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(1827) 2 W&S 637


1 st Division.

No. 56.

James Rose Innes, Esq.     Appellant.—Adam—Keay


James, Earl of Fife,     Respondent

June 20, 1827.

Subject_Sasine — Member of Parliament — Freehold Qualification. —

Held, ex parte, (affirming the judgment of the Court of Session,) in a question relative to freehold qualification, that part of the name of one of the parcels of land enumerated in the sasine founded on having been written throughout the instrument on erasures, the sasine was not sufficient to establish the qualification.

By a crown charter of resignation, dated the 2d, and sealed the 6th June 1825, in favour of Mrs Rose Innes, there was conveyed to her, “hæreditarie et irredimabiliter, totas et integras terras dominicales, et maneriei locum de Netherdale, molendinum et terras molendinarias earundem, cum multuris, sequelis, lie sucken et knaveship, ad easdem spectan. villam et terras de Husbandtown de Netherdale, Craignethertie, Chapeltown, Millhill, Windyedge, et Coblecroft, cum cymba vectoria ejusdem, et salmonum piscationibus, &c. omnes jacen. in parochia de Abercharder, nunc vocat. Marnoch, et vicecomitatu de Banff, et sicuti dict. terrænunc sunt divisæ in duas portiones, lie lots consisten. cognitæ et sub nominibus et descriptione sequen. appellatæ, viz. Portio prima de Wester Craignethertie, sicuti in præsenti per Joannem Walker possessa, Oldtown seu Husbandtown de Netherdale, et parte de Coblehouse, per Alexandrum Roberts, Coblehouse, et cymba ejusdem, per Johannem Courage, Harperhill et Broadgate, et parte de Oldtown de Netherdale, per Alexandrum Sim,”&c.; “et portio secunda earundem, de prædio et molendino de Netherdale et Windyedge” &c. By a clause of dispensation, sasine was allowed to be taken, “ad maneriei locum de Netherdale, maneriei locum de Pittendriech, vel super fundo ullius partis vel portionis diet. terrarum de Netherdale aut Pittendriech, vel supra ulla parte terrarum aliorumque in hac antea disposit. per traditionem terræ, et lapidis fundi earundem tantum.”

Mrs Innes, on the 9th June, executed a disposition, in favour

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of her eldest son, James Rose Innes, of “all and whole those parts and portions of the lands and estate of Netherdale comprehended under the first lot thereof, consisting of, and now known by the following names and descriptions, viz. the town and lands of Craignethertie, as presently possessed by John Walker, the town and lands of Oldtown or Husbandtown of Netherdale, and part of Coblehouse, by Andrew Roberts, Coblehouse and boat thereof, by John Courage,” &c.; and, as far as related to these lands, assigned to him the unexecuted precept of sasine in the charter. In virtue of that precept, sasine was taken in his favour on the same day. The instrument stated, that the parties passed “ad maneriei locum de Netherdale, virtute clausulæ dispensationis infra mentionatæ,” and that the bailie, holding in his hands a charter of resignation, conveying to “Elizabetha Maria Rose Innes de Netherdale, ejusdem hæredibus et assignatis quibuscunque, hæreditarie et irredimabiliter, (inter alia) totas terras et hæreditatem postea mentionat. viz. totas et integras terras dominicales, et maneriei locum de Netherdale, &c. villam et terras de Husbandtown de Netherdale, Craignethertie, &c. omnes jacen. in parochia de Abercharder, nunc vocat. Marnoch, et vicecomitatu de Banff, et sicuti dictæ terræ nunc sunt divisæ in duas portiones, lie lots consisten. cognitæ et sub nominibus et descriptione sequen. appellatæ, viz. portio prima, de Wester Craignethertie, sicuti in præsenti per Joannem Walker possessa, Oldtown seu Husbandtown de Netherdale, et parte de Coblehouse, per Andream Roberts, Coblehouse, et cymba ejusdem, per Joannem Courage, &c.; et portio secunda earundem de prædio et molendino de Netherdale et Windyedge, sicuti in præsenti possessa per Jacobum Andrew, &c. ac etiam habens et in suis manibus tenens, &c. quandam dispositionem et assignationem factam et concessam per dictam, &c. per quam dicta Elizabetha Maria Rose Innes, propter causas inibi specificatas, dedit, alienavit, et disposuit, ad et in favorem dicti Jacobi Rose Innes, ejusdem hæredum, &c. totas et integras illas partes prædictarum terrarum et hæreditatis de Netherdale, comprehensas sub prima portione, lie lot. earundem consistentes et nunc cognitas et sub nominibus et descriptionibus sequentibus agentes, viz. villam et terras de Wester Craignethertie, sicuti in præsenti per Johannem Walker possessam, villam et terras de Oldtown seu Husbandtown de Netherdale, et parte de Coblehouse, per Andream Roberts, Coblehouse, et cymbam ejusdem, per Johannem Courage; omnibus jacentibus infra dict. parochiam de Abercharder, nunc vocatam Marnoch, et

