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Statutes of Northern Ireland

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An Act to consolidate with amendments the enactments relating to the
notification and prevention of certain infectious diseases and to
amend certain enactments relating to public health.
[14th December 1967]


1.(1) Subject to subsection (2), in this Part "notifiable disease"
means a disease specified in Schedule 1.

(2) The Ministry may by order amend Schedule 1 so as to

(a)extend the application of the provisions of this Part which
relate to notifiable diseases by adding, for the purpose of all or
any of those provisions, any other infectious disease,

(b)restrict the application of all or any of those provisions by
excluding, for all or any of the purposes thereof, any disease so

Duty of medical practitioner on diagnosis of notifiable disease.

2.(1) Every medical practitioner attending on a person shall as soon
as he becomes aware, or has reasonable grounds for suspecting, that
that person is suffering from a notifiable disease, send to [the
chief administrative medical officer of the Health and Social
Services Board] for the area in which the examination took place a
certificate stating

(a)the name, age, sex and address of the patient,

(b)the address of the building in which the examination took place,

(c)the notifiable disease from which, in the opinion of the medical
practitioner, the patient is, or may be, suffering.

(2) The provisions of subsection (1) shall not apply where a
medical practitioner diagnoses or suspects the occurrence of a
notifiable disease in the Northern Ireland Fever Hospital or in any
other hospital which the Ministry may designate for the purpose of
this subsection.

(3) Each [Health and Social Services Board] shall supply a
sufficient quantity of forms for the purposes of subsection (1) to
every medical practitioner carrying on practice in their area.

(4) [A Health and Social Services Board] shall pay to a medical
practitioner for each certificate duly sent by him under subsection
(1) such fee as may be prescribed.

Power of resident magistrate to order medical investigation.

3.(1) If a resident magistrate is satisfied, on the evidence of
[the chief administrative medical officer of the Health and Social
Services Board for any area], that

(a)there is reason to believe that some person in that area is, or
has been, suffering from, or is a carrier of, a notifiable disease,

(b)in the interest of that person, or in the interest of his
family, or in the public interest, it is expedient that he should
undergo a medical investigation, and

(c)that person is not under the treatment of a medical practitioner
or that the medical practitioner who is treating him consents to
the making of an order under this section,

(2) Any person who fails to comply with an order made under
subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence under this Part and
shall, until such time as [the chief administrative medical officer
of the Health and Social Services Board] is satisfied that he is
not suffering from a notifiable disease, or, as the case may be,
is not a carrier of such a disease, be deemed

(a)for the purposes of sections 4 and 10, to be suffering, and to
know that he is suffering, from a notifiable disease, and

(b)for the purposes of sections 4 to 15, to be a carrier of an
infectious disease.

Person suffering from, or carrier of, notifiable disease not to
carry on occupation to danger of others.

4. Any person who, knowing that he is suffering from, or that he
is a carrier of, a notifiable disease, engages in, carries on or
participates to any extent whatever in any trade, business or
occupation which he cannot engage in, carry on or participate in
without risk of spreading the disease shall be guilty of an offence
under this Part.

Power to order child likely to convey notifiable disease not to
attend school.

5.(1) Where a child is or has been suffering from, or is or has
been exposed to the infection of, a notifiable disease, [the chief
administrative medical officer of the Health and Social Services
Board] for the area in which the child resides or attends school
may, for the purpose of preventing the spread of the disease, serve
a notice on the person having the care of that child directing
that, for such period as may be specified in the notice, the child
shall not attend school.

(2) Any person who permits a child to attend school in
contravention of a notice served on him under subsection (1) shall
be guilty of an offence under this Part.

Power to prohibit certain work on premises where notifiable disease

6.(1) Where a notifiable disease occurs on any premises, [the Health
and Social Services Board] may, whether the person suffering from
the disease has been removed from the premises or not, by notice
prohibit any work to which this section applies from being given
out to any person living or working on those premises, or on such
part thereof as may be specified in the notice.

