Virtual Representation: Australian Elected
Representatives and the Impact of the Internet
Chen [ 1 ]
Centre for Public Policy
University of Melbourne
[email protected]
This paper examines the impact of
the Internet, specifically the World Wide Web and electronic mail
on Australian elected representatives in three key areas: (1)
representatives' use of Internet technology as part of the work
lives: to what extent has the technology been adopted by these
public functionaries? (2) online consultation: have representatives
adapted Internet technologies for the purpose of democratic
communication with their constituents and stakeholders? And (3)
online voting: do representatives see value in 'virtualising'
traditional voting practices? Based on a survey issued to every
elected representative in Australia, data is presented to
illustrate the current use, salience, and potential value of these
activities for Australia's political leaders. The findings show,
first, that generalised use of online services by elected
representatives is substantially higher than that of the Australian
population average, and interest in the use of online services,
online consultation, and online voting is also quite high. Second,
the application of online consultation remains limited for some
groups of representatives. Using Rogers's theory of the diffusion
of innovation, the difficulty and magnitude of change required to
implement some forms of online democratic practices is explained,
through use of a number of adoption curves.
Keywords:, Democracy,
Representative Government, Politicians, Internet, New Media, Survey
Research, Local Government, Federalism, ATSIC, eDemocracy,
Innovation, Computers, Networking, Governance, Online
This is a Research
Report published on 6 December 2002.
Citation: Chen P,
'Virtual Representation: Australian Elected Representatives and the
Impact of the Internet', The Journal of Information, Law and
Technology (JILT) 2002
(3)<>. New
citation as at 1/1/04:
The initial introduction of all
modern media forms have encouraged speculation as to their
potential democratic benefits ( Williams,
1974 , pp.50-55), drawing in both utopian and dystopian views as
to their impacts on the political landscape of the times ( Roslaniec, 1998 ). With the latest
'revolution' in media technology, the political impacts of the
Internet is only now beginning to be felt across a range of policy
domains and practices: from the forumulation of policy ideas and
law, the competition for power, and the administration of justice.
From humble beginnings as an informal and ad hoc extension to
'traditional' forms of campaigning, political socialisation,
interest aggregation, and consultation, the Internet is now being
recognised as a valuable tool for political communication and
consultation. Within Australia, the 2001 federal election saw
renewed emphasis in the development of professional party websites,
offering information as well as interactivity[ 2 ]. Even outside of the electoral process,
Australian parties are increasingly using the World Wide Web (WWW)
as a vehicle for supplementing their offline media management
processes[ 3 ], and electronic mail (e-mail) as a
low cost substitute to direct mail marketing[ 4 ].
In a recent article, however, Gibson and Ward's ( 2002 ) review of Australian political parties'
use of the Internet show that, while some impressive-looking
websites have been developed by Australia's major political
parties, the overall quality of these sites (in terms of
interactivity and participation) was low. This paper seeks to
continue Gibson and Ward's work through examining, not the
institutional use of Internet technologies in the democratic and
policy-making process, but the adoption and adaptation of these
technologies by individuals. This aim attempts to close the
research gap between research on parties ( Gibson
and Ward, 2002 ), departments and agencies ( Finn
and Holden, 2000 , Holland, 1991 ), and
civil society institutions and interest groups ( Margolis and Resnick, 2000 ) through the
provision of some baseline data for elected
This paper falls within the general
rubric of 'electronic democracy'. The current debate over the
impact of computer-mediated-communications takes two basic forms:
normative views about the value of facilitating democracy online
and how best to go about implementing the theory in practice (e.g.
Canadian Policy Research
Network, 1998 , Geiselhart, 2000 , Nugent, 2001 , Toregas,
2001 , Coleman and G?tze, 2001 , Griffiths, 2002 ), and case analysis of
examples in practice (e.g. Williams, 1998 ,
Geiselhart and Coleman, 1999 , Webster, 2001 ). While not denying the
importance of the former work in shaping our future understanding
of the technology and its possibilities for enriching democratic
participation and outcomes, this report is firmly located in the
latter category: an attempt to develop an understanding of current
