Class I |
1. For expenditure by the Ministry of Defence on personnel costs, etc. of the armed forces and their reserves and cadet forces, etc, personnel costs, etc of Defence Ministers and of certain civilian staff employed by the Ministry of Defence, movements, certain stores, supplies and services, certain spares and maintenance, plant and machinery, charter of ships, certain research, lands and buildings, works services, certain contingent liabilities, sundry grants, other payments, including those abroad, some works costs for visiting forces, assistance to the former Soviet Union in the resettlement of military personnel, and VE/VJ day commemoration. |
379,050,000 |
*−262,400,000 |
2. For expenditure by the Ministry of Defence on logistics services for the armed forces and the related personnel costs; for spares, repair, maintenance, stores and supply services; for associated capital facilities and works, contractors' redundancy costs; for some works costs for visiting forces and sundry services, subscriptions and grants; and VE/VJ day commemoration. |
1,000 |
30,728,000 |
3. For expenditure by the Procurement Executive of the Ministry of Defence in operating its Headquarters and Establishments and for its other common services; for research etc by contract; for development by contract, production and purchases for sale abroad of sea systems, land systems, air systems and associated equipment; for certain contingent liabilities; for sundry other Procurement Executive services, including those on repayment terms to non-exchequer customers; and interest support for certain defence export sales. |
1,000 |
– |
4. For expenditure by the Ministry of Defence on retired pay, pensions, and other payments, etc. |
1,000 |
1,780,000 |
Class II |
1. For expenditure by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on its salaries, building and other accommodation services, and administration, and those of HM Diplomatic Service, official information services, sundry services and loans and payments in connection with catering services. |
4,379,000 |
11,350,000 |
2. For expenditure by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on grants and subscriptions, etc to certain international organisations, contributions in respect of international peace-keeping, special payments and assistance, scholarships, military aid and sundry other grants and services. |
256,810,000 |
25,799,000 |
3. For expenditure by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on payments to the British Broadcasting Corporation for external radio broadcasting and monitoring services, and for contractual services in connection with FCO relay stations. |
3,015,000 |
– |
4. For expenditure by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on a grant in aid of the British Council. |
4,245,000 |
– |
5. For expenditure by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Overseas Development Administration under the Overseas Development and Co-operation Act 1980 on the United Kingdom´s overseas aid; including financial and technical assistance to governments, institutions, voluntary agencies and individuals; capital and other subscriptions and contributions, including payments under guarantee, to multilateral development banks and other international and regional bodies; emergency, refugee and other relief assistance; pensions and allowances in respect of overseas service, including contributions to pension funds (including payments under the Overseas Pensions Act 1973 and grants in lieu of pensions); and on global environment assistance; loans to the Commonwealth Development Corporation under the Commonwealth Development Corporation Acts 1978-�1995; expenditure on the Turkey Ankara Metro and the Botswana Flight Information Region mixed credit Aid and Trade Provision projects; costs in connection with privatising the Crown Agents and the Natural Resources Institute; and running costs, related capital expenditure and other administrative costs, including for the Natural Resources Institute (an executive agency); and payments (under the authority of the European Communities Act 1972) to certain beneficiaries of the Gibraltar Social Insurance Fund. |
15,309,000 |
– |
Class III |
1. For expenditure by the Intervention Board (Executive Agency) in giving effect in the United Kingdom to the agricultural support provisions of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Community and for other services. |
85,557,000 |
*−74,694,000 |
3. For cash limited and demand led operational expenditure by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food to: promote food safety, take action against diseases with implications for human health, safeguard essential supplies in an emergency, and promote action to alleviate flooding and coastal erosion; to encourage action to reduce water and other pollution and by other measures to safeguard the aquatic environment including its fauna and flora, to improve the attractiveness and bio-diversity of the rural environment and protect the rural economy; implement MAFF´s CAP obligations efficiently and seek a more economically rational CAP while avoiding discrimination against UK businesses (including expenditure on existing CAP measures and schemes), to create the conditions in which efficient and sustainable agriculture, fishing and food industries can flourish, take action against animal and plant diseases and pests, encourage high animal welfare standards; provide specialist support services and allocate resources where they are most needed; provide for some inter-agency payments and undertake research and development. |
