mr A Oguntokun
Mr A Ojese      -----      Mr A Sikora
Mr A Silva      -----      Mr A Wooltorton
Mr A Worley      -----      Mr B Cuthbert
Mr B Czarnecki      -----      Mr B Rai
Mr B Ramburn      -----      Mr C Bramly
Mr C Brand      -----      Mr C Htwe
Mr C Huggett      -----      Mr C Pearce v Assist
Mr C Pearce v JB      -----      Mr C Wint
Mr C Witheridge      -----      Mr D Burney
Mr D Burns      -----      Mr D Gray v Serco
Mr D Gray v Supreme      -----      Mr D Lipinski
Mr D Lisle      -----      Mr D Pickering
Mr D Pickford      -----      Mr D Turner v Derby
Mr D Turner v Lothian      -----      Mr E Enwezoh
Mr E Evans      -----      Mr F Fonche
Mr F Founcher      -----      Mr G Conti
Mr G Cook      -----      Mr G Marsden
Mr G Marshall      -----      Mr G Wadhwani
Mr G Wake      -----      Mr H Singh v AF
Mr H Singh v B      -----      Mr I McClure
Mr I McConchie      -----      Mr J Bennetts
Mr J Benoit      -----      Mr J Dorta
Mr J Dougherty      -----      Mr J Hibberd
Mr J Hibbert      -----      Mr J Marsden
Mr J Marshall      -----      Mr J Pottinger
Mr J Poulten      -----      Mr J Thomson
Mr J Thorgood      -----      Mr K Abayomi
Mr K Abbott      -----      Mr K J Foulger
Mr K J Haynes      -----      Mr K Spence
Mr K Spencer      -----      Mr L Edwards
Mr L Eghan      -----      Mr L Singh v Halton Borough Council (England and Wales : Disability
Mr L Singh v Halton Borough Council (England and Wales : Unlawful      -----      Mr M Bartlett
Mr M Bartley      -----      Mr M Davis v P2CG Ltd (England and Wales : Disability Discrimination) [2022]
Mr M Davis v P2CG Ltd (England and Wales : Disability Discrimination) [2024]      -----      Mr M Hayward v Noel
Mr M Hayward v Press      -----      Mr M Lees
Mr M Legezynski      -----      Mr M Patel v Shree
Mr M Patel v Techlogic-UK.Com      -----      Mr M Spasov v SSQC
Mr M Spasov v Uban      -----      Mr Malcolm Telford
Mr Mallakin v      -----      Mr N Evans v FSS
Mr N Evans v Openreach      -----      Mr N Smith Hill
Mr N Smith v      -----      Mr O Sadique
Mr O Samms      -----      Mr P Davies
Mr P Davy      -----      Mr P Kujawa
Mr P Kumar      -----      Mr P Singh
Mr P Siviter      -----      Mr Q Pa
Mr Q Qu      -----      Mr R Dengler
Mr R Denham      -----      Mr R Kosinski v CDW
Mr R Kosinski v Unipart      -----      Mr R Riley v Kumala
Mr R Riley v Mills      -----      Mr Raymond De
Mr Raymond Levy      -----      Mr S Brooke
Mr S Brooker      -----      Mr S Gaskell v TOTO Energy Ltd (England and Wales : Breach of Contract) [2019] UKET 2300225/2019
Mr S Gaskell v TOTO Energy Ltd (England and Wales : Breach of Contract) [2019] UKET 2402492/2019      -----      Mr S Kilheeney
Mr S Kilner      -----      Mr S Osborne v Broad
Mr S Osborne v Health      -----      Mr S Sullivan
Mr S Summerbee      -----      Mr T &
Mr T A      -----      Mr T Kousar
Mr T Kousouris      -----      Mr Tim Brown
Mr Tim Newark      -----      Mr W Santos
Mr W Saunders      -----      Mrs A Birkin
Mrs A Blaikie      -----      Mrs A Patel v Asda
Mrs A Patel v B&Q      -----      Mrs B Skarbeck
Mrs B Smith      -----      Mrs C Middleton
Mrs C Mills      -----      Mrs D Harris
Mrs D Harrison      -----      Mrs E King v HM Revenue and Customs and
Mrs E King v HM Revenue and Customs (England      -----      Mrs G Mole
Mrs G Moradi      -----      Mrs I Motion
Mrs I Mottram      -----      Mrs J Johnson
Mrs J Johnstone      -----      Mrs J Wendon
Mrs J Westcott      -----      Mrs K Metcalf
Mrs K Mexson      -----      Mrs L Hall
Mrs L Hancock      -----      Mrs Lisa Hicks
Mrs Lisa Hobson      -----      Mrs M McCullough
Mrs M McDonald      -----      Mrs N Halstead
Mrs N Hanks      -----      Mrs P Wittig