(2) A notice under this section may be expressed to operate for a
specified time or until the premises to which it relates or any
part thereof specified in the notice have been disinfected to the
satisfaction of [the chief administrative medical officer of the
Health and Social Services Board], or may be expressed to be
inoperative so long as any other reasonable precautions specified in
the notice are taken.

(3) A notice under this section shall be served on the occupier of
any factory or other place from which work is given out, and on
any agent or independent contractor employed or engaged by any such

(4) If any occupier, agent or independent contractor on whom a
notice under this section has been served fails to comply with the
requirements of the notice, he shall be guilty of an offence under
this Part.

(5) The work to which this section applies is the making, cleaning,
washing, altering, ornamenting, finishing or repairing of wearing
apparel, bed clothing, handkerchiefs and napery and any work
incidental thereto, and to such other classes of work as the
Ministry may prescribe.

Restriction on sending articles exposed to infection by notifiable
disease to laundry etc.

7.(1) No person shall send, cause to be sent, or take to any
laundry or public wash-house for the purpose of being washed,
cleaned or dyed any article which he knows to have been exposed to
infection from a notifiable disease unless

(a)the article has been disinfected by, or to the satisfaction of,
[the chief administrative medical officer of a Health and Social
Services Board] or some other medical practitioner, or

(b)the article is sent or taken with proper precautions for the
purpose of disinfection to a laundry, which has proper facilities
for the disinfection thereof, and is accompanied by a written
notification that it has been exposed to infection.

(2) [The Health and Social Services Board] may pay the expenses of
the disinfection of any such article as aforesaid if carried out by
them or under their direction.

(3) The occupier of any building in which a person is suffering
from a notifiable disease shall, if required by [the chief
administrative medical officer of the Health and Social Services
Board] for the area, furnish to him the address of any laundry,
wash-house or other place to which articles from the building have
been, or will be, sent or taken during the continuance of the

(4) Any person who contravenes any provision of this section shall
be guilty of an offence under this Part.

(5) In this section "laundry" includes any premises in which a
business performing any of the functions or providing any of the
facilities of a laundry, dry or wet cleaners or dyers is carried
on, whether or not the operations therein are performed by the

Provisions as to library books.

8.(1) Where [the chief administrative medical officer of a Health
and Social Services Board] has reason to believe that a person is
suffering from a notifiable disease he may by notice in writing

(a)that person not to take, cause to be taken for his use, or
use, any book taken from a library; or

(b)that person not to return or cause to be returned to any
library any book which has been exposed to infection from such a
disease while under his control; or

(c)any person not to deliver to the person suffering from the
notifiable disease any book which has been or may be taken from
any library; or

(d)any person not to return to any library any book which he knows
to have been in contact with a person suffering from a notifiable

(2) Any person who acts in contravention of a notice under
subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence under this Part.

(3) Where [a Health and Social Services Board] is aware that a
book in, or taken from, a library has been exposed to infection
from a notifiable disease, they may disinfect the book and return
it to the library, or cause it to be disinfected and so returned,
or destroy it.

(4) [A Health and Social Services Board] may pay compensation to
the proprietors of a library who have suffered loss by reason of
any action taken under subsection (3).

(5) Where a person acts in contravention of a notice under
subsection (1), [the Health and Social Services Board] may recover
summarily from that person

(a)the cost of any action taken under subsection (3), and

(b)the amount of any compensation paid under subsection (4),

Person ceasing to occupy house or caravan after recent case of
notifiable disease to disinfect same or notify owner.


9.(1) Any person who ceases to occupy a house or caravan in which
to his knowledge a person has, within the previous six weeks been
suffering from a notifiable disease, shall either

(a)have the house or caravan, and all articles therein liable to
retain infection, disinfected to the satisfaction of [the chief
administrative medical officer of a Health and Social Services Board]
or some other medical practitioner; or

(b)give notice to the owner of the house or caravan of the
previous existence of the disease,

(2) [The Health and Social Services Board] shall give notice of the
provisions of this section to the occupier and also to the owner
of any house or caravan in which they are aware that there is a
person suffering from a notifiable disease, so however that failure
to give such notice shall not constitute a defence to any
proceedings in respect of a contravention of subsection (1).

