1. This
is an appeal by Photron Europe Limited (“the Appellant”) against two decisions
of The Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (“the
Commissioners”) relating to the tariff classification, for the purposes of
customs duties, of specialist high speed camera products imported into the
European Union by the Appellant.
2. In
summary, the Commissioners contend that the cameras in question fall to be
classified for customs duty purposes as video camera recorders, and that
accordingly customs duty at the rate of 4.9 per cent is payable on import; the
Appellant contends that the cameras fall to be classified as digital cameras,
so that no customs duty is payable on import of the cameras. We are required to
determine which of these classifications is correct, from which will follow our
determination as to whether or not the two decisions made by the Commissioners
3. The
two decisions of the Commissioners against which the Appellant appeals are as
On 2 February 2007 the Appellant applied to the National Duty Repayment
Centre of the Commissioners claiming repayment of customs duty paid on the
importation of the Appellant’s Fastcam APX range of cameras during the period
27 October 2004 to 30 August 2006. On 22 February 2007 the Commissioners
informed the Appellant that the repayment claim would not be allowed pending
the outcome of discussions by the Customs Code Committee on the correct tariff
classification of the cameras (the Customs Code Committee is the body, with
representatives from the customs authorities of each member state, which
formulates the views of the European Union on product classification). At the
request of the Appellant that decision was reviewed by the Commissioners, and
that review resulted in the Commissioners, on 4 April 2007, upholding the
original decision.
On 30 July 2007 the Appellant applied to the Commissioners for a binding
tariff information (“BTI”) in respect of two cameras (the 1024 PCI Fastcam-X
and the 512 PCI Fastcam-X models), submitting that the correct tariff
classification was as “digital cameras” under subheading 8525 80 30 of the
Combined Nomenclature classification. On 16 November 2007 Mr David Harris of
the Tariff Classification office of the Customs and International Duty
Liability office of the Commissioners informed the Appellant that the
Commissioners were classifying the cameras under subheading 8525 80 91 of the
Combined Nomenclature classification as “video camera recorders – only able to
record sound and images taken by the television camera” and BTI notifications
on that basis were issued by the Commissioners on 16 November 2007. The
Appellant applied for that decision of the Commissioners to be reviewed, and
since the Commissioners were unable to complete the review within the statutory
review period, the original decision was deemed to have been confirmed. The
Appellant’s appeal is against that deemed confirmed decision.
4. Under
the relevant provisions of the Finance Act 1994 as it applies to a case such as
this where proceedings were commenced prior to 1 April 2009, the tribunal has
full appellate jurisdiction (and not merely a supervisory jurisdiction) in
relation to the matters under appeal in this case, which allows us to quash the
decisions in question of the Commissioners and to substitute our own decision.
5. In
summary our decision is as follows:
The correct tariff classification of the Appellant’s Fastcam cameras
which are the subject of this case is under the Combined Nomenclature
classification heading 8525 80 30 (“Digital cameras”);
Accordingly, we allow the Appellant’s appeal against the decision of the
Commissioners (paragraph 3(1) above) not to allow repayment of customs duty
paid by the Appellant on the importation of the Appellant’s Fastcam APX range
of cameras during the period 27 October 2004 to 30 August 2006, and we direct
that such duty is repaid forthwith;
We also allow the Appellant’s appeal against the decision of the
Commissioners (paragraph 3(2) above) to issue BTI notifications on 16 November
2007 classifying the Fastcam cameras in question under heading 8525 80 91 of
the Combined Nomenclature classification, and we direct that the Commissioners
issue in substitution BTI notifications classifying the Fastcam cameras in
question under the subheading 8525 80 30 of the Combined Nomenclature
classification, such substituted notifications to take effect from the
same effective date, and to run for the same period, as the original
The relevant law
6. The
parties are in agreement as to the law which is to be applied in this case.
Within the European Union there is a harmonised system of customs duties
applicable to all member states, so that we look to European Union law in
determining a matter of the correct classification for customs duty purposes of
imported goods. Since the European Union is a party to the International
Convention on the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System, the basis
of classification is derived from wider international law, but it is not
necessary to look beyond the classification provided for in the relevant
European Union Council Regulations.
7. Article
1 of Council Regulation 2658/87 and Article 20.3 of Council Regulation 2913/92
provide for the rates of customs duties payable on goods imported into the
European Union to be determined on the basis of the Combined Nomenclature
(“CN”), which is a system whereby all products are classified under headings
and sub-headings, and each classification is given an eight-digit number or
code (or, in some instances, but not the present, a ten-digit number). For
each such classification it is specified whether the goods are free of duty or,
if not free of duty, the rate at which customs duty is payable applied to the
value of the imported goods in that classification.
8. Article
12 of Council Regulation 2913/92 requires customs authorities in member states
to issue a BTI upon the written request of an importer determining the tariff
classification of the goods specified and described in such a request and such
BTI binds customs authorities in all member states for a period of six years
provided that the importer who holds the BTI can prove that the goods imported
correspond in every respect to the goods described in the BTI. A BTI is
annulled where it is based on inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by
the applicant importer. A BTI ceases to be valid in certain circumstances, for
example where there is a change in the relevant CN classification or where it
is no longer compatible with the interpretation of the relevant CN
classification by reason of a ruling of the European Court of Justice or an
amendment to the explanatory notes to the CN classification in question. Thus
the BTI gives an importer the assurance that, for a six-year period, he can
import the goods described in the BTI into any member state within a specified
CN classification (and therefore at a specified rate of duty, or free of duty)
without having to re-visit on each occasion of import the question of the
correct tariff classification of the goods.
9. The
CN is amended from time to time. Prior to January 2007 the CN classified video
cameras and digital cameras within Chapter 85 of the CN, under the CN code 8525
40 with the sub-heading “Still image video cameras and other video camera
recorders; digital cameras”. Within this sub-heading there was further
classification: “Still image video cameras; digital cameras – digital cameras”
were given the CN code 8525 40 11, and were free of duty; “Other video camera
recorders – only able to record sound and images taken by the television
camera” were given the CN code 8525 40 91. (As we mention below, in October
2006 the Netherlands customs authorities issued a BTI to the Appellant
determining that one of their Fastcam camera models was classified within 8525
40 11.)
10. With effect from
1 January 2007 Commission Regulation 1549/2006 amended Chapter 85 of the CN.
Chapter 85 has the heading: “Electrical Machinery and Equipment and part
thereof; Sound Recorders and Reproducers, Television Image and Sound Recorders
and Reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles”. The sub-heading
“Television cameras, digital cameras and video camera recorders” is classified
under the CN code 8525 80, and within that sub-heading there is further sub-classification,
with “Digital cameras” given the CN code 8525 80 30 (free of duty) and “Video
camera recorders – only able to record sound and images taken by the television
camera” given the CN code 8525 80 91 (with duty at the rate of 4.9 per cent).
It should be noted that there is a further sub-classification: “Video camera
recorders – other” given the CN code 8525 80 91 (with duty at the rate of 14
per cent), but it is not the Commissioners’ case that the Appellant’s products
fall within this classification. (Neither party contends that there is any
material significance, for the purposes of this appeal, in the changes taking
effect from 1 January 2007.)
11. Chapter 85 of
the CN falls within Section XVI of the CN (Machinery and Mechanical Appliances;
Electrical Equipment). Each Section has Notes which must be applied in the
process of classifying goods within that Section according to the CN codes.
Note 3 of Section XVI is as follows:
“Unless the context otherwise requires, composite
machines consisting of two or more machines fitted together to form a whole and
other machines designed for the purpose of performing two or more complementary
or alternative functions are to be classified as if consisting only of that
component or as being that machine which performs the principal function.”
12. Further, Section
I of the CN specifies the “General rules for the interpretation of the Combined
Nomenclature” (the “GIRs”). The GIRs must be applied in the process of
classifying goods according to the CN codes. In the present case the parties
are agreed that the only relevant rules in the GIRs are Rule 1 and Rule 6.
13. Rule 1 of the
GIRs is as follows:
“The titles of sections, chapters and sub-chapters
are provided for ease of reference only; for legal purposes, classification
shall be determined according to the terms of the headings and any relative
section or chapter notes and, provided such headings or notes do not otherwise
require, according to the following provisions.”