practice, to situate the normative and aspirational against a
baseline data set of current reality. As such, the research looks
at: the current use of the Internet by Australian elected
representatives, enablers for this use, and representatives'
interest in use of the technology (now and into the future). To
examine these areas, a survey was developed in the first half of
2002 that was issued to every elected representative in Australia
(for a more detailed discussion of methodology, see the Appendix ). Representatives were contacted
either via electronic mail (where a published electronic mailing
address was available for them) or via postal mail. Respondents
could respond online, via the Internet or a paper form. Overall,
slightly less than twenty percent of Australia's total population
of elected representatives responded to the survey. This compares
quite favourably to a similar research project conducted in Europe
( Caldow, 1999 , p.7), which received a ten
percent response rate based on email requests only[ 5 ]. The survey was funded by the Australian
Computer Society, the peak body of computer and information
technology professionals in Australia.
The survey data shows that
Australia's elected representatives have high Internet usage rates
when compared with the wider Australian population. In addition,
the use of online services for consultation by parliamentarians is
quite high, however this innovation has yet to be substantially
adopted by local government and Australian Torres Straight Islander
Commission (ATSIC) councillors. Supporting the diffusion of
technology, representatives' report they are generally satisfied
with their institutional computer support, however wide differences
can be identified between parliaments and local government
provision of computer hardware, software, training, and online
support services. In addition, representatives generally see the
Internet as an important work tool, and an important vehicle for
consultation, however, when ranked against other 'offline' media
forms, the Internet does not feature as one of the top three
communications channels for elected representatives. When asked
about their support for Internet-based voting, representatives
report a mixed view: with a majority supporting the practice in
some form, but with substantial minorities opposed, or uncertain
about the value of the practice. In explaining the differential
diffusion rate of online services and electronic democracy,
Rogers's theory of diffusion of innovations is applied to show
that, based on the relative change magnitude required to implement
electronic democracy initiatives, online consultation and the
establishment of 'partisan' websites have slower adoption curves
than basic use of the Internet as part of the work life of
individual representatives.
2 .
This section presents the survey
findings, based on a division between elected representatives as
either: parliamentarians (Commonwealth, State, and Territory) or
councillors (local government councillors and aldermen, and ATSIC
councillors and commissioners[ 6 ] ). The data is
presented with the minimum expository required to describe the
figures, and point out important variances based on either gender,
length of service, self-reported computer skill level, or rural or
urban electorate/ward/riding. Findings are presented
Use of the World Wide
Use of electronic mail;
Use of other online
Internet importance in
representatives' work life;
Computer literacy;
Information technology support
Prevalence of online
Media preferences; and
Online voting preferences of
2.1 World Wide Web
As illustrated in Figure 1 , eighty-five percent of Australian
elected representatives' utilise the World Wide Web in some form[ 7 ], with most representatives browsing on a weekly
or daily basis. This figure is substantially higher than that of
the total Australian population, with use of the Internet in 2001
estimated at only sixty-four percent (National Office of the
Information Economy ( NOIE,
2002 ), however at the highest and lowest rates of use, there is
a marked difference between parliamentarians (who tend to use the
web more, and more frequently) and councillors (more likely to not
use the web, or to use in moderation). Overall, Victoria is the
most active online state, followed by the Australian Capital
Territory, Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia,
Tasmania and Queensland. Representatives within the Northern
Territory are the lowest overall users of this technology. In
addition to these geographic differences, nationally, rural
representatives are less likely to browse the Web at all (22% of
rural representatives never browse the web, compared with only
seven per cent for urban) reflecting barriers faced in rural areas
in securing acceptable access quality, and the use and frequency of
use of the World Wide Web directly increases based on the level of
computer skill reported.

