S.I. No. 320 of 2003
European Communities (Labelling of Fishery and Aquaculture Products) Regulations 2003
I, Dermot Ahern, Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3 of the European Communities Act 1972 ( No. 27 of 1972 ) and for purpose of giving effect to Article 4 of Council Regulation No. 104/2000(EC)1 of 17 December 1999 and to Commission Regulation No. 2065/2001(EC)2 of 22 October 2001, hereby make the following Regulations:
1. These Regulations may be cited as the European Communities (Labelling of Fishery and Aquaculture Products) Regulations 2003.
2. These Regulations come into operation on 22 July 2003.
3. (1)In these Regulations unless the context otherwise requires
“authorised officer” means one or more of the following;
(i) a person authorised in writing by the Minister,
(ii) an authorised officer under the Regulations of 2002;
“Commission Regulation of 2001” means Commission Regulation 2065/2001(EC), laying down detailed rules for the application of the Council Regulation of 2002 as regards informing consumers about fishery and aquaculture products, as may be amended or replaced by any Regulation, directive or decision of the European Communities;
“Council Regulation of 2000” means Council Regulation No. 104/2000 (EC), on the common organisation of the markets in fishery and aquaculture product as may be amended or replaced by any Regulation, directive or decision of the European Communities”;
“Minister” means the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources;
“place on the market” includes to advertise, barter, offer or expose for sale by wholesale or retail, or have in possession for sale by wholesale or retail and invite to buy and cognate words shall be construed accordingly;
“product” means a fishery or aquaculture product;
“Regulations of 2002” means the European Communities (Labelling, Presentation and Advertising of Foodstuffs) Regulations 2002 ( S.I. No. 483 of 2002 );
“third country” means a country other than a Member State of the European Communities.
(2)(a) A word or expression that is used in these Regulations and is also used in the Council Regulation of 2000 has, unless the contrary intention appears, the same meaning in these Regulations as it has in that Council Regulation.
(b) A word or expression that is used in these Regulations and is also used in the Commission Regulation of 2001 has, unless the contrary intention appears, the same meaning in these Regulations as it has in that Commission Regulation.
(3)(a) A reference to a Regulation or the Schedule is to a Regulation of, or the Schedule to, these Regulations, unless it is indicated that reference to some other enactment is intended.
(b) A reference to a paragraph or subparagraph is to the paragraph or subparagraph of the provision in which the reference occurs, unless it is indicated that reference to some other provision is intended.
4. These Regulations shall be deemed to be food legislation for the purposes of the Food Safety Authority of Ireland Act ( No. 29 of 1998 ).
5. These Regulations do not apply to the direct sale to a consumer by a fisherman or aquaculture producer of a product which does not exceed €20 in value.
6. (1) A person shall not place on the market any product to which Article 4 of the Council Regulation of 2000 and the Commission Regulation of 2001 apply unless it has complied with the conditions specified in the Council Regulation of 2000, the Commission Regulation of 2001 and the Regulations of 2002.
(2)(a) Subject to paragraph (b) a person shall not place on the market a product unless the information required by Article 8 of the Commission Regulation of 2001 is provided by means of labelling or packaging of the product or by means of a commercial document accompanying the product (including the invoice).
(b) In the case of a product offered or exposed for sale by retail, the required information shall be provided by means of labelling or packaging of the product.
(3) Products placed on the market or labelled prior to the commencement of these Regulations may continue to be placed on the market until stocks are exhausted.
(4) Subject to paragraph (3) a person who fails to comply with paragraph (1) or (2) is guilty of an offence.
7. (1) The list of commercial designations which the State is required to draw up and publish under Article 4.2 of the Council Regulation of 2000, is as set out, in the English language and in the Irish language, in the Schedule.
(2)(a) The Minister may, by statutory instrument, amend the Schedule as may be required from time to time.
(b) Any amendment made pursuant to paragraph (a) shall be published in Iris Oifigiúil as soon as may be after it is made.
(3) In relation to a product included both in the Schedule (as may be so amended from time to time) and in a list published in the English language under Article 4.2 of the Council Regulation of 2000 having effect in another Member State, the commercial designation for that product in the list having effect in that other Member State shall be an alternative to the commercial designation for that product set out in the Schedule (as may be so amended).
8. (1) The Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources is the competent authority for the purposes of Article 2 of the Commission Regulation of 2001.