14. Rule 6 of the
GIRs is as follows:
“For legal purposes, the classification of goods in
the subheadings of a heading shall be determined according to the terms of
those subheadings and any related subheading notes and, mutatis mutandis,
to the above rules, on the understanding that only subheadings at the same
level are comparable. For the purposes of this rule, the relative section and
chapter notes also apply, unless the context requires otherwise.”
15. The European
Commission issues Explanatory Notes to the CN (known as “CNENs”) which are
published in the Official Journal of the European Union. They do not have the
force of law and cannot alter the meaning of the CN classifications, but are
regarded as an important aid to the interpretation of the meaning and scope of
the classification headings to which they relate. On 23 October 2007 the
European Commission issued the following Explanatory Notes in relation to
subheadings 8525 80 30 (Digital cameras) and 8525 80 91 (Video camera
“8525 80 30 Digital Cameras
Digital cameras of this subheading are always
capable of still image recording, whether on the internal storage medium or on
interchangeable media.
Most cameras of this subheading have the design of a
traditional photographic camera and do not have a foldable viewfinder.
These cameras may also have video-capture capability
to record sequences of video. Cameras remain classified in this subheading
unless they are capable, using the maximum storage capacity, of recording, in a
quality of 800 x 600 pixels (or higher) at 23 frames per second (or higher) at
least 30 minutes in a single sequence of video.
Compared to the video camera recorders of
subheadings 8525 80 91 and 8525 80 99, many digital cameras (when functioning
as video cameras) do not offer an optical zoom function during video recording.
Unaffected by the storage capacity, some cameras automatically terminate the
recording of video after a certain period of time.
8525 80 91 and 8525 80 99 Video camera
Video camera recorders of these subheadings are
always capable of recording sequences of video, whether on an internal storage
medium or on interchangeable media.
In general, the digital video camera recorders of
these subheadings have the design which differs from digital cameras of
subheading 8525 80 30. They often have a foldable viewfinder and are
frequently presented together with a remote control. They always offer an
optical zoom function during video recording.
These digital video camera recorders may also have
still image recording capability.
Digital cameras are excluded from these subheadings
if they are not capable, using the maximum storage capacity, of recording, in a
quality of 800 x 600 pixels (or higher) at 23 frames per second (or higher) at
least 30 minutes in a single sequence of video”
16. On 19 October
2007 (and published on 23 October 2007, together with the CNEN quoted above)
the European Commission issued a Regulation (1231/2007) which classified
certain specific goods under the particular CN codes set out in the Regulation,
with reasons for the classification. Included in the Regulation are two
products described as digital cameras for capturing and recording high quality
still images, each also with the ability to record video (in one case for up to
11 minutes and in the other for up to 42 minutes, in each case at 30 frames per
second). Both cameras are classified as digital cameras under code 8525 80 30
on the basis that the principal function of the cameras is the capturing and
recording of still images (with reference to Note 3 of Section XVI). By contrast,
a digital video camera equipped with a foldable viewfinder and a microphone
input and an audio-video output, which could record still images and up to 120
minutes of video at 30 frames per second is classified as a video camera
recorder under code 8525 80 91, on the basis that its principal function is the
capturing and recording of video (including sound) and that it has an optical
zoom function which can be used during video recording.
The background events to the Appellant’s appeals and subsequent matters
17. It is helpful to
an understanding of this case to know of the events which led to the
Appellant’s appeals and of the subsequent (and consequential) action on the
part of the Commissioners and the Customs Code Committee. In our view certain
of the procedures adopted by the Commissioners are open to criticism, a matter
which we return to following the reasons given for our decision (see paragraphs
100 to 103 below).
18. On 13 October
2006, upon a request made to them by the Appellant, the Netherlands customs
authorities issued a BTI classifying the Appellant’s high speed cameras (model
Ultima Fastcam APX-RS) as a digital camera (free of duty) under code 8525 40 11
(this was on the basis of classification codes before the amendment to Chapter
85 of the CN effective from 1 January 2007).
19. Prior to the
issuing of the BTI, the Appellant had (mistakenly) imported its high speed
cameras into the UK under the code classification for television cameras
(dutiable at the rate of 4.9 per cent). After the BTI was issued the Appellant
claimed from the Commissioners repayment of the duty mistakenly paid on those
imported goods. Two such claims were made in October 2006, and both claims
were accepted by the Commissioners, and the duty repaid in November 2006.
20. As mentioned,
with effect from 1 January 2007 the classifications within Chapter 85 of the
CN, as they related to digital cameras and video camera recorders, were
21. On 2 February
2007 the Appellant submitted a third claim for repayment of duty paid on the
import of its Fastcam APX models of camera – the claim which resulted in the
decision of the Commissioners which is the subject of this appeal, as set out
in paragraph 3(1) above. That claim related to importations made during the
period 27 October 2004 to 30 August 2006, that is, before the BTI was issued by
the Netherlands customs authorities.
22. From the
correspondence between the Appellant and the Commissioners in relation to that
third claim, it appears that the Commissioners were not satisfied that the
Netherlands customs authorities had correctly classified the Appellant’s high
speed cameras when issuing the BTI, and in consequence had brought the matter
before the Customs Code Committee for its consideration. The Commissioners
also pointed out that the importations in relation to which that third claim
for repayment was made pre-dated the BTI, and so the Commissioners were not
compelled to apply the BTI in respect of those importations.
23. In the
meanwhile, the Appellant began proceedings before this tribunal, lodging its
appeal in relation to the repayment claim on 11 April 2007
24. The matter was
considered by the Customs Code Committee at its 428th meeting in
July 2007. The eventual result of that meeting was the Regulation and CNEN
both published on 23 October 2007 (see paragraphs 15 and 16 above).
25. On 30 July 2007
the Appellant applied to the Commissioners for a BTI in respect of two models
of its high speed Fastcam cameras. It is the Commissioners’ decision to issue
a BTI in November 2007 (that is, after the publication of the 23 October 2007
Regulation and CNEN) classifying the cameras as video camera recorders under
the CN code 8525 80 91 (rather than as digital cameras, as requested by the
Appellant) which is also the subject of this appeal, as set out in paragraph
3(2) above.
26. The Appellant
began its proceedings before this tribunal in relation to that decision of the
Commissioners by lodging its appeal on 9 April 2008.
27. In early 2008
the Commissioners determined to bring once more before the Customs Code Committee
the issue of the classification of high speed cameras, with the purpose of
having such cameras classified as video camera recorders under CN code 8525 80
28. In preparation
for, and by way of support of, their case to the Customs Code Committee the Commissioners
sought and obtained a report from a Mr Bevan John Clues of the consultancy firm
of Clues & Co, dated 18 March 2008 (“the Clues Report”). Mr Clues is a
member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, a member of the Academy of Experts and a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. It will be
necessary for us to return to the Clues Report below, but for present purposes
it is sufficient to note the following:
It states that since 1990 Mr Clues has carried out numerous forensic
investigations and examinations and has given expert evidence in civil and
criminal proceedings;
It states that since 1990 Mr Clues has worked as a consultant in many
parts of the world on the design, development, testing and installation of
telecommunications systems including radio, telephone, facsimile, television,
telex and data networks and also in internet system design and operation,
computer systems and audio/visual systems;
It provides an opinion as to the functional characteristics of high
speed cameras imported by the Appellant, and it states that in the course of
the preparation of the Clues Report Mr Clues met employees of the Appellant and
was given a demonstration of the Appellant’s Fastcam APX high speed cameras;
In considering the function and purpose of the cameras it states that
“these cameras are intended to be used to capture a sequence of images which
occur in relatively short periods of time e.g. a car crash, where it is
required to be able to slow down the playback rate in order that the sequence
of events can be analysed in slow motion. It is also possible, using the
interface card, to download a recorded video sequence onto a host PC. Using
suitable software it is possible to produce a video sequence suitable for
playing on a computer, e.g. MPEG format. It is also possible to take
individual frames or sequences of frames and to make further analysis and
It concludes that “the practical everyday use that will be made of these
products is to take a high speed video sequence of an event for subsequent
playback at a lower frame rate as a video sequence”.