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vicecomitatum de Banff, una cum ullis aliis terris sub quibuscunque nominibus et descriptionibus eadem agant, quæ comprehenduntur et includuntur in dicta prima portione, prædictarum terrarum, et status de Netherdale, in decreto divisionis cumulo æstimati redditus earundem, nuper lato per commissionaries subsidii pro dicto vicecomitatu, et quæ dicta prima portio inibi rata est ad quadringentas et unam libros, sex solidos, et septem denaries, et quatuor duodecimas, monetæ Scotiæ, aut eo circa, de toto cumulo, de quingentis quadraginta et quinque libris, quatuor solidis, et decem denariis, monetæ Scotiæ, ad quod totæ prædictæ terræ antea ratæ stabant in dictis libris vectigalis, aut eo circa, cum omni jure,” &c. The instrument then recited the precept commanding sasine to be given, “secundum formam et tenorem antedictæ cartæ nostræ quam de nobis inde habet et dispensationis prædict.;” and proceeded to state, that the bailie, “virtute dictæ cartæ et præcepti sasinæ, et clausulæ dispensationis inibi content. et officii per idem sibi commissi, dedit, tradidit, pariterque deliveravit, statum et sasinam, hæreditariam atque possessionem, realem, actualem, et corporalem, totarum et integrarum illarum partium et portionum de prædictis terris et hæreditate de Netherdale, componen. primam portionem, lie lot earundem, et consisten. ex particularibus villis et terris de Wester Craignethertie, Oldtown seu Husbandtown de Netherdale, Coblehouse et cymba ejusdem, et totis aliis terris comprehensis in eadem, partibus, pendiculis, et pertinentiis, earundem supra, et in dicta dispositione et assignatione, magis particulariter specificatis et descriptis, omnibus jacentibus in prædicta parochia,” &c. et hinc tentis ut specialiter repetitis, brevitatis causa,” &c. The sasine was described as having been taken “super fundum dictarum terrarum apud dictum maneriei locum de Netherdale, virtute clausulæ dispensationis in dicta carta specificat. et content. modo mentionat. in hoc instrumento,” &c.; but the clause itself was not engrossed. Throughout the instrument, ‘house,’ part of the name ‘Coblehouse,’ was written on an erasure.

Founding on these titles, and a certificate of valuation, Mr Innes claimed to be enrolled as a freeholder, at a meeting held on the 29th June 1825, for the election of a representative. Against this claim, Lord Fife objected, “that among other lands on which the claimant demands enrolment, are the town and lands of Oldtown or Husbandtown of Netherdale, and part of Coblehouse, (possessed) by Andrew Roberts, Coblehouse, and boat thereof, by John Courage;” but from essential “vitiations and erasures in the instrument of sasine produced,

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there is no legal evidence that sasine of the said lands of Coblehouse, or any part thereof, has ever been delivered to the claimant, or that he stands at this moment infeft therein. The objection equally strikes against the qualification of the claimant in point of extent of valuation, inasmuch as there is no evidence that, without the said lands of Coblehouse, he is possessed of L.400 Scots of valuation.” *

Mr Innes answered, “that the erasure or vitiation is not in substantialibus. There can be no dispute that sasine was given of all the lands contained in the conveyance. Further, the charter, and the conveyance, and the instrument of sasine, comprehended generally all the lands, contained in lot first of the estate of Netherdale, as ascertained by the decreet of division of the commissioners of supply; and, therefore, any enumeration of particulars was superfluous; while that decreet proves, at the same time, that the valuation of the lands contained in lot first exceeds L.400 Scots. The charter in favour of Mrs Rose Innes refers to a division of the valued rent of the estate of Netherdale, and it describes particularly certain lands as being comprehended under the first lot, and certain other lands as being comprehended in lot second; and the disposition by Mrs Rose Innes, after conveying certain lands by name, gives to the claimant all the lands comprehended in lot first, under whatever other name the same may go; and the sasine is in exact conformity to that general description.”