Figure 1. Use of the World Wide Web
2.2 Use of Electronic Mail
When examining the use of e-mail by
representatives, Figure 2 shows the
differences between parliamentarians and councillors is less
distinct, with both groups tending towards a weekly or greater
frequency of overall use, and far less sporadic use of this
technology. Parliamentarians are the heaviest users of electronic
mail, more than seventy-percent using it more than once a day,
while Councillors are more likely not to use this technology (17%
as opposed to three per cent for parliamentarians). Overall, the
distribution of usage rates between states and territories is
similar to that for web browsing, with rural representatives
tending to use the technology less and be more likely not to use it
at all. Once again, there is a strong correlation between the level
of computer skill of the representative and their use of electronic
mail, although compared with use of the World Wide Web, there is a
tendency for higher use at lower levels of skill, indicating that
representatives find electronic mail simpler to use than the World
Wide Web.

Figure 2. Use of the E-mail
2.3 Other Online Services
The World Wide Web and e-mail are
not the only online services used by representatives. Figure 3 shows that representatives engage in a
range of online activities, with the establishment of websites,
telecommuting, and e-mail lists and newsgroups most popular.
Representatives are least likely to utilise Internet Relay Chat
(IRC), online conferencing, or online work environments. Overall,
however, parliamentarians are far more likely than councillors to
use these forms of online services, and again urban representatives
are more likely to utilise these technologies than their rural
peers (double the rate or rural representatives in some

Figure 3. Use of the Other Online
2.4 Importance of the Internet in Work
Given the high usage rates of the
WWW and e-mail, Figure 4 shows the expressed
importance of the Internet as part of representatives' working
lives. Both parliamentarians and councillors are likely to see
these technologies as 'somewhat important', 'important', or 'highly
important', though parliamentarians place greater importance on the
use of the technology in their work lives (virtually no
parliamentarians identified the technology as less than 'somewhat
important'). Councillors are less likely, overall, to see the
importance of the technology, over twenty percent reporting
Internet technologies as either 'not at all important' or of only
'minor importance'. This distribution is also matched by
differences between rural and urban representatives, with rural
representatives seeing less overall value in the technology than
their urban counterparts. Unsurprisingly, the strongest determinant
of representatives' view of the importance of these technologies is
their level of computer skill, with skill having a positive
correlation to increased interest in the use of the

Figure 4. Importance of the Internet
2.5 Computer Skill Level
As the use and frequency of use of
information technology and new media by elected representatives is
influenced by their skill level, respondents were asked to
self-report their skill in using computers, based on a continuum
from 'not at all' to 'highly capable'. Figure
5 shows the majority of representatives (both at the
parliamentary and councillor levels) report that they either had a
basic understanding of computers, or used this technology with
confidence, with a sizeable cohort (of approximately twenty
percent) indicating a high or very high level of skill. Overall,
approximately ten percent of representatives indicated no skill
with computers whatsoever, and lower skill levels are
In local and regional government,
compared with parliamentarians;
Between rural and urban
representatives - with rural representatives reporting lower levels
of skill overall, with the exception of a approximately thirty-five
percent of rural and urban representatives who report 'confidence'
in computer use;
Between men and women (men have
slightly lower computer skills than women); and
Based on the representatives length
of service (more seasoned representatives report lower levels of
skill than newer parliamentarians and councillors).

Figure 5. Self-reported Computer Skill
2.6 Information Technology Support
In addition to the impact of skill
on the use of new media, respondents were asked about their
satisfaction with information technology support services offered
by their parliament or council[ 8 ], illustrated
in Figure 6 . Parliamentarians, overall, are
much more likely to find these services 'helpful' or 'very helpful'
than councillors, reflecting differential levels of funding
available through parliamentary departments than across the wide
spectrum of local government (as indicated in Tables 1 and 2 ). Urban
representatives are marginally more likely to view their support
services positively than rural representatives, again, indicative
of council size and resource differences between the two groups,
and the clustering of IT professionals and suppliers in urban areas
of Australia.