It further concludes that “the Photron camera is consistent with the
wording of the CNEN 8525 80 30 Digital Cameras and is not consistent with 8525
80 91 Video Cameras. However, it has to be said that the function of the
Photron cameras do not fall within the wording of the CNENs in any meaningful
way. The cameras are clearly video cameras. The authors of the CNEN could not
have envisaged a camera of the type produced by Photron when these were
29. In October 2008,
in preparation for the hearing of the Appellant’s appeal, Mr Andrew Hilton, a
director of the Appellant, and Mr Russell Brown, the technical manager of the
Appellant, produced witness statements of the evidence they intended to give in
the appeal proceedings. The detail of their evidence is referred to below, but
it is sufficient to mention here that both witness statements make extensive
reference to the Clues Report, challenging in the Clues Report: the description
of the way in which the Fastcam cameras function; the purposes for which they
are used; the distinction between the technicalities of recording images for
video playback and still images; the digital formats in which images may be
stored in the cameras; and the different qualities of the images which make up
a video sequence as against those which are high quality still images. Copies
of these witness statements were served on the Commissioners.
30. In December 2008
the Commissioners formally brought before the Customs Code Committee the
question of the classification of high speed specialist cameras such as the
Fastcam cameras of the Appellant. The submission by the Commissioners to the
Customs Code Committee notes that the appeals section of the Netherlands
customs authorities has held that such cameras are digital cameras within CN
code 8525 80 30; that the cameras meet the terms of the CNEN to code 8525 80 30
so that “a simple reading of the text would lead to the goods being classified
as a digital camera”; that the cameras record images at extremely high speeds
for subsequent analysis; that a video sequence comprises a sequence of still
images displayed in quick succession; and that the UK view is that the cameras,
by recording images at very high speeds, are capturing video sequences. The
submission gives a physical description of the cameras, and for technical
information of the product refers to the Appellant’s website and to the Clues
Report, which is appended to the submission. There is no reference in the
submission to the extensive challenges to the Clues Report made in the witness
statements of Mr Hilton and Mr Brown.
31. In October 2009,
following a meeting of the Customs Code Committee, the Committee issued a
“classification statement”. The published summary report of the Customs Code
Committee (Mechanical/Miscellaneous Sector) states as follows:
“A national tribunal [this
is thought to be a reference to the decision of the appeals section of the Netherlands customs authorities] has found that the product is to be classified as a
digital camera and not a video camera.
The product is capable of capturing and storing a
sequence of images which, after further processing, can be viewed either as
individual images (JPEG) or as a video sequence (MPEG). The images are of a
higher resolution than those captured by “normal” video cameras. The video
sequence is of a limited duration compared to “normal” video cameras depending
on the storage capacity of the individual product.
A discussion on what constitutes a video sequence
took place. Does the number of files stored by the camera matter? Does the
format of the files influence the classification?
Following some minor textual amendments, a
classification statement as reproduced in Annex XII was adopted.”
It should be noted that the Appellant’s cameras do not
store images as a video sequence in the MPEG format (see below) – this error
(of some significance to the classification issue) appears to be based on
statements in the Clues Report – statements which were challenged in the
witness statements of the Appellant’s witnesses.
32. The
classification statement in Annex XII to the summary report of the Customs Code
Committee is headed: “Statement on the classification of “High Speed Camera”,
and is as follows:
“A rectangular shaped camera comprising a lens and
electronic circuitry, including internal memory. The lens is mounted on the
front and a cable is connecting the camera to an automatic data-processing
(ADP) machine. The camera can also operate in stand-alone mode.
The product is designed to capture a sequence of
images at a shutter rate of 1000 frames per second at a maximum resolution of
1024 x 1024 or 109500 frames per second at a lower resolution of 128 x 16. The
captured images may be viewed individually or played back as a slow motion
video. They may be subject to analysis in a laboratory or similar environment
for studying, for example, ultra-high speed phenomena such as automotive crash
Given that the product is designed to capture, at high
speed, images of a given event for subsequent viewing as a video sequence at a
lower frame rate, it constitutes a video camera recorder. Therefore,
classification as a digital camera of CN code 8525 80 30 is excluded.
By virtue of GIR 1 and 6, the product is to be
classified under CN code 8525 80 91 as a video camera recorder only able to
record sound and images taken by the television camera. (see also the CN
Explanatory Notes to subheading 8525 80 99)”
It will be noted that, in this classification statement,
the stated function of the cameras (“designed to capture, at high speed, images
of a given event for subsequent viewing as a video sequence at a lower frame
rate”) is directly derived from the terms of the Clues Report. The Appellant’s
witnesses, in their witness statements, had challenged such a statement as a
proper description of the nature and function of the Appellant’s Fastcam
33. The
classification statement is not European Union legislation and in that regard
differs from a CN Explanatory Note. It is, perhaps, an indication of the form
of legislation which the Customs Code Committee might, were it minded to do so,
request the Commission to promulgate by way of a CNEN or classification
Regulation. According to the Commissioners they agreed that a classification
statement “was preferable to avoid the delay in preparation of a Commission
Regulation”. Be that as it may, a classification statement is not binding on
us, but we should pay careful regard to its terms. As we mention below, the
Appellant contends that since the function of the cameras as stated in the
classification statement does not accord with that of the Appellant’s cameras,
it is not in any event determinative of the classification of those cameras.
The evidence
34. In evidence
before us we had two lever arch files of documents comprising the
correspondence between the parties in relation to the matters under appeal; the
papers relating to the submissions to and deliberations of the Customs Code
Committee; the Hardware Manual for the Appellant’s Fastcam-APX RS model of
camera (which runs to some 150 pages) and the User’s Manual for the software
supplied with that model of camera (which also runs to some 150 pages); product
datasheets for a range of models of the Appellant’s cameras (each datasheet –
essentially a promotional document – summarises the technical specification of
the camera in question and its performance capabilities); a number of academic
papers and other material demonstrating the use and application in scientific
and industrial research and product design and development of high speed
imaging as provided by the Appellant’s Fastcam cameras; extracts from the
Appellant’s website; and the Clues Report.
35. We heard
evidence from two witnesses for the Appellant, Mr Andrew Thomas Hilton, a
director of the Appellant, and Mr Russell Norton Brown, the European technical
manager of the Appellant. As mentioned, each of Mr Hilton and Mr Brown had
prepared a witness statement, and they each gave oral evidence, including in response
to Mr Macnab’s cross-examination.
36. Mr Hilton has
worked in the high speed imaging industry since 1983 and has extensive
knowledge of high speed imaging techniques, the application areas in which high
speed imaging systems are applied, and the users of such systems. He has
presented technical papers on high speed imaging technology and applications at
international conferences. He joined the Appellant in 2001. His evidence
related to the uses and application of the Appellant’s cameras by purchasers of
the cameras; the nature of the “still camera” images recorded by the cameras as
contrasted with the “continuous motion” video images recorded by video camera
recorders; and the ability of the camera to store and play back images. As
mentioned, Mr Hilton’s evidence specifically challenged certain of the matters
appearing in the Clues Report, both as to the technical description of the
capabilities of the cameras and the principal function of the cameras.
37. Mr Brown has
worked in the high speed imaging industry since 1990 as a micro electronic
engineer and technical sales engineer and manager with experience in the
aerospace and high speed digital camera industries. He joined the Appellant in
2002 and receives annual on-site training in Japan from the design engineers
responsible for development of the Fastcam cameras at the associated company of
the Appellant which manufactures the cameras. He provides the Appellant’s
customers with technical support and provides feedback to the manufacturer for
future development of its camera products. Mr Brown’s evidence related to the
technical properties of the Fastcam cameras and contrasted those properties
with the technical properties of cameras used for recording video sequences.
He compared the high quality, crystal clear, still digital image required for
specialist analysis (and the features required to record and store such an
image – such as shutter mechanism, image storage formats, image scanning
processes) with the digital images recorded and stored by a video camera
recorder (and the different features required to record and store such
images). Mr Brown’s evidence contained a detailed challenge to the Clues
Report, refuting much of the technical analysis in that Report of the
properties and functions of the Fastcam cameras, and identifying errors in that
Report where it purported to explain differences between the technical
processes utilised in still imaging and those utilised in video recording.