(2) The Department shall cause to be published by electronic means, capable of being read in legible form, a list of commercial designations in accordance with Article 4.2 of the Council Regulation of 2000 and details of any changes to that list from time to time, in accordance with Article 2.2 of the Commission Regulation of 2001.
9. In the case of a product farmed in more than one Member State or third country and sold to a consumer in the State, the Member States or third countries of origin shall be indicated pursuant to Article 5.1(c) of the Commission Regulation of 2001.
10. (1) The Minister may appoint such and so many persons as he or she thinks fit to be authorised officers for the purposes of these Regulations.
(2) An authorised officer shall be furnished by the Minister, or by the chief executive of the relevant health board as the case may require, with a certificate of appointment as an authorised officer and when exercising any power conferred on an authorised officer by these Regulations shall, if so requested by any person, produce the certificate for the inspection of the person.
11. (1) An authorised officer may, for the purposes of these Regulations:
(a) at all reasonable times, enter and inspect any premises in which the authorised officer has reasonable grounds for believing that any product is kept, sold or being produced,
(b) at all reasonable times, enter any railway wagon, vehicle, ship, vessel or aircraft in which the authorised officer has reasonable grounds for believing that any product is being transported for sale or kept for sale,
(c) require the owner or any person employed at the premises or any person in charge of the premises to give to the authorised officer such information in the person's power or control that the officer may reasonably require and to produce to the officer any records (in whatever form kept) or books or documents (including labels and fiches) in relation to any product found by or produced to the officer under this Regulation,
(d) at such premises, inspect and take copies of, or extracts from any books, records or other documents (including in the case of information in non-legible form a copy of or extract from such information in permanent legible form),
(e) inspect and copy or extract information from any data (within the meaning of No. 25 of 1988 )), found or produced to the officer under this Regulation,
(f) require any person, by or on whose behalf data equipment is or has been used on the premises in relation to the business of selling or marketing any product or any person having charge of, or otherwise concerned with the operation of, the data equipment or any associated apparatus or material, to afford the authorised officer all reasonable assistance in relation to its use thereto,
(g) carry out or have carried out such examinations, tests, inspections and checks of any product found there as the authorised officer reasonably considers necessary,
(h) take such samples of any product or of materials or articles used or intended for use in the manufacture or preparation of any product which the authorised officer finds in the course of his or her inspection,
(i) secure for later inspection the premises or any products found therein.
(2) (a) Where a sample is taken pursuant to this regulation, the authorised officer concerned shall divide the sample into not more than 4 approximately equal parts each of which the officer shall mark in such a way as to identify it as a part of the sample taken by the officer.
(b) Where an authorised officer takes a sample consisting of a product contained in unopened containers and the division into parts of the product -
(i) is not reasonably practicable, or
(ii) might affect the composition or impede the proper analysis of the contents, the authorised officer shall divide the containers into not more than 4 lots each of which the officer shall mark in such a way as to identify it as a part of the sample taken by the officer.
(c) In proceedings for an offence under these regulations, the result of any test, examination or analysis of, or report on, a sample taken pursuant to this regulation shall not be adduced unless before the proceedings were instituted one of the parts into which the sample was divided pursuant to this regulation was left with or transmitted to the defendant.
(5) A person who -
(a) obstructs or interferes with an authorised officer in the exercise of his or her powers under this Regulation, or
(b) without reasonable excuse, does not comply with a requirement of an authorised officer under this Regulation, or
(c) in purported compliance with a requirement referred to in paragraph (b), gives information to an authorised officer that the person knows to be false or misleading in a material respect,
is guilty of an offence.
(6) An authorised officer shall not, other than with the consent of the occupier, enter a private dwelling unless the officer has obtained a warrant from the District Court under Regulation 12 authorising such entry.
(7) An authorised officer, where he or she considers it necessary, may require a member of the Garda Síochána to assist the officer when performing any powers conferred on an authorised officer by this Regulation which involves the breaking open of any premises or any other action in which the use of force may be necessary and is lawful.
12. If a judge of the District Court is satisfied on the sworn information of an authorised officer that there are reasonable grounds for believing that there is any product or information relating thereto held on any premises which an authorised officer requires to inspect, the judge may issue a warrant authorising an authorised officer, accompanied if appropriate by other authorised officers or by a member or members of the Garda Síochána, at any time or times within one month from the date of issue of the warrant, on production of the warrant if so requested, to enter that premises, if need be by reasonable force and exercise all or any of the powers conferred on an authorised officer by Regulation 11.