Mrs P Woodward      -----      Mrs S Bates v Chesterfield
Mrs S Bates v Hull      -----      Mrs S Marriott
Mrs S Marshall      -----      Mrs T Barnett
Mrs V T      -----      Mrs Z Pasternak
Mrs Z Pearson      -----      Ms A McDonald and
Ms A McDonald v      -----      Ms B M
Ms B Macedo      -----      Ms C Morel
Ms C Morris      -----      Ms D McGowan
Ms D McQuade      -----      Ms E Salihou
Ms E Schroeder      -----      Ms H Cameron
Ms H Carrigan      -----      Ms J Copeland
Ms J Corbett      -----      Ms J Sutton
Ms J Swarbrick      -----      Ms K Sawyer
Ms K Scattergood      -----      Ms L Neil
Ms L Newton      -----      Ms M Ivanova
Ms M Iveson      -----      Ms MD Reid
Ms ME Benson      -----      Ms P L Rickman
Ms P L Tann      -----      Ms S A Bumford
Ms S A Jackson      -----      Ms S Leon
Ms S Leonard      -----      Ms Swieca v
Ms V Swift      -----      Ms Z Rainsford
Ms Z Rashid      -----      MUSEUM SELECTION (Trade
Musgrave Limited v      -----      MZ v SSWP
N (To view the items beginning with N: first select a range here)
N & M      -----      National Audit Office (Decision Notice) [2011]
National Audit Office (Decision Notice) [2013]      -----      Neighbour v The
Neil Andrew Smith      -----      Newton v. United Bristol Healthcare NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 1169_99_1401
Newton v. United Bristol Healthcare NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 1169_99_2911      -----      Nicholas Low v
Nicholas Must v      -----      Norfolk Premier Coachworks
Norford v Secretary      -----      Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service (Police and criminal justice) [2019]
Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service (Police and criminal justice) [2022]      -----      NSM Music Ltd v. Leefe [2005]
NSM Music Ltd v. Leefe [2006]      -----      NZXT (Trade Mark:
O (To view the items beginning with O: first select a range here)
O & A      -----      OA021882013 & ors
OA021882013 & Ors.      -----      OA047302014 [2016] UKAITUR
OA047442014 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      OA073322007 (unreported) [2008]
OA073432007 (unreported) [2007]      -----      OA100502012 OA100522012 (unreported)
OA100522011 & ors      -----      OA130492007 (unreported) [2008]
OA130722008 (unreported) [2009]      -----      OA163752011 [2015] UKAITUR
OA163752011 (unreported) [2013]      -----      OA199842013 [2015] UKAITUR
OA199872010 (unreported) [2011]      -----      OA242562010 (unreported) [2011]
OA242572009 (unreported) [2011]      -----      OA307672009 (unreported) [2010]
OA307852007 (unreported) [2009]      -----      OA417212009 (unreported) [2010]
OA417252009 (unreported) [2010]      -----      OA537312008 (unreported) [2009]
OA537522006 (unreported) [2007]      -----      OA707422008 (unreported) [2009]
OA707842008 (unreported) [2009]      -----      Office for National Statistics (Decision Notice) [2013] UKICO FS50482733
Office for National Statistics (Decision Notice) [2013] UKICO FS50490290      -----      Olham Community Leisure
OLI X OLIVER      -----      Orbit Group Limited
Orbit Housing Association      -----      Oxford University Hospitals
Oxford University NHS      -----      Ozsanlav v. Swift
P (To view the items beginning with P: first select a range here)
P & A      -----      PA004742018 [2018] UKAITUR
PA004752018 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      PA012342019 & PA012352019
PA012362020 [2020] UKAITUR      -----      PA020392019 [2020] UKAITUR
PA020422018 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      PA028412017 [2018] UKAITUR
PA028412020 [2021] UKAITUR      -----      PA036562017 [2018] UKAITUR
PA036572015 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      PA045882016 [2018] UKAITUR