38. By way of
evidence in support of its case the Appellant also provided the tribunal with a
demonstration of one of the cameras from its current range of Fastcam models.
Regrettably the court facilities at 45 Bedford Square did not readily permit
the staging of a simulated car crash or the firing of a ballistic weapon (two
common research activities in which the cameras are used), and so we had to be
content with the camera recording the rather less dramatic incident of a hammer
hitting a nail into a piece of wood.
39. The camera was
linked to a laptop computer which in turn was linked to a screen on which we
could see the images recorded by the camera. The camera was set at an image
resolution of 1024 x 1024 pixels and the image sensor was set to capture 1,000
images per second over a period of 10.918 seconds, with an exposure time for
each image of 1/4,000th of a second. This resulted in 10,918 images
or frames recording the hammer hitting the nail. Each of those images could be
displayed as a separate image on the computer screen, but first those images
were scanned as a slow motion sequence (at 5 images per second) to identify the
particular images showing the hammer actually striking the head of the nail:
485 images were so identified, and each of those images was saved in the camera
software loaded onto the computer in TIFF format, with each image numbered and
also timed relative to the trigger signal given to the camera to begin the
photographic sequence. From the 485 images displayed 108 images were further
identified as those showing the exact moment of impact of hammer head on nail.
Those 108 images were shown on the screen as “thumbnail” images. Several of
those images were then shown “full size” on the screen, and, using the software
supplied with the camera it was possible to make various calibrations and measurements
from the individual images showing, for example, how much the nail moved into
the wood, and the angle at which it did so. (When the camera is used for a
specific piece of research the user will have his own software tailored to the
subject of the research for the purpose of analysing the individual images.)
The camera had no optical zoom facility (it is not practical to zoom in or out
on a subject when images are captured at such speed), but once images were
stored on the computer it was possible to zoom in or out in relation to each
individual image.
40. We also saw, at
the request of the Commissioners, short sequences from the “Gallery” on the
Appellant’s website demonstrating the facilities and functions of the cameras
(for example, a bullet fired through a number of balloons filled with water).
These were video sequences and could not be shown as individual still images.
Mr Brown explained that these were sequences produced specifically for the
website in compressed video format to enable them to be downloaded from the
internet – that formatting could not be achieved or played on the software
which comes with the camera.
41. For the
Commissioners we had in evidence a witness statement of Mr D A Harris, a Higher
Officer of the Commissioners employed in the Tariff Classification Service of
the Commissioners, with responsibility for the classification of goods within
the Electrical, Mechanical, Medical and Scientific Sector of the Customs
Tariff, and the officer who represent the United Kingdom at meetings of the
Customs Code Committee. Mr Harris’s evidence was not challenged by the
Appellant, and therefore Mr Harris was not called to give oral evidence. His
evidence related to the processes of the Customs Code Committee, and the
distinction between a CNEN, a Regulation and a Classification Statement. Mr
Harris also explained the sequence of events whereby the Commissioners had made
submissions to the Customs Code Committee in 2008 and 2009 and the discussions
which led to the issuing of the Classification Statement (that is, the matters
we have set out in paragraphs 30 to 32 above).
42. The papers
before us at the beginning of the hearing included the Clues Report and also a
witness statement prepared by Mr Clues. When he opened his case in the course
of the hearing Mr Macnab told us that the Commissioners no longer found it
necessary to rely on the evidence of Mr Clues in making their case, since the
tribunal had heard sufficient by way of evidence as to the technical
specification and capabilities of the Fastcam cameras from the Appellant’s
witnesses. We have therefore disregarded Mr Clues’s witness statement. We
have, however, had regard to the Clues Report in reaching our findings and
decision in this appeal, in part because the Clues Report was an integral part
of the Commissioners’ submissions to the Customs Code Committee which
eventually resulted in the Classification Statement, and in part because the
Appellant’s witnesses, in challenging the Clues Report, threw helpful light on
the issue in this case, namely the difference between a digital camera taking
still images and a video recording camera taking a video sequence of images.
The findings of fact
43. From the
evidence before us we make the findings of fact set out below.
44. The Appellant
imports a range of models in its series of Fastcam cameras, and models are
revised, and new models introduced, over time. There is no issue between the
parties as to differences of character between the various models, all of which
share the same fundamental technical properties and are used for similar
purposes. We refer in the paragraphs which follow principally to the model
“Ultima Fastcam APX-RS”, whose User Manual was produced in evidence. Certain
characteristics mentioned below may not be features of that particular model,
but are nevertheless, from the evidence before us, characteristics generally of
the Appellant’s Fastcam cameras.
The features and characteristics of the Appellant’s Fastcam cameras
45. The camera has
an end-user price in excess of £50,000.00.
46. The camera’s
dimensions are 158.6mm (H) x 131.4mm (W) x 289.2mm (L), and it weighs 4.9kg.
It comprises a camera lens and electronic circuitry with a cable connector.
47. The camera does
not have a viewfinder and neither the lens nor the digital software provides a
zoom function during the photographing process.
48. The camera does
not record sound.
49. The camera
records and stores images in digital format. It stores images only for so long
as it is switched on. Recorded images captured during a photographic shoot are
lost (and cannot be recalled) when it is switched off. To store images it is
therefore necessary to connect the camera to a computer, onto which images are
downloaded for storage and use. The camera is supplied with the proprietary
software (Photron Fastcam Viewer – PFV) for this purpose which is loaded onto a
personal computer, and that software can be used to control the camera from the
computer for setting camera options and shooting photographs as well as for
saving recorded images and processing, using and analysing images recorded by
the camera. The imported product, for customs tariff classification purposes,
comprises the camera together with the PVF software.
50. The camera has a
10-bit CMOS sensor which incorporates a global shutter which enables all the
pixel values in an image to be captured at the same time (this is in contrast
to a sensor with a rolling shutter, as generally found in video recording
cameras, which captures pixels at different times – see below). This
sensor/global shutter is a critical feature of a high speed camera: the fact
that it captures all the pixel values at the same instant gives the high
quality and blur-free “snapshot” still image essential for detailed
quantitative analysis; it also allows that high quality image to be taken off
the sensor (once recorded) and replaced by a new image for capture in very
quick succession, so as to permit images to be captured at up to 250,000 frames
per second.
51. The resolution
at which images are recorded varies from 1,024 x 1,024 pixels maximum (giving
the clearest image) to 128 x 16 (the poorest image). The speed at which images
can be recorded (measured in frames per second) can be increased as the image
resolution decreases: thus at a resolution of 1,024 x 1,024 pixels up to 3,000
frames per second can be recorded; at 128 x 16 pixels up to 250,000 frames per
second can be recorded.
52. The camera can
be equipped with 2GB, 8GB or 16GB of memory, and this determines the period
during which the camera can record images and hence the total number of images
it can record and store on any occasion. If the camera is recording images at
maximum resolution at the rate of 3,000 frames per second, with 2GB of memory
the camera can record for 0.7 of a second (recording 2,048 images) and with 16GB
of memory 4.1 seconds (12,288 images). If the camera is recording at minimum
resolution at the rate of 250,000 frames per second, with 2GB of memory it can
record for 4.2 seconds (recording 1,048,576 images) and with 16GB of memory
25.2 seconds (6,291,456 images). The maximum period for which the camera can
record images on any single occasion is 204.8 seconds (maximum resolution, 60
frames per second, and 16GB of memory, resulting in 12,288 images).
53. There is an
electronic “trigger” which activates the camera (and another triggering device
can turn it off). The “trigger” will be set for the purposes of the research
being carried out: for example, if a simulated car crash is being photographed,
the camera will be triggered at a moment immediately preceding the point of
impact. The camera can be set to record a timed sequence of images as from the
trigger point, or a single image at the trigger point.
54. Images recorded
by the camera can be saved in a variety of industry-standard digital formats:
BMP (Bitmap); TIFF (Tagged Image File Format); JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts
Group) and PNG (Portable Network Graphics). All of these file formats are
bitmap formats, suitable for still images, but not for video images. Images
saved in these formats are not compressed, so that the quality of the image is
retained. The camera does not save recorded images in MPEG (Moving Picture
Experts Group) format, which is the digital format specifically designed for
video replay where the priority is to maintain the smooth continuous
reproduction of the video sequence. The camera can save recorded images as a
single AVI (Audio Video Interleave) format file. This file type can be used
for storage of still images in bitmap format or audio data.