13. If any person fraudulently -
(a) tampers with any product so as to procure that any sample of it taken under Regulation 11 does not correctly represent the products, or
(b) tampers or interferes with any sample taken under Regulation 11,
the person is guilty of an offence.
14. (1) An offence under these Regulations may be prosecuted by -
(a) the Minister, or
(b) a health board, in whose functional area the offence was committed.
(2) A person guilty of an offence under these Regulations is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding €3,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both.
15. (1) Where an offence under these Regulations is committed by a body corporate and is proved to have been committed with the consent, connivance or approval of, or to be attributable to any neglect on the part of any director, manager, secretary or other officer of the body corporate or any other person who was purporting to act in any such capacity, that officer or person as well as the body corporate is guilty of an offence and is liable to be proceeded against and punished as if he or she were guilty of the first-mentioned offence.
(2) The owner or other person in charge of an operation to which these Regulations apply who fails to take all reasonable steps to secure the compliance of any person employed in, or any person admitted to the place where the operation concerned is undertaken, with these Regulations, is guilty of an offence.
The following table lists the commercial designations of fish and fishery products showing the scientific name, the name in the English language or the commercial name and the name in the Irish language.
The name of the individual species (e.g. atlantic salmon, pacific oyster etc.) must also be included where known.
Acanthocybium solandri
Acipenser baerii baerii
Siberian sturgeon
Bradán Fearna Siberia
Acipenser gueldenstaedtii
Danube sturgeon
Bradán Fearna Danube
Acipenser naccarii
Adriatic sturgeon
Bradán Fearna Adriatic
Acipenser oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus
Atlantic sturgeon
Bradán Fearna Atlainteac
Acipenser ruthenus
Sterlet sturgeon
Bradán Fearna Sterlet
Acipenser stellatus
Starry sturgeon
Bradán Fearna Realtach
Acipenser sturio
Bradán Fearna
Alepocephalus bairdii
Baird's slickhead
Alepocephalus rostratus
Risso's smooth-head
Alopias pelagicus
Pelagic thresher
Alopias superciliosus
Bigeye thresher
Alopias vulpinus
Alosa spp.
Caspian shads
Amblyraja radiata
Starry ray
Roc Réaltach
Anarhichas denticulatus
Northern wolffish or Rock turbot
Cat Bog
Anarhichas lupus
Atlantic wolffish or Rock turbot
Cat Mara
Anarhichas minor
Spotted wolfish or Rock turbot
Cat Beag Mara
Aphanopus carbo
Black scabbardfish
Scabaird Dubh
Apristurus laurussonii
Iceland catshark
Cat Searc
Apristurus spp.
Deep-water catsharks
Cat Searc
Argentina silus
Greater argentine
Airginteach Mór
Argentina spp.
Sea catfish species
Cat Mara
Auxis rochei rochei
Bullet tuna, Frigate and bullet tunas
Auxis thazard thazard
Frigate tuna, Frigate and bullet tunas
Triggerfishes, durgon species
Bathyteuthis abyssicola
Deepsea squid
Máthair Shuigh
Alfonsino species
Beryx decadactylus
Beryx splendens
Splendid alfonsino
Beryx spp.
Alfonsino species
Boops boops
Brama brama
Atlantic pomfret
Garbhánach Rotha, Cailleach Rua
Brevoortia tyrannus
Atlantic menhaden
Brosme brosme
Tusk or Cusk
Calamus penna
Sheepshead porgy
Calamus spp.
Boarfish species
Capros aper
Centroberyx affinis
Centrophorus granulosus
Gulper shark
Centrophorus squamosus
Leafscale gulper shark
Centroscyllium fabricii
Black dogfish
Fiogach Dubh
Centroscyllium granulatum
Granular dogfish
Centroscymnus coelolepis
Portuguese dogfish or Siki Shark
Fiogach Portaingealach
Cetengraulis edentulous
Atlantic anchoveta
Cetengraulis mysticetus
Pacific anchoveta
Chelidonichthys cuculus
Red gurnard
Cnudan Dearg
Chelidonichthys kumu
Bluefin gurnard
Cnudan Gorm
Chelidonichthys lastoviza
Streaked gurnard
Cnudan Daithte
Chelidonichthys lucerna
Tub gurnard
Chelidonichthys obscurus
Longfin gurnard
Chelon labrosus
Thicklip grey mullet
Lannach, Glas, Millead
Chimaera monstrosa
Rabbit fish
Coinin Mara
Chrysoblephus spp.