Figure 6. Satisfaction with Information
Technology Support Services

Table 1. IT Resources Available to Australian
(Footnotes: Commonwealth[ 18 ], NSW[ 19 ])

Table 2. IT Resources Available to Australian
Local Government Councillors[ 9 ][ 20 ]
Interestingly, as illustrated in Figure 7 , women (who generally express a high
level of skill with computers than men) are generally less
satisfied with their internal IT support than men. While this
finding may reflect increasing sophistication of demands that
cannot be as easily met, a breakdown of skill level to service
satisfaction does not uphold this hypothesis: see Figure 8 . Gender bias, therefore, may be a
factor in explaining lower levels of satisfaction among women when
interacting with their information technology support personnel ( Shade, 1993 ).

Figure 7. Satisfaction with IT Support Services
Based on Gender

Figure 8. Satisfaction with IT Support Services
Based on Skill Level
2.7 Online Consultation
From an examination of the use of Internet services, and the
enablers for that use, two survey questions determined the level of
application of online technologies for democratic consultation.
First, the extent of this practice (regardless of form) was
ascertained. Overall, parliamentarians are twice as likely (64%) to
engage in online consultation than their peers in local government
and ATSIC (32%). However, when the pattern of behaviour is broken
into states and territories, a very variable pattern emerges, with
councillors relatively consistent in their, albeit low level, of
online consultation, while parliamentarians express no consistent
pattern of behaviour. At the parliamentary level ( Figure 9 ), Victoria is the most likely state to
engage in online consultation (80%), followed closely by the
Commonwealth and New South Wales, while South Australia and the
Northern Territory (30%) are least likely to engage in this
practice. At the local and regional levels, variations between
states and territory are less likely, however again Victoria is the
most prolific online consulting state (approximately 40%), while
the Northern Territory the least (22%).

Figure 9. Parliamentarians' Online
Rural and urban variations are quite
prevalent in determining online consultation, urban representatives
being more than twice as likely to engage in the practice than
their rural counterparts (fifty versus twenty-six percent). Women
are slightly more likely to undertake this practice than their male
peers, and less likely to delegate this activity to subordinates
within their staff or personal aquaintences (such as friends or
family members). Length of service also affects the tendency to use
staff to engage in online consultation (the longer in office the
more likely staff will be given this responsibility), however, the
rate of online consultation is not significantly affected by the
length of service of the representative. Overall, the single
largest determinant of the use of online consultation comes from
the representatives' computer skill level, with 'very competent'
and 'highly capable' representatives more than ten times more
likely to undertake online consultation.
Given these differential usage rates
for online consultation, it is not surprising that when asked about
the importance of this activity, parliamentarians were more likely
to rate this activity as more important than councillors ( Figure 10 ). Overall, however, while
approximately forty-five percent of councillors and twenty percent
of parliamentarians see this activity as 'neither important nor
unimportant', 'unimportant' or 'having a negative impact on
democratic consultation', the respective interest level is higher
than current practice. This again shows the barriers of resources
and skills in limiting uptake of this activity among
representatives. However, a further question, attempting to
determine the spread of information between elected representatives
into online consultation practices shows that only three percent of
representatives can name a specific example of online consultation
among their peer-network ( Figure 11 )[ 10 ] . Overall, therefore, while interest is high,
there is little 'real world' example sharing within the population
of elected representatives may be inhibiting further use of this
form of online democracy.

Figure 10. Importance of Online

Figure 11. Sources of Information Regarding
Online Consultation
2.8 Media Preferences
Because of the subjectivity of
likert scale indicators ( Neuman, 1994 ,
p.155), the survey also attempted to contextualise Internet
preferences with other media forms to determine the relative
importance of new media. When asked to rank nine forms of media
(Television, Newspapers, Magazines, Radio, Direct Mail, WWW,
E-Mail, Outdoor Advertising, and Personal Contacts), both
parliamentarians and councillors identified personal contacts,
newspapers, and direct mail as their most valuable political
communication tools ( Table 3 ), whereas
Internet communication tends to rank fifth, sixth, or seventh in
importance. Thus, while new media have supplanted some channels
(outdoor advertising and magazines) in importance, the technology
is not yet of pre-eminent value in communication the political
message of parliamentarians and councillors. Generally, electronic
mail is seen as more valuable than television (possibly because it
can be used as a substitute for direct mail, a higher order media
preference), and urban representatives are more likely to value new
media than their rural peers. Overall, as indicated in Table 4 , the computer skill level of the
representative has a direct impact on media ranking, with
higher-skilled representatives exhibiting corresponding higher
preferences for new media (with mass media, such as radio and
television begin substituted lower in their media