Provisions as to the letting of houses or caravans or rooms in
hotels etc., after recent case of notifiable disease.

10.(1) Any person who, whether as principal or agent, lets a house
or caravan in which to his knowledge there has been, within the
previous six weeks, a person suffering from a notifiable disease
without first having, to the satisfaction of [the chief
administrative medical officer of a Health and Social Services Board]
or of some other medical practitioner, disinfected the house or
caravan and all articles therein liable to retain infection, shall
be guilty of an offence under this Part.

(2) The keeper of an hotel, inn, guest house, boarding house or
apartment house who allows a room therein in which any person has
to his knowledge been suffering from a notifiable disease to be
occupied by any other person before the room and all articles
therein liable to retain infection have been disinfected to the
satisfaction of [the chief administrative medical officer of a Health
and Social Services Board] or of some other medical practitioner,
shall be guilty of an offence.

Prohibition on persons coming in contact with body of person dying
from notifiable disease.

11.(1) No person shall, without the consent of [the chief
administrative medical officer of a Health and Social Services Board]
or of some other medical practitioner, enter or remain in any room
in which is lying the body of a person who has died while
suffering from a notifiable disease, nor shall the occupier of any
premises in which any such body is lying permit any person to
enter or remain in such room without such consent.

(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of subsection (1)
shall be guilty of an offence under this Part.

Restriction on removal of body of person dying in hospital from
notifiable disease.

12.(1) Where [the chief administrative medical officer of a Health
and Social Services Board], or some other medical practitioner,
certifies that in his opinion it is necessary, in order to prevent
the spread of infection, that the body of a person who has died
in a hospital while suffering from a notifiable disease should not
be removed from the hospital except for the purpose of being taken
direct to a mortuary or being forthwith buried or cremated, it
shall not be lawful for any person to remove the body from the
hospital, except for such a purpose.

(2) In any such case as aforesaid, when the body is removed for
the purpose of burial or cremation from the hospital or is removed
from any mortuary to which it has been taken, it shall forthwith
be taken direct to some place of burial or cremation, and there
buried or cremated.

(3) Any person who contravenes the provisions of this section shall
be guilty of an offence under this Part.

Power of Ministry to make regulations as to disposal of dead bodies
of persons who die from notifiable disease.

13. The Ministry may make regulations prescribing all or any of the

(a) conditions and restrictions with respect to means of disposal
otherwise than by burial or cremation of the dead bodies of persons
who die from a notifiable disease;

(b)the maximum period of time such bodies may be kept on any

(c)conditions, restrictions or prohibitions on embalming or preserving
such bodies.

Power of resident magistrate to order dead body to be removed to
mortuary or buried forthwith.

14.(1) If a resident magistrate is satisfied, on a certificate of
[the chief administrative medical officer of a Health and Social
Services Board], or on a certificate of some other medical
practitioner, that the retention of a dead body in any building
would endanger the health of persons residing in or resorting to
that building or any adjoining or neighbouring building, the
magistrate may order that the body be removed to a mortuary, and
that arrangements be made to bury it within a time limited by the
order, or, if the magistrate considers immediate burial necessary,

(2) An order under subsection (1) shall be served on such relative
of the deceased as the resident magistrate may direct, or if it
appears that that deceased did not have any relative upon whom the
order might be served, on [the Health and Social Services Board]
for the area, so however that failure to serve an order shall not
constitute a defence to an action for the recovery of expenses
under subsection (4).

(3) Immediate cremation of a body or its cremation within the time
limited for the burial of the body by an order under subsection
(1), shall be a sufficient compliance with such an order.

(4) [The Health and Social Services Board] shall, where

(a)an order under subsection (1) has been served on a relative of
the deceased and that relative has failed to comply with the order,

(b)the order has been served on them,

Power to require person in contact with infectious disease to
discontinue employment and compensation therefor.