Stumpnose or daggerhead bream species
Clupea harengus
Atlantic herring
Scadán Atlainteac
Clupea pallasii
Pacific herring
Scadan an Aigein Ciuin
Conger conger
European conger
Eascann Choncair
Coryphaenoides rupestris
Roundnose grenadier
Cyclopterus lumpus
Lumpfish or lumpsucker
Leasan Lice
Cynoscion spp.
Weakfish species
Dalatias licha
Kitefin shark
Deania calcea
Birdbeak dogfish
Deania spp.
Deania dogfish species
Dentex dentex
Common dentex
Dentex spp.
Dentex species
Dicentrarchus labrax
European seabass or Salmon bass
Bas Gheal
Dicentrarchus spp.
Seabass species or Salmon bass
Diplodus annularis
Annular seabream
Diplodus spp.
Sargo bream species
Dipturus batis
Blue skate
Sornan Gorm
Dipturus oxyrinchus
Longnosed skate
Sornan Na Sroine Fada
Engraulis anchoita
Argentine anchovy
Engraulis encrasicolus
European anchovy
Ainseabhai Na Heorpa
Engraulis japonicus
Japanese anchovy
Ainseabhai Seapanach
Engraulis mordax
Californian anchovy
Ainseabhai California
Engraulis ringens
Anchoveta(Peruvian anchovy)
Ainseabhai Peru
Engraulis spp.
Anchovy species
Epinephelus marginatus
Dusky grouper
Epinephelus spp.
Grouper species
Epinephelus tauvina
Greasy grouper
Etmopterus princeps
Great lanternshark
Etmopterus spinax
Velvet belly
Etmopterus spp.
Lanternshark species
Euthynnus affinis
Euthynnus alletteratus
Little tunny or Atlantic black skipjack
Tuinnin Beag
Euthynnus lineatus
Black skipjack
Tuinnin Dubh
Gadus macrocephalus
Pacific cod
Trosc An Aigein Ciuin
Gadus morhua
Atlantic cod or Cod
Trosc Atlainteach
Galeorhinus galeus
Tope shark or Tope
Galeus melastomus
Blackmouth catshark
Beal Dubh
Galeus murinus
Mouse catshark
Galeus spp.
Crest-tail catshark species
Gilchristella aestuarius
Gilchrist's round herring
Ginglymostoma spp.
Nurse shark species
Glyptocephalus cynoglossus
Witch flounder
Laethog Bhan
Grunt or Sweetlip species
Harengula spp.
Scaled sardines
Harpadon nehereus
Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus
Blackbelly rosefish
Hippoglossoides platessoides
American plaice or Long rough dab
Leathog America
Hippoglossus hippoglossus
Atlantic halibut
Hippoglossus stenolepis
Pacific halibut
Oileba An Aigean Ciuin
Hoplostethus atlanticus
Orange roughy
Iasc Garbh an Atlantaigh
Huso huso
Hydrolagus spp.
Ratfish species
Hypomesus spp.
Smelt species
Istiophorus albicans
Atlantic sailfish
Isurus oxyrinchus
Shortfin mako
Searc Mako
Isurus spp.
Mako sharks
Searc Mako
Katsuwonus pelamis
Skipjack tuna
Wrasses or Hogfish species
Labrus bergylta
Ballan wrasse
Labrus mixtus
Cuckoo wrasse
Lamna ditropis
Salmon shark
Lamna nasus
Lepidocybium flavobrunneum
Lepidopus caudatus
Silver scabbardfish
Scabaird Airgead
Lepidorhombus boscii
Four-spot megrim
Scoitean, Cuacha
Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis
Scoitean, Cuacha
Leucoraja circularis
Sandy ray
Roc Gainnimh
Leucoraja fullonica
Shagreen ray
Leucoraja naevus
Cuckoo ray
Roc Cuaiche
Limanda limanda
Common dab
Liopsetta glacialis
Arctic flounder
Leith Arctic
Liza aurata
Golden grey mullet
Liza ramada
Thinlip grey mullet
Lophius piscatorius
Anglerfish or Monkfish
Laimhineach, lascaire
Lophius spp.