Table 3. Media Preferences

Table 4. Media Preferences by Computer Skill
2.9 Online Voting Preferences
From the examination of current
practice, representatives were asked to specify their preferences
for extending existing voting practices into the online
environment. To date, while there has been one substantive trial of
electronic (but not Internet-based) voting in Australia for a
government election[ 11 ], online voting has not
yet been examined in great detail[ 12 ]. Given
that the electoral process has been under review, and a range of
innovations to traditional balloting have been introduced (such as
the use of postal voting in some local government elections), it
seems reasonable that representatives may have considered some of
the possibilities surrounding online voting. Representatives were
asked, therefore, to express preferences for online voting
Opposed to the practice;
Uncertain about the
Support for online voting for
indicative polling only;
Support for online voting where
monitored by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC);
Support for online voting for all
elections and including citizen-initiated referenda.
Overall, as indicated in Figure 12 , there is a high level of
uncertainty about this process, with approximately one-quarter of
representatives uncertain about the practice of online voting
(uncertainty is higher among parliamentarians than councillors).
One third of representatives are opposed to the practice (higher
for councillors than parliamentarians), while forty percent of
representatives would support online voting in some form. Within
this largest cohort, however, there are mixed responses to the
preferred type of online voting, with seventeen percent (of the
total population) supporting online voting for all elections and
including the introduction of citizen-initiated referenda, fifteen
percent in favour of online voting for AEC-monitored elections, and
nine percent for indicative polling only.

Figure 12. Support for Internet
Within the population,
parliamentarians remain the most divided over the subject of online
voting ( Figure 13 ), with the Australian
Capital Territory expressing the most support for online voting
with referenda (50% of ACT Assembly members, reflecting, possibly
the recent trial of electronic voting in that jurisdiction), the
Northern Territory for AEC-monitored online voting (65%), Tasmania
the most uncertain (75%), and Victoria the most strongly opposed to
the practice (40%). Councillors, on the other hand, express far
lower geographic variations in their preferences.

Figure 13. Parliamentarians' Support for
Internet Voting
3 .
As indicated in the basic analysis
presented within the findings section, it is possible to explain
the differential adoption rate for new media and electronic
democracy among Australia's elected representatives based on the
limitations of enablers for these practices (geography[ 13 ], support services, skill, and interest
levels). In addition, through the classification of electronic
democracy initiatives into four types - facilitative,
transformative, novel, and revolutionary - Table
5 shows that, in addition to these restrictions to the further
uptake of these technologies, the change magnitude of each type of
electronic democracy development is likely to have an impact on the
speed to which the more sophisticated electronic democracy
initiatives may be introduced (for example, Internet voting
including citizen-initiated referenda is requires a magnitude of
change larger than the basic conversion of existing ballot-boxes
into online voting forms).