55. Each image
recorded and saved can be separately identified, captioned and viewed or
reproduced. Each image can be displayed with the time at which it was taken
(usually shown as the time elapsed (in milliseconds) from the triggering of the
sequence). Once stored on the computer onto which it has been downloaded it
can individually be edited (including magnified by a zoom feature) and used for
whatever analysis or measuring purpose is required by the user.
56. The camera has
the capability of playing back recorded images onto a monitor at between 2 and
30 frames per second (although a typical high specification computer is capable
of replaying only 5 to 10 frames per second without skipping frames where the
images are high resolution, because of the amount of detail (reflected in the
high pixel numbers) in the individual images). This capability is used partly
to check that the required process or event has been properly captured, and
partly as a search facility to find the exact images required for the user’s
purposes. If the recorded images are played back at speed the resulting
“moving image” has a “stuttering” quality which is detected by the human eye,
but a user will generally be interested not in such a rolling sequence but in
particular still images.
The features and characteristics of a video camera recorder
57. A professional
quality video camera system capable of recording a continuous video image of
superior image resolution and quality has an end-user price of approximately
58. A video camera
recorder records sound in conjunction with recording a video sequence.
59. A video camera
recorder is equipped with a viewfinder. It has an optical zoom facility which
can be used in the process of recording a video sequence.
60. A video camera
recorder has either a CMOS sensor with a rolling shutter or an interlaced CCD
sensor, both being sensors designed to record continuously, rather than to
record individual images. The essence of these sensors is that the pixels are
imaged at different times as the images are continuously scanned, and this gives
a “smooth” or unbroken moving image when played back as a video sequence on a
monitor or other viewing device with video format. In the case of interlaced
sensors the image recorded is divided into odd and even horizontal lines
scanned separately at speed, but a single “snapshot” image displayed on
playback will have a “flicker” or “comb” effect as a consequence of this
differential scanning process. In the case of CMOS sensors with a rolling
shutter (a technology which is superseding interlaced CCD sensors) the image is
not scanned on the basis of horizontal lines, but it is scanned on a “rolling”
basis, so that all the pixels which make up the recorded image have not been
captured at the same instant. In this case, a single “snapshot” image displayed
on playback will be “skewed” by distortions as compared with the still image
captured by a CMOS global shutter as used in the Fastcam cameras.
61. A video camera
recorder should be viewed as an integral part of a video system which records
images to a specified video standard for storage on a particular medium (tape
or memory card) for playing back on a video viewing device. For this purpose
all video camera recorders compress images to reduce the amount of data stored,
and images in this compressed form are stored in MPEG format. This compression
of images results in poorer quality “snapshot” images as compared with still
images captured on a digital camera. The MPEG format for compressed images is
specifically designed for video replay where the priority is to maintain the
smooth continuous reproduction of the video sequence, albeit at the expense of
the quality of the image. For this purpose it has special “compression”
features and techniques, for example it identifies an object in a video frame
and encodes that object, so that when it reappears in a subsequent video frame
it is repositioned in that frame without further encoding.
62. The different
shutter and recording process and the compressed storage of video images in
MPEG format characterises the purpose of a video camera recorder, which is to
record for playback a lengthy video sequence of smooth and continuous images
where there is some sacrifice of quality of the particular image for the sake
of the overall quality of the sequence as a motion or video image. A video
camera recorder will usually have the capacity to record a continuous sequence
of video for a period of at least 30 minutes.
The purposes for which the Fastcam cameras are used
63. The Appellant’s Fastcam
cameras are designed specifically for, and used in, the detailed analysis and
quantitative measurement of scientific and industrial processes in the course
of academic research and the development of engineering and industrial
applications. The “Unique Selling Point” of the camera, as Mr Hilton stated in
cross-examination by Mr Macnab, is the ability to record crystal clear images
in very rapid succession, and, having lodged each image in the computer’s
memory, to clear it from the camera so that the next image can be captured
without any significant loss of data.
64. The Appellant’s
distributors are obliged to inform the Appellant of the intended use of the
cameras by their “end-user” customers. During the period April 2007 to March
2008 cameras supplied within Europe were, according to the information gathered
in this way, used for the following purposes (the percentage figures indicating
the proportion of total sales in that period attributable to the respective
Defence research 17%
Engineering analysis 15%
Automotive safety testing 13%
Particle image velocimetry 12%
Aerospace testing 11%
Materials science 10%
Fluid mechanics research 7%
Combustion analysis 5%
Other purposes 10%
During this period no cameras were supplied to customers
carrying on business in broadcast or conventional motion picture recording
65. Self-evidently
the cameras are used to capture highly dynamic, and not static, events (a car
crash at speed; a bullet leaving the barrel of a gun; the combustion processes
in a diesel engine; the flow dynamics of liquids; the strain produced in the
flexing of materials; the growth and collapse of bubbles within an
electrochemical cell; aerospace products tested in a wind tunnel). The
principal function of the camera in these different applications is to record
still images of the highest quality taken at defined points in time so that
there can be detailed measurement and analysis of the event being recorded,
generally using specialist analysis and measurement software developed by the
customer for his particular research activity (the Appellant does not supply
such software). In some cases (for example in automotive safety testing) a
number of cameras will be used to capture the event in question from different
angles, and the triggering of the cameras will be synchronised so that the same
instant is captured on all the cameras.
The parties’ submissions
The Appellant’s submissions
66. Miss Sloane, for
the Appellant, submitted that in classifying the cameras we must seek their
objective characteristics and properties and then, as required by GIR 1, look
to the terms of the headings in the CN classification code and any relevant
notes to those headings to see under which heading the cameras, as so
characterised, properly fell.
67. In the present
case the relevant CN headings for consideration are “digital cameras” (8525 80
30) and “video camera recorders: only able to record sound and images taken by
the television camera” (8525 80 91). These headings are to be interpreted as
by “the intelligent businessman” (see HMRC v Flir Systems AB [2009] EWHC 82 (Ch), at paragraph 28), and where, as in the present case, the headings do
not precisely describe a product according to its objective characteristics and
properties, the tribunal should look to the customary usage or meaning of the
words used in the headings (see the decision of the Court of Justice in Imexpo
Trading Case C-379/02 [2004] ECR I-9273).
68. The objective
characteristics and properties of a product may be determined by identifying
the intended principal use of that product (see the decision of the Court of
Justice in Neckermann Versand AG Case C-395/93 [1994] ECR I-4027),
provided that such intended principal use is inherent in the product (see the
decision of the Court of Justice in Ikegami Electronics (Europe) GmbH
Case C-467/03 [2005] ECR I-2389).
69. In the present
case the principal purpose of the Appellant’s cameras is to capture at speed by
digital technology high quality still images which are stored and made
available for viewing for the purposes of specialised industrial and academic
applications. That principal purpose is inherent in the characteristics of the
cameras, and all the features which are essential components of the cameras
(special sensor and shutter; storage of images in uncompressed formats; the
ability to record images at “trigger” points; the ability to display individual
images and to attach data to each image) answer to that purpose. The principal
purpose of a digital camera is to capture and store still images by the use of digital
technology, and therefore it is correct to classify the Appellant’s cameras
under that heading.
70. By contrast, the
primary function of a video camera recorder is to capture and store for viewing
moving images. For this purpose a video camera recorder records images using
shutter processes designed to facilitate viewing images as fluid moving images
and stores images in special compressed formats to allow for a video sequence
of many minutes. A video camera recorder records sound alongside the recorded
images and has a zoom facility which can be used when recording images. These
are characteristics which show the intended purpose of a video camera
recorder. The Appellant’s cameras do not have these characteristics.
71. The Appellant
accepts that it is possible to play back the still images it has recorded and
stored in rapid succession. The Appellant argues that that is no more than the
playing back of still images, and is not the playing of a video sequence or a
“movie”. But even if it is regarded as such, where a product has more than one
function, it must be classified according to the principal function, applying
Note 3 to Section XVI of the Combined Nomenclature, and there can be no doubt
that the principal function of the cameras is to record and store still images
of a high quality – the playback facility could be removed, and although that
would make the cameras less convenient to use (in terms of isolating the exact
images required), the principal purpose of the cameras would not be affected.