Monkfish species
Laimhineach, lascaire
Lutjanus argentimaculatus
Mangrove red snapper
Lutjanus spp.
Snapper species
Luvarus imperialis
Grenadiers or rattail species
Macrourus berglax
Roughhead grenadier
Macrourus spp.
Grenadier species
Makaira indica
Black marlin
Makaira nigricans
Atlantic blue marlin
Mallotus villosus
Melanogrammus aeglefinus
Merlangius merlangus
Merluccius merluccius
European hake
Colmoir Eorpach
Micromesistius poutassou
Blue whiting or Poutassou
Faoitin Liath
Micropogonias spp.
Croaker species
Microstomus kitt
Lemon sole
Leathog Mhin
Mola mola
Ocean sunfish
Iasc Gréine
Molva dypterygia
Blue ling
Langa Gorm
Molva molva
Molva spp.
Ling species
Mora moro
Common mora
Mugil liza
Lebranche mullet
Mullus surmuletus
Red mullet
Millead Dearg
Mustelus asterias
Starry smooth-hound
Mustelus schmitti
Narrownose smooth-hound
Mustelus spp.
Smooth-hound species
Madra Glas
Myliobatis aquila
Common eagle ray
Roc lolair
Orcynopsis unicolor
Plain bonito
Osmerus eperlanus
European smelt
Osmerus spp.
Smelt species
Pagellus acarne
Axillary seabream
Pagellus bellottii
Red Pandora
Pagellus bogaraveo
Blackspot or Red seabream
Garbhánach Dearg
Pagellus erythrinus
Common pandora
Pagellus spp.
Pandora species
Pagrus spp.
Pargo bream species
Parophrys vetulus
English sole
Phrynorhombus norvegicus
Norwegian topknot
Phycis blennoides
Greater forkbeard
Colmoir Geabhlach Mor
Phycis phycis
Colmoir Geabhlach Mor
Phycis spp.
Forkbeard species
Colmoir Geabhlach Mor
Platichthys flesus
European flounder
Leith Bhan
Pleuronectes platessa
European plaice
Leathog Breac
Pollachius pollachius
Pollack, Pollock or White Pollock
Pollachius virens
Saithe, Pollock or Black Pollock
Glasan Mangach
Polyprion americanus
Breac Raice
Polyprion spp.
Breac Raice
Prionace glauca
Blue shark
Searc Gorm
Pseudoginglymostoma brevicaudatum
Short-tail nurse shark
Raja brachyura
Blonde ray
Roc Fionn
Raja clavata
Thornback ray
Roc Garbh
Raja montagui
Spotted ray
Roc Spotaithe
Raja spp.
Raja ray species
Raja stellulata
Starry skate
Roc Realtach
Raja undulata
Undulate ray
Reinhardtius hippoglossoides
Greenland halibut
Oileba Graonlannach
Rhinochimaera spp.
Knife-nosed chimaeras
Ruvettus pretiosus
Sarda orientalis
Striped bonito
Sarda sarda
Atlantic bonito
Bonaiteo Atlainteach
Sardina pilchardus
European pilchard or Sardine
Pilsear, Seirdin
Sardinella aurita
Round sardinella
Sardinella spp.
Sardinella species
Sardinops sagax
South American pilchard
Sairdín America Theas
Parrotfish species
Sciaena spp.
Meagre species
Croakers or Drum species
Scomber japonicus
Chub mackerel
Ronnach Seapanach
Scomber scombrus
Atlantic mackerel
Ronnach Atlainteach, Maicreal Atlainteach
Scomberesox saurus
Atlantic saury
Scomberomorus maculates
Atlantic Spanish mackerel
Scophtalmus maximus
Turbot species
Scophthalmus rhombus
Scyliorhinus canicula
Small-spotted catshark or Dogfish
Madra Breac
Sebastes marinus
Golden redfish
Peirse Dhomhainmhara
Sebastes mentella
Beaked redfish
Peirse Dhomhainmhara
Sebastes spp.
Atlantic redfish species
Peirse Dhomhainmhara
Sebastes viviparous
Norway redfish
Peirse Dhomhainmhara Norbhuioc
Serranus spp.
Combers nei
Solea lascaris
Sand sole
Sol Ghainimhe
Solea solea
Common sole or Black Sole
Sol Dubh, Leathog Dhub
Somniosus microcephalus
Greenland shark
Searc Grionlainne
Porgies or seabream species
Sparus auratus
Gilthead Bream
Sphyraena spp.