A majority of the freeholders having sustained the objection, Mr Innes complained to the Court of Session. The Lord Ordinary (to whom the case was remitted for preparation) reported it on Cases; and thereafter the Court submitted this question to the other Judges:—

“It being admitted, that the latter part of the word Coblehouse in the sasine is written on an erasure, does this constitute such an objection as to vitiate the sasine, and render it null and void?”

The Judges (Lords Cringletie and Eldin dissenting) were of opinion “that the erasures in the different passages of the sasine in favour of the complainer as to the latter part of the word Coblehouse, vitiate the sasine, and render it null and void.” Thereon, the

_________________ Footnote _________________

* It was likewise objected that the claimant's disposition gave him right to the “lands of Craignethertie,” while his sasine applied to the ‘lands of Wester Craignethertie;’ and the plea was also maintained, that the sasine was given at the manor-place of Netherdale, in virtue of a clause of dispensation, which was only thus noticed, “virtute clausulæ dispensationis infra mentionat.” and not afterwards contained in the instrument. But these objections were not considered by the Court to be of weight, and did not enter into the discussion at the bar of the House of Lords.

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Court, on the 10th March 1827, “having resumed consideration of the petition and complaint, with the opinion of the Judges of the Second Division, and the permanent Lord Ordinary, in respect of the erasures in the instrument of sasine founded on by the complainer, dismiss the petition and complaint, and decern; find the complainer liable to the respondent in the statutory penalty of L.30 sterling, and full expenses of process.” *

The complainer appealed, but no appearance was made for Lord Fife.

Appellant.—The erasure is such as to exclude all suspicion of fraud. The instrument was recorded on the very day the sasine was given; and the record agrees with the sasine in description. The deeds referred to in the instruments are identified. The erasures occur in three places: in stating the contents of Mrs Innes' charter of resignation,—of her disposition and assignation to the appellant,—and in the enumeration of the lands in which sasine was given. None of these erasures can be considered as vitiations in substantialibus. As to the two first,— the charter and disposition are admitted to be unchallengeable; but the instrument of sasine merely gives the contents of these deeds; and there are no legal grounds for holding that an error in that recapitulation,—an error that can be instantly corrected by reference to the principal,—must be fatal. As to the third erasure :—it occurs in a passage in the instrument, which passage, without injury to the appellant, might have been omitted altogether. Symbolical delivery was given, “Totarum et integrarum illarum partium et portionum de prædictis terris et hæreditate de Netherdale componen. primam portionem lie lot earundem.” If the notary had stopped here, this clause would (the instrument narrating also the dispositive clause of the charter, and the conveyance to the appellant “of all and whole those parts of the aforesaid lands and estate of Netherdale, comprehended under the first lot of the same”) have been sufficient to include all the different parcels of land contained in lot first. But the circumstance of the notary having, ex superabundante, again entered on an enumeration, was not of such moment as to weaken the previous certification, that sasine had, de facto, passed on all; and at all events, it was admitted

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* See 5 Shaw and Dunlop, No. 285.

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that sasine was given of lands, (whether Coblehouse or not,) the name of which began with ‘Coble.’ In short, this instrument narrates most minutely the terms of the crown-charter, specifying the particular lands comprehended in lot I. of the estate of Netherdale; it describes the import of the conveyance, in favour of the appellant, of all the lands contained in that first lot; it distinctly records, that sasine was given to the appellant in them; and it certifies, that everything was done in precise conformity to the warrants. Let the respondent read ‘Cobleton,’ or ‘Coblecroft,’ still that would have been held a clerical error, unworthy of observation.

The House of Lords ordered and adjudged, that the appeal be dismissed, and the interlocutor complained of affirmed.

Counsel: Appellant's Authorities.— Boyd, Feb. 23, 1822. (1 Shaw and Ball, No. 395.) Napier, June 25, 1822. (1 Shaw and Ball, No. 571.) Denniston, July 7, 1822. (2 Shaw and Dunlop, No. 164.)


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