1,000 |
*−5,153,000 |
4. For expenditure by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food on departmental research, advisory services and administration, executive agencies, and certain other services. |
11,960,000 |
*−11,710,000 |
Class IV |
1. For expenditure by the Department of Trade and Industry on and related to: support for business, research and development; consumer protection and the regulation of trade; improvement of industrial relations, industrial tribunals, payment towards expenses of the Office of Manpower Economics, Trade Union ballots and the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service (including expenditure by the former Department of Employment); regional and selective assistance; the aerospace and shipbuilding industries; exchange risk and other losses; international subscriptions including those arising from commitments under the International Rubber Agreement; energy-related programmes including research and development and security of oil and gas supplies; assistance to redundant steel workers; departmental administration including expenditure by the former Department of Employment and the former Office of the Minister for Public Service and Science; and incorporating a payment to the Cabinet Office: Office of Public Service (Class XVIII, Vote 1); a share in the running costs of the Government Offices for the Regions; central and miscellaneous services; the operational costs of departmental executive agencies; privatisation and contractorisation expenses; loans to trading funds; petroleum licensing and royalty; provision of land and buildings; loans; grants and other payments. |
54,173,000 |
100,351,000 |
3. For expenditure by the Department of Trade and Industry in connection with the privatisation of the coal industry. |
1,000 |
– |
4. For expenditure by the Department of Trade and Industry for assistance to the coal industry, including expenditure on: grants and loans to the British Coal Corporation; grants to operators of licensed mines; grant in aid to the Coal Authority; payments to redundant workers and other liabilities in respect of former employees of the British Coal Corporation and their dependants; and on the costs of the subsidence and other external advisers and statutory arbitration arrangements. |
123,940,000 |
*−62,996,000 |
6. For expenditure by the Export Credits Guarantee Department in connection with interest support to banks and other lenders of export finance, cover under the tender to contract/forward exchange supplement scheme, grants towards financing of exports to match foreign competition, residual commitments under discontinued guarantees offered to banks and external trade agencies, and cost escalation. |
19,098,000 |
*−47,467,000 |
8. For expenditure by the Office of Fair Trading on administrative and operational costs. |
745,000 |
– |
9. For expenditure by the Office of Telecommunications on administrative and operational costs. |
303,000 |
– |
10. For expenditure by the Office of Gas Supply on administrative costs. |
1,189,000 |
2,462,000 |
Class V |
1. For expenditure by the Department of Employment and the Department for Education and Employment, including expenditure via Training and Enterprise Councils and amounts retained by them as surpluses and spent by them on training and other initiatives within Training and Enterprise Councils' articles and memoranda of association, including the provision of training and assessment programmes for young people and adults and initiatives, programmes within education and careers guidance and services; on the promotion of enterprise and the encouragement of self-employment; payments for training and employment projects, including those assisted by the EC; on help for unemployed people; the promotion of equal opportunities and coordination of certain issues of particular importance to women; on the costs of maintaining and disposing of the remaining assets of the former Skills Training Agency; transfer expenses for surplus staff taking up posts in other Departments; administration, central and miscellaneous services including assistance on employment issues to Eastern Europe in cooperation with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office; on research, publicity and on costs associated with marking the 50th anniversary of VE Day; and for payments to the Department of Trade and Industry (Class IV, Vote 1), the Department of the Environment (Class VII, Votes 3 and 5) and the Central Statistical Office (Class XVII, Vote 12). |
10,333,000 |
*−10,730,000 |
2. For expenditure by the Employment Service of the Department for Education and Employment on help to people seeking work, particularly those who are unemployed; on support for people with disabilities, including a grant in aid to Remploy Ltd; on allowances to participants on Community Action and Jobmatch pilots run by the Employment Service; on the payment of temporary subsidies to employers taking part in Workstart pilots; on assistance to Eastern Europe on labour market issues, in cooperation with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and other agencies; on delivering programme development fund initiatives in England on behalf of the Department of the Environment; on European Employment Services on behalf of the European Commission; and on research, publicity and administration. |
2,000 |
– |
3. For expenditure by the Department of Employment and the Department of the Environment on grant in aid to the Health and Safety Commission, and for a payment to the Department of Trade and Industry (Class IV, Vote 1). |