Barracuda species
Barracuda species
Sprattus sprattus
European sprat
Squalus acanthias
Picked dogfish or Spurdog
Fiogach Madra Iasc
Squalus melanurus
Blacktailed spurdog
Fiogach Dubh
Squatina squatina
Pufferfish species
Tetrapturus albidus
Atlantic white marlin
Tetrapturus audax
Striped marlin
Theragra chalcogramma
Alaska Pollock or Walleye pollock
Glasan Alaska
Thunnus alalunga
Tunnin Ban
Thunnus albacares
Yellowfin tuna
Tunnin Bui
Thunnus atlanticus
Blackfin tuna
Tunnin Dubh
Thunnus maccoyii
Southern bluefin tuna
Tuinnin an Deisceirt
Thunnus obesus
Bigeye tuna
Thunnus thynnus
Northern bluefin tuna
Tuinnin Gorm
Thunnus tonggol
Longtail tuna
Slimehead species
Trachurus mediterraneus
Mediterranean horse mackerel
Trachurus spp.
Jack and horse mackerel species
Trachurus trachurus
Atlantic horse mackerel
Bolman Atlainteach
Triakis semifasciata
Leopard shark
Trichiurus lepturus
Largehead hairtail
Trichiurus spp.
Hairtail species
Trigla lyra
Piper gurnard
Trigla spp.
Gurnard species
Tripterophycis gilchristi
Grenadier cod
Trisopterus esmarkii
Norway pout
Trisopterus luscus
Pouting or Bib
Troscan Sturoige
Trisopterus minutes
Poor cod
Troscan Sturoige
Umbrina spp.
Drum species
Urophycis tenuis
White hake
Xiphias gladius
Gobach, Lann lasc
Zenopsis conchifer
Silvery John dory
Deorai Geal
Zeugopterus punctatus
Zeus faber
John dory
Sean Deorai, Donnchadh na Sul Mor
Anguilla anguilla
European eel
Eascann Abhann
Anguilla spp.
River eel species
Eascann Abhann
Aristichthys nobilis
Bighead carp
Garbhanach Uisce Intire
Bagrus spp.
Naked catfishes
Cat-Uisci Intire
Channa argus argus
Channa barca
Barca snakehead
Channa micropeltes
Indonesian snakehead
Channa punctata
Spotted snakehead
Channa spp.
Snakeheads or Murrel species
Channa striata
Striped snakehead
Clarias batrachus
Philippine catfish
Cat-Uisci Intire Phillippineach
Clarias fuscus
Hong Kong catfish
Cat-Uisci Intire Hong Kong
Clarias gariepinus
Catfish, hybrid, North African catfish
Cat-Uisci Intire na hAifrice
Clarias macrocephalus
Catfish, hybrid, Bighead catfish
Cat-Uisci Intire
Clarias spp.
Torpedo-shaped catfish species
Cat-Uisci Intire
Coregonus albula
Coregonus lavaretus
European whitefish
Coregonus oxyrinchus
Coregonus pollan
Irish pollan
Coregonus spp.
Whitefish species
Ctenopharyngodon idellus
Grass carp or White amur
Cyprinid species
Esox lucius
Northern pike
Lius Gailliasc
Hucho hucho
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix
Silver carp
Hypophthalmichthys spp.
Carp species
Ictalurus punctatus
Channel catfish
Cat-Uisci Intire
Ictalurus spp.
Catfish species
Cat-Uisci Intire
Lates niloticus
Nile perch
Peirse Nile
Lates spp.
Freshwater perch species
Peirse Uisce Intire
Oncorhynchus clarki
Cutthroat trout
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
Pink or Humpback salmon
Bradan America Thuaidh
Oncorhynchus keta
Chum, Keta or Dog salmon
Bradan Keta
Oncorhynchus kisutch
Coho or Silver salmon
Bradan Coho
Oncorhynchus masou masou
Masu or Cherry salmon
Bradan Masu
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Rainbow trout
Oncorhynchus nerka
Sockeye or Red salmon
Bradan Sockeye
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Chinook, Spring or King salmon
Bradan Chinook
Tilapia species
Oreochromis aureus
Blue tilapia
Oreochromis macrochir macrochir
Longfin tilapia
Oreochromis mossambicus
Mozambique tilapia
Oreochromis niloticus niloticus
Nile tilapia
Perca fluviatilis
European perch
Péirse Eorpach
Salmo ferox
Ferox Trout
Breac Geal
Salmo salar
Atlantic salmon
Salmo trutta trutta
Sea trout
Breac Mhara
Salvelinus alpinus
Arctic char
Ruabhreac Artach
Salvelinus fontinalis
Brook trout
Salvelinus malma
Dolly varden
Salvelinus namaycush
Lake trout or Char
Rua Bhreac
Salvelinus spp.