PA045882018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      PA055792016 [2018] UKAITUR
PA055852017 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      PA066892018 [2019] UKAITUR
PA066902017 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      PA076482016 [2017] UKAITUR
PA076492016 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      PA085832019 [2020] UKAITUR
PA085832019 [2022] UKAITUR      -----      PA095842016 [2017] UKAITUR
PA095892019 [2023] UKAITUR      -----      PA106422018 [2019] UKAITUR
PA106432016 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      PA116912019 [2022] UKAITUR
PA116932016 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      PA127082019 [2021] UKAITUR
PA127102019 [2021] UKAITUR      -----      PA140962016 [2017] UKAITUR
PA141002018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      Parking and Traffic
Parkins v. Optimum      -----      Paul Sanderson ((Housing)
Paul Simons v      -----      Perfect Glazing Ltd
Perfect Match (Trade      -----      Phillips & Ors
Phillips and Another      -----      Platt v. ABB Instrumentation Ltd [2000]
Platt v. ABB Instrumentation Ltd (Formerly      -----      Porter and Co
Porter v. Campbell's      -----      Prestige Stairlifts Ltd
PRESTOELLE (Trade Mark:      -----      Public Health England (Health) [2018] UKICO fs50715751
Public Health England (Health) [2018] UKICO fs50719621      -----      PZD (Trade Mark:
Q (To view the items beginning with Q: first select a range here)
Q and Q      -----      Q-ZAR (Trade Mark:
R (To view the items beginning with R: first select a range here)
R . A      -----      Rai Bhaiya Dirgaj
Rai Bishen Chand      -----      Ramkishore and others
Ramkissoon v. Brompton      -----      Reading Borough Council v Miss
Reading Borough Council v Singfield      -----      Relkobrook Ltd v
RELOADED (Trade Mark:      -----      Revenue and Customs
Revenue And Customs      -----      RISEFAR (Trade Mark:
Risktop Consulting Ltd      -----      Robertson v Hill
Robertson v. Hymers      -----      Rosenthaula Ltd Trading
Roset (UK) Ltd      -----      Royal Brunei Airlines
Royal Caspian (Trade      -----      RT v ISA
RT (medical reports,      -----      RZ (Eurodac, fingerprint
S (To view the items beginning with S: first select a range here)
S v Information      -----      Sainsbury-�s Supermarkets Ltd
Sainsbury�s Supermarkets Ltd      -----      Sardar Autar Singh
Sardar Ganpat Rao      -----      Scott Paper (UK)
Scott v Paquet      -----      Secretary of State for Work and Pensions &
Secretary of State for Work and Pensions [2009]      -----      Serco Ltd v
Serco Ltd (t/a      -----      Shaw v Benton
Shaw v B&W      -----      Shrimant Lakhamgowda Basavaprabhu
Shrimant Raje Bahadur      -----      Singh v Revenue & Customs [2011]
Singh v Revenue & Customs [2013]      -----      SL (Trade Mark:
SL (Unmarried mother      -----      Snell v Revenue
Snell v. St      -----      South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (Decision Notice) [2013] UKICO FS50477500
South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (Decision Notice) [2013] UKICO FS50491020      -----      Sovereign House Association
Sovereign Housing Association      -----      Sri Sri Iswari
Sri Sri Maharajah      -----      Staffordshire Police (Police and criminal justice) [2022] UKICO ic-114779
Staffordshire Police (Police and criminal justice) [2022] UKICO ic-116232      -----      Sterry v Trent
Sterte Garage Ltd      -----      Stuckey v Daido
Studd v. Cook      -----      Susan Grant v
Susan Israell and      -----      Sylvia Rushbrooke v
Symantec Corporation, David      -----      Szymusik v Revenue
T (To view the items beginning with T: first select a range here)