Table 5. A Typology of Electronic Democracy
(Footnotes: Political information agents... [ 21 ])
Based on this view of change
magnitude as an inhibitor for the adoption of electronic democracy,
Rogers's ( 1995 ) theory of innovation
diffusion can be applied to chart the diffusion of these
technologies through the population of elected representatives, as
entrepreneurs seeking to improve their work processes ( Sundbo, 1998 ). Rogers's interest in innovation
takes two forms: interest in the origin of innovations (determinant
and agents of), as well as the way in which initial innovations are
diffused throughout social networks. With regards to diffusion,
Rogers (252-280) identifies a means of connecting the initial point
of innovation, with subsequent diffusion of the development through
social networks. In attempting to advance the social network
diffusion concept, Rogers first identifies a range of adopter
categories that follow the time continuum of adoption. These ideal
types follow the speed of adoption to identify the characteristics
of adopters, from 'innovators' with wide social networks and
willingness to adopt new ideas, to 'laggards', suspicious of new
technology and who exhibit low levels of innovation awareness.
Overall, Rogers sees that the ease of adoption, value of the
innovative practice, communication channels (formal or informal)
for spreading information about the innovation, the nature of the
social network, and the presence or absence of opinion leaders as
change agents affects the speed to which adoption moves through the
five adopter categories[ 14 ]. Because of these
factors, Rogers proposes, the cumulative diffusion of innovation
will tend to follow a classic sigmoidal curve (S-curve): slow
initial growth, followed by mass adoption, tapering as the number
of non-adopters reduces.
Based on Rogers's adoption curve
theory, and making a distinction between parliamentarians and
councillors[ 15 ], it is possible to place three
key electronic democracy innovations: Adoption of work life
Internet use (as a precursor technology to the use of new media for
democratic functions), Online consultation, and, Establishment of
personal political websites.
With respect to work life Internet
use, Figures 14 and 15 show the high adoption rate of precursor
technologies. Where a greater variation can be identified, however,
is in the overall use of online consultation -late majority
adoption for parliamentarians and early majority adoption for
councillors - and significant differences between the two groups
with regards to the use of personal political websites .