Char species
Rua Bhreac
Sarotherodon melanotheron melanotheron
Blackchin tilapia
Freshwater siluroid species
Silurus glanis
Wels catfish
Cat-Uisci Intire
Tilapia mariae
Spotted tilapia
Tilapia rendalli
Redbreast tilapia
Tilapia sparrmanii
Banded tilapia
Tilapia spp.
Tilapia species
Tilapia zillii
Redbelly tilapia
Acanthocardia aculeate
Spiny cockle
Ruacan Garbh
Aequipecten opercularis
Queen scallop
Euro-American crayfish species
Astacus astacus
Noble crayfish
Buccinum undatum
Busycon spp.
Callinectes spp.
Swimcrab species
Cancer pagurus
Edible crab
Portan Dearg
Jonah crabs or rock crab species
Carcinus maenas
Green crab
Portán Glas
Cerastoderma edule
Common edible cockle
Cherax destructor
Yabby crayfish
Cherax quadricarinatus
Red claw crayfish
Crangon crangon
Common shrimp
Ribe Roibeis
Crangon spp.
Crangon shrimp species
Ribe Roibeis Crangon
Crassostrea gigas
Pacific cupped oyster
Oisre an Aigein Chiuin
Crassostrea spp.
Cupped oyster species
Oisre an Aigrin Chiuin
Dinocardium robustum
Giant atlantic cockle
Ruacan Mor Atlainteach
Dosinia exoleta
Rayed artemis
Echinus esculentus
European edible sea urchin
Cuan Mara
Eledone cirrhosa
Horned octopus
Eledone spp.
Horned and musky octopuses
Ensis arcuatus
Arched razor shell
Scian Mhara
Ensis directus
Atlantic jackknife or Atlantic razor clam
Scian Mhara
Ensis ensis
Pod razor shell
Scian Mhara
Ensis siliqua
Sword razor shell
Scian Mhara
Exopalaemon orientalis
Oriental prawn
Ribe Roibeis An Oirthir
Craylets or squat lobsters
Gliomach Galatheidae
Haliotis discus
Japanese abalone
Cluas Mhara Seapanach
Haliotis gigantean
Giant abalone
Cluas Mor Mhara
Haliotis spp.
Abalone species
Cluas Mhara
Haliotis tuberculata
Tuberculate abalone
Cluas Mhara
Sea cucumber species
Homarus americanus
American lobster
Gliomach America
Homarus gammarus
European lobster
Illex illecebrosus
Northern shortfin squid
Mathair Shuigh
Illex spp.
Shortfin squid species
Mathair Shuigh
Littorina littorea
Common periwinkle
Littorina spp.
Periwinkle species
Faocha Spp
Loligo spp.
Common squid species
Mathair Shuigh
Loligo vulgaris
European squid
Mathair Shuigh na hEorpa
Macrobrachium spp.
River prawn species
Ribe Roibeis na hAbhann
Macrobrachium vollenhovenii
African river prawn
Ribe Roibeis na hAbhann
Maja squinado
Spinous spider crab
Portan Faoilinne
Metapenaeus endeavouri
Endeavour shrimp
Metapenaeus joyneri
Shiba shrimp
Metapenaeus spp.
Metapenaeus shrimp species
Modiolus modiolus
Northern horse mussel
Duilicin Capall
Modiolus spp.
Horse mussels
Duilicin Capall
Mya arenaria
Sand gaper
Mya spp.
Mya truncata
Blunt gaper
Mytilus aoteanus
New Zealand blue mussel
Mytilus edulis
Blue mussel
Necora puber
Velvet swimcrab
Nephrops norvegicus
Dublin Bay Prawns, Norway lobster
Cloichean Bha Baile Atha Cliath
Octopus spp.