T v Royal      -----      Taunton Deane Borough Council (Local government (Borough council)) [2015] UKICO FER0573719
Taunton Deane Borough Council (Local government (Borough council)) [2015] UKICO FS50554597      -----      Terence McClatchey v
Terence Smyth and      -----      TH053572003 (unreported) [2004]
TH054032004 (unreported) [2006]      -----      TH436692003 (unreported) [2004]
TH436752003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      Thakral, R (on
Thakrar (Cart JR,      -----      The Bazeley Partnership
The Beach Hut      -----      The Commissioners For HM Revenue And Customs v Mr Michael
The Commissioners For HM Revenue And Customs v Mr Tyler      -----      The Grand Trunk Company
The Grand Trunk Railway      -----      The Mayor and Corporation
The Mayor and Council      -----      The Queen v
The Queen (by      -----      The Tower, 55
THE TOWER ONE      -----      Thomas Swan Company
Thomas (t/a Abacus      -----      TJR SCAFFOLDING LTD
TJ�s Caf� v      -----      Trace Debt Recovery
Tracey Holden v      -----      Tripp Lite (Trade
TRIPP TRAPP (Trade      -----      Tzu-Tsai Cheng v.
U (To view the items beginning with U: first select a range here)
U & Ors      -----      UI2022002832 [2024] UKAITUR
UI2022002833 [2024] UKAITUR      -----      UI2022006011 [2023] UKAITUR
UI2022006015 [2023] UKAITUR      -----      UI2023001022 & UI2023001023
UI2023001025 [2023] UKAITUR      -----      UI2023002799 [2024] UKAITUR
UI2023002801 [2023] UKAITUR      -----      UI2023004579 [2023] UKAITUR
UI2023004581 [2023] UKAITUR      -----      UI2024000485 [2024] UKAITUR
UI2024000490 [2024] UKAITUR      -----      UI2024002494 [2025] UKAITUR
UI2024002495 [2024] UKAITUR      -----      UK Health Security
UK Hotels Ltd      -----      University of Birmingham (Education) [2023] UKICO 229219
University of Birmingham (Education) [2023] UKICO 260087      -----      URAL (Trade Mark:
URALMOTO (Trade Mark:      -----      Uzzaman v The
V (To view the items beginning with V: first select a range here)
V & J      -----      VA089932010 (unreported) [2011]
VA089942010 (unreported) [2010]      -----      va229842007 (unreported) [2008]
VA230142011 (unreported) [2012]      -----      VA457712009 (unreported) [2010]
VA458292011 & ors      -----      Various at the
Various blocks at      -----      Vilnir Limited v
Vimalanathan v. Thomas      -----      VV011302003 (unreported) [2004]
VV011602004 (unreported) [2004]      -----      VV089302004 (unreported) [2005]
VV089472003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      Vytia Sitanna v
W (To view the items beginning with W: first select a range here)
W v Interserve      -----      Wandsworth Council (Decision Notice) [2012] UKICO FS50435916
Wandsworth Council (Decision Notice) [2012] UKICO FS50435920      -----      WE CREATE SPACE
We Fight Any      -----      West Mercia Police (Police and criminal justice) [2018]
West Mercia Police (Police and criminal justice) [2023]      -----      Which? Ltd v
Which menu (Trade      -----      William Douglas, Esq.
William Douglas Lysnar      -----      Wilmot v Revenue
Wilmslow Audio Ltd      -----      WMS Gaming Inc. (Patent) [2009]
WMS Gaming Inc. (Patent) [2013]      -----      Wright v David
Wright v HMRC      -----      Wytrzyszczewski v British
X (To view the items beginning with X: first select a range here)
X v A      -----      XYZ v Midland
Y (To view the items beginning with Y: first select a range here)
Y & Anor      -----      YZ v Secretary
Z (To view the items beginning with Z: first select a range here)
Z v Y      -----      ZZZZZ (Trade Mark: Opposition) [1998] UKIntelP o05498 (9 March 1998)

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