The Commissioners’ submissions
72. Mr Macnab for
the Commissioners submitted that the difference between the parties lies in
what is to be regarded as the principal function of the Appellant’s cameras –
the Commissioners do not materially dispute the facts as to the objective
characteristics and properties of the cameras or as to their use: they accept
that the cameras take many images of high quality in rapid succession at
precise and known intervals.
73. But the purpose
of the cameras is to capture motion and changes, enabling the components of
motion (speed, distance) to be measured qualitatively and quantitatively, so
that an event can be seen in slow motion or measured as it is viewed. This
purpose can be seen from the essential feature of the cameras, which is the
capture of a sequence of images at defined intervals, so as to ensure that the
vital instant is captured and the event or change observed and measured by
reference to earlier or later images of the event or change. For this reason
the cameras share the characteristics of a video camera recorder, the essence
of which is the capture of movement, and should be classified as such. The
function of a digital camera is to capture single, still images, in the sense
of a snapshot of a single moment. That is not the function of the Appellant’s
cameras, and so they cannot be classified as digital cameras. There is no dual
function, and so Note 3 to Section XVI is not in point in this case.
74. The
Commissioners accept that the Appellant’s cameras record images of much higher
quality than those recorded by a standard video camera recorder, and at a far
higher rate of frames per second, using sophisticated shutter and other
technology, but those should be regarded as differences in quality, and not in
inherent characteristics and properties, and therefore those distinctions are
not relevant to the classification of the cameras.
75. Mr Macnab
referred to material produced by the Appellant itself which indicate the “video
camera” purpose of the Appellant’s cameras. He pointed to the opening Preface
to the Hardware Manual for the Fastcam-APX RS model camera, where the camera is
stated as being “most useful to capture the image of high-speed moving subjects
for subsequent slow-motion observation and motion analysis”. He also pointed
to references in the Appellant’s marketing material which describe the cameras
as “a video system”.
76. He also
cautioned against falling into the trap of seeking to ascertain the
characteristics and properties of the cameras from the use which a user makes
of the images once recorded by a camera. In any event, he argued that the
Appellant had produced little evidence (and none by third parties) as to how
the cameras are actually used – whether to view an event or change in slow
motion or for quantitative analysis by reference to individual images.
Decision and reasons for decision
77. The approach we
must take in order to determine the correct classification within the CN of the
cameras with which this appeal is concerned is well-established. It is helpfully
summarised in the Opinion of AG Kolkott in the Ikegami Electronics case,
at paragraphs 33 to 36. After stating the primacy of the basic rule in Rule 1
of the GIRs (which requires that classification is to be made first according
to the terms of the headings and the notes to the sections and chapters set out
in the CN) and the similar rule in Rule 6 (requiring that the terms of any
subheadings are likewise the primary basis of classification), she continues as
“35 The two relevant criteria for classification
of an article are its material composition and its intended use. The intended
use of an article is to be determined by recourse to objective criteria.
36 In classifying an article in the Combined
Nomenclature the following steps must therefore be taken: (1) the intended use
and material composition of the article must be precisely determined; (2) in
the light of the wording of the headings of the relevant sections and chapters
a provisional classification must be undertaken (a) according to its intended
use and (b) according to its material composition; (3) it must then be
considered whether on a combined examination of the wording of the headings and
the explanatory notes to the relevant sections and chapters a definitive
classification may be reached; if that is not possible then (4) in order to
resolve the conflict between the competing provisions recourse must be had to
Rules 2 to 5 of the general rules (in the present case in particular Rule 3);
(5) lastly, classification must be made under (a) a subheading of the
Harmonised System and (b) a subheading of the Combined Nomenclature….”
78. The Court of
Justice case law makes it clear that goods must be classified by reference to
the objective characteristics and properties of those goods according to such
characteristics and properties as they are ascertained from the CN headings and
subheadings (with the aid, if required, of the CNENs). Thus, for example, the
Court of Justice said as follows in its decision in Case C-495/03 Intermodal
Transports BV v Staatssecretaris van Financiën [2005] ECR I-8151, at
paragraph 47:
“According to settled case-law, in the interests of
legal certainty and ease of verification, the decisive criterion for the
classification of goods for customs purposes is in general to be found in their
objective characteristics and properties as defined in the wording of the
relevant heading of the CN and of the notes to the sections or chapters.”
79. In the Intermodal
Transports case, the question was whether a particular vehicle fell to be
classified under the heading “works trucks, self-propelled…of the type used in
factories, warehouse, dock areas or airports for short distance transport of
goods”, or under the heading “tractors of the type used on railway station
platforms”. In that case the respective headings distinguished between the
physical features or properties of the vehicles to be classified within each
heading and also between the uses to which the vehicles were to be put.
80. In the present
case the subheadings with which we are concerned are 8525 80 30, “Digital
cameras” and 8525 80 91, “Video camera recorders – only able to record sound
and images taken by the television camera”, and therefore the use to which the
goods are put is not a feature of the subheadings which have to be applied.
However, it is clear from the Court of Justice case law that where the intended
use of the goods is not part of the heading or subheading definition of those
goods, but is nevertheless inherent in the characteristics of the goods, the objective
characteristics and properties of the goods can be ascertained from intended
use. Thus in Case C-395/93 Neckermann Versand AG [1994] ECR I-4027, the
Court was required to decide whether particular garments were to be classified
as women’s pyjamas. It stated as follows (paragraphs 6 to 9):
“The wording of heading 61.08 of the Common Customs
Tariff (‘women’s or girls’…pyjamas,…knitted or crocheted’) does not provide a
definition. Nor is a definition of pyjamas to be found in the Explanatory
Notes on the Common Customs Tariff or in the Explanatory Notes to the
Nomenclature of the Customs Cooperation Council.
In the absence of such a definition, the objective
characteristic of pyjamas, which is capable of distinguishing it from other
ensembles, can be sought only in the use for which pyjamas are intended, that
is to say to be worn in bed as nightwear.
If that objective characteristic can be established
at the time of customs clearance, the fact that it may also be possible to
envisage another use for the garments will not preclude them from being
classified for legal purposes as pyjamas.
It follows that, for a garment to be classified as
pyjamas for customs purposes, it does not have to be solely or exclusively
meant to be worn in bed. It suffices if that is the main use for which it is
81. Turning to the
circumstances of the Appellant’s case, we note first that neither the relevant
heading for CN code 8525 80 (“Television cameras, digital cameras and video
camera recorders”), nor the relevant subheadings (8525 80 30, “Digital
cameras”, and 8525 80 91, “Video camera recorders – only able to record sound
and images taken by the television camera”) as such contain a description –
they do not define or describe what a digital camera or a video camera recorder
is. (We should mention that in referring to the relevant CN classification
codes and CNENs we are referring to the version in operation since 1 January
2007 – as noted above, slightly different terms applied before that date, but
neither party considered that the difference was material to this case.)
82. Some assistance
is found in the CNENs for, respectively, digital cameras and video camera
recorders (see paragraph 15 above). A digital camera is always capable of
still image recording, whereas a video camera recorder is always capable of
recording sequences of video; a digital camera may have video-capture
capability to record sequences of video, but only if the video sequence is less
than 30 minutes at a specified resolution and frame speed; a video camera
recorder may have still image recording capability. There are different
physical properties which distinguish the two types of camera: a digital camera
does not have a foldable viewfinder, whereas as video camera recorder may have
such a viewfinder; a video camera recorder always offers an optical zoom
function, whereas a digital camera (when functioning as a video camera) may not
have such a zoom function.
83. Miss Sloane
offered the view that the essential difference between a digital camera and a video
camera recorder lies in their respective functions: the purpose of a digital
camera is to capture images for viewing as still photographic images, whilst
the purpose of a video camera recorder is to capture images for viewing as a
video sequence – as a “movie”. The still images captured and stored by the
digital camera may be viewed in rapid succession (where they have been captured
in rapid succession), but they will not give a true or high quality video
sequence; conversely, a still frame or image may be isolated from a video
sequence captured by a video camera recorder, but that will not be a true or
high quality still image. In other words, although there may be some apparent
overlap in functions, what a digital camera does best (and uniquely does it to
the best standard) is capture and record in digital format still photographic
images and what a video camera recorder does best (and uniquely does it to the
best standard) is capture moving images for viewing as a video sequence. We
agree that this provides a reasonable and effective definition of each type of
camera: it is based on the objective characteristics and properties of the
different cameras as ascertained from their respective uses; it is also
consistent with the terms of the CNENs relative to each type of camera.