1,000 |
– |
Class VI |
1. For expenditure by the Highways Agency of the Department of Transport on the construction, improvement and maintenance of motorways and trunk roads, including the acquisition of land, scheme design and preparation, archaeological survey and rescue work, compensation, the purchase of maintenance vehicles and equipment, administration costs of the Highways Agency and research and development in support of Highways Agency operations. |
12,295,000 |
9,265,000 |
2. For expenditure by the Department of Transport on central administration and miscellaneous services; shipping services; civil aviation services; grants for freight and travel concessions; and certain other transport services, including research and development; civil defence; transport security; residual expenses associated with the privatisation of transport industries and expenses associated with the sale of the Trust Ports, Transport Research Laboratory Agency, DVOIT and London Buses Limited subsidiaries. |
12,351,000 |
1,119,000 |
3. For expenditure by the Department of Transport on support to nationalised transport industries, grants to Railtrack, European Passenger Services, Union Railways, expenditure connected with the privatisation of British Rail businesses and Railtrack, capital expenditure by transport industries funded by EU grants, railway industry and National Freight Company pension funds, Royal travel by rail, audit of Government grants and rebate of fuel duty to bus operators. |
347,099,000 |
6,484,000 |
5. For expenditure by the Department of Transport on transport supplementary grants to Highways Authorities in England; special grants to Passenger Transport Authorities for the additional costs of supporting rail services resulting from the restructuring of the railways; other grants and payments for consultancies in respect of various roads and transport projects and in support of maintenance and operations of the Woolwich Ferry; payments in support of roads and on priority routes in London; vehicles and traffic enforcement; road safety, publicity census, surveys and studies; licence refunds; grants to the Humber Bridge Board to cover the Board´s liabilities; Agency payments on behalf of the European Community, Trans European network payment; and Government Office programme expenditure. |
1,608,000 |
– |
6. For expenditure by the Department of Transport on the Marine Safety, Coastguard, Transport Research Laboratory, Vehicle Certification and Driving Standards agencies and loans to the Vehicle Inspectorate. |
1,935,000 |
2,462,000 |
7. For expenditure by the Office of Passenger Rail Franchising on the franchising of passenger rail services; the provision of, and support for, passenger rail services; the formation and financing of companies formed to facilitate the Franchising Director´s functions; and administration and miscellaneous services. |
98,878,000 |
3,473,000 |
8. For expenditure by the Office of the Rail Regulator on administration and associated capital and other expenditure and on costs of the Rail Users' Consultative Committees. |
1,822,000 |
300,000 |
Class VII |
1. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on Housing Revenue Account Subsidy; slum clearance, repairs and other improvements to housing; payments to the Housing Corporation; housing for the single homeless and special needs accommodation; housing management and mobility; rent officers and Rent Assessment Panels; grants for the provision of gypsy sites; grants to home improvement agencies; research projects including European Community programmes; publicity; commutation of local authority loan charge grants and of housing debts to the Commission for the New Towns; and for sundry other housing and construction services and projects. |
847,386,000 |
1,797,000 |
2. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on Single Regeneration Budget payments to support urban and other regeneration; for special grants to the voluntary sector; on countryside grants in aid; on support for the Groundwork Trusts and Foundation; on grants to the Broads Authority and for grants to voluntary bodies; on support of work at Dearne Valley College; central government grants to local authorities for the Single Regeneration Budget; National Parks, transition costs incurred in the preparation of the establishment of independent National Park Authorities, regeneration projects in Manchester and the coalfield areas fund; for payments to commute loan charges; for European Community (EC) Agency payments; for EC regeneration payments not pre-funded by EC receipts; on grants to the Commission for the New Towns for road infrastructure; on support for the National Forest strategy; and on publicity payments related to the above expenditure. |
21,726,000 |
7,335,000 |
3. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on the environment, including research and support to the environmental protection industry, on the promotion of environmental issues and awareness; on grants to improve energy efficiency generally and environmental practice in industry; on disposal of radioactive waste; on the measurement of radon in premises; on support of the aims and implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity; on support for the Tidy Britain Group and for the National Environmental Technology Centre; on recycling; on smoke control; on environmental publicity and promotion; on grant-in-aid to the National Rivers Authority, UK Ecolabelling Board, Environment Agency and British Waterways Board; on water supply and sewerage services including civil defence; on grants to voluntary bodies; on subscriptions and contributions to international organisations; on planning redevelopment; on residual services in connection with the privatisation of the water supply industry; on compensation for persons disabled by certain industrial diseases and advice and awareness on handling alcohol and AIDS issues which arise in the work place (including expenditure by the former Department of Employment). |