Figure 14: Parliamentarians' Innovation
Adoption Rates

Figure 15: Councillors' Innovation Adoption
What this means these figures
indicate is that, while Gibson and Ward identified political
websites as the focus of electronic democracy initiatives at the
party/institutional level, at the individual/representative level,
relatively static websites remain of a low order of priority when
using the Internet for political purposes. Overall, therefore,
while table 3 identified websites as slightly less important than
electronic mail for parliamentarians and councillors, the use of
Internet technologies for online consultation is strongly oriented
towards e-mail. This reflects the dominance of direct mail and
one-to-one, or one-to-few communications mediums in the top three
media preferences for elected representatives overall, but also
highlights some of the difficulties representatives face in the
adoption of these facilitative electronic democracy
These difficulties take the form of
problems accessing electronic mailing lists for constituents,
skills and knowledge limitations, and the credibility gap between
the possibility of electronic democracy and practical outcomes for
potential adopters (inherent value). Importantly, however, the use
of the Internet and online consultation are close to their
theoretical limit (based on measured interest levels), while
councillors' adoption of partisan political sites lag substantially
behind their expressed interest in online consultation. Thus, the
greater level of financial, hardware, and support resources for
parliamentarians can be seen as overcoming the limited peer
experience sharing identified within the social network of elected
representatives (as illustrated in Figure
11 ), a resource differential reflected in councillors' limited
uptake, to date, of partisan websites to match their interest level
in online consultation. Overall, however, it must be noted that the
current data, as a preliminary evaluation of current practice and
having limited texture and depth, highlights the need for further
research to unpack the different techno-social meanings associated
with - not just the Internet - but the variety of functions and
interfaces with which the Internet can present the user.
4 .
The survey data presented herein
provides a baseline for the continued exploration of elected
representatives' use of the Internet in Australia. Because of
current research emphasis on institutions (government and parties)
and civil society organizations' electronic democracy initiatives,
there remains no comparative data with which to analyse these
findings, either temporally (within Australia) or
internationally[ 16 ]. When comparing elected
representatives use of the Internet, the survey determined a high
adoption rate of these technologies among the sample group, however
the sophistication of application (with regards to electronic
democracy) remains limited overall, reflecting some ongoing
problems in determining the best ways to utilise online services
for democratic activities that both empower the wider members of
the community, and limit general concerns about the validity of
participation online (determination of user
In examining the diffusion of the
technology, the impact of resources and social network estrangement
appear to be the most significant barriers to faster adoption
(matching practice to expressed interest levels). The clearest
indicator of adoption of the technology for more advanced forms of
community interaction appears to be the skill level of
representatives, indicating, according to Roger's theory, that
there are significant barriers to the understanding of the
potential value of these forms of communications tools for
representatives with limited IT awareness. Should increased
community interaction via online services be seen as a normative
good (and this has not particularly been established as a
cost-effective substitute for alternative methods of interaction),
then increased skill levels for representatives would appear the
most beneficial way to enhance the rate of adoption. This, however,
prevents a 'chicken and egg' dilemma - if full recognition of value
is achieved only through increased use, there remains low
motivation for representatives without pre-existing skills levels
to invest time and effort in adoption. Overall, therefore, it would
appear that limited levels of 'policy learning' exist between
representatives in this area (exacerbated by partisan competition,
the part-time nature of local government representation, and time
constraints), which should be addressed if successful and valuable
online consultation and stakeholder interaction is to occur at the
individual level. At present, the nature of institutional responses
to electronic democracy (State portals, party websites, etc.) have
limited transferability to under-resourced municipal government in
Australia or representatives acting as individuals, a feature that
limits lesson drawing from the more widely publicised experiments
with e-government. Adaptable toolsets, best practice and case
examples, and targeted funding for skilling are required if
Australian elected representatives are to develop this area of
practice at the same rate as their institutional
Appendix: Methodology
The aim of the research project was
to assess Australia's Elected Representatives:
i. Levels of use;
ii. Democratic utilisation;
iii. Perceived importance of new
media technologies (Internet and online services) in democratic
To assess these three areas of
interest, a seventeen-question, largely multiple-choice survey was
developed. The survey was developed in two formats: hardcopy for
those respondents without an email address and an online survey for
those contactable via email. Learning from a previous, unpublished
online survey[ 17 ], the online survey URL issued
to respondents incorporated a check digit that allowed respondents
to be automatically verified and allowed for automatic capture of
some basic statistical information (tier of government, state or
territory of electorate/council, and initial method of
The identified population of the
research project was every serving elected political representative
in Australia. A sampling frame was constructed to provide email and
mailing addresses for 6,767 of elected representatives from
available public sources. From the sampling frame approximately 29%
of representatives had identifiable email addresses, the remaining
4,792 were contacted via postal addresses.
Response Rate by Instrument
Two basic research limitations are apparent. First, the sampling
method is not perfect. While attempting to sample the entire target
population, a number of elected representatives at the local
government level could not be contacted because of inability to
locate names and addresses and the inevitable shortfall between