84. We now need to
turn to the question of whether the Appellant’s Fastcam cameras best answer to
such definition of a digital camera or to such definition of a video camera
85. The
Commissioners’ case, as advanced by Mr Macnab, was straightforward: the Fastcam
cameras take photographic images of events in motion at very high speeds to
capture that motion for subsequent analysis, and those images can be viewed in
slower motion for the purposes of that analysis – a moving image is captured
for viewing as a video sequence. The cameras are therefore more correctly
described as video camera recorders than as digital cameras.
86. On the basis of
the evidence before us, including the demonstration we saw of the Fastcam
camera in action, we do not agree. Whilst it is the case that the special
properties of the Fastcam camera (in particular those properties which enable
it to capture thousands of images per second at a high resolution and to store
those images on a computer using the proprietary software which is part of the
camera “package”) enable it to photograph events which occur at the highest
speeds, it does so in order to obtain still images of the highest possible
quality of particular points in time in the course of the event in question: it
does not do so in order to obtain a record of the event as a video sequence or
moving image.
87. Mr Brown made
this critical distinction clear in the course of his evidence: iin his witness
statement he described a pioneering experiment in the field of speed
photography where the photographer took rapid photographs of a horse trotting
to capture the one photograph which proved that a horse has, at one moment in
its trotting movement, all its hooves off the ground – what was photographed by
the series of images was the event of the horse trotting, but this was to
obtain a single image of a particular point in time in the course of that
event, not to obtain a record of the horse trotting.
88. If we look at
the physical properties and characteristics of the Fastcam cameras we see that
they are consistent with this function – recording and storing the highest
quality still images of a particular point in time. Thus:
The shutter incorporated into the sensor is specifically designed to
record a high quality and blur-free image by capturing all the pixel values
comprising the image at the same moment; it is also designed to set aside the
image (once captured) at the highest speeds possible to enable the next such
image to be captured;
Although the number of pixels in an image is reduced when the very
highest frames per second shots are taken, the camera retains high resolution
capability in order to produce the highest quality images;
The electronic “trigger” facility in the camera enables the camera to
capture a single image at a pre-determined point in time, or a series of
images, each at a pre-determined time;
Each image recorded is stored on a computer (using the software supplied
with the camera) as a separate image and is therefore capable of being
identified, edited and viewed individually and given its own caption or other
unique data by way of identification;
Images recorded by the camera are saved in one of a number of digital
bitmap formats designed for storing and retrieving still images;
The camera has no viewfinder or zoom capability – it is statically
directed to capture specific images at specific times in the course of the
event to be photographed; and
Although a sequence of recorded images can be viewed in quick succession
(subject to computer capability and capacity), the resulting “moving image” is
of a poor standard since the images are uncompressed.
89. Similarly, if we
turn to the uses made of the Fastcam cameras, it is clear that in the
industrial and engineering processes, and in the scientific and academic
research in which they are used, the requirement is to have a single image, or
a series of individual images, or synchronised images from different angles,
each of the highest quality and clarity to enable a particular moment or
sequence of moments in the course of a process or event to be observed and
analysis and measurement made. (Mr Macnab criticised the Appellant’s case in
regard to the uses and application of the cameras, in particular on the grounds
that no evidence was given by any user-customers. The evidence we had was that
given by Mr Hilton and in various published scientific papers where experiments
had been conducted using the cameras in the course of those experiments. It
was clear to us that Mr Hilton had a comprehensive knowledge of the Appellant’s
customers and of the uses to which they put the cameras they purchased: that is
exactly as one would expect where Mr Hilton and his colleagues are marketing a
highly specialised and technologically sophisticated and expensive product to a
small and specialist market where the Appellant relies on customer experience
and feedback to develop its products. The Appellant’s evidence on this matter
was adequate to enable us to have a clear understanding of the uses to which
the cameras are put.) A user may see the separate images played in rapid
succession, but that is likely to be for the purpose, as in the demonstration
to us, of rapidly identifying and isolating, for detailed examination, the
smaller number of individual images which record the exact moment or series of
moments in which the uses is particularly interested for the purposes of his
analysis and research.
90. Therefore, in
both its properties and its use the Fastcam cameras accord with the definition
of a “Digital camera”, that is, a camera which captures and records in digital
format still photographic images.
91. Our view is
reinforced if we enquire whether the Fastcam cameras have the characteristics
of a video camera recorder: they clearly do not. A video camera recorder has
special properties which are designed to give the best quality moving images
when recorded images are played back as a video sequence. These are set out in
paragraphs 60 to 62 above. In summary, the rolling shutter incorporated into
the sensor of a video camera recorder is designed to “smooth” the sequence of
images recorded by the video camera recorder when they are played back –
quality of image is thereby compromised in order to improve the video sequence
experience for the viewer; likewise, the compression of images and their
storage in the special video MPEG format is again designed to give the best
“movie” playback, albeit at the cost of quality of image. Further, a video
camera recorder is designed to record lengthy continuous sequences, consistent with
its function of recording for playback the entirety of events as they take
92. Mr Macnab argued
that the global shutters and other specialist technology found in the Fastcam
cameras which produce the high quality images should be seen as no more than
differences of degree, and not as defining characteristics of the cameras. We
do not agree. Such items are the essence of the cameras: they are the means by
which the cameras deliver what their users require, namely still and individual
images, usually recorded in rapid succession, of the highest resolution and
quality. It cannot be said that a global shutter as used in the Fastcam
cameras, with its particular properties, is simply different by degree from a
rolling shutter used in a video camera recorder – they are different in
essential character in that they function quite distinctly and differently and
they do so to achieve the different purposes for which they are respectively
93. Miss Sloane had
a secondary submission to make to us: if the Fastcam cameras can be regarded as
having video camera recorder properties, so that they fall in the video camera
recorder CN classification as well as the digital camera CN classification,
then we should apply the “tie-breaker” of Note 3 of Section XVI of the CN, and
look to the principal function, which in her submission is as a digital
camera. We do not need to do so. In our judgment the Appellant’s cameras are
properly, and only, classified as digital cameras. However, should we be held
to be wrong in this conclusion, we would agree that the application of the
“tie-breaker” in Note 3 would result in the conclusion for which Miss Sloane
94. We need to refer
to the classification statement in Annex XII to the summary report of the
Customs Code Committee headed: “Statement on the classification of “High Speed
Camera”. This was issued following the October 2009 meeting of the Customs
Code Committee (see paragraphs 30 to 33 above). As we have mentioned, it is
not binding on us as it is not a statement of law, but we should have regard to
it since it is an indication of the law which the Commission might eventually
95. It is clear from
the summary report of the October 2009 meeting of the Customs Code Committee
that, to the extent that the Committee was dealing with the Appellant’s Fastcam
cameras, it was doing so under at least one critical misapprehension. That
report states: “The product is capable of capturing and storing a sequence of
images which, after further processing, can be viewed either as individual
images (JPEG) or as a video sequence (MPEG)”. The images captured and stored
by the Fastcam cameras are not stored in MPEG format and cannot be viewed as a
video sequence in that format. As we have made clear, we regard that as one of
the key properties which distinguishes the Fastcam cameras as a digital camera
and not as a video camera recorder. This misapprehension implicitly underlies
the Statement itself, which says:
“Given that the product is designed to capture, at
high speed, images of a given event for subsequent viewing as a video sequence
at a lower frame rate, it constitutes a video camera recorder. Therefore,
classification as a digital camera of CN code 8525 80 30 is excluded.”
In our finding the Fastcam cameras are not designed to
capture images of a given event for subsequent viewing as a video sequence.
They are designed to capture individual still images of points in time in the
course of a given event for subsequent viewing as still images – the moment the
hammer strikes the nail in the rather prosaic demonstration we saw, or the
different angles of the nail entering the wood at different moments – not to
provide a viewing of the “movie” of the event as it occurs.