15.(1) If any person is a carrier of, or has been exposed to the
risk of infection from, an infectious disease, [the chief
administrative medical officer of a Health and Social Services Board]
may, for the purpose of preventing the spread of the disease,

(a)request the person forthwith to discontinue any trade, business or
occupation in which he is engaged; and

(b)if that request is not complied with, serve on the person a
notice in writing requiring him so to discontinue his trade,
business or occupation.

(2) If a notice served under subsection (1)(b) is not complied
with, [the chief administrative medical officer of the Health and
Social Services Board] may apply to a resident magistrate for an
order requiring the person upon whom the notice was served to
discontinue forthwith any trade, business or occupation in which he
is engaged.

(3) An order made under subsection (2) shall continue in force
indefinitely or until a date expressed in the order, so, however,
that a resident magistrate may at any time revoke the order on the
application of [the chief administrative medical officer of the
Health and Social Services Board] or the person affected by the

(4) Where a person discontinues a trade, business or occupation in
compliance with a request made or notice served under subsection (1)
or an order made under subsection (2), [the Health and Social
Services Board] shall pay him compensation for any pecuniary loss
suffered by him by reason of such compliance.

(5) Where a request is made or where a notice is served under
subsection (1) on a person by reason of the fact that he is
deemed under section 3(2)(b) to be a carrier of an infectious
disease, subsection (3) shall not apply to that person until he has
complied with the order made under section 3(1) and no compensation
shall be payable to him in respect of any period prior to the
date on which he so complies.

(6) Any question or dispute as to the amount of compensation
payable under subsection (3) may be referred by either party to a
tribunal established under section 13 of the Industrial Training Act
(Northern Ireland) 1964.

Subs.(7) rep. by 1972 NI 14 art.109(3) sch.18

Exclusion of children from places of entertainment or assembly to
prevent spread of infectious disease.

16.(1) For the purpose of preventing the spread of an infectious
disease, [a Health and Social Services Board], acting on the advice
of its [chief administrative medical officer], may by notice prohibit
or restrict the admission of persons under the prescribed age to
any place to which this section applies for such period as is
specified therein, and the notice may contain exemptions from the
prohibitions or restrictions which it imposes, and any such exemption
may be made subject to compliance with such conditions as may be
specified in the notice.

(2) A notice under this section shall be published in one or more
newspapers circulating in the area and in such other manner as [the
Health and Social Services Board] think necessary for bringing it to
the attention of persons affected thereby.

Subs.(3) rep. by 1972 NI 14 art.109(3) sch.18

(4) If the person responsible for the management or control of a
place to which a notice under subsection (1) applies, admits, or
permits the admission of, any person under the prescribed age to
that place, he shall be guilty of an offence under this Part but
it shall be a good defence to any prosecution under this section
to prove that there were reasonable grounds for believing that the
person admitted had attained the prescribed age.

(5) In this section "prescribed age" in relation to a notice means
such age, not exceeding sixteen years, as may be prescribed by the

(6) This section applies to

(a)any building or part of a building used as a theatre,
cinematograph theatre, public hall, public concert-room, lecture room,
public dance room, amusement arcade, public gymnasium, skating or
roller skating rink or indoor swimming baths, and

(b)any sports ground, outdoor swimming baths or pool, or skating or
roller skating rink, to which the public are admitted, whether on
payment of an admission fee or not, and

(c)any circus, show, fair, fete or amusement park, and

(d)any other public place of entertainment or recreation.

Power of Health and Social Services Board to remove temporarily
inmates from building in which infectious disease occurs.

17.(1) Where any infectious disease occurs in a building, or where
[a Health and Social Services Board] deem it necessary to disinfect
any building, [the Board], acting on the advice of its [chief
administrative medical officer], may

(a)cause any person who is not himself suffering from the disease
and who consents to leave the building, or where the person is a
child, with the consent of the person having care of him, to be
removed therefrom to any temporary shelter or house accommodation
provided by [the Board];

(b)cause any such person to be so removed without any consent, if
a court of summary jurisdiction, being satisfied, on the application
of [the Health and Social Services Board], of the necessity for the
removal, makes an order in that behalf, which order shall be
subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified therein.

(2) [A Health and Social Services Board] may provide and shall
defray the cost of the provision of temporary shelter or house
accommodation for the purposes of this section.