4,583,000 |
5,443,000 |
4. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on revenue support grant, on payment of non-domestic rates to receiving authorities in England, on payments to specified bodies and the Commission for Local Adminstration in England, on payments for Valuation Office Agency rating and valuation services, on payments to meet the expenses of valuation tribunals, on grant-in-aid to the Local Government Commission, on residual payments of community charge grant, on payments under the council tax transitional reduction scheme, on payments of rate rebate grants, on emergency financial assistance to local authorities, residual payments of grants to local authorities in respect of certain costs incurred in relation to unaccompanied refugee and asylum-seeking children, on repayments of excess contributions made by local authorities and other bodies in respect of non-domestic rates in 1994-95 and previous years, and on planning and minerals research and local government research and surveys, including contributions to the Local Government Management Board. |
30,000,000 |
– |
5. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment and its agencies on administration, including research, royal commissioners, committees, etc., and by the Planning Inspectorate Executive Agency on appeals, and by the Building Research Establishment Executive Agency on buildings research and surveys. |
7,809,000 |
*−613,000 |
6. For expenditure by the Office of Water Services on administration and operational costs, and the provision of customer representation. |
819,000 |
– |
7. For expenditure by the Ordnance Survey on the Survey of Great Britain and other mapping services. |
1,943,000 |
5,942,000 |
8. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment (Property Holdings and other Services to Government) on acquisitions, public building work, accommodation services, administration and certain other services for civil purposes in the United Kingdom, for Ministry of Defence and for civil purposes required in connection with the Channel Fixed Link, for loans to the Buying Agency and for payments to the Cabinet Office: Office of Public Service (Class XVIII. Vote 1). |
1,000 |
*−38,114,000 |
Class VIII |
1. For expenditure by the Home Office on police, the forensic science service, emergency planning, fire services, the Fire Service College, administration of justice, the Criminal Cases Review Commission, other services related to crime (including criminal injuries compensation and offender programmes), diversion from custody, prevention of drugs abuse, control of immigration and nationality, issue of passports etc., equal opportunities (including grants relating to ethnic minorities), and general services, and on administration (excluding the provision for prisons administration carried on Class VIII, Vote 2). |
130,106,000 |
9,233,000 |
2. For expenditure by the Home Office in England and Wales on prisons (including central administration and other costs arising from the detention of prisoners), placements in secure accommodation under section 53 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933, Prison Service colleges, the Parole Board, the storage and maintenance of equipment, transport management and grants to "Prisoners Abroad". |
18,905,000 |
– |
3. For the expenditure of the Charity Commission for England and Wales on administrative costs. |
732,000 |
– |
Class IX |
2. For expenditure by the Northern Ireland Court Service on court services, other legal services, accommodation services, and legal aid. |
1,700,000 |
– |
3. For expenditure by the Public Record Office on administrative and operational costs. |
2,310,000 |
– |
4. For expenditure by the Crown Prosecution Service on administrative costs (including the hire of private prosecuting agents), crown prosecutions and in connection with the confiscation of the proceeds of crime. |
1,500,000 |
– |
6. For expenditure by the Department of the Procurator General and Treasury Solicitor, the Government Property Lawyers' Agency and the Legal Secretariat to the Law Officers on administration and on costs and fees for legal services. |
2,000 |
8,998,000 |
7. For expenditure by the Crown Office and Lord Advocate´s Department on administrative costs (including fees paid to temporary Procurators Fiscal), witness expenses and other costs associated with Crown prosecutions. |
600,000 |
– |
Class X |
1. For expenditure by the Department for Education and the Department for Education and Employment in respect of the assisted places scheme, voluntary and special schools, City Colleges and other specialist schools, grant-maintained schools, the Funding Agency for Schools, education associations, music and ballet schools, direct grant schools, the youth service, grants for miscellaneous international and other educational services, research and information, and central government grants to local authorities. |
12,639,000 |
97,000 |