Octopus species
Octopus vulgaris
Common octopus
Various squid species
Mathair Shuidh
Ostrea edulis
European flat oyster
Oisre Edulis na hEorpa
Palaemon serratus
Common prawn
Spiny lobsters
Palinurus elephas
Common spiny lobster
Palinurus spp.
Palinurid spiny lobsters
Piardog Spp.
Pandalus borealis
Northern prawn
Ribe Roibeis Pandalus
Pandalus spp.
Pandalus shrimp species
Ribe Roibeis Pandalus
Panulirus spp.
Tropical spiny lobster species
Paracentrotus lividus
Stony sea urchin
Pecten maximus
Great Atlantic scallop
Muirin Mor
Penaeus aztecus
Northern brown shrimp
Penaeus brevirostris
Crystal shrimp
Penaeus chinensis
Fleshy prawn
Penaeus esculentus
Brown tiger prawn
Cloichean Tiogra
Penaeus indicus
Indian white prawn
Cloichean India
Penaeus japonicus
Kuruma prawn
Penaeus longistylus
Red-spot king prawn
Penaeus merguiensis
Banana prawn
Penaeus monodon
Giant tiger prawn
Cloichean Tiogra
Penaeus plebejus
Eastern king prawn
Cloichean an Oirthir
Penaeus semisulcatus
Green tiger prawn
Cloichean Tiogra
Penaeus setiferus
Northern white shrimp
Penaeus spp.
Penaeus shrimps
Cloichean Penaeus
Penaeus stylirostris
Blue shrimp
Penaeus vannamei
Whiteleg shrimp
Perna canaliculus
New Zealand mussel
Duilicin New Zealand
Perna perna
South American rock mussel
Perna viridis
Green mussel
Duilicin Glas
Portunus pelagicus
Blue swimming crab
Portunus spp.
Portunus swimcrab species
Procambarus clarkii
Red swamp crawfish
Psammechinus microtuberculatus
Green sea urchin
Ruditapes decussates
Grooved carpet shell
Breallach Leathchroise
Ruditapes philippinarum
Japanese carpet shell
Breallach Leathchroise Seapanach
Ruditapes spp.
Carpet shell species
Breallach Leathchroise
Scylla serrata
Indo-Pacific swamp crab
Slipper lobster species
Sepia officinalis
Common cuttlefish
Solen marginatus
European razor clam
Scian Mhara
Solen spp.
Razor clam species
Scian Mhara
Razor clam or knife clam species
Scian Mhara
Spisula solida
Solid surf clam
Breallach Spisula
Spisula solidissima
Atlantic surf clam
Breallach Spisula
Spisula spp.
Surf clam species
Squilla mantis
Spottail mantis squillid
Strombus spp.
Stromboid conch species
Tapes dorsatus
Turgid venus
Tellina spp.
Tellin species
Todarodes sagittatus
European flying squid
Tridacna gigas
Giant clam
Venus clam species
Breallach Venus
Venerupis pullastra
Pullet carpet shell
Breallach Venus
Caulerpa spp.
Caulerpa seaweeds
Green seaweeds
Enteromorpha clathrata
Bright green nori
Enteromorpha compressa
Flat green nori
Enteromorpha intestinalis
Hollow green nori
Enteromorpha linza
Welded green nori
Enteromorpha prolifera
Dark green nori
Gracilaria spp.
Gracilaria seaweeds
Halimeda tuna
Sea cactus
Laminaria digitata
Laminaria hyperborean
North European kelp
Laminaria japonica
Japanese kelp
Laminaria saccharina
Sea belt
Kelp species
Monostroma nitidum
Green laver
Brown seaweeds
Porphyra spp.
Nori species
Rana esculenta
European frog
Rana ridibunda
European green frog
Rana spp.
Rhopilema spp.
Spirulina spp.
Spirulina species
Spirulina subsalsa
Sea spirulina
Ulva lactuca
Sea lettuce
Undaria pinnatifida
Undaria spp.
Wakame species
Given under my Official Seal
21 July 2003

Dermot Ahern
Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources
(This note is not part of the Instrument and does not purport to be a legal interpretation).
These Regulations give effect to Article 4 of Council Regulation No. 104/2000 (EC) and Commission Regulation No. 2065/2001 (EC) laying down the conditions for informing consumers about fishery and aquaculture products.
Published by the Stationery Office, Dublin.
(1) O.J.No.L 17, 21.1.2000 p.28
(2) O.J.No.L 278, 23.10.2001