(3) [The Health and Social Services Board] shall in every case
cause the removal to be effected and the conditions of any order
to be satisfied without charge to the person removed.

Special provisions as to anthrax.

18.(1) Where an animal or carcase on any premises

(a)is or was found to be affected, or to have been affected, with
anthrax, or

(b)is thought to have been recently in contact with another animal
or carcase (including materials derived therefrom) which is known to
be, or to have been, affected with anthrax,

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), an
authorised officer may in particular require

(a)the cleansing and disinfection of the premises,

(b)the cleansing, disinfection or destruction of any article in, or
used in, the premises,

(c)the disinfection or destruction of clothing worn by persons
employed in, or in connection with, the premises,

(d)the destruction and disposal of any carcase which is on those

(e)the milk from some or all of the animals on the premises to be
withheld from sale or distribution until he may authorise such sale
or distribution.

(3) Any person who fails to comply with a requirement made under
subsection (2) shall be guilty of an offence under this Part.

(4) [A Health and Social Services Board] may pay compensation to
any person who has suffered loss by reason of his compliance with
the requirements of this section.

(5) Nothing in this section shall affect any functions of the
Ministry of Agriculture under the Diseases of Animals Acts (Northern
Ireland) 1958 and 1966 or under any other enactment.

(6) In this section "carcase" has the meaning assigned to it by
section 52(2) of the Diseases of Animals Act (Northern Ireland)

Restrictions on sales &c. by persons dealing in rags &c.

19.(1) No person who collects or deals in rags, old clothes or
similar articles, and no person assisting, or acting on behalf of,
any such person, shall

(a)in or from any shop or premises used for, or in connection
with, the business of a dealer in any such articles; or

(b)while engaged in collecting any such articles,

(2) Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this
section shall be guilty of an offence under this Part.

Health and Social Services Board may provide disinfecting station.

20. [A Health and Social Services Board] may provide a disinfecting
station and may disinfect free of charge any article brought thereto
for the purpose of disinfection.

Cleansing and disinfection of premises and articles therein.

21.(1) Where [a Health and Social Services Board] are satisfied,
upon a certificate of [the chief administrative medical officer of
the Board], that the cleansing or disinfection of any premises, or
the disinfection or destruction of any articles therein likely to
retain infection, would tend to prevent the spread of any infectious
disease, [the Board] shall give notice in writing to the occupier
of the premises that they will at his cost cleanse or disinfect,
or cleanse and disinfect, the premises and disinfect or, as the
case may require, destroy any such articles therein, unless, within
twenty-four hours after the receipt of the notice, he informs them
that within a time to be fixed by the notice he will take such
steps as are specified therein.

(2) If within twenty-four hours after the receipt of a notice under
subsection (1) the occupier does not inform [the Board] as
aforesaid, or if, having so informed [the Board], he fails to take
such steps as aforesaid to the satisfaction of [the chief
administrative medical officer of the Board] within the time fixed
by the notice, [the Board] may cause the premises to be cleansed
or disinfected, or to be cleansed and disinfected, and the articles
to be disinfected or destroyed, as the case may require, and may,
if they think fit, recover summarily as a civil debt due to [the
Board] from the person in default the expenses reasonably incurred
by them in so doing.

(3) Where [the Health and Social Services Board] are of opinion
that the occupier of any premises is unable effectually to take
such steps as [the Board] consider necessary for the purposes of
this section, [the Board] may, with the consent of the occupier and
without giving a notice under subsection (1), take such steps at
their own expense.

(4) [A Health and Social Services Board] may pay compensation to
any person who has suffered loss by reason of any disinfection or
destruction carried out by them under this section.

(5) In this section "occupier" includes, in the case of unoccupied
premises, the person entitled to immediate possesion thereof.

Powers of entry.