2. For expenditure by the Department for Education and the Department for Education and Employment on payments to the Higher Education Funding Council for England and the Further Education Funding Council (England), for teacher training, other payments for higher and further education, expenditure on student awards and fees, provision of loans to students, the administration costs of the Student Loans Company, and other administration costs of student support, reimbursement of fees for qualifying European Community students, compensation payments to redundant teachers and staff of certain institutions, payment of certain licence fees to the Home Office and agency payments on behalf of the European Community. |
185,000 |
– |
3. For expenditure by the Department for Education and the Department for Education and Employment on administration and associated services. |
1,000 |
– |
4. For expenditure by the Department for Education (Teachers' Pensions Agency) and the Department for Education and Employment (Teachers' Pensions Agency) on superannuation allowances and gratuities, etc in respect of teachers and the widows, widowers, children and dependants of deceased teachers, and for premature retirement compensation payments made to members of the Teachers' Superannuation Scheme on behalf of their employers. |
107,449,000 |
35,767,000 |
Class XI |
1. For expenditure by the Department of National Heritage on payments in the support of national and other museums and galleries; for the Government Indemnity Scheme: to the Inland Revenue for assets accepted in lieu of tax; in the support of the British Library and other library institutions and services; to the Arts and Sports Councils and for other arts and sports bodies and schemes; to Royal Palaces and Parks; to the Royal Armouries; for historic buildings, ancient monuments, certain public buildings and the national heritage; for the promotion of tourism; to film bodies and projects; to the Welsh Fourth Channel Authority and for certain broadcasting services and schemes; for related research, surveys and other services; for central administration costs; for commemorative services; and for agency payments on behalf of the European Community. |
28,346,000 |
858,000 |
Class XII |
1. For expenditure by the Department of Health on or in relation to hospital, community health, mental health, family health and family health service administration services, National Health Service trusts, and on related services. |
167,817,000 |
394,964,000 |
2. For expenditure by the Department of Health on administration, including certain expenditure on behalf of the Department of Social Security, on miscellaneous health, personal social and other services (some of which are administered on a United Kingdom basis), including mental health, medical, scientific and technical services, medical treatment given to people from the UK in other countries of the EEA, welfare food, services for disabled persons, grants to voluntary organisations, etc., payments in respect of Home Office inspection of public health laboratories services, grants-in-aid and subscriptions to international organisations, and a contribution to the International Peto Institute. |
1,000 |
17,664,000 |
4. For the expenditure of the Office of Population, Censuses and Surveys on administrative and operational costs. |
2,667,000 |
2,973,000 |
Class XIII |
1. For expenditure by the Department of Social Security on non-contributory retirement pensions, Christmas bonus payments to pensioners, pensions, etc. for disablement or death arising out of war or service in the armed forces after 2 September 1939 and on sundry other services, on attendance allowances, invalid care allowance, severe disablement allowance; disability living allowance; disability working allowance; on pensions, gratuities and sundry allowances for disablement and specified deaths arising from industrial causes; on income support, payments of spousal and child maintenance, child benefit, one parent benefit, family credit, and on the vaccine damage payment scheme. |
1,151,000,000 |
17,000,000 |
2. For expenditure by the Department of Social Security on rent rebate, rent allowance, council tax benefit, community charge benefit, community charge rebate and rate rebate subsidies and on sums payable in respect of anti-fraud measures to housing, charging, levying and local authorities; on transitional payments to help certain housing benefit claimants significantly affected by the changes to the housing benefit scheme and certain supplementary benefit claimants not entitled to benefit under the income support scheme; on sums payable into the National Insurance Fund to increase its income and as compensation payments in respect of statutory sick pay and statutory maternity pay and on sums payable into the Social Fund for expenditure on maternity expenses, funeral expenses and heating expenses in exceptionally cold weather. |
1,000 |
– |
3. For expenditure by the Department of Social Security on sums payable as grants to Independent Living; on subsidies to housing and local authorities towards the cost of administering the housing benefit scheme, to charging and levying authorities towards the cost of administering the council tax benefit scheme and to local authorities in respect of their expenditure on certain discretionary payments of rent allowance; as grants to Motability towards their administrative costs and to enable them to assist invalid vehicle users and others to have adapted and/or to purchase or lease cars from them, as grants to the British Limbless Ex-Servicemen´s Association to enable them to assist certain other disabled vehicle users to have cars adapted, and on sums payable to the Social Fund to finance budgeting loans, crisis loans and community care grants. |
16,116,000 |