published information and governments that may have been going
through elections. While the overall response rate was high, a
number of groups within the total sample were under represented.
Groups with a response rate lower than ten percent are:
ATSIC councillors (6.66%),
Local government councillors of the
Northern Territory (5.48%).
Second, some limitations result from
the data capture method utilised. While email invitations were used
for representatives with email addresses (allowing respondents to
directly 'click through' to the online survey) and paper
invitations issued to those without, this approach may have some
limitations, namely:
The presence of an email address
does not guarantee the representative used it (emails may have gone
unread); and
As the survey was concerned with
ascertaining the use and interest in the medium, the email
invitations may have biased responses back towards those
representatives with a higher degree of computer literacy and/or
interest in the medium. While this may have been moderated by the
use of paper-based surveys, Yun and Trumbo ( 2000 ) have observed that in general comparison of
post, email and web surveys, the use of multiple collection methods
attracted a disproportionate response from those using online
response methods.
1 . I
would like to thank my research assistant, Captain Sven Holzheimer,
for his assistance with this research, Mr Tom Worthington of the
Australian National University for his encouragement in the initial
development of the project, Mr Lachlan Pollock for development of
the PHP survey script, and Dr Karin Geiselhart and Ms Joanne
Faulkner for her input into the refinement of the research
2 . A
good example would be the 'Political Big Brother' website
established by the Australian Labor Party that allowed targeted
users (the 18 to 35 demographic) the ability to vote members of the
government 'out of the house' ( Chen,
2001 ).
3 . A
good example would be the 'Truth Overboard' website
<> established to place
pressure on the Commonwealth government over the MV Tampa affair,
the site was established by the Australian Labor Party.
4 .
Brendan Nelson MP, as just one example, provides subscribers with
his 'Bradfield Briefing' via e-mail
5 .
Unfortunately the two data sets are not comparative, as the Caldow
survey was only issued to representatives with electronic mailing
addresses and was aimed at examining the use of new media by 'early
adopters' only.
is the national policymaking and advocacy organisation for
Indigenous people within Australia.
Either directly, or through a member of their staff. 17.3% of
parliamentarians and 3.6% of councillors have this function
undertaken by staff.
7 . Such as the provision of equipment
and software, training, helpdesk services, and assistance using the
Internet to publish content.
8 . Based
on a random sample of councils only.
9 . This
figure is based on a question asking representatives to nominate
examples of online consultation.
10 .
The majority of citied examples by representatives (10%) pertained
to the receipt of e-mail from constituents, followed by
institutional examples of this practice (8.8%).
11 . The Australian Capital Territory
undertook a pilot in October 2001 for their Assembly elections;
Green, 2000.
12 .For
a greater discussion of the possibilities, forms, and barriers
associated with electronic voting, see Pratchett, 2002.
13 . As indicating access to reliable
telecommunications services and IT professionals (NOIE,
14 .
With respect to the diffusion of information technology
innovations, the application of Rogers's theory could be seen to
include the inherent assumption encapsulated in the 'full
integration hypothesis' - that is, 'that information technology
has, or will become, an indispensable component of modern daily
life' ( Vitalari, 1990 , p.97). While
diffusion theory does measure adoption rates in terms of total
population adoption (time for complete diffusion), application of
this theory does not necessarily require the acceptance of
inevitable technological adoption. For the purposes of this paper,
importance measures - indicative of the inherent utility of the
Internet to the sampled group - is used as a means of determining
the current upper limit of possible adoption based on the perceived
importance / interest variable.
15 . A
distinction that appears to be somewhat arbitrary when considering
the ATSIC and local government respondents. While the functions and
resources available to parliamentarians is not widely different
across the nation, the local government sector is highly variable
in composition, with very large municipalities (such as the City of
Brisbane, with over 800,000 residents) vastly different in size,
budget, and function to the smaller shires (such as Cox Peninsula
Community Government Council, with 252 residents). It may be
valuable, but not possible in the context of this paper, to
distinguish adoption curves based on State, Territory, and
rural/urban division.
16 .
While a number of studies have been undertaken internationally
(most notably that of Caldow ), their age
(pre-2000) or methodology (online surveying only) limit meaningful
comparison. Given the rapid pace of change to practice in this area
(general population adoption of the Internet has increased by as
much as twenty percent within one year, this area appears fraught
with problems of data obsolescence.
17 .
This initial research utilised a CGI script using Perl language to
capture data to a comma delineated text file (CSV). The research
instrument in this research developed this technique, using PHP
scripting to allow for verification imbedded in the unique URL
issued to each respondent, this limited the amount of input
required from participants and provided additional security to the
data capture instrument. The survey was enhanced slightly with
basic java scripting to prevent text entry violation of the
designated field separation character. In addition, the use of PHP
allowed browser types and domain origins to be automatically logged
for analysis. Overall, the PHP script had a number of distinct
advantages over the original Perl CGI bin method and would be
recommended for future online research of this type.
18 . IT
and online serves support are undertaken jointly by the Senate and
House of Representatives Departments (IT support services), the
Technical Services Group of the Parliament (networking), and the
Department of Finance and Administration (hardware and software
19 . At
the time of writing the NSW IT Support Unit was unable to respond
to the inquiry. Support for NSW members is likely to be similar to
that of other parliaments.
20 .
Based on a random sample of councils only.
21 .
Based on Sau's ( 1999 , pp.137-55) view of
intelligent agents as co-operatives, autonomous, learning
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