22.(1) An authorised officer of [a Health and Social Services Board]
shall, on producing, if so required, a duly authenticated document
showing his authority, have the right to enter any premises for all
or any of the following purposes

(a)ascertaining whether there is, or has been, on, or in connection
with, the premises any contravention of this Part or of any
regulations made thereunder;

(b)ascertaining whether circumstances exist which would authorise or
require [the Board] to take any action, or execute any work, under
this Part or any such regulations;

(c)taking any action, or executing any work, authorised or required
by this Part, or any such regulations, or any order made under
this Part, to be taken, or executed by [the Board].

(2) Admission shall not be demanded as of right under subsection
(1) to any premises actually in use as a dwelling house unless
twenty-four hours notice of the intended entry has been given to
the occupier.

[(2A) An authorised officer entering any premises by virtue of this
section may take with him such other person as may be necessary.]

(3) Any person who hinders or obstructs the entry of an authorised
officer under this section shall be guilty of an offence under this

Exercise of functions of chief administrative medical officer.

22A. Any function of the chief administrative medical officer of a
Health and Social Services Board under this Act may be exercised by
such other medical officer of the Health and Social Services Board
as the chief administrative medical officer may authorise in writing
in that behalf.]

Power to make regulations.

23.(1) The Ministry may make regulations prescribing anything which
is to be or may be prescribed under this Part and providing for
any matter in regard to which regulations may be made under this
Part and generally for carrying this Part into effect.

(2) Regulations made under this Part and an order made under
section 1(2) shall be subject to negative resolution.

General penalty.

24. Any person who is guilty of an offence under this Part or who
contravenes any provision of this Part or any regulations made under
this Part shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not
exceeding one hundred pounds.

Application to Crown.

25. This Part shall bind the Crown to the full extent authorised
or permitted by the consitutional laws of Northern Ireland.

Part II (ss.26, 27) rep. by 1972 NI 14 art.109(3) sch.18

Ss.2831 rep. by 1972 NI 14 art.109(3) sch.18


32. In this Act

["authorised officer" means the chief administrative medical officer
of, or any other officer authorised by, a Health and Social
Services Board;]

"building" includes any ship, vessel, boat, hover vehicle, tent, van,
caravan, shed or other structure used for human habitation;

"carrier", in relation to a notifiable disease, means a person who,
while not suffering from any of the symptoms of the disease, has
within his body in a communicable form, the organism which causes
that disease, but does not include a person who has merely been in
contact with the disease;

Definition rep. by 1972 NI 14 art.109(3) sch.18

["Health and Social Services Board" means a Health and Social
Services Board established under Article 16 of the Health and
Personal Social Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1972;]

"house" includes any room, tenement, flat and any other part of a

"hover vehicle" means a vehicle designed to be supported on a
cushion of air;

"infectious disease" means any infectious or contagious disease, but
does not include a venereal disease;

Definition rep. by 1972 NI 14 art.109(3) sch.18

"medical practitioner" means a fully registered person within the
meaning of section 54 of the Medical Act 1956;

"Ministry" means the Ministry of Health and Social Services;

"notifiable disease" has the meaning assigned to it by section 1;

"occupier" means any person in occupation of, or having charge,
management or control of, or of any part of, any building or

"owner" means the person for the time being receiving the rack-rent
of the premises in connection with which the word is used, whether
on his own account or as agent or trustee for any other person,
or who would so receive the same if the premises were let at a

"prescribed" means prescribed by regulations made by the Ministry
under this Act;

"premises" includes messuages, buildings, lands, easements and
hereditaments of any tenure;

"resident magistrate" means a resident magistrate sitting as a court
of summary jurisdiction or out of petty sessions, and acting ex
parte, if it be deemed necessary by the magistrate;

Definition rep. by 1972 NI 14 art.109(3) sch.18

S.33, with Schedule 3, effects repeals

Short title, construction, citation and commencement.

34.(1) This Act may be cited as the Public Health Act (Northern
Ireland) 1967, and shall be construed as one with the Public Health
Acts (Northern Ireland) 1878 to 1966, and those Acts and this Act
may be cited together as the Public Health Acts (Northern Ireland)
1878 to 1967.

(2) Commencement

Schedule 2 rep. by 1972 NI 14 art.109(3) sch.18. Schedule 3Repeals

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