– |
4. For expenditure by the Department of Social Security on administration, for agency payments, the promotion of Government policy on disability issues, and for certain other services including grants to local authorities and voluntary organisations. |
19,355,000 |
74,851,000 |
Class XIV |
1. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Agriculture, Environment and Fisheries Department, formerly the Scottish Office Agriculture and Fisheries Department, on market support, support for agriculture in special areas including crofting communities; for structural measures (including agri-environmental measures): compensation to sheep producers and animal health; agricultural education, advisory, research and development services; botanical and scientific services; assistance to production, marketing and processing; administration, land management and other agricultural services; assistance to the Scottish fishing industry; fishery protection and certain other services including fisheries research and development and special services. |
1,000 |
– |
2. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Education and Industry Department, the Scottish Office Development Department (and formerly by the Scottish Office Industry Department) on Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise; on innovation and technology support; on regional selective assistance; on regional enterprise grants; on regional development grants; on technical and vocational education; on the promotion of tourism; on roads and certain associated services, including the acquisition of land, lighting, road safety and related services; on assistance to local transport; on grants to Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority for the additional costs of supporting rail services resulting from the restructuring of the railways; on support for transport services in the highlands and islands; on piers and harbours, and on certain other transport services and grants; on expenditure relating to the privatisation of Scottish Nuclear Ltd, the Scottish Bus Group and the electricity supply industry, Scotland; and on other sundry services in connection with trade and industry, etc. |
21,660,000 |
*−630,000 |
3. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Development Department and formerly the Scottish Office Industry Department on assistance to local transport, piers and harbours, on grants to new town development corporations in connection with housing and other services on the urban programme, on other urban regeneration initiatives, on expenses connected with the new towns' wind-up, on grants for ethnic minority groups and redemption of new towns' National Loans Fund debt. |
1,000 |
– |
4. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Development Department and formerly by the Scottish Office Industry Department on European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund, community initiatives and third party FEOGA to non-departmental public bodies, local authorities and other bodies and organisations. |
1,000 |
– |
5. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Agriculture, Environment and Fisheries Department, the Scottish Office Development Department and formerly the Scottish Office Environment Department on housing subsidies, financial support for Scottish Homes, other expenditure, contributions and grants relating to housing; on historic buildings and monuments (including administration); on natural heritage; on other central and environmental services; on the Boards of the Water Authorities in Scotland; on the Scottish Water and Sewerage Customers Council; on the Scottish Environment Protection Agency; on the Local Government Property Commission (Scotland) and on payments to Public Works Loans Board. |
700,214,000 |
1,057,000 |
6. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Agriculture, Environment and Fisheries Department, the Scottish Office Development Department and formerly the Scottish Office Environment Department on water and sewerage, other environmental services, on flood and storm emergencies, sites for travelling people, and residual grants to housing associations. |
1,000 |
– |
7. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Development Department and formerly the Scottish Office Environment Department for revenue support grants and payments of non-domestic rates in Scotland. |
256,000 |
– |
8. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Development Department and formerly the Scottish Office Environment Department on rebate grants and payments in connection with the community charge grant, the council tax transitional relief scheme and grants to shadow local authorities in Scotland. |
1,897,000 |
– |
9. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Home Department (formerly the Scottish Office Home and Health Department) on legal aid, criminal injuries compensation (excluding administration), police, police and fire services superannuation, and welfare food. |
1,000 |
– |
10. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Home Department (formerly part of the Scottish Office Home and Health Department) on legal aid administration; certain services relating to crime, including the Parole Board for Scotland, the Scottish Prison Service (an Executive Agency), the Scottish Prison Complaints Commission, police services (excluding grants to local authorities); fire, the Scottish Office Pensions Agency, civil defence (including grants) and other protective and miscellaneous services; miscellaneous health services; social work services, including the Scottish Children´s Reporters Administration; the provision of residential and secure accommodation for children; services for offenders, including probation and supervised attendance orders; grants to voluntary organisations; training and research; unemployed voluntary action fund; and other grants to local authorities. |