96. Accordingly, the
Statement, even if we were required to apply it as a matter of law, would not
require us to reach a different decision.
97. Therefore it is
our decision that the Appellant’s Fastcam cameras are to be classified under
the subheading: 8525 80 30, “Digital cameras”. In relation to the
classification which obtained before 1 January 2007 they are to be classified
under the subheading: 8525 40 11 “Still image video cameras; digital cameras –
digital cameras”.
98. We allow the
Appellant’s appeals against the two decisions of the Commissioners set out in
paragraph 3 above. In detail:
We allow the Appellant’s appeal against the decision of the
Commissioners (paragraph 3(1) above) not to allow repayment of customs duty
paid by the Appellant on the importation of the Appellant’s Fastcam APX range
of cameras during the period 27 October 2004 to 30 August 2006, and we direct
that such duty is repaid forthwith;
We also allow the Appellant’s appeal against the decision of the
Commissioners (paragraph 3(2) above) to issue BTI notifications on 16 November
2007 classifying the Fastcam cameras in question under heading 8525 80 91 of
the Combined Nomenclature classification, and we direct that the Commissioners
issue in substitution BTI notifications classifying the Fastcam cameras in
question under the subheading 8525 80 30 of the Combined Nomenclature
classification, such substituted notifications to take effect from the
same effective date, and to run for the same period, as the original
99. The parties have
leave to apply to us for further directions should that be necessary to give
full effect to our decision and its consequences.
The Commissioners’ conduct of matters before the Customs Code Committee
100.We have set
out in paragraphs 17 to 33 above the background to this case and the events
leading up to the hearing of the Appellant’s appeals. In our view the conduct
of the Commissioners, as it appears from those events, is open to criticism.
This is particularly so in relation to the way in which it brought matters
before the Customs Code Committee in December 2008. When we indicated to Mr
Macnab at the hearing the matters of concern to us he told us that it is no
part of our function to criticise the procedures of the Commissioners where
that is not an element of the decision we have to reach. In the narrow sense
Mr Macnab is right, given the statutory nature of our jurisdiction. But where
the circumstances of a case shine a light on a process which falls short of the
standards which are expected of the Commissioners as a public body, tribunals
have seen the need to bring to the attention of the Commissioners any such
shortcomings. As a responsible public authority we can fairly assume that the
Commissioners would take note of – even if they do not relish it – any
observation of this kind with a view to maintaining the high public service
standards to which they presumably aspire.
particular concern relates to the Clues Report and its use in the
representations which the Commissioners made to the Customs Code Committee when
they brought to that Committee the circumstances of the Appellant’s claim as to
the nature and classification of its products. The details of that process are
set out above. Specifically, our concerns are the following:
The Commissioners instructed Mr Clues as their expert in this matter.
Mr Clues is a chartered electrical engineer, a member of the Institution of
Electrical Engineers, a practising member of the Academy of Experts and a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Whilst Mr Clues is clearly
distinguished and professionally qualified, none of his qualifications appear
to relate to the technical matters concerning digital or video photography. In
the Clues Report Mr Clues sets out his experience, which is wide-ranging, but
apart from a reference to “television” and another reference to “audio visual
systems”, we see nothing to indicate specialist knowledge or experience in the
technical field relevant to the Appellant’s products. Since, as we have
mentioned, it was the decision of Mr Macnab not to call Mr Clues as a witness
(although Mr Clues had prepared a witness statement and was, we understand,
present at the hearing) the relevance and competence of his qualifications and
experience for this particular case could not be ascertained or examined in
cross-examination or by questions from the tribunal. Our concern is that the
Commissioners instructed as an expert someone who, however distinguished in
other fields, was not expert in the highly technical and specialist fields
relevant to this case.
Our concerns in this regard are heightened by the technical errors and
shortcomings in the Clues Report (which was written after Mr Clues had met with
the Appellant). By way of example, the Report makes no reference to the nature
and characteristics of the global shutter used in the sensor of the Fastcam
cameras, nor of the different shutter mechanism used for recording images for
video playback; the Report states, wrongly, that the Fastcam cameras can store
images in MPEG digital format (the compressed format required for video images
to ensure a “smooth” playback as a video sequence); and the Report states that
since a sequence of individual images shown at speed creates the illusion of a
moving picture, that is a video sequence. All in all Mr Brown devotes five
pages of his witness statement to identifying and correcting technical errors
in the Clues Report.
If the Clues Report had been prepared solely for the purposes of the
Appellant’s appeal to the tribunal its errors and shortcomings would not have
been of undue concern, since the Appellant would have had the chance to
challenge the Report in the course of the appeal proceedings. The real
criticism we have is that the Commissioners used the Clues Report as support
(if not the basis of their case) in their December 2008 formal submissions to
the Customs Code Committee, the confidential process whereby they sought to
establish their view that the cameras, by recording images at very high speeds,
capture video sequences and should therefore be classified as video camera recorders.
This they did, so far as appears from the papers before us, without any
reference to the substantial challenges made to the Clues Report in Mr Brown’s
witness statement (which the Commissioners had received some two months
earlier). Whilst we do not, as Mr Macnab fairly pointed out, know the detail
of the deliberations of the Customs Code Committee, we can nevertheless see
from its report of its conclusions and from the Statement which was issued
following those deliberations, that the Clues Report was a decided influence in
determining the outcome of those deliberations.
102.In bringing
the matter before the Customs Code Committee (in effect seeking to overturn a
tribunal or similar ruling in the Netherlands which had classified the
Appellant’s Fastcam cameras as digital cameras) the Commissioners were, we
assume, principally concerned with the Appellant’s products, but the
consequences could extend to importers of other similar products. Furthermore,
the actions of the Customs Code Committee relate to the entirety of the
European Union. It is a process in which someone in the Appellant’s position
has no part, no knowledge that it is taking place, and no opportunity to
question any submissions made by the Commissioners. In such circumstances the
Commissioners should, in their conduct, have proper and careful regard to their
responsibilities to act fairly and openly: it is not responsible action, in our
view, to present a case to the Customs Code Committee which is partial, based
on evidence which purports to be of an expert when it is questionable whether
that expert is indeed expertly qualified in the technical and industry issues
relevant to the matter in hand, and without disclosure of detailed, competent
and expert challenges to that evidence (or at least without revisiting the
original expert view in the light of such challenges).
103.We hope that
the relevant departments in the Commissioners’ organisation will take note of
our concerns as to their conduct in this particular matter.
104.On 15 February
2010 upon the application of the Appellant the tribunal directed, in exercise
of its powers under paragraph 7(3) of Schedule 3 to The Transfer of Tribunal
Functions and Revenue and Customs Appeals Order 2009, that Rule 29 (Award and
direction as to costs) of the Value Added Tax Tribunals Rules 1986 (as amended)
should apply in relation to this appeal, the proceedings having commenced
before 1 April 2009.
105.Miss Sloane
applied at the hearing that costs should be awarded to the Appellant should it
succeed in its appeal, which it has.
106.We direct
that the Commissioners pay to the Appellant the costs of the Appellant of and
incidental to and consequent upon the Appellant’s appeal in this matter, such
costs to be determined in default of agreement by a Taxing Master on the
standard basis. Either party has leave to apply to the tribunal for further
directions should that be required to give detailed effect to our costs order.
Appeal rights
107.This document
contains full findings of fact and reasons for the decision. Any party
dissatisfied with this decision has a right to apply for permission to appeal
against it pursuant to Rule 39 of the Tribunal Procedure (First-tier Tribunal)
(Tax Chamber) Rules 2009. The application must be received by this Tribunal
not later than 56 days after this decision is sent to that party. The parties
are referred to “Guidance to accompany a Decision from the First-tier Tribunal
(Tax Chamber)” which accompanies and forms part of this decision notice.

RELEASE DATE: 19 May 2011
Authorities referred
to in skeletons and not referred to in the decision:
Cases 69 and 70/79 Rolf H Dittmeyer v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Waltershof [1977]
145/81 Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas v Ludwig Wünsche & Co [1982] ECR
253/87 Sportex [1988] ECR 3351
C-130/02 Krings [2004] ECR I-2121
C-142/06 Olicom A/S v Skatteministeriet [2007] ECR I-6675