4,241,000 |
233,000 |
11. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Department of Health (formerly part of the Scottish Office Home and Health Department) on the provision of family health services under the - National Health Service in Scotland and certain other services. |
4,597,000 |
481,000 |
12. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Department of Health (formerly part of the Scottish Office Home and Health Department) on hospital, community health, family health and other health services, including National Health Service trusts, central health services and civil emergency planning. |
29,840,000 |
3,154,000 |
13. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Pensions Agency on superannuation allowances and gratuities, etc. in respect of teachers, and the widows, widowers and dependants of deceased teachers. |
4,636,000 |
5,121,000 |
14. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Pensions Agency on pensions, allowances, gratuities, etc., to or in respect of persons engaged in health service or in other approved employment, and payment of pension and premature retirement compensation where National Health Service employers have capitalised future commitments. |
1,000 |
99,000 |
15. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Education and Industry Department (formerly the Scottish Office Education Department) on schools, including self-governing schools; special educational needs; higher education and research, including the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council; the Student Awards Agency, Scotland; compensation payments; further education, including payments to further education colleges; curriculum development, international and other educational services, including support for School Boards, and the careers service, and training and research; sport; Gaelic broadcasting; arts, libraries, museums and galleries, including purchase grants; cultural activities and organisations including the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Royal Scottish Geographical Society; Scottish Film Production Fund; publicity; indemnities; administration; and central government grants to local authorities. |
2,102,000 |
– |
16. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Education and Industry Department (formerly the Scottish Office Education Department) on student loans, including administration, access funds, student awards and fees, and reimbursement of fees for qualifying European Community students. |
1,000 |
– |
18. For expenditure by the Scottish Office on administrative costs and operational costs. |
7,072,000 |
– |
19. For expenditure by the Scottish Record Office on administrative costs, on acquiring record material, on construction and associated costs of a new purpose-built repository, on conservation grants to local archives and on a grant to the Business Archives Council of Scotland. |
2,637,000 |
25,000 |
20. For expenditure by the General Register Office for Scotland on administrative and operational costs. |
337,000 |
– |
Class XV |
1. For expenditure by the Welsh Office on market support; support for agriculture in special areas and compensation to sheep producers; animal health; assistance to agricultural production, marketing and processing; grants for capital and other improvements and certain alternative land uses; compensation to the farming, fishing and fish-farming industries; support for the fishing industry, fisheries protection and agency payments for fishing projects; European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund grants to organisations, local authorities and private individuals; other miscellaneous agricultural services; and arterial drainage, flood and coast protection (Revised sum). |
2,000 |
*−500,000 |
2. For expenditure by the Welsh Office on regional assistance and other industry expenditure (including Welsh Development Agency and Development Board for Rural Wales), exchange risk guarantees, housing subsidy to the Development Board for Rural Wales, the Teaching Company Scheme; expenditure via Training and Enterprise Councils and amounts retained by them as surpluses on training, including the provision of training programmes for young people and adults, initiatives and programmes within education; on the promotion of enterprise, and encouragement of self-employed and small firms; on help for unemployed people; on Careers Service, publicity and research; education (including the Further Education Funding Council for Wales and the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales) and certain other services and expenses. |
22,261,000 |
375,000 |
3. For expenditure by the Welsh Office on roads and transport and certain associated services, housing, historic buildings and ancient monuments, Cadw Agency, other environmental services (including tourism, civil defence, national parks, Planning Inspectorate Agency and certain payments related to EU matters), arts, libraries and museums, health and personal social services, Welsh Office administration and TEC management fees, and other grants and services, including research. |
13,249,000 |
– |
4. For expenditure by the Welsh Office on housing, other environmental services, welfare food, the commutation of loan charge grants to local authorities, the commutation of housing debt owed to the Commission for the New Towns by Torfaen Borough Council and certain other services. |
36,601,000 |
– |
5. For expenditure by the Welsh Office on hospital, community health, family health services, including administration, National Health Service trusts and on other health services (part). |
10,026,000 |
5,674,000 |
7. For expenditure by the Office of Her Majesty´s Chief Inspector of Schools in Wales on inspections, publicity, training, teachers' short courses and conferences, administration and associated capital, etc. |
275,000 |
34,000 |
Class XVI |
1. For expenditure by the Northern Ireland Office on central and miscellaneous services, services related to crime, police, prisons, security, criminal justice, training schools, probation and aftercare, etc., compensation schemes, Crown prosecutions and other legal services, European Union Peace and Reconciliation projects, and certain other grants. |
15,650,000 |
311,000 |
2. For expenditure by the Northern Ireland Office on a grant-in-aid of the Northern Ireland Consolidated Fund and other transfers. |
260,000,000 |
– |
Class XVII |
1. For expenditure by Her Majesty´s Treasury on economic, financial and related administration, including debt management; payments to certain Parliamentary bodies; and certain other services, including expenses in connection with Honours and Dignities and a grant-in-aid to the Private Finance Panel Executive. |
3,000,000 |
– |
3. For expenditure by the Customs and Excise Department on the administration of taxation; the operation of customs and revenue controls and other customs and excise work; and payments in respect of the Customs and Excise National Museum. |
8,824,000 |
– |
4. For expenditure by the Inland Revenue Department on the management and collection of direct taxes; and services provided for the Department´s information technology partner and for other departments. |
25,000,000 |
*−15,000,000 |
5. For expenditure by the Inland Revenue Department Valuation Office (Executive Agency) on the provision of rating and valuation services for government departments and other public bodies. |
1,000 |
513,000 |
6. For expenditure by the Inland Revenue Department on life assurance premium relief, mortgage interest relief, private medical insurance premium relief, vocational training relief and transitional payments to charities. |
23,000,000 |
– |
8. For expenditure of the Department for National Savings on administration, publicity costs and certain other expenses. |
1,350,000 |
– |
11. For expenditure by Paymaster on administrative costs. |
1,423,000 |
237,000 |
12. For expenditure by the Central Statistical Office on the provision of national accounts and other statistics, including labour market statistics (including expenditure by the former Department of Employment) and on departmental administration. |
1,630,000 |
14,920,000 |
15. For expenditure by Her Majesty´s Treasury in connection with the sales of residual Government shareholdings and the sale of privatised companies' debt. |
1,000 |
9,999,000 |
Class XVIII |
1. For expenditure by the Office of the Minister for Public Service and Science and the Office of the Minister for Public Service on the central management of the Civil Service (including expenditure by the Department of Trade and Industry), the privatisation of executive agencies, expenditure on SAFE and TBA (including expenditure by the Department of the Environment: Property Holdings and other services to Government), and for a payment to the Department of Trade and Industry (Class IV, Vote 1). |
2,636,000 |
43,765,000 |
2. For expenditure by the Cabinet Office: Office of Public Service and Science and Department of Trade and Industry on the Science Research Councils, the Royal Society, the Royal Academy of Engineering, OST initiatives, fees payable under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 and Research Council pensions. |
11,206,000 |
60,000 |
3. For expenditure by the Cabinet Office: Office of Public Service and Science and the Cabinet Office: Office of Public Service on the superannuation of civil servants, pensions, etc. in respect of former members of the Royal Irish Constabulary and other pensions and non-recurrent payments; and for certain other services. |
120,000,000 |
– |
5. penditure by the Controller of Her Majesty´s Stationery Office to compensate the HMSO Trading Fund for the price concessions to public libraries; to meet the cost of government and other publications supplied to United Kingdom members of the European Parliament; and to meet the costs of goods and services provided to customers in the private sector. |
1,000 |
– |
Class XIX |
1. For expenditure by the Cabinet Office on administrative costs, the Offices of the Prime Minister, the Parliamentary Counsel and the Government Chief Whip, payments to the Chequers Trust and the British National Committee for the History of the Second World War, and certain other services. |
2,999,000 |
– |
2. For expenditure by Her Majesty´s security and intelligence services on administration and operational costs, works and equipment, pensions and other payments. |
1,000 |
– |
3. For expenditure of the Department of Her Majesty´s Privy Council on administrative costs and for the financing of a Central Drugs Coordination Unit. |
150,000 |
– |
4. For expenditure of the Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and the Health Service Commissioners for England, Scotland and Wales on administrative costs. |
702,000 |
– |
Total, Supplementary, 1995-96 |
5,361,285,000 |
334